Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1567 The Wrath of the Sword God in the Xuhuang Palace, Jiang Taichu is here

Seven peerless sword cultivators, most of whom were on the first or second level of the Divine Transformation, suddenly appeared, surrounded by a sharp-edged man in white, standing on a mountain peak, overlooking a huge ten-mile radius. Deep pit.

This man, dressed in white as snow, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a tall and straight figure, has completely become the body of a god, exuding auspicious colors and precious light, like a god, looking heroic and extraordinary.

Many laws roared around, and one of them could crush an Avatar to death. The sword energy was so dense that fragments of the avenue were floating in it. The strength was terrifying to the extreme.

He is peerlessly sharp and extremely powerful, with a kind of unparalleled divine power that is only for me and no one else. He is like the Nine Heavens Sword Immortal descending to the earth, oppressing all heavens and all realms, stepping on the top of all realms, and no one can stop him.

It was the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace and his sword servant disciples.

"The gods have been beaten to pieces! Disciple, you died miserably!"

The corners of the Sword God's eyes trembled, his eyes were full of anger, and his divine light bloomed like a sword.

At the same time, vast spiritual consciousness swept out like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, pervasive, scanning the surrounding residual law fluctuations, and quickly determined the mastermind behind the scenes:

"Yun Zhongzi, Tu Fei, Niu Duotian, King Qingjiao, the Fu brothers, as well as Ying Long and E Chun! The seven bandits are joining forces to attack! How rampant!"

"Master, these seven bandits are so arrogant that they dare to attack my sword servant of the Xuhuang Palace. This is a huge provocation and they must be killed!"

A sword servant looked angry and shouted coldly.

He actually has the cultivation level of the third level of God Transformation. Compared with the Sword Servant, he is on par or even slightly better.

Although the Seven Bandits are quite powerful and have tens of thousands of troops, they are still incomparable to the regular army of the Immortal Xu Dynasty.

Just like the gangsters who rob banks and kill people to survive, no matter how strong they are, they cannot challenge the police and regular troops.

What Jiang Tian and the Seven Bandits did today.

It is equivalent to a few ruthless bandits assassinating a military commander. It can be said that they defy the world and break the sky. They feel that their majesty has been greatly challenged, so how can they not be angry.

"Second brother, have you ever thought about it. The seven bandits were originally just scattered soldiers fighting on their own. Why did they unite?"

A young sword servant's face gradually became serious.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed, showing a hint of deep thought. This was a very bad sign.

"The sword servant had previously reported that Jiang Taichu was rescued by the ancestor of the E family using the Gate of Bearing Heaven..."

The young sword servant said solemnly.

"Old Qi, you mean that Jiang Taichu has united the seven great bandit families?"

The second sword servant frowned suddenly and said in a cold voice.


The young seventh sword servant said solemnly.

"It's very possible. This Jiang Taichu has passed through the Gate of Bearing Heaven and entered the Immortal Ruins World!"

The Sword God's face was quite calm, but his eyes kept shooting out the law of the sword, and his tone was as cold as a sword, and he said in a cold voice:

"This kid is so brave!"

Everyone knew that the Sword God was angry at this moment, and he was extremely angry.

At this time, his cold sword intent had been released, causing the hairs all over their bodies to explode and their hearts to almost explode on the spot.

However, on second thought, so too.

Jiang Taichu was originally a monk from a remote galaxy, and he was like an ant in their eyes.

However, he unexpectedly rose up and pushed him all the way. The three guards and the world-shaking God Emperor were all destroyed. The sword servant Hei Baizi and Ban Shan joined forces to surround him and allowed him to escape successfully.

Now, he actually crossed the defense line, hit the Immortal Ruins, hit the door of the Xuhuang Palace, and killed a sword servant. It was like a little white rabbit jumping up and down at the door of the tiger's house, showing off its power, the sword god Can not be angry.

"Pass this order, all the forces in the caves, aristocratic families, vassal states, and cities will be mobilized to find Jiang Taichu at all costs. I, I, will kill him with my own hands!"

The sword god's tone was cold, as if the sword energy was soaring into the sky, and the murderous intent filled the sky thousands of miles away, he spoke word by word.

"Yes! Master!"

The seven sword servants bowed together and instantly turned into rainbows that spread out and conveyed the sword god's instructions to various training places.

