Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1568: The Killer Dynasty in the Human World, Appears in the World

The rain and mist are lingering, the distant mountains are like black clouds, the lakes and mountains are beautiful, quiet and peaceful, like an ink landscape painting.

The crowd headed east, not in a hurry. In the dark, they used the Heaven-Deceiving Mysterious Technique taught by Jiang Tian to hide their aura and change their appearance. King Qingjiao pretended to be a boatman, and the others turned into old farmers, woodcutters, businessmen, scholars, etc. The maids and so on are not showing off at all.

Within three days, several reconnaissance cavalry passed by, but they were mainly based on foundation-building monks, and their spiritual senses swept through them, but they did not notice anything unusual about them at all.

Everyone has fun.

Yun Zhongzi, dressed in cloth and blue shirt, is like a scholar and scribe, silent and taciturn. Watching the wild geese flying, the water flowing away, listening to the rain hitting the banana trees, falling flowers and sand, and the streams and rocks flowing up, sometimes I will have a kind of enlightenment.

The Fu brothers drank and had fun with Niu Duotian. They drank a lot of Biyan wine, Thunderfire wine and other fairy wines, and got very drunk.

The remaining few people actually played mahjong together. They had self-proclaimed spiritual consciousness and were not allowed to peek at the cards. They played very seriously and became gamblers.

This was brought by Jiang Tian from the earth.

After teaching them the rules, they immediately felt the profoundness of the Chinese quintessence, and they played like crazy.

They just wandered around the mountains and rivers, roaming in boats, feeling extremely relaxed both physically and mentally. They put aside their grudges and escaped.

The monks are not just killing, their nerves are tense and they also need to rest.

This is a kind of spiritual peace and relaxation between wars. It is not necessary to maintain it every moment, but it is very necessary between wars.

During this period, Jiang Tian took out a mobile phone and showed them many scenes from the earth.

There are planes taking off, missiles being launched, modern communication technology, and various smart devices. People live quietly and peacefully and work hard for their lives.

"We know why the Taichu Heavenly Emperor fought so bravely to defend this world!"

Yun Zhongzi felt deeply.

Although the technological civilization on earth cannot yet compete with the cultivation civilization, it is still full of vitality.

Especially the order is in order, there are no monsters raging, there are no wars between sects and caves, and there are no cruel killings and treasure grabbing. Relatively speaking, it is more peaceful and happy. It contains infinite possibilities.

This time, their target is Shuiyuedongtian.

Everyone thought that Jiang Tian and the others were going to encircle and suppress Banshan and Baizi, but Jiang Tian and the others chose to attack in the east and in the west.

"Shuiyue Cave, there should be a water-based magic weapon called the Wind and Rain Flag. It was used by the ancient Heavenly Master Bu Yu. Its power surpasses that of a Taoist weapon, and it can be called a holy weapon."

In the past few days, Bai Muxue deduced from the documents and read ancient scrolls, and finally deduced the treasure of Shuiyuedongtian.

"Once this flag is unfolded, it will affect the great road of water, harmonize with the Tao, control thousands of miles of water vapor and clouds, move the clouds and spread rain, and turn thousands of miles of fertile soil into a vast ocean. It can also be used as an offensive magic weapon. The law of water can destroy the gods and transform into gods. Down!"

Bai Muxue's face was very solemn. She peeled off cocoons from ancient books, straightened out the context, and came up with some speculations.

There are some records about this treasure in the ancient books of Zhiyuan Planet.

This flag is obviously naturally generated, but it is a flag with great power and unparalleled killing power. It contains various water laws and avenues.

In fact, the actual material of the Wind and Rain Flag is still unknown, but what is certain is that in the distant wars of the Daoshu Era, this flag killed more than one transformed god, was stained with the blood of gods, and repeatedly caused bloody storms.

Jiang Tian's reason for taking action against Shuiyuedongtian is very simple, that is, they possess this water-based material, which will help the Xuanshui Qinglong Golden Pill to become a baby and the law to become a seal.

Moreover, Shuiyue Cave Heaven is one of the six cave heavens that protects the Xianxu Dynasty and can provide a powerful help. This is enough!

A small boat was sailing down the river. On both sides were tens of thousands of cliffs, towering green mountains, apes croaking and tigers roaring. Jiang Tian stood on the bow of the boat and drank alone. The water flow was sometimes turbulent and sometimes gentle.

Suddenly, Jiang Tian's consciousness moved and he whispered: "In the distance, there are sounds of fighting, a large crystal warship!"

