Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1542 Ying Long brags that Jiang Taichu is my brother

"Revenge? Do you think you still have a chance?"

At this moment, from the ground ahead, a bright stream of light suddenly struck as fast as thunder and lightning.

"I'm going to poke you, this guy is coming after me!"

Ying Long was shocked and turned pale. He wanted to escape but it was too late.

I saw that stream of light like a peerless sword, easily cutting through the thick earth and rocks, turning into a Kunpeng spirit with a human head and a bird body. It suddenly grabbed Yinglong with its steel hook-like claws, just like an eagle grabbing a chicken. E Chun grabbed them together.

"Break it! Break it for me!"

Ying Long struggled wildly, using various spatial secrets and magical powers frequently, trying to tear apart the giant claw and escape.

But not at all.

He felt the earth rumble and the soil spread out like water waves. In an instant, his eyes lit up and he had returned to the sky above Tiancun.

Bang! A sound.

Ying Long and E Chun were hit hard on the ground, creating two huge deep pits and falling to pieces.

Randomly, a shackle composed of the law of Dinghai Ice God was attached to them, and the two were firmly imprisoned, unable to move at all.

"You still want to run, how fast do you think you can run?"

Jiang Tian stepped into the air and flew over.

His long black hair was flying in the wind, and his clothes were fluttering in the air. He looked down at the two of them mockingly like an immortal descending from the dust.

"If you dare, kill me!"

Echun scratched his neck, gritted his teeth, and threatened with a vicious look:

"My Da Kou'e family is not someone to be trifled with. If I have a grudge, I will kill all the barbarians in your Tian Village and even the entire Wanren Mountains. No chickens or dogs will be left behind!"


Jiang Tian slapped him in the face, causing his nose to bleed violently, and he flew hundreds of meters away like a wheel, saying in a cold voice:

"The Da Kou'e family, are they so amazing? They are just a few stinky crocodiles who cut off paths and rob, but they dare to challenge me? Are you any different? I'm not going to beat you all the same!"

Jiang Tian rubbed his palms and mocked:

"It's different. He's just thick-skinned. His skin is rough and his flesh is as thick as the corners of a city wall. It hurts my palms!"


E Chun gritted his teeth, only to find that all his teeth had fallen out.

He was extremely angry and glared at Jiang Tian with an erect eye. After all, he was from the Da Kou family and had a reputation for being evil. Who dared to bully him like this?

"You still don't surrender? I'll kill you!"

The divine disk behind Jiang Tian flashed, and the Suzaku True Fire burst out, burning him to death.

"Wait a minute. We have a backstage!"

Ying Long stopped him and snorted coldly.


Jiang Tian fixed the Suzaku True Fire Law, and the balls of flames were firmly fixed less than three meters away from Echun, interestingly.

"Boy, you are indeed very strong. You have killed many of our brothers with Nascent Soul cultivation level. You are also courageous, and you dare to provoke even the powerful Kou family."

Ying Long knelt on the ground, but still held his neck and said proudly:

"But no matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than Jiang Taichu? No matter how fierce you are, can you be more fierce than him?"

"Jiang Taichu, go out and find out what kind of person he is. He even gave up the three guards of the Immortal Market to Huo Huo! Even Prince Chunyu was killed, and even Yan You did not dare to fight with him. He was so dejected. He ran away! Two days ago, he killed the mighty God Emperor in this world. He was a powerful overlord. Are you afraid?"

"Jiang Taichu is indeed very strong, but does he have anything to do with you?"

Jiang Tian was stunned for a moment, dumbfounded.

"Don't you know that Jiang Taichu is my eldest brother, Ying Long? We have been friends for eight years, and our relationship is so good that we can wear a pair of pants!"

Ying Long didn't know what half a dime meant, but he could probably understand it. His face was filled with arrogance and arrogance, and he was so crazy that he said proudly:

"We were drinking together last night! He valued my research results on the ancient Daoshu era very much and called me a good brother!"

He shouted angrily and asked, "To tell you the truth, he personally ordered me to come here to conduct archaeological excavations. Do you still want to resist him? He is now the emperor of this world!"

At this time, Luo Shou, Luo Sen and others listened and looked at each other with a little fear. Luo Shou even frowned and said:

"If Jiang Taichu really instructed him to excavate Zhao Zhenjun's ancient tomb for archaeological research, we can't be too stubborn. After all, it is also important to uncover the historical truth. Zhao Zhenjun's spirit in heaven will also understand!"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed.

This guy is also a wonderful person. He even boasts that he knows him. Why don’t I know you? He also said that he had ordered him to rob the tomb, which was shameless.

Next to them, Long Shengnan and Bai Muxue also covered their mouths and smiled. They just thought that Ying Long was so funny.

"You're smiling so much! My brother Jiang Taichu is coming, can you stop him?"

Seeing their strange expressions, Ying Long was furious, blew his beard and glared, then softened his tone and said with contempt:

"Brother, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You are no match for Jiang Taichu, you will be exploded by him with one finger!"

"Besides, we didn't cause any losses. On the contrary, you killed a lot of my brothers. Don't go too far. Let us go and entertain us with good wine and meat. I will help my brother Taichu." You begged for mercy!”

"Blow! Keep blowing!"

Zhang Qingyang laughed evilly, flew out, and kicked him in the chest.

