Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1566: Kill the Sword Servant and Transform it into Materials

The sword servant was not fully deployed, Tu Fei struck too quickly, the sound wave surged, and the law strangled, all of which caused harm to the sword servant.

Moreover, the Tiger Tail Whip is also an ancient treasure, containing the power of the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains. It was passed down from the Mountain Tiger God, the god of heaven and earth at that time.

The Mountain Tiger God was besieged by the heroes of the Immortal Ruins. When he died, he was unwilling to take advantage of the Ruins Emperor and the others, and even sacrificed his own gods to it to bless future generations. Therefore, the power of the Tiger God Whip is not weaker than the Purple Golden Bell, and its power is as powerful as the Holy Soldier!

"Sword Servant, I said when I was in the forbidden area of ​​the Forest of Steles, if you can't kill me, I will go to the poor blue and fall into the underworld, and I will tear you into pieces. Do you think I am deceiving you?"

Jiang Tian had a cold face and did not take any action. He had been leaning lazily on the rock. Under the service of two stunningly beautiful maids, he ate spiritual fruits and drank strong wine while the old god watched on.

"Jiang Taichu, if you have the guts, fight me alone to the death!"

Tu Fei struck down one whip after another, causing the purple golden bell to tremble. The sword servant was so shocked that he kept vomiting blood and his eyes were filled with hatred.

"You are qualified to fight me to the death?"

Jiang Tian gently shook the folding fan, his tone was calm and leisurely, and he looked like a gentle scum, which made people hate him: "My strength has greatly increased, killing you is as easy as killing a chicken, no challenge!"

"But you, this waste, must also be used as a whetstone to temper my many subordinates!"

The sword servant was so filled with hatred that he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This is a great insult!

He was as strong as a sword servant and could keep up with the academy's great ritual wine, but he could only be used as waste. As a whetstone for a group of bandits to hone their cultivation, how miserable it was.

His body was broken, the skin was torn, and some of the muscle fibers were flying like silk ribbons, even the bones were exposed. However, he used some secret method to constantly repair the broken body, healed quickly, and was broken again.

This secret method of healing is similar to the secret of the word "zhe" in the Nine Heavens of the Xu Emperor, or it is a simulated skill that uses rules to connect the injured parts in a criss-cross pattern.


Everyone didn't give him a chance at all, and they all attacked together. Tu Feihu's head knife slashed wildly, Yun Zhongzi also used the Crane Divine Sword to obliterate and cut, Echun wielded the big scissors and cut with a clicking sound... The purple golden bell could not hold up and cracks began to appear. .

"I'll crush you to death, you coward!"

At the end, Ushitada roared, manifested the demonic bull god, stood up, and stepped down directly with a pair of big hooves like a plate.


At this time, Lao Niu had completely activated the bloodline of the ancient immortal land gods, which was too powerful and terrifying.

The purple golden bells flew out sideways and buzzed and trembled non-stop. The sword servant was extremely miserable, and his chest was directly trampled. The stubble of Bai Sensen's bones was exposed, and the divine blood spurted out like spring water, falling to the ground like a dead dog. .

"You can't kill me! I've sent a message that many deity generals from the Xuhuang Palace have arrived, and even the Sword God himself has been dispatched. You can't run away!"

The sword servant gritted his teeth and shouted, with a look of jealousy on his face. He had just used a secret method to resist, but the divine treasure was not damaged, but his body was broken.

The Sword Cultivator Army of the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace was personally directed by the Sword God. Their strength was higher than that of the Nine Guards, and their reactions were extremely fast. Even if they were hundreds of thousands of miles away, they could arrive in just a moment using a large teleportation array.

"Fuck you uncle, you are so stubborn when you are about to die!"

Echun was so angry that he swung the scissors and swiped them like a baseball.

Previously, the ancestor E Gongming had a battle with the sword servant, which was full of dangers, and he almost lost his life in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Forest of Steles. He is extremely hateful.

E Gongming wants to guard Zhiyuan Planet and let E Chun follow Jiang Tian to fight against the Immortal Ruins and make great achievements. He also gives him the family scissors.

This is a most powerful Taoist weapon. Now that the Taoist patterns and talisman formations have been modified and refined by Jiang Tian, ​​they have become consistent with the great avenues of this world. The power has increased tenfold and a hundredfold, directly destroying the divine light of the sword servant's defensive laws. , head cracked.