Everyone immediately stopped drinking, put away their mahjong, picked up the chess pieces, and swept their consciousness forward.

Seen thousands of miles away.

Several crystal warships about a hundred feet long flew across the sky, firing light cannons and arrows, causing the mountains and rivers to crack and the ground to shake. They chased the two monks at the peak of Nascent Soul in front of them.

The two monks, a man and a woman, were young, seriously injured and in tattered clothes, but their movement speed was extremely fast and their swordsmanship was extremely fast.

They were obviously proficient in some kind of hiding technique. Suddenly, their bodies flashed and fell straight into the deep mountains and swamps. Their aura blended with the surrounding vegetation, allowing them to avoid detection by their spiritual consciousness.

Those crystal warships were hovering in the sky, firing randomly and razing a hundred miles to the ground.

"Those spar ships belong to Shuiyuedongtian and Jinjingcheng. Lord, do you want to chase them down and destroy them?"

The ghost wolf's spiritual consciousness transmitted the message and he was eager to try.

At this time, he turned into a crow, landed on the awning of the ship, flapped his wings, and his eyes burst into red light.

"It's okay! Don't alert the enemy!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and shook his head in denial, but he was very interested in the two monks who were being hunted.

"Humph, Ji Yusha, Ji Tianlan, I will give you a chance today. But if you dare to come to our Shuiyue Cave Heaven to assassinate you again, I will never let you go! You are just a little kid in the late stage of foundation building, nothing more than a clown, and you dare to offend the majesty of our Shuiyue Cave Heaven. !”

An old man walked out of the largest spar warship, shouted majestically, scanned the messy mountains with a pair of tiger eyes, and then waved his hand, and the spar warship flew away across the sky.

"This old man is an elder from Shuiyue Cave Heaven. His name is Lin Yue. He has a half-step cultivation of becoming a god and can be called a giant." Ghost Wolf recognized this person at a glance.

Jiang Tian sighed slightly. Along the way, he found that the Immortal Ruins were indeed very powerful.

Nascent Soul monks, who are rare in the third-level world, can be seen everywhere, and almost every giant city has several of them.

A half-step god can be called the Taoist ancestor in the second-level world, but in this world, he is just an elder in the cave, and he cannot yet achieve the position of the master of the cave.

"But according to style, these two monks surnamed Ji should be members of the killer dynasty in the world!"

The ghost wolf transformed into a dark crow, with its long beak combing its black wings, and its spiritual consciousness transmitted sounds to give a guess.

The Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty is speculated to be the descendant of the four great Heavenly Masters of the ancient Heavenly Court. They have a high self-esteem and are specifically dealing with the Xu Huang royal family. They are too lazy to take action in ordinary caves and even the academy.

Moreover, before each action, they have to publicize it vigorously and publish the "God-killing Species" to tell the world, making the target to be killed frightened and uneasy, and then they are brutally hunted in great pain and fear.

The members of the Hell Killer Dynasty were once ancient gods, but they were cursed and polluted by mysterious powers. Their demonic aura surged, and their behavior was extremely cruel and wild. But these two people were just ordinary monks and were not infected by demonic energy.

"Well, they are proficient in hiding, like a drop of water returning to the sea. They are good at escaping and hiding, making people difficult to detect. It is indeed their style!"

Jiang Tian was moved, wondering if he could cooperate with the killer dynasty in the world. After all, the opponents of both sides were the same.

Although these two killers are proficient in hiding, they are far inferior to Jiang Tian's deceiving mystical skills and cannot avoid Jiang Tian's spiritual detection.

After the two people landed, they immediately changed their positions and fled quickly. Finally, they hid in a valley hundreds of miles away from the point of fall. One turned into a solid stone, and the other hid in a dead tree, with a vague aura. It blends in with its surroundings.

The two of them were not injured in the wave of sweep and bombardment by the crystal warship just now.

However, suddenly, Jiang Tian's pupils shrank, he shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"Those two killer monks are in trouble. Elder Lin Yue just shot a feint and didn't really leave. He has discovered the two of them and is preparing to surround them and kill them!"

Everyone's consciousness was swept away wildly.

Only then did they discover several crystal warships floating in the sky three thousand miles away, landing among the mountains, and turning on the invisible hiding array.

And I don’t know when.

Elder Lin Yue had already brought several top foundation-building monks with him, and was sneaking towards the two killers to surround them.

Obviously, Elder Lin Yue had already noticed where the two of them were hiding.

However, he was unwilling to alert the enemy, so he narrowed the limit of the encirclement and killed them with one blow without giving them a chance to escape.

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