Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1548 Black and White, Sword Servant of the Ruins Palace

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"During the yellow plum season, it rains everywhere, and frogs are everywhere in the grassy ponds. I have an appointment and I can't come over until midnight, so I can play chess pieces and let the lanterns fall."

At this moment, a leisurely and elegant chanting voice came.

I saw a long black and white rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth, thousands of miles away in an instant, coming rapidly from a place far away in the east.

The black and white rainbow was like a supersonic fighter plane making a huge roar, tearing the sky apart, and descending suddenly.

I saw a man in old green clothes sitting cross-legged on a huge chessboard, with black and white round chess pieces floating and roaring around him.

"Senior Brother Black and White, how late are you here?"

Banshan cupped his hands and smiled.

"I haven't been born for a long time. I met two old men playing chess in a small town and had a chat with them! Fortunately, I didn't miss the main business!"

The man in green said with a faint smile, tapping the chess pieces leisurely, frowning and staring at the chessboard, concentrating on it, just like a celebrity from the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

"Hei Baizi! The Master's personal disciple, ranked third, was once a high priest. It is said that he has been hiding for thousands of years, and he was born!"

The ghost wolf became more and more uneasy, and his spiritual consciousness said:

"This person entered the Tao through chess, realized the wonders and righteousness, experienced the changes of life and death, penetrated Yin and Yang, formed his own unique chess game rules, and understood the Tao. His rules and Tao, every move, are all changeable, unpredictable by ghosts and gods!"

"Having enough to eat all day long and having nothing to do will lead to gambling."

Jiang Tian disdains the cold sun:

"The way of chess, the way of playing chess, is not worth mentioning! Just the two of them are far from capable of killing me!"

The birth and death of yin and yang, the four terrains, the sky and the dome, and the changes in the five elements are all between heaven and earth.

You can just understand nature directly. If you have to rely on an abstract chess game to simulate understanding, you will already fall into the inferior position.

"What if I'm included?"

Jiang Tian just finished speaking.

A bright sword light, like a dragon's roar, shot across the sky from a distance. The sword light cut through the sky, comparable to the speed of light, and landed in front of everyone, revealing a man with gray hair on his temples, a long white coat, and a sharp aura.

"The third incarnation!"

Everyone was stunned.

What is the concept of three gods coming together?

In secondary star worlds such as Hailan, Fertile Land, and Desert, no transformed god has been born in thousands of years.

Even in the Immortal Ruins, which is in the endless vastness and uses air-entraining magic circles to forcibly gather the spiritual energy of many worlds, there are only a hundred powerful people with the ability to transform into gods.

These hundred transformed gods are still unevenly scattered among the Xuhuang Palace, Zhentian Palace, Baiyue Academy, and many other countries in the Six Great Cave Heavens.

In some sects, caves, and kingdoms, there may be only one or two gods in charge, or even none at all.

As a result, in this small Penglai world, together with Jiang Tian, ​​four powerful men with the ability to transform into gods gathered in front of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Stele Forest in an instant. It was simply earth-shattering. Once word spread, it would surely shock the world.

"It turns out it's really a game!"

Jiang Ni lay on the ground, her delicate body trembling slightly, and murmured: "We are just poor people who attracted Jiang Taichu. As for our life and death, the senior officials such as the Xuhuang Palace don't care at all..."

At this time, the three most powerful gods have not yet released their magical powers, but the majesty they naturally exude is already making their bones creak.

Even Zhao Shanhe, Cheng Aojun and other geniuses were trembling with fear, and their legs became weak.

As for Su Ruomeng and other female cultivators, they had already been so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, forgetting about the revenge of Prince Yu Linzi Chunyu.

Even Princess Tingyu was trembling all over.

Without Jiang Tian supporting Gang Feng to protect them, I'm afraid Bai Muxue and Long Shengnan would not be able to withstand the pressure and would have to crawl on the ground!

For those who are powerful in transforming gods, their babies are transformed into divine possessions, containing a god within them. They interact with the great avenues of heaven and earth, control the fragments of the great avenues, and have great magical powers.

Ordinary Nascent Soul, facing it, is like a mortal seeing a god, unable to withstand that terrifying divine power.