Glittering bone fragments and teeth flew everywhere, his head was almost shattered, and his jaw was smashed, which was extremely terrifying.

"My gods have already reached their peak. With you, it will only take half an hour to destroy them. By then, the sword cultivators from the Xuhuang Palace will also arrive!"

The sword servant fell to the ground, but he roared like a trapped animal, his eyes were about to split, he threatened unruly, he was very tough, and his deep pupils gushed out with a frightening light.

He knew that there was no point in begging for such a life-and-death enemy. It was better to be tough, maybe he could scare Jiang Tian away.

"Do it! You still have half an hour, just ten snaps of your fingers!"

Tu Fei roared, full of banditry, and particularly ferocious. He used all nine tiger-god killing moves to specifically bombard his divine possessions and severely damage his gods.

"I step, I step! I step, step, step!"

The god Ushitada erupted, and his big bowl-like hooves fell like raindrops, shaking the heaven and earth with every blow.

"Hmph! Crane Divine Sword!"

Yun Zhongzi's face was as cold as iron, his cold eyes were devoid of any emotion, and he shot out the crane swords one after another.

"No, your laws and avenues are so much stronger than before!"

Under the joint siege of everyone, the sword servant was shocked to find that terrifying cracks appeared in his god in just three fingers.

However, Dako Qunhao's laws and avenue fragments were ten times or a hundred times sharper and more solid than before, and their power increased linearly.

"With the guidance of the Taichu Emperor, we have already transformed our skills, and our skills have been sublimated to the extreme. They are consistent with the great avenue of this land, and we can even seize the creation of the great avenue! Please rest in peace!"

E Chun smiled ferociously, his white teeth were very frightening, shining with a ferocious light, and he was cutting and poking wildly with the big scissors.

The sword servant god was severely injured, and one of his arms was cut off. He let out an earth-shattering roar, which shook the avenue of the Immortal Ruins world. For a moment, there was lightning and thunder, and lead clouds accumulated for thousands of miles around, shocking everyone.

It was a brutal siege.

The sword servant was heavily besieged and could not escape at all. He took off again and again, and was intercepted and knocked down by the Fu Huairen brothers again and again. The Crane Divine Sword soared through the hole, Niu Tada's big hoof stepped down crazily, and the Green Dragon King's dragon and thunder struck. kill……

At this time, even Bai Muxue showed a bit of unbearable expression, the sword servant was really miserable.

But she understands that this is a life-and-death war, and she must treat the enemy as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.

Blood stained the sky, and broken bones flew across the sky. The scene was extremely bloody and cruel.

The sword servant's physical body was destroyed, leaving almost only a skeleton. The temple of Shenzang collapsed and the gods were stained with blood.

Finally, when Ushitada stepped down with his big hoof again, the sword servant could no longer bear it, and the god was completely shattered.


Jiang Tian chuckled, rolled up his sleeves, and took Bai Muxue into the air. The others also exhausted their breath and retreated quickly.

They had just exited a hundred miles away when there was a roar, and the Sword Servant God exploded, destroying everything within a radius of ten miles. The rolling true energy, vast and scattered spiritual power, and turbulent waves of energy and blood rushed forward.

Everyone was thrown off their feet and their breathing stopped.

"Haha, I killed an avatar, so happy!"

"This old guy can take a beating!"

The heroes of the bandits, their clothes were blown back like flags by the aftermath, but they were very happy, and they were all domineering and fierce.

"The Taotie returns to the Yuan Dynasty!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm, and the dazzling divine disk flashed behind him, and the Taotie Guiyuan Principle swayed out like a black hole and landed in the middle of the billowing air waves.

Nowadays, powerful enemies are surrounding him, and a decisive battle is imminent. Jiang Tian must improve his cultivation as soon as possible at all costs. The sword servant's energy, blood, and magic are all the resources for his cultivation.


The air waves were like a picture being played backwards, rolling back crazily, and in the blink of an eye, they were completely absorbed by Taotie Guiyuan.

"Let's go!"

After Jiang Tian absorbed it, he was not in a hurry to refine it. Instead, he led everyone in stealth and left quickly.

Jiang Tian and the others left about a quarter of an hour later.

Whoosh whoosh!

Rainbows that pierced through the sky and earth split the layers of lead clouds, tearing apart the space with a huge roar like a supersonic fighter jet, and suddenly descended.

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