Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1561 Yujian Villa, sacrificing the flag with the blood of the sword servant

Xianxu, Tianyuan Province, is located in the south of Zhongyuan Province. It is located slightly away from the core and is very prosperous.

Danzhou, the capital of the province, has a population of tens of millions. Monks and mortals live together. The thick city wall is more than a hundred feet high. It is extremely majestic and steep. It is densely covered with sword marks and arrow holes. It is ancient, and there are also traces left by some monsters in ancient times. Claw marks. It is like a living history book, telling endless history.

On the city wall, there are many warriors, everyone is building foundation and cultivation, and the leader is a golden elixir. Its city lord is even a peak Nascent Soul powerhouse.

In the city, the buildings are lofty, just like a modern city. Mortals are galloping on dragon horses, monks are riding swords in the air, or flying boats and other aircraft are flying high above, making it appear very prosperous.

There are at least dozens of quasi-god-level magic formations hidden, and the vast magic power locks the sky, as if holding up the nine-sky sky, reaching down to the nine-nether underworld.

The magic circle and the power of the prohibition are in constant motion, as thick as a rock and a mountain, and indestructible. Even if a powerful person takes action, it will take dozens of full-force critical strikes to break it.

The black stone city that defends the Ancient Demon Abyss in the Yingzhou world, and even the so-called indestructible formations in Winterfell in the Beiming world are as vulnerable as clay sculptures compared to the city's protective formations.

In the four fields, apes are crowing and tigers are roaring, savage beasts are appearing, ferocious birds are chirping in the sky, hundreds of miles of clouds are rolling in, the mountains are like old dragons, and there are ancient trees and wolf forests.

In the Demon Corpse Mountains, three thousand miles away from this city, the miasma is permeating the air, and trees are growing everywhere, blocking out the sky and the sun.

It seems that an ancient demon fell here, leaving behind a lot of demonic energy, which transformed many monsters and vegetation, eating and hurting people, which is very scary.

As a result, this place is so inaccessible that even the Danzhou defenders are not willing to set foot there easily. It is considered a quasi-forbidden area.

A forest filled with black mist, with strong spatial fluctuations.


The two foundation-level winged tigers that were hunting around were alarmed. They bent down and roared in a low voice. They pressed their claws against the ground and exposed their bone hooks. Their tiger eyes were full of vigilance and excitement.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed, turning into a simple stone gate, and the light and auspicious colors dimmed.

A dozen big men with deer-headed eyes, domineering or ghostly auras walked out the door.

Surrounded in the middle was a handsome-faced man in black, led by two women.

One is wearing soft armor, heroic and full of fighting spirit, and the other is as beautiful as a pearl spitting clouds.

It was Jiang Tian and his party.

The two wing tigers were immediately suppressed by the violent aura of the crowd, shivering, and crawled on the ground like kittens.

After Jiang Tian waved his hand, Yihu stood up as if he had been granted amnesty, bowed three times, fluttered his wings and turned around to leave.

"In this city, there is the Sword Servant House and the Yujian Villa. According to the information previously obtained, he is in seclusion here for cultivation. We will act according to the established plan and execute the family extermination and beheading. If there are changes, we will do it easily."

Jiang Tian looked at Danzhou City with a calm expression, his eyes were cold, and a strong murderous intent was slowly released.

"Yes! Emperor of Heaven!"

Many of the god-turned-big bandits bowed and clasped their fists, gathered their auras, and disappeared from their places in an instant.

"Sword Servant, that day you united two gods to kill me. I said that I will take revenge, and this beheading operation starts from you."

Jiang Tian sneered and said: "Use your blood to rise up for heaven and sacrifice the flag! I hope you are ready!"

Yujian Villa.

Located on Wenjianfeng, a thousand-foot high peak in the north of Danzhou City, it covers an area of ​​1,000 acres. The palaces are continuous and magnificent, shrouded in a cloud-like aura, looming, with precious light and auspicious colors twinkling and blooming, just like a fairy home. The palace fell into the mortal world.

A hundred-meter-long waterfall falls into the back garden, forming a deep natural pool below. This is a blessed place, containing a medium-sized spiritual vein, and the spiritual energy is always gushing out. Through this, you can completely build a Tianzong or Tianjun family and cultivate Come out and build the foundation ten times.

