Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1569 Killing Elder Lin Yue, Killing the Emperor in a Generation

"Two Taoist friends surnamed Ji, stop hiding, the other party has already noticed! Run quickly!"

Jiang Tian’s divine consciousness transmitted the message and shouted in a low voice:

"Do it! I'll kill Lin Yue, and the others will steal the spar ship! We're taking a boat, but it seems a little slow!"

Elder Lin Yue was no more than ten miles away from the two assassins at this time. For a half-step god-transformation monk, it was almost a snap of his fingers.

Suddenly, the two people who were unaware suddenly jumped up, like a dragon wagging its tail, like a crane dancing in the air, and fled quickly towards the distance.

"How did you find out?"

Elder Lin Yue also felt unbelievable.

But he reacted very quickly. With a flick of his finger, two top-grade flying swords shot out of the air to kill the two killers.

At this time, Ji Yusha and Ji Tianlan were simply worried and extremely embarrassed. They never expected that Lin Yue would be so cunning and cunning. He had clearly discovered them, but he kept silent and turned around to kill a carbine.

Bang bang bang!

Realizing that it was a quasi-real weapon flying sword that was coming to kill, the two of them scattered many shield magic weapons as if they were free of charge, and released them all together, as many as a dozen.

But couldn't get there at all. Many shields bloomed in the air like fireworks. Lin Yue's sword was as sharp as a sky-shattering rainbow. It dragged its long tail and crossed a distance of more than ten miles in the blink of an eye before stabbing the two of them.

"Brother, what should we do? We can't escape. Even if we have protective suits, we can't hold on for long!"

Ji Yusha is very beautiful, with willow-shaped eyebrows, small cherry mouth, and greasy skin. She is young and cute. No one can connect her with a peerless killer:

"The distress signal has been sent out, but I'm afraid it will take at least half an hour before dad and his brothers arrive!"

"I will resist the flying sword, sister, you go first!"

In despair, Ji Tianlan roared and fired a fireball towards Feijian, hoping to destroy Feijian's magic power.

He knew that he could only stop Feijian for dozens of times, and he would soon run out of energy. He was lucky to be able to stop Feijian and let his sister escape at the risk of his own life.

"Where to escape!"

At this moment, several more peak Nascent Soul cultivators appeared in front of them, coming from Shuiyue Cave, flying swords across the sky to intercept and kill them.

"Oh! There is a master. Could it be that dad is here?"

Just when the brother and sister were in a desperate situation, and their hearts were freezing, Ji Tianlan suddenly looked shocked and screamed.

Ji Yusha looked up.

Then I saw a figure flashing like a ghost, a young man in black long clothes with loose black hair. Then he flew a little higher, and a red flying sword surrounded by the law of flames fell from the sky, like a rain of fire. .

Puff puff!

Several peak Nascent Soul cultivators looked horrified, but they had no chance to escape. They didn't even have time to scream, and were strangled to pieces by the flying swords of the Law of Fire. Not even the Nascent Soul could escape.

"Half-step god-transforming monk!"

Elder Lin Yue's pupils shrank, and his face turned pale for a moment. Without saying a word, he recalled the flying sword, wielded the sword in the air, and fled in a hurry.

Just, the next snap of the fingers.

A hundred-foot-tall Dinghai Ice God suddenly blocked the way, opened its huge mouth, roared, and immobilized him with his sword. Lin Yue closed his eyes and remained motionless, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

The next moment, whoosh whoosh.

Many fire-based flying swords and black gluttonous beasts turned into two torrents, one red and one black, and poured into Jiang Tian's dantian again. Lin Yue fell at Jiang Tian's feet like an ice lump, already imprisoned in the forbidden area.

"So strong!"

Ji Yusha looked shocked, surprised by Jiang Tian's youth.

Although she is a peak Nascent Soul and looks young, in fact she just changed her appearance and her real age is already over a hundred years old.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​his qi and blood are as strong as the rising sun. He is really only in his twenties.

"Why is he so powerful? Is he a Heavenly Killer?"

Ji Tianlan was shocked, but immediately stepped forward quickly, bowed and said: "A disciple of the Killer Dynasty in the human world, Ji Tianlan pays homage to the senior god king. Thank you senior for saving your life, the Killer Dynasty will be deeply grateful!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

Ji Tianlan asked again: "Senior, you should be a senior from Heavenly Court, right?"

"Indeed, I come from heaven!"

Jiang Tian didn't explain carefully. In addition to the New Heaven, there was originally a Heavenly Killer Dynasty, but these are not important.

At this time, Ji Yusha quickly flew over and said anxiously: "Senior, the other side has several crystal ships, and there may be half-step gods sitting on them. Let's escape quickly!"

"Haha, I'm just half-stepped into becoming a god. I'm vulnerable! They don't deserve to let me escape!" Jiang Tian glanced at her and said leisurely.

Hearing this, Ji Tianlan sighed with emotion, how brave a master of art is. However, Ji Yusha shook her head slightly and said coldly:

"Senior, you did kill a few Nascent Souls and a Half-Step God just now, but you just made a sudden move to gain the upper hand. If you really faced off against three or two Half-Step Gods, you may not be able to take advantage!"

"Furthermore, the six caves, Xuhuang Palace, Zhentian Palace and Baiyue Academy are all in the same spirit and supporting each other. When they sense the death of a half-step god, they will inevitably join forces and there will even be multiple gods. Coming! No one can stop it!"

"Don't panic. I'm about to blow up the Shuiyue Cave." Jiang Tian said calmly, mocking slightly in his heart.

Become a god? He has killed all the world-shaking God Emperors, and his strength far exceeds that of ordinary gods.