"Jiang Taichu and the big bandits invaded the world of Immortal Ruins!"

"Sword God Sword Servant, Yujian Villa's boy Yujian, was wiped out!"

"This Jiang Taichu is so arrogant and dares to set foot in the world of Immortal Ruins? He is wandering in front of our house!"

When the news came out, the Immortal Ruins caused an uproar. This was a big fluctuation. Many people were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Strictly guard against death! The protective formation is activated, and no unknown monks will be allowed to easily set foot on it!"

"Three thousand disciples are dispatched to cooperate with the inspection of the Xuhuang Palace. Once Jiang Taichu is found, don't do anything and report it immediately!"

"Take out the ancestral preaching device, I will carry it with you!"

All the major caves, cultivating families, divine kings, and major vassal states, provinces, and cities all feel as if they are facing a powerful enemy. They can no longer calm down. They pay close attention as if they are facing a powerful enemy.

Even the academy, Xuhuang Palace and Zhentian Palace were deeply shocked. The monks all felt that danger was coming and everyone was in danger.

After all, they originally felt that Jiang Taichu was far away from them, wandering around the edge of the third-level planet world, accumulating strength, but after all, his level was too low, his team was weak, and he did not dare to enter the Immortal Ruins, and they did not have much crisis. feel.

You know, Immortal Ruins has now set up many checkpoints and strict barriers in the secondary world, and sent many gods to the lower realm to guard it.

Jiang Taichu will be blocked from the battle line, and a shocking war will break out on the secondary world battlefield. Even if it breaks out, it has nothing to do with them.

but now.

Jiang Taichu had already reached the Immortal Ruins, and he had assassinated and encircled him. He killed the sword servant first, which was very scary.

The sword servant's status and strength are as thunderous as thunder. He has received the true biography of the sword god and can keep pace with the academy's great priests and the heads of aristocratic families. But he was still killed, which completely proved how terrifying Jiang Taichu and Da Kou Qunhao were.

The key is.

Jiang Tian and others acted too ruthlessly and directly wiped out the Yujian Villa. They left no chickens or dogs alive, which made everyone fearful and worrying.

After all, if they fight in the lower world, they can quickly locate Jiang Taichu. Those worlds are too small. Several gods join forces, and their divine thoughts can cover a star, and they can quickly determine Jiang Tian's position.

but now.

Jiang Taichu arrived at the Immortal Ruins, sneaked away, assassinated viciously, was despicable, and hid in the dark. The Gate of Bearing Sky broke out of the air and escaped instantly, making it difficult to catch them. It left them with nowhere to use their strength and was too difficult to deal with.

"Jiang Taichu is so powerful! I have never seen such a fierce gangster. In the history of Immortal Xu, he is the first!"

The Lord of the Cave Heaven sighed.

"I heard that they formed a new Heavenly Palace, claiming to be the Heavenly Emperor, and the big bandits are the divine generals of Heaven and Earth. They want to restore the country and challenge the Xu Huang Palace!"

A living fossil who knew the history sighed.

"He has no scruples at all. I heard that the sword servant boy Yu Jian went down to the lower realm to surround and kill him, and then he took bloody revenge. Then, I'm afraid it will be Banshan and Heixizi!"

Some people speculated and were frightened.

"Whoever dares to attack Jiang Taichu, our big bandits will turn into gods and surround and annihilate them! Blood debts must be paid with blood!"

Fu Heishui hung a jade talisman on the wall of a city. It glowed thousands of feet, sending a dangerous signal. He was very arrogant and domineering.

This is a big wave!

Jiang Tian arrived in the world of Immortal Ruins and united with the big bandits to destroy Yujian Villa, sweeping across the endless territory of Immortal Ruins, causing a huge earthquake and making all parties uneasy.

The Xuhuang Palace, Zhentian Palace and Baiyue Academy held a joint meeting, and many princes of the God Emperor, national masters and ministers gathered to offer wine. For several days, we discussed countermeasures behind closed doors.

A gloomy atmosphere enveloped the entire Immortal Ruins. Everyone knew that the war was about to begin, and the storm was about to come.

But Jiang Tian, ​​who was at the center of the storm, was very calm.

Three days later.

To the east of Immortal Market, between the mountains, on a long river, Jiang Tian and others took a small boat and headed towards Shuiyue Cave.

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