"The Sword God of the Ruins Emperor's Palace?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were slightly cold as he looked at the sword-walking monk who was surrounded by the laws of sword energy and even had the charm of the sword's path.

Is this man the number one master of swordsmanship in the Immortal Ruins, the legendary Sword God of the Ruins Emperor Palace who comes from the depths of the Star Sea?

It doesn't look like Dao Yun. His fragment of the avenue is still a star-level avenue, that is, he can't get out of a star. He wants to shout with the two high priests of the academy, but he is just on par.

The Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace comes from the depths of the Star Sea, and the principles he understands should be more powerful. Naturally, he cannot reach the cosmic level, but he must at least touch the galaxy level.

"What kind of person is my master? Back then, he was able to keep pace with the master and compete with him. Now he has participated in nature and has reached the realm of returning to the virtual world. You are not enough for him to come out of seclusion in person!"

The monk who stepped on the sword looked proudly.

"To kill you today, three feet of green peak in my hand is enough!"

He’s not the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace!

But just his slave!

Long Shengnan, Bai Muxue, Aotian Sword Master and others were suddenly stunned.

The slaves of the Sword God in the Xuhuang Palace have all reached the state of becoming gods and can compete with the Master's disciples. No wonder the Sword God is as famous as the Master and Tianhe Xingjun on the Immortal Market, and is one of the three top giants in the Immortal Market.

"Sword servant, killing Jiang Taichu is our highest mission. You were almost late. What should we do if we let him escape?"

Banshan groaned dissatisfied.

"Before coming to this world, Xiaodao first went to the Fertile World and killed a few half-step gods who did not listen to the orders of the Xuhuang Palace. In case my master has not been born for a long time, they will think that the Xuhuang Palace is easy to bully and has no authority! "

The man with the sword said calmly.

At this time, the Fertile World was in chaos.

The servant of the Sword God actually went down to the lower world to kill people. He swept across the Fertile World with one sword, killing two half-step gods in a row, and suppressed the entire star monks.

Previously, due to Wu Shujian's lobbying activities, he gradually leaned towards Jiang Tian's fertile world, and quickly returned to the control of the Xuhuang Palace.

"Jiang Taichu, the ancient relics are here. To be honest, there are countless such relics in the Immortal Ruins. It is not unusual at all."

The sword servant turned to look at Jiang Tian and said coldly:

"If you make a soul contract with us at this time, swear to never offend the Immortal Ruins world again. We will let you live, and the Hailan world will be yours, and we will even make you an important minister and general of the Immortal Ruins Dynasty!"

"If not, don't blame us for bullying the small with the many, and the small with the big!"

Banshan bared his teeth, burst into a ferocious smile, and the power of the gods was mighty. In the divine hideout, the gods roared, and many fragments of the avenue roared and trembled.

Many monks looked at Jiang Tian in fear, wondering how he would make a decision.

The three gods join forces!

This is a rare battle throughout the ages. Even in the Immortal Ruins, battles between powerful gods have been extremely rare for thousands of years, let alone three major gods besieging one person?

Although Jiang Tian has a savage reputation and once killed the world-shaking God Emperor, who was also an incarnation of gods, he also faced three stronger incarnations...

"Jiang Taichu will definitely die. This is a shocking killing. Both Baiyue Academy and Xuhuang Palace have spent a lot of money!"

"Ban Shan, the number one person in close combat, object control, and weapon refining in the Immortal Ruins, the supreme master of chess and black and white, and the servant of the sword god, are all figures who have been powerful for eternity, overlooking the world. The sword servant obviously got the favor of the sword god of the Xu Emperor Palace. It’s true, it’s definitely not easy to mess with!”

"Jiang Taichu has only two ways to go - either die, or kneel down and surrender!"

Many powerful men thought secretly.

"Three transformed gods..."

Jiang Tian lowered his eyes and remained silent for a long time, as if there was nothing he could do.

Seeing this, Su Ruomeng stood up arrogantly, let out a burst of sweet laughter like silver bells, and said domineeringly:

"Jiang Taichu, kneel down and surrender. Three powerful gods are coming in person. How can you, a young monk from a marginal planet, resist them?"

She thought that Jiang Tian did not dare to resist at all and could only surrender and beg for mercy, so at this moment, he was not afraid at all and jumped up again.

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