Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1538 Facing the big bandit family and fighting against the universe

"Da Kou Ying's family? I seem to have heard you mention it before..."

Jiang Tian seemed to have heard of this family before, but was not very impressed. He couldn't help but glance at Long Shengnan and Aotian Sword Master.

"In addition to the three killer dynasties of Heaven, Human World, and Hell, there are also seven major Kou families in the Immortal Ruins worlds who are resisting the Ruins Emperor. They are also a considerable force!"

Long Shengnan showed a solemn look and introduced:

"Their origins are unknown, but their cultivation is very strong, and they control the inheritance of the ancient heaven. Some big Kou families even have powerful gods who can transform themselves into gods. They can't urinate in a pot like the Xu Emperor and other major Tianzong families, and they can dominate the mountain and become kings. , burning, killing and looting everywhere, very vicious!”

After Long Shengnan's introduction, Jiang Tian roughly understood.

The three killer dynasties are cunning foxes, and their favorite things are ambushes and assassinations.

The big bandit family is a group of hungry wolves and tigers. They occupy some forbidden areas and open up a battle array. Each big bandit controls tens of thousands of monks, raises flags, and is powerful enough to challenge them.

But unlike the three killer dynasties, which only target the forces of the Ruins Emperor, they bully the weak. No matter who you support or oppose, as long as you have the talent and treasure, you are likely to be targeted by them and usher in the end of the world. disaster.

Jiang Tian's face was calm, but his heart was a little moved.

If these forces are harnessed, they can be a powerful aid. At least it can disrupt the Ruins Emperor's deployment.

"Lord, Katsuo, it's not that simple!"

The ghost wolf looked solemn, chewed the jackdaw meat, and broke the news:

"Actually, with their power, they still cannot compare with the regular army such as the Nine Guards of Immortal Xu. There is a big gap! But for thousands of years, they still have not been wiped out. There are many reasons for this..."

"I heard that they seem to control some ancient world cave teleportation arrays that even the Immortal Ruins don't know about. They can easily travel through the worlds without leaving a trace. Once, even the Nine Guards sent out an army to exterminate and capture. Although they were defeated, they were all Able to retreat calmly.”

"I see……"

Jiang Tian nodded.

If you obtain these boundary caves, even if you can't defeat the Ruins Emperor for the time being, you will at least have the means to protect yourself.

At this time, with the sound of sonorous swords and the roar of ferocious beasts, groups of powerful men full of tyranny and bloodthirsty appeared from the sky. Surround Tiancun.

There were at least hundreds of people coming, almost all of them were practicing in Jindan and were very powerful. The leader turned out to be more than a dozen Nascent Soul experts, whose strength was no less powerful than Long Shengnan and Aotian Sword Master, and not far from the Ghost Wolf.

Although they are all peerless cultivators with great cultivation, they do not have the airy and immortal appearance of monks. Instead, they ride on wild beasts and ferocious birds, with thick scales, giant wings across the sky, and roars of beasts. Shocked for ten miles, murderous intent surged into the sky.

These are a group of bandit knights, their bodies filled with blood. One look at them shows that their hands were stained with blood, they stepped over numerous corpses, and filled the fields with murder. They gathered an unimaginable killing intent. Their blood turned into the law of killing and lingered around them. Their momentum was earth-shattering. .

One after another, wild beasts came through the void, and the huge wings of the ferocious birds also swept the wind and clouds, causing thunder.

The leading bandit was a young man who looked to be in his thirties. He was sitting on the head of a huge Suan Ni beast. However, he had the cultivation level of Nascent Soul, and he was not far away from becoming a god in half a step. .

He has a wide mouth and fangs, and a beard like a steel brush. He looks extremely ugly. His strange golden vertical pupils are like poisonous snakes and other cold-blooded animals. His eyes are cold and cold, as if there is no human emotion at all. His eyes are stern and arrogant, and his teeth are sinister and cruel. Full of flavor.

The cold iron armor around him shimmered and clanged, and he held a pair of sharp scissors like intertwined canine teeth, and the laws were lingering and roaring.

The nine bloody flags behind him floated in the air, as if they were completely condensed with blood. After drinking all the blood, the blood soared into the sky, showing extraordinary martial prowess.