Ying Long was kicked until he was rolling on the ground and said viciously:

"You little bastard, you dare to beat your Yuanying Grandpa with just a golden elixir. If my brother Jiang Taichu comes..."

"Shut up!"

Zhang Qingyang interrupted him ruthlessly, pointed at Jiang Tiandao:

"You are a blind thing. The Supreme Lord of the Beginning is right in front of you, but you don't know it, and you still utter arrogant words. You are looking for death!"


E Chun looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, and then the expression on his face gradually changed from shock to extremely fanatical worship, and he loudly said: "You, you are the God of Taichu! You, you are my idol!"

Now Jiang Tian's name has spread almost throughout the entire world of Immortal Ruins. Not only the Ruins Emperor was shocked and horrified when he heard about it, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

In the Dakou family, it is also known as thunder, no one knows it, and no one knows it.

However, unlike Xianxu, most of the Dakou family regarded Jiang Taichu as their idol and comrade.

In their eyes, Jiang Taichu was also a great thief, even as fierce and domineering as them.

"It's really Jiang Taichu!"

Ying Long was also dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

It couldn't be such a coincidence. I didn't know how much I had stolen from the true king's tomb, but it fell into Jiang Taichu's hands today.

However, then I thought about it.

In this world, there was only one Nascent Soul, Aotian Sword Master, so why did a peerless Heavenly Lord suddenly appear?

Moreover, this person controls many laws, which is consistent with the rumor that although Jiang Taichu is only an infant, he has the ability to control many laws and become a god.

It's very possible!

"The former Saint of Huanlong Sect in Hailan World, the disciple of Supreme Lord God, Long Shengnan! I have met fellow Taoist!"

Long Shengnan took a step forward and unleashed the Emperor's Nine Dragon Laws. The real dragons of the Laws coiled around his delicate body, with an earth-shattering momentum.

Ying Long was suddenly frightened and his face trembled.

"Xiao Xiu, the subordinate of the Taichu God Lord, the Lord of Penglai World, the Aotian Sword Master, is here!"

Aotian Sword Master also took a step forward and used the law of sword energy. Swords of peerless law rose into the sky, as if they were about to cut through the sky.

to the end.

"My dear, the former Immortal Ruins Dark Crow Guard Captain Gui Lang is now under the command of the Supreme Lord God!"

Ghost Wolf also took a step forward, swung his stabbing knife in the air, easily revealed the law of breaking through the air, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't you still believe it? Why don't you kneel down and surrender!"

Ying Long was chased by a ghost wolf. Even though he was far away, he could still feel his aura and laws.

At this time, he no longer had any doubts. The young man in front of me is the famous Jiang Taichu!

"I poked, it's embarrassing. It's really Jiang Taichu!"

For a moment, he was so ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and disappear in front of everyone.

He boasted that he was his good brother, that he drank wine and chatted happily, and that he got his authorization to wander around the world. Unexpectedly, he was right in front of him!

"Oh my God!"

At this time, everyone in Tiancun couldn't believe it. They didn't expect to be eating and drinking with Jiang Taichu.

"When I first met this person, I thought that although he was ordinary in appearance, he was quite imposing. When his identity was revealed in the end, he was indeed quite impressive!"

Luo Shou gently stroked his goatee, trembling with excitement.

"He is actually the great hero Jiang Taichu, the one who avenged Zhao Zhenjun!"

Rosen and other young hunters couldn't believe it. Their eyes burst out with adoration, like believers seeing gods.

"Uncle Jiang is a great hero! The great hero who defeated the Immortal Ruins God General and God Emperor!"

"The great hero who avenged Zhao Zhenjun!"

The children in Luo Fu cheered excitedly and jumped up and down.

However, compared to shame, Ying Long felt more fear in his heart.

Jiang Taichu is a very famous and fierce god, who destroys families, sects, armies and everything at every turn.

Whether it was the Nine Guards of the Xu Emperor or the wine-sacrifice expert of Baiyue Academy, they would all be destroyed when they met Jiang Taichu! Even the world-shaking God Emperor was crushed and killed by him.

But today, I offended him again and again and made rude remarks.

Saving others by oneself, a majestic god-turned-god would not allow others to blaspheme and offend easily. He would definitely kill him and crush himself and E-chun to maintain his peerless majesty.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tremble, the scales all over his body made a clanging sound, and he said with a cry:

"God Lord Taichu, my disciple has no intention of offending me today. I am really here to conduct archaeological research! Please spare me once!"

"God Lord Taichu, if you want to punish me, just kill me."

Echun straightened his body and said fearlessly:

"Ying Long is indeed an archaeologist. He only digs graves, but he never kills people! All of this was caused by me!"

"You're not afraid of death!"

Jiang Tian looked indifferent and nodded slightly in his heart.

In fact, the strong are respected, and powerful monks bully the weak, kill people and seize treasures, which is not uncommon in the world of cultivation.

Whether it is Echun or Yinglong, although they all have shortcomings of one kind or another, they are not bad in nature. This Echun, at least, attaches great importance to love and justice.


E Chun shivered, but still cried loudly with tears in his eyes:

"But I can't harm my brother. I do things for myself and others are responsible for it."

"You have also seen that Ying Long has never tried to kill you from the beginning to the end. I think with the magnanimity of God Lord Taichu, he will definitely not be in trouble with him!"

"Okay! Do you want to be a hero? I'll help you!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, condensed the Geng Metal Law into a sword, and slashed it in the air.

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