Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1539: Defeating the Nine-Tailed E Family with one finger in the air

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Xiao Luo Fu grabbed Jiang Tian's right hand tightly, his face turned pale with fright, and he closed his eyes tightly.

Then Rosen roared angrily and said: "Echun, my rule is to rob tombs and not kill people, why are you doing it!"

But if he tried to stop him again, it was already too late.

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately, you are looking for death!"

In an extremely critical situation, Jiang Tian's face darkened, he hugged Xiao Luo Fu, stepped forward to meet him, waved his sleeves, and the billowing Gengjin True Qi was pushed out like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, instantly sweeping the thousand-foot-high mountain. Push it far and smash it to pieces.


Countless boulders fell on the mountains and rivers like rain, shaking the ground and breaking trees, like a major earthquake.

"Huh? Master!"

"I didn't expect that there would be a golden elixir master in this small Tiancun!"

At this moment, E Chun, Ying Long, and many big bandits and thieves all had shocked expressions on their faces, revealing expressions of disbelief.

Tiancun is just a mortal with a strong body, far from the strength of these big bandit monks.

This feeling is like a Harvard top student emerging from a poor village where everyone is illiterate. It is really surprising.

"Ying Long, you just do a lot of trouble. You just rob tombs and you still have so many rules!"

The Echun monster's vertical pupils revealed a mocking look, and he said with a ferocious smile:

"After all, this person is a True Lord of the Golden Core. Will he let you easily take away their ancestor's treasure? He must be killed!"

"Hey, brother, please back off. I am really engaged in academic research and archeology, and I will not harm Senior Zhao's bones!"

Ying Long persuaded Jiang Tian.

He didn't want to see Jiang Tian die. He was a thief and he had the right rules. He did not kill people when robbing tombs and beat people to the limit. This was his rule.

If he hadn't happened to meet E Chun and the other party insisted on robbing him, he might have dug secretly at night when no one was around. That would have been perfect.

"You think it's great when a golden elixir comes out of Tiancun? After all, you're just a mortal ant who can't cultivate, and you don't know how high the sky is!"

A Nascent Soul thief, with a look of disdain on his face, took out a golden pestle and hit Jiang Tian in the air.

They are all big bandits and thieves who roam the world. They kill people like hemp and become famous by walking on many bones. They dare to challenge the Xuhuang Palace and the Nine Guards. They have seen all kinds of big scenes. A little golden elixir monk has killed them before. How much will be taken seriously?

This Nascent Soul thief was also extremely ruthless. Killing people and seizing treasures was commonplace. He had all the weapons and magic weapons, and even the wild beasts under his crotch. He had countless Jindan Lords die in his hands. .

This treasure pestle is also a quasi-real weapon, containing metal laws. When it is smashed down, the golden light fills the air, like a river of light pouring down. The laws roar, enough to turn a ten-mile radius into powder.


Jiang Tian's face was as cold as iron, and this time he took action in a real sense, a little higher in the air.


A ray of Geng-gold finger light burst out like a cannonball, instantly breaking through the golden curtain, tearing apart the laws, arriving last, and piercing the body of the Nascent Soul thief, even the Nascent Soul was blown apart.

This is a shocking picture.

The flashing blood rained down one after another, broken bones and organ fragments flew flying, and the air waves from the Nascent Soul explosion rolled like a tidal wave.

Jiang Tian killed Yuanying with one finger.

Completely shocked everyone.

"In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he was killed with one finger! Who is he?"

"Be careful, this kid hides his cultivation and kills the Nascent Soul with one finger. He is obviously the Heavenly King of the late Nascent Soul or even the Great Perfection!"

Many big bandits looked at Jiang Tian with shocked expressions, as if they were looking at demons, with wary expressions on their faces.

Originally, they were all invincible in the second-level planet world like Zongheng Hailan, and even dared to make waves in the Immortal Ruins.