But I understand.

Killing Elder Lin Yue has indeed alerted the enemy, so they must act quickly and not give them time to prepare.

Ji Tianlan's face changed slightly, showing a hint of suspicion.

The Heavenly Court killer dynasty has always only killed the Xu Huang royal family and rarely attacked Dongtian. Why would they attack Dongtian today?

"You, senior, what did you say?"

When Ji Yusha heard this, her face suddenly changed wildly. She couldn't believe it and looked at Jiang Tian like a madman.

In Shuiyuedongtian, there are three powerful gods who are stationed in Shuiyuedongtian. Their background is extremely deep. Their killer dynasty in the world can only assassinate and attack on the outside of Shuiyuedongtian. Don't dare to go deep inside, you will be surrounded and killed.

Even if Jiang Tian has half the power to become a god, trying to blow up the Shuiyue Cave is nothing more than a dream.

Jiang Tian was very strong, but in her opinion, he was too arrogant and arrogant, and did not understand the strategy of war at all.

At this time, several crystal ships left and returned. Ji Yusha was immediately startled and said angrily: "Senior, we are in trouble now!"

She seemed to want to scold Jiang Tian, ​​but Ji Tianlan quickly stopped her and shouted:

"Yusha, don't be disrespectful to your senior. Without his help, we would have died just now!"

Jiang Tian's face was indifferent, but his mind was as clear as a mirror.

It can be seen from the reactions of the two that Ji Yusha is far less affectionate and righteous than Ji Tianlan, and likes to shift the responsibility to others.

"Oh my god, they are all powerful gods!"

Just when Ji Tianlan was activating the rules and preparing for a big battle, Ji Yusha glared angrily at Jiang Tian and wanted to say something sarcastic.

I saw monks walking out of the ship one after another. They all fell to the ground and said respectfully:

"Emperor Taichu, my subordinates fortunately lived up to their orders. None of the crystal battleships slipped through the net, and they were all captured!"


Ji Yusha was so shocked that she dropped the sword in her hand to the ground. She looked at Jiang Tian with disbelief and said tremblingly:

"This, these gods are all your subordinates? Emperor Taichu? Could it be that you, you are actually the notorious Jiang Taichu!"

"It turns out to be the Supreme Lord God! Junior, I'm disrespectful!"

Ji Tianlan was also shocked out of her mind, her face turned pale, and she knelt down on the ground with a look of horror and reverence on her face.

I never expected that this would be the peerless fierce god, Jiang Taichu, who killed the world-shaking God Emperor and led seven bandits to surround and kill the sword servants and destroy the Yujian Villa!

In fact, Jiang Tian's current performance is only comparable to that of the Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty. After all, the Heavenly Court Killer has also killed many royal families, and some of them have become gods.

But the problem is that the Heavenly Killer Dynasty is the result of thousands of years of accumulated achievements and the joint efforts of several generations of killers.

Jiang Tian, ​​however, completed it alone in less than a year.

It can be said that Jiang Tian is completely invincible and invincible, and his domineering demeanor is shocking to people.

Therefore, in Ji Tianlan's mind, Jiang Tian alone could suppress the Heavenly Killer Dynasty and even regarded Jiang Tian as his idol. Why wasn't he scared?

Moreover, now that Jiang Tian has united the seven major Kou families, he can be on an equal footing with the three major killer dynasties!

"Get up!"

Jiang Tian looked calm and said softly:

"I, this time I set foot on the Immortal Ruins. I want to sweep away all the demons and monsters and kill the Emperor of the Ruins. It is the right time to change the world and use people. I want to unite and make progress with all the powerful people. I wonder if you want to submit to my new heaven in this world? "

"Of course! Senior has great achievements. I expect that if my father can meet senior, he will definitely be willing to surrender..."

Ji Tianlan said ecstatically.

"Not necessarily! My father alone doesn't have the final say in this world. After I report this matter to my father, we can all discuss it carefully before making a decision!"

Ji Yusha was worried about Xiao Jiujiu.

Jiang Tian obviously wants to take the human world under his command. He calls himself the Emperor of Heaven and has everyone call him his ministers. He does not want to be on an equal footing with the killer dynasty in the human world.

But as the old saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. How can you enjoy the freedom of being alone on the top of a mountain when you serve others.

"Haha. It's your honor for me to take you to play. Don't you think that even a mere human being has the capital to compete with me?"

Jiang Tian chuckled.

"Junior doesn't dare! Junior has no intention of bumping into senior, senior, don't blame me!" Ji Yusha quickly bowed and apologized.

But when he lowered his head, his pair of dark glasses kept turning. How could he be apologetic?

At this time, rays of sword light struck from afar. Ji Yusha jumped up hurriedly and said with joy: "The people from the dynasty are here!"

The sword light struck and descended suddenly. Dozens of monks appeared, most of them at the peak of Nascent Soul, and among them were three gods. The leader was a middle-aged man in black, who was already in the middle stage of god transformation.

However, their laws are very mysterious, and they do not release them to the outside. They only erupt in the surrounding areas. The aura is vague and difficult to detect, and it is terrifying.

"Lan'er, have you been kidnapped?"

"Put it in quickly, or I'll make you look good!" They stared at Jiang Tian warily, with murderous intent and sharp eyes like knives, eager to fight Jiang Tian.

"The killer of the dynasty and the emperor in the world, Ji Tao! This man's name moves the Immortal Ruins and has shocked the world for thousands of years. His combat power is no less than that of the seven great bandits!"

Ghost Wolf's pupils shrank and he quickly transmitted his voice with his spiritual consciousness.

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