Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1541 Ying Long is very powerful and has suspicious origins

All in all, there are only more than 20 Nascent Souls in Da Kou'e's family. This means they have lost five of them!

Moreover, these brothers have all fought with him in the world, and their relationship is very deep, just like brothers.

Now that he has died, how can he not feel pain?

But even if their Nascent Soul self-destructs, it will only tear out cracks in Jiang Tian's purple electric sword and stop it from cutting off with a snap of a finger.

The next moment, with a clang, the purple electric thunder knife tore apart many Nascent Souls that had self-destructed, and slashed down towards E Chun.

"Brother! Escape!"

"Young master, run away!"

Ying Long and the remaining Nascent Souls protected E Chun and ran away.

They were defeated like a mountain, and now they have realized that Jiang Tian's strength is completely capable of crushing them.

The other golden elixir bandits and thieves were also scared to death and fled in panic. I just wish my parents had lost two legs.

"Want to run? Can you run?"

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and volleyed a little towards E Chun's back.

The law of Dinghai Ice God is cast instantly.

At this time, the Law of Dinghai Ice God has completely absorbed and refined Xuanming Hanquan, and turned it into the true seal of the Law. When used, it can be used with ease, and its power is more than ten times the original.


As Jiang Tian moved a little higher in the air, the space with a radius of 100 meters where E Chun was suddenly froze and turned into an iron plate!

E Chun, who was in it, couldn't even move his fingers when it came to escaping. He was like a specimen in amber, completely still.

However, his consciousness was still there, and he screamed crazily in his heart: "This is the most powerful space law!"

"Oh my God! This person's body, consciousness and laws are all extremely powerful, and there is more than one law! How can there be such freaks and monsters in the world?"

At this moment, his heart was filled with deep fear and regret. If he had known that this person was so powerful, he would not have offended him. You shouldn't come to this place.

At this moment, sting!

“Crossing Thousands of Mountains!”

Ying Long shouted loudly, his whole body transformed, and a huge pangolin erupted. The scales on his body vibrated like golden armor, and then they closed tightly. His body rotated rapidly, and his sharp head was like a diamond heading towards the fixed space. Drilling in, the claws danced wildly like knives from the sky, tearing apart pieces of space fragments.

"This kid is so awesome!"

Jiang Tian's heart moved slightly, but he did not stop him.

Even though he had just used Dinghai Ice God's Forbidden Area with only one-tenth of his strength, the area was very small, and the rules were issued casually, not solid enough, but he was still the first to be able to break through his Dinghai Ice God's space rules.

Moreover, this kid is still a Nascent Soul cultivation base. It seems that he has the natural bloodline and magical power of a pangolin, which is terrifyingly powerful.

No wonder he can enter and leave the Immortal Ruins Imperial Tomb which is heavily guarded and protected by numerous magic circles. He really has two brushes.

After three full finger snaps, Ying Long finally opened a passage in the solidified space and dragged E Chun out.

"Why didn't the other party take action?"

At this moment, he was also very surprised, because three finger snaps was not short for a monk. With Jiang Tian's strength, it was enough to kill him ten times.


In a desperate situation, with his life in danger right in front of him, he had no time to think about it, so he swooped into the mountain peak and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Lord, these people cannot be let go easily, otherwise they will let the tiger return to the mountain..." The ghost wolf's spiritual consciousness reminded Jiang Tian.

"Can he run?"

Jiang Tian smiled contemptuously.

Back then, when he was deep in the earth's magma, the Kunpeng Golden Pill had just solidified, and he was able to cross the endless magma crust and pick flowers and return.

Ying Long's pangolin bloodline is indeed powerful, and the laws he controls are terrifying, but compared to the Kunpeng Law, which can sweep through three thousand worlds, he is nothing more than a burrowing rat, not worth mentioning at all.

The ghost wolf quickly kept silent.

"His surname is also Ying? In the ancient world of cultivation, this surname is said to be derived from Yinglong, the chief of the five elements. Therefore, demon cultivators of pangolin, burrowing rat and other bloodlines like to use this surname. I have a lot of money on my face, but Ying Ziyu’s surname is said to have been given by Emperor Sheng Chongli himself!”

However, Jiang Tian felt a slight movement in his heart. Isn't this kid a descendant of Ying Ziyu or a member of the same clan?

Originally, Jiang Tian wanted to kill this guy directly, but thinking about this, he had to show mercy.

Moreover, both Ying Long and E Chun, these big bandits, are actually subversives and rebels of the order of the Immortal Ruins. Although they are more reckless in character and cruel in behavior, they can all belong to a group of forces that can be united, utilized and transformed.

Thinking of this, the three-foot divine disk suddenly bloomed behind Jiang Tian, ​​and Kunpeng's speed law suddenly became bright and released.

"I'll catch it! I'll catch it! I'll catch it!"

"I'll drill! I'll drill, drill, drill!"

"Open! Open! Open!"

At this time, thousands of miles away in the depths of the ground, Ying Long was dancing his claws quickly, turning his body, erupting the earth escape magical power and the law of opening the earth. The moment the endless rocks and soil felt the law of opening the earth, they flowed like running water or even like water. As separate as air.

His speed can be described as terrifying, like a golden stream of light speeding through the ground, covering hundreds of miles in an instant.

"He shouldn't be able to catch up."

Ying Long was reduced to a shriveled body after exploding the magical power for a long time. His Yuanying was almost burned to the point of cracking. He was extremely exhausted and was panting for breath.

Now that he had run thousands of miles away, he felt safer. After heaving a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but cursed in anger:

"Your mother's feet, Echun! I came here to do archeology and conduct historical research, carefree and elegant. You stubbornly insisted on following me, causing a huge battle and offending the masters at the peak of Nascent Soul. Without you, I would have already obtained those precious cultural relics!”

Echun was bound on his back by his vitality and laws, and he wept silently, gritted his teeth, and said nothing, feeling sad for his dead brothers.

"Okay, stop crying!"

Ying Long couldn't bear it and comforted him:

"It's not your fault. That kid is so vicious. I'm afraid he will take action if he bumps into us. Damn it, Tiancun, a remote and remote place in the countryside, has never been able to practice Taoism. How come such a great master appears! It's so evil. "

"After we returned, when I asked you about it, we all told the same story, saying that we met the divine generals of the Xuhuang Palace and we fought with them. Your father hates the Xuhuang royal family the most, and I don't think he will punish him!"

"As for those dead things, it's useless for you to cry. Why don't I dig a few more graves and give them some compensation!"

Echun was speechless for a long time, and suddenly he gritted his teeth and shouted:

"No! I want revenge. My brothers cannot die unjustly! I tell my father the truth. Even if he kills me, I don't care at all, but I ask my father to go down to the next world and kill the monk Tiancun! Avenge them!"

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