Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1570 The strong-willed Gu Baotian, killing competition

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

At this time, Ji Tianlan said quickly: "Father, don't do anything, this is senior Jiang Taichu, who saved us!"

Ji Tao's face changed wildly when he heard this, he was shocked and said in disbelief: "It's actually the famous Jiang Taichu who has arrived!"

"And the head of the Seven Great Bandits Families!"

"Down now!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "The dynasty of killers in the world under Ji Daoyou is full of talents and strength. It is really gratifying. I wonder if you are willing to lead the heroes and submit to my new heaven?"

Ji Tao was originally flying towards Jiang Tian, ​​wanting to see him as a gift. When he heard this, sweat flowed from his forehead, his feet swayed, and he almost fell from a high altitude.

This