"This is E Chun, the son of the E family who has the blood of the nine-tailed divine crocodile and is one of the nine great bandits. This man was extremely bloody and cruel. He once killed princes and ministers in the Immortal Ruins, massacred eight cities in a row, and robbed countless heavenly materials and land. precious!"

Long Shengnan said in shock.

This is a notorious bandit who has been robbing homes, killing people and stealing goods since his ancestors. This has been passed down for a long time.

He acts without any rules or scruples, kills at will, is full of ferocity, and is not afraid of death. He can transform into a god in half a step and retreat his men calmly, which is very troublesome.

"I have suppressed the crocodile ancestor. It's just a nine-tailed crocodile, which is like a small lizard. What's there to be afraid of?" Jiang Tian Leng said.

Another big bandit has a pointed head, a dark face, a pair of sneaky eyes, a slender body that is streamlined, and scale textures on his face, exposed neck, and hands. The nails on his hands are unusually long, slightly curved, and shimmering with cold light. , like a peerless sky hook, obviously possessing the blood of monsters.

The dark-yellow earthy aura surrounding him formed a pattern. It was obvious that he was very good at earth-based exercises, and he could break mountains and earth at will.

Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness glanced at this person, and his face couldn't help but move slightly. It was obviously the first time he met this person, but he seemed a bit familiar. Even his blood and breath gave people a very familiar feeling.

"Ying Long is the young master of the great bandit Ying family. This man is extremely despicable and shameless. He makes a living by digging and robbing graves. He also likes to dig up other people's ancestral graves. Wherever he goes, he is like a rat burrowing, leaving holes and devastation everywhere he goes."

Ghost Wolf said dumbfounded:

"He has stolen thousands of large tombs, even the imperial tombs of the Xu Emperor. He has stolen countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures and the bones of a divine monarch. He also pooped and peed in other people's tombs. The emperor was alarmed!"

He had checked relevant case files and even pursued Ying Long, but failed to catch up. Very knowledgeable about Coron.

"I am a fanatical researcher who only likes to study history. I take it as my duty to straighten out the progress of mankind. I am committed to becoming a great archaeologist who can reproduce the true history through underground cemeteries."

At this time, Yinglong glanced at the villagers in Tiancun, his face was upright, and he said seriously:

"I heard that the tomb of the true king Zhao Ziming is here. Xiaodao wants to explore it, take out the burial objects, and turn waste into treasures. You must not stop me."

"The purpose of digging trails to explore ancient tombs and protecting ancient relics is for academic research, to clear away the fog and restore the historical truth. I don't like killing people! Get out of here quickly!"

This guy had a very shameless face, and made his despicable deeds of digging graves, robbing graves, and stealing treasures seem extremely noble.

"Ying Long, Senior Zhao died tragically in battle, leaving no treasure at all!"

Village chief Luo Shou stepped forward, cupped his hands and said:

"Please be noble and let Senior Zhao go! Don't let him live in peace even after he dies!"

"No, no, no. You don't understand."

Ying Long said seriously:

"I have emphasized over and over again that it is not for the treasure, but for the purpose of studying the historical truth. His death was related to the great war in the Dao Shen Era. The people of your world are still being deceived!"

"Besides, it doesn't matter whether there are relics or cultural relics. As a historian, I must dig it up and see for myself. This is the empirical spirit of historical research fieldwork!"

"You are not allowed to touch the tomb of Senior Zhao! Get out of here!"

Rosen raised his hand and grabbed a huge boulder, raised it high, and threw it at Ying Long like a shot put.


Echun raised his hand slightly in the air and shot through the air with his finger. The huge stone immediately exploded in the air and turned into fragments and powder.

"Dare to attack our big bandit family? You are seeking death!"

E Chun's face was cold and ruthless, his eyes were cold, he reached out with his huge palm, raised his hand to take a picture of a thousand-foot peak, and smashed it towards Tiancun in the air.

At this moment, everyone screamed and turned pale with shock.

The young and middle-aged people in Tiancun can naturally escape with their powerful physical skills and speed, but women, children, children, and some elderly people will suffer, and they may not be able to stop them at all.

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