Going to an edge planet like Penglai, which is borderline desolate, is like city people going to the countryside to play, and they don't take it to heart at all.

After all, it turns out that the strongest Aotian Sword Master here is just Yuanying Tianjun, and he is still in the early stage, and he is the only one in this world. What are they afraid of?

But I didn't expect that when I arrived in Tiancun and faced a group of mortals, a strong man suddenly appeared and killed a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord.


Giant beasts galloped and ferocious birds flapped their wings. Their team quickly changed from offense to defense and formed a battle formation. Everyone looked at Jiang Tian warily.

"Boy, who are you? Are you from the upper world?"

In fact, even E Chun was shocked, his face became more solemn than ever before, and the cold light of Senhan's vertical pupils flashed around Jiang Tian's body.

Although he was in the late stage of Nascent Soul, he thought he couldn't kill the Nascent Soul thief just now with just one finger.

"You don't deserve to know my name!"

Jiang Tian sneered again and again, his eyes were contemptuous, and he snorted:

"You are used to killing innocent people indiscriminately, burning, killing and looting, right? If you dare to bully me, I will give you two choices, either kneel down and surrender, or be killed by me!"

When Ying Long saw how powerful Jiang Tian was, he quickly stopped E Chun and sent a message from his spiritual consciousness to advise:

"Forget it, brother E, let's leave now! Wait until night, and I will sneak over to investigate. I won't hurt anyone or kill anyone. Even the scene is perfect. This way I still keep my true qualities as an archaeologist!"

"go away!"

E Chun waved Ying Long away with a wave of his hand. His face was as cold as iron, his pupils were cold and heartless, and his murderous intent was deep.

"Today, I will kill this man, skin him and remove his bones, and extract his soul to be sacrificed to the demonic fire for a thousand years to avenge my brother!"

E Chun roared, so angry that Yaoyi's vertical pupils turned red.

How could the dead Nascent Soul thief's right-hand man spare Jiang Tian when he was so angry that he lost his mind.

He took action brazenly, raised the crocodile scissors and cut it. A huge crocodile about a hundred feet long stretched across the void, covering the sky and the sun, like a small mountain. It was completely composed of law-controlled true energy. Its nine tails shook in unison, shaking the sky. He opened his bloody mouth and bit at Jiang Tian.

This is not his dharma, but the quasi-real weapon contains the spirit of the weapon, which is composed of laws and mana. Even if it is broken, it will not backfire on itself.

"Uncle Jiang, I'm afraid!"

The little girl was frightened and trembled slightly.

After all, she was high in the sky at this time, and the crocodile shot by the bandit opposite looked ten times more terrifying than any crocodile she had ever seen.

"Don't be afraid! These are just things that uncle will blow up with one punch. Just watch, uncle will set off fireworks for you to see!"

Jiang Tian held the little girl in one hand, slowly raised his jade-white fist with his left hand, and punched her.

Gengjin Divine Fist.

There was no fireworks or power in this punch, just like the punch thrown by an old man doing morning exercises in the park in the morning.

But suddenly, there was a terrifying roar in the sky, and the roar became louder and louder, as if a hurricane was passing through.

A fist composed of Gengjin True Essence rushed out of the void, getting bigger and bigger and more solid.

Soon enough, the mountain-like fist suddenly hit the nine-tailed giant crocodile.


The huge crocodile didn't even insist on snapping a finger before letting out a mournful roar and exploding with reluctance.

Huge mushroom clouds rose up in the sky, with sparks flying everywhere, just like fireworks blooming during the day. The rolling air waves pushed in all directions, causing the mountains to shake and countless trees to break.

"Wow! The fireworks that Uncle Jiang set off are so beautiful! And they turned into crocodiles!"

The little girl Luo Fu had a look of surprise on her face, pointing with her little finger, her big watery eyes widened, blinking and blinking, but she couldn't see enough.

These fireworks were much larger than the ones her great-grandfather and his friends set off during the holidays. They were so powerful and spectacular.

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