But all of this belongs to the sword servant alone. It is a gift from the Xuhuang Palace and is supreme in Danzhou City and even in Tianyuan Province. Even the city lord cannot fly when he comes here, but has to walk and worship.

After the sword servant returned to the Fairy Ruins, he was not punished by the Sword God.

Although Jiang Tian was not killed, he was severely injured and brought back a large amount of information, which balanced his merits and demerits.

In the Penglai world, he fought repeatedly with Jiang Tian and E Gongming, and he was also seriously injured. Therefore, he was given elixirs by the emperor, and during this period, he has been in seclusion to heal his injuries.

The healing elixir in the Xuhuang Palace was excellent. His injured Shenzang had recovered, and his cultivation had returned to its peak state.

At this time, the sword servant was under the waterfall in the back garden and in the pavilion above the flat pool, discussing mysteries with a group of family members and disciples.

The winding path leads to a quiet place, a path paved with cobblestones. On both sides, there are artificially excavated medicinal fields, and a spiritual gathering array is arranged. Inside, there are nine-curved ginseng like arms, Ganoderma lucidum hanging high among the ancient branches, and many unknown herbs. , contains a little bit of brilliance, and the medicinal fragrance is elegant and refreshing.

The sword servant sat in the middle, sipping tea and tapping his fingers on his legs to beat the rhythm.

Next to her, a beautiful concubine was playing the piano. She was wearing thin clothes and a graceful figure. She came from a sect that was good at music. She was very beautiful, both in color and art. The music of the piano washed away the mundane world and was like the sound of heaven.

Next to him, there were seven or eight disciples, all of whom had reached the foundation-building level and held important positions in various places in the Immortal Ruins. Now they were recalled by him, saying that they wanted to live their lives.

The disciples clearly remember that the sword servant's birthday will not arrive until one month, but for some reason it has been brought forward now.

However, the status of the Sword Servant is extremely high. These foundation-building monks rarely see each other on weekdays, so they are naturally flattered and come here.

At this time, a girl in purple clothes walked in slowly, bowed and said: "Ancestor!"

"Qing'er, haven't the VIPs from the Demon Flame Sect come yet? Is there something that's bothering me that makes me unable to come?" The sword servant leaned on a stone chair and said slowly.

His voice was not loud, but it was full of majesty. After all, he was a servant of the Sword God, and his status was extremely high. He was comparable to a prince and the governor of a province here.

"The ancestor, the senior grandson of the Demon Flame Sect, asked his disciples to send a message to Yu Qing'er. This time he and Sect Leader Mo will definitely come to celebrate his birthday in person. We have set off now, and we expect to come at full speed and will arrive in a day or two!"

The purple-clothed girl had bright eyes and white teeth, a jade-like complexion, and was pretty and lovely. She was tall and curvy. When her ancestor asked, she did not dare to show any slightness and bowed quickly.

"good very good!"

The sword servant let out a long breath and nodded slightly, showing a hint of appreciation.

This is his great-great-granddaughter. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also very talented. She is only a teenager, but she has reached the level of foundation building.

According to her strength, she is qualified to be listed on the Immortal Market God of War list, but she is a monk in the upper realm, so she cannot be included in the list.

Several princes in the Xuhuang Palace favored her, and it was no problem that she would become the prince's concubine in the future.

"That is, Elder Sun Taishang of the Demon Flame Sect only took up a high position due to the guidance of his mentor. In recent years, with the support of Yujian Villa, he has developed well. The ancestor has been so kind to him, how can they Will you come?"

A young disciple under the Sword Servant, wearing brocade robes and a jade-like complexion, chuckled softly.

The sword servant’s real name was Tong Yujian, with a solemn look on his face and said:

"This is my thousand-year birthday, so we must be more vigilant. Don't be afraid of wasting crystals and spirit stones. All the protective formations and restrictions are open all day long, and no one is allowed to stop."

The corners of the sword servant's eyes trembled, and he ordered in a cold voice:

"In addition, the villa's sentry and patrol strength will be increased three times. Secret sentries must be set up within ten miles around Wenjian Peak, especially those unidentified monks, who must be carefully watched, interrogated and questioned."

"Contact the city lord and order him to enforce the no-fly order within thirty miles of Sword Peak. No monk is allowed to fly in the air with a sword! Otherwise, he will be shot to death!"

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