Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1549 Fighting against the three great gods, the ultimate showdown

"Haha. Are you qualified to speak here?"

Jiang Tian waved his fingers together and slashed her sword in the air, directly killing her physically and mentally, even the golden elixir was chopped into pieces.

"How dare you-"

Before he died, Su Ruomeng's face was still full of shock and fear.

Perhaps he didn't expect that Jiang Tian was so strong that he still dared to kill her despite the coercion of the three transformed gods.

The expressions of the three powerful gods did not even change, nor did they make any move to stop her, as if Su Ruoxue was just an ant who died under Jiang Tian's hands and was not worth mentioning at all.

In fact, at their level, the Taoist mind is as tough as iron, which is already different from ordinary people. In their minds, life is really like grass and grass.

In the battle of transforming gods, a single move affects the whole body.

All they were thinking about was how to kill Jiang Tian. As for the lives of others, they didn't care at all.

If during the process of rescuing Su Ruoxue, a loophole was exposed and Jiang Tian was seriously injured, it would be a big loss.

Jiang Tian killed Su Ruoxue, flicked his fingers, and said leisurely:

"I kneel down and surrender. Who in this world can be worthy? Today, I will kill you! Let the Immortal Market know that I can kill one transformed god. There is no difference between three transformed gods. I will still kill you as usual!"

"Zhu Zi, you are arrogant!"

Black and White's face turned cold, and he suddenly raised his head. On the chessboard, a black chess piece flew out of the air and hit Jiang Tian.


This chess piece grew larger in the wind. It turned out to be a gloomy meteorite, with a radius of thousands of feet, containing the essence of the moon. The yin energy was extremely strong, blooming with pure light, crushing the void, crushing everything, and smashing down in the air.

"Today, use your blood to sacrifice my holy sword!"

The sword servant stepped on the sword and roared, the scabbard roared behind him, and a sword jumped out.

The three-foot green peak instantly turned into a thousand-foot long river, all composed of the law of the long sword. It contained fragments of the great path and was rich in the essence of the great path. It slashed towards Jiang Tian.

"Yuwu——Wanshan Ban!"

Nabanshan shouted loudly.

As the thick fingers flexibly pinched, mountains rose up from the ground as if they were alive, forming a mountain formation.

The aura of the earth veins is gushing out, as thick as a dragon, crisscrossing horizontally and vertically, like iron ropes across the sky, trying to trap Jiang Tian.

Within a radius of ten miles, it instantly became a desperate situation.

"No! Back away!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Aojun, Xu Changqing and others were shocked, stepped on the flying swords, retreated violently, and rushed towards the outside of the circle.

"Let's go too! The battle of gods has begun, and I'm waiting in it, like an ant! I will be torn apart by the aftermath in an instant!"

Zhao Shanhe complained endlessly and flew into the cloud tower. Many cloud tower warships formed a torrent and shuttled between the long dragons of the earth and the laws of sword energy.


Jiang Ni's beautiful face turned pale, and she used her magical power to move, leading many female disciples from the academy to fly outside in panic like a bereaved dog.

It can be said that these three transformed gods are all masters of killing, cold and ruthless, and they are bent on killing Jiang Tian without caring about their lives.


The sharp force spread across the sky, strangling everything. The earth's veins were heavy and obliterated crazily. The chess piece meteorites also shot out violent winds, tearing the sky apart, and the aftermath was earth-shattering.


"Senior, wait a minute, we haven't escaped yet—"

Screams came one after another, and dozens of female cultivators in the academy were affected by the attack. Their blood dyed the sky red, and their fragrance disappeared. Their bodies fell like rain, and exploded again, even the golden elixir and their souls were wiped out.


A cloud tower exploded and a huge mushroom cloud rose up, in which many Tianmang Cave Heaven monks died.


Xu Changqing was affected by the sword servant's sword energy, and one of his arms was cut off directly. He fled in embarrassment with a bunch of huge blood flowers.

"Jiang Taichu, you are honored that the academy's two major priests and the Sword God's servants have joined forces to kill you. This has never happened in the Immortal Ruins!"

But the three transformed gods didn't even look at him. They just exploded their magical powers and started to kill Jiang Tian crazily.

"Hmph! You guys are not qualified to fight me!"

Jiang Tian stood proudly in the void and endured the violent blows of the three transformed gods at the same time, but his expression did not change. Instead, he looked calm and calm.

The thick earth vein aura, the monstrous sword light, and the meteorite moonlight all turned into a calm stream within a mile of him.

There was not even a trace of aura fluctuation around him, which was firmly blocked out by him using the Dinghai Ice God Law.

Suddenly, he flicked his sleeves, and a piece of Kunpeng's law enveloped Long Shengnan, Ghost Wolf and others like sharp arrows, piercing through the earth's aura, billowing sword light frenzy, and meteorite light, and flew out for more than a hundred miles.

"So strong!"

The three powerful gods were all shaken, showing expressions of disbelief.

Jiang Tian was enveloped and locked by the divine passages of the three transformed gods. Even if the ordinary transformed gods moved around, it would be difficult for them to even move their little fingers.

But Jiang Tian waved his sleeves and used Kunpeng's Law to break open the space and send out many servants. This is really unbelievable.

The three of them only felt that Jiang Tian, ​​who was originally tightly locked by many legal restrictions, now waved his sleeves and hit the weakest point of their restrictions, just like the eye of the formation or the cover of the iron cloth shirt.

Jiang Tian waved his sleeves, and Kunpeng's Law broke through the weakest point of their ban, forcing them to retreat continuously and turn against the guests.

"Damn it! We can't let him do this!"

The three gods were so sad that they almost wanted to vomit blood.


The sword servant took back the sword, and Hei Baizi snatched the sword back from the air. Moving the mountain also cut off the connection with the earth's atmosphere of many mountains.

"You must use all your strength. This boy is too strong!"

"Kill him in this world no matter what, and don't let the war burn to the Immortal Ruins! This is the death order of His Highness the Ruins Emperor!"

The three of them looked at each other and communicated with their spiritual consciousness.

"You are seeking death, provoking the Immortal Market, and invading my territory. Your crime is unforgivable!"

Banshan roared, his eyes about to burst.

He took a step in the air and flew towards Jiang Tian. He raised the giant hammer on his shoulders and brought it down with one strike.

This hammer was made of unknown precious gold, with a hint of chaos, like a divine object from heaven and earth.

In fact, this giant hammer is really impressive. He has once used it to forge asteroids and create countless Taoist weapons. Its power is unimaginable.

Wherever the giant hammer passed, golden Dao Yun filled the air, the sound of the Dao Lun roared and trembled, dragon-like electric rays lingered, and the sun's essence fire spurted out, smashing the void into pieces and collapsing, and everyone within a hundred miles trembled.

There was a roar, and beneath the giant hammer, the earth cracked, a deep pit with a radius of ten miles was sunk, and the peaks fell down one after another.

The heaven and earth with a radius of thousands of miles are all affected by it, just like a hurricane passing by, turning endless trees into powder.

Finally, more mountain peaks broke and collapsed, and rocks penetrated the sky. The entire vast and endless Wanren Mountains were shaken, and the mountains undulated like waves, like a major earthquake erupting.


Black and White shouted sharply.

The black and white chess pieces suspended around him suddenly turned into black and white energy, spinning in front of him like a yin and yang fish, evolving into yin and yang.

Then, when he was a little bit in the air, the black and white energy turned into a sky-shattering rainbow, spinning and twisting at high speed like a top, and rushed toward Jiang Tian.

The two qi of yin and yang are the derivative of the chess game. They are soft yet strong, extremely tough and sharp.

When one day you can refine the two qi of yin and yang into chaos and return from Tai Chi to Wuji, you will have cultivated this magical power to its peak.

When the time comes, one blow can turn thousands of miles around into powder. A continent is contained within it.

At this time, although Black and White had not reached the peak of his cultivation, he was already quite good. The speed of Black and White Qi was extremely high, even cutting through space.


Finally, it was the sword servant who took action.

This servant of the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace had a stern look on his face and only flicked his finger.

An unparalleled brilliance, as powerful as a dragon's lightning silver snake's sword light, shot out from his hand, spanning a distance of ten miles in an instant, and struck Jiang Tian in front of him.

This sword is so powerful that even the world-shaking God Emperor might be moved by it.

The fragments of laws and avenues are completely contained, silent and only erupt within three meters. To hit Jiang Tian accurately, there will be no waste.

Wherever the sword blade passes, the space is split inch by inch, annihilated into a pure hole of nothingness, and the torrent of space pours back, easily destroying and shattering the gods.

Even if the ghost wolf is holding a stabbing knife in the air, it can't break the attraction of the torrent of space, and will be swallowed up instantly.

The three powerful men who gathered here from the lower realm of the Immortal Ruins and laid out a unique killing plan finally took action with all their strength.

Moreover, when they take action, they attack with all their strength, leaving no way for Jiang Tian to escape and avoiding any future troubles.

When this powerful man who transforms into gods takes action, his power is so terrifying.

In the huge world of Penglai, the avenues of heaven and earth are intertwined with it, roaring and trembling, celestial disasters such as hurricanes, thunders, and heavy rains are coming, and even geomagnetic and stellar storms suddenly erupt.

The Wanren Mountains and even the entire world were in chaos, and the sun and moon hung upside down, as if they were about to collapse.

"It's too strong! Is this the power of the God Transformation Power?"

Cheng Aojun, Xu Changqing and others retreated again and again. They had retreated three hundred miles away, but they still felt strong space fluctuations and pressure.

They are already geniuses and monsters, the leaders of the younger generation in the world of Immortal Ruins, and can easily destroy cities and mountains with one strike.

But with Banshan's movements, the power was so great that it seemed as if the world was about to be destroyed. A casual blow was enough to turn them into meat pies.

"In fact, the sword servant is more powerful! His control over the fragments and laws of the avenue has reached an extremely wonderful level!"

Cheng Aojun even commented.

Ordinary gods can shake thousands of miles and move mountains and seas with one blow. The power is indeed extremely astonishing.

But the power is too spread out, just like punching a hundred times, you may not be able to kill a person.

But the sword servant is different.

He concentrated all the avenues and laws into a three-meter radius.

The law of the sword in that area was extremely thick, boiling like a sea, and there were even fragments of the great avenue floating and swirling, extremely condensed.

It's like the power is concentrated on a bullet, which can kill in one blow, leaving the enemy with no chance to counterattack.

"The direct disciples of the Master of the Academy and the followers of the Sword God, all of them are capable of moving mountains and filling seas, reaching for the stars and the moon. Banshan is powerful, physically powerful, and is the best in close combat. There are even more fragments of the great avenue in the giant hammer! Black and White! The two qi of black and white, the cycle of yin and yang, the interdependence of life and death, the harmony of strength and softness! The sword servant controls the direction of the road fragments! Jiang Taichu is still far behind!"

Jiang Ni sneered, but there was a look of fascination in her beautiful eyes.

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