Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1560: Killing at the Immortal Ruins, Beheading and Displaying the Flag

"Haha, the gods of Immortal Ruins have been showing off their power for so long, it's time to teach them a lesson!"

The Green Dragon King said with a ferocious smile.

"When I, the King of Explosives, take action, I will make the fairy ruins bloom all over the ground, turn everything upside down, and not even a blade of grass will grow in my path!"

Tu Fei looked gangster and extremely destructive.

"Haha, I'm going to dig up the Xu Emperor's ancestral graves and dance on their graves!" Ying Long said excitedly.

Everyone is gearing up and eager to fight.

Next, Jiang Tian made some inquiries and arrangements, and everyone worked together to formulate several combat plans.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian did not start taking action immediately. Instead, he discussed and confirmed with many of the gods of the seven great bandits, changed his skills, repaired the defects, and tried his best to make his skills consistent with the great ways of this world, and even transcended this world and reversed the trend. Fight against the sky and seize the creation of heaven and earth.

There are many gods in the Immortal Ruins, and even though many of them are now guarding the lower realms in the second-level world, they still cannot be underestimated and must be carefully prepared.

Under Jiang Tian's guidance, everyone was suddenly enlightened as if they were listening to the teachings of immortality. The original blockages were suddenly cleared.

Bang bang bang!

In a ringed mountain blessed by countless Dao patterns and talisman formations, figures flickered and leaped like flying. Jiang Tian competed with them. The coefficients of magical powers, laws and avenues exploded. It was almost a real battle, and there was not much left to hold on.

After just a few days, the strength of the great pirates increased steadily, as if there was no end to it, reaching the limit. Everyone gained a lot and gained great insights.

In this dimensional world called Zheyuan Star, there is a desolate base where countless ancient books are stored.

In addition to the martial arts, there are also records of the battles in the Daosheng era, and even records of wandering in the immortal land.

The heavy crystal door has not been opened a few times in thousands of years. It is covered with dust and the talisman array is almost obliterated.

At this moment, the door is open to Bai Muxue.

There are piles of bamboo slips, jade books, golden tripod inscriptions, oracle bone inscriptions, and even knotted ropes to record events. Some are stained with divine blood, some are densely covered with knife marks and arrow holes, and some are cracked and dim by the erosion of time. They have been preserved after many twists and turns.

These documents are extremely ancient, with a history of tens of thousands of years. After a long time, they are covered with dust and are almost decayed and disintegrated.

In addition, there are some imperial tombs from the Xianxu Dynasty that were dug up by Tufuzi Ying's family by digging and robbing tombs. They are not magic weapons and cannot be used in battle, so they are also thrown here.

These ancient documents are not of much use to the Da Kou family.

They are all old and rough men, most of them are of the blood of the great demon, and their intelligence is slightly inferior. They can murder, set fire, kidnap and extort, and rob homes and homes, but they have no interest in reading books, studying and making precise calculations.

If the deeds of their ancestors were not recorded in the ancient documents, they would have burned them long ago.

But to Bai Muxue, it is extremely valuable. This is first-hand historical data with the highest credibility, like a huge treasure.

Ancient forbidden places, hidden secrets, lost magical resources, and even the strengths and weaknesses of the powerful people in the Ruins Emperor's lineage are all included.

If you study it thoroughly, the worlds of Immortal Ruins are almost transparent in Bai Muxue's eyes.

While Jiang Tian and others were preparing, Bai Muxue immersed herself in it all day long, never leaving a door or door, reading and studying classics, and stamping slips on the slips.

She has a pure heart, her white clothes are stained with dust, her nose is stained with dust, like a kitten that got into the stove, but she doesn't know it.

Her jade face is as serene as a jade carving, her beautiful eyebrows are sometimes frowned and sometimes relaxed, and her clear and beautiful eyes are very calm.

After carefully experiencing and comprehending, the slender jade fingers are constantly calculating, and using the Taiwei math skills taught by Jiang Tian to conduct mysterious deductions, they must break through all the historical fog, gain a glimpse of the truth of the fairy ruins, and become Jiang Tian's adviser for his actions.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Bai Muxue finally read the last scroll of bamboo slips and imprinted it into her portable jade slips for future use.

She stretched out greatly, dragged her tired body, rubbed her hot temples, pushed open the spar door, and walked out.

She immediately saw a shocking scene. Under the dark sky with few stars, there was a huge door to the sky, flashing with space fluctuations, suspended in the air, with talisman formations and Dao patterns all over it, shining with auspicious colors. with light.

The heroes of the great bandits have perfected their skills, and everyone's momentum is several times or even ten times their original strength.

They all stood together under the Gate of Chengtian. Although they were silent, their eyes were full of expectation and excitement.

"Are you going to kill Benxianxu and go straight to Huanglong?"

Bai Muxue suddenly felt excited, but also a little worried.

During this period of time, she only studied the documents and did not improve her strength. She was worried that Jiang Tian would treat her as a burden and keep her here or send her back to Penglai World.

"Muxue, it's time to set off. I'm waiting for you alone!"

Jiang Tian was dressed in black, with long hair shawl, and his divine body shone with precious light, as if a god had descended, and he said leisurely.

She felt that Jiang Tian's strength seemed to have improved a lot, which was probably the result of his discussions with many transformed gods.

"Emperor of Heaven, I have kept everyone waiting for a long time!"

Bai Muxue blushed, suppressed the excitement in her heart, bowed deeply, and quickly walked into the last position in the queue.

"This operation, the sword is directed at the gods of the Immortal Ruins, code name - Zhanqi."

Jiang Tian glanced at everyone and said coldly:

"This is a war of attrition, a guerrilla war, a beheading operation, a flag-raising operation, with the ultimate goal of wiping out many avatars who follow the Ruins Emperor. I ask everyone to cooperate closely to ensure zero battle losses, do you understand?"

"I'll understand later!"

Many big bandits, as well as Ghost Wolf, Long Shengnan, and Bai Muxue, all followed Jiang Tian into the Gate of Chengtian one after another, their blood boiling with excitement, strange howls and roars, their anger rising to the sky, their ambitions high.

"Destination, Immortal Ruins, Tianyuan Province, Danzhou, Demon Corpse Mountain Stronghold."

Egong is old and frail in the next year, and the great ways and laws are deeply rooted in the gods. He is too stubborn and has been unable to change. His strength has not improved, and he has to sit in the stars of distant dimensions, so he did not participate in this operation.

Aotian Sword Lord and Zhang Qingyang have no chance to keep up. They are too weak and will become a burden. After all, this is a peak showdown, and the goal is to kill the transformed god.

They have returned to Penglai World through the Gate of Chengtian, and have been ordered to guard and form an army of monks to contain the army in the lower realm of Immortal Ruins.

E Gongming controlled the Chengtian Gate passed down from the ancient heaven, adjusted the coordinates of the starry sky on the talisman array, and said solemnly.

"I sincerely wish the Emperor Taichu and all fellow Taoists to be victorious, go straight to Huanglong, gain a great reputation, be famous in the Immortal Ruins, and avenge the ancient sages of the Immortal Land!"

He bowed respectfully to Jiang Tian and clasped his fists, his face full of hope.

"I sincerely wish the Emperor Taichu and all fellow Taoists to be victorious, go straight to Huanglong, gain a great reputation, be famous in the Immortal Ruins, and avenge the ancient sages of the Immortal Land!"

Many base soldiers, wearing Senhan armor, each in the foundation-building realm, all kowtowed down, their faces solemn and tragic, and they said loudly.

"You will definitely live up to your destiny!"

Jiang Tian returned the gift.


As E Gongming activated the Gate of Bearing Heaven, the space suddenly vibrated and the light flickered. The Gate of Bearing Heaven erupted with endless light, as if it had distorted time and space.

The next moment, the Gate of Chengtian was like a bright star, flying towards the dimensional barrier seemingly slowly but really quickly.

When it merged with the dimensional barrier, countless space talisman arrays and Dao patterns shined brightly, like the sun across the sky, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers. Many craters and bases reflected dazzling white light, and then the door disappeared in a flash. .

Even the person with the door disappeared.

Zhiyuan Planet, this small world, has regained its tranquility, as if this world had never existed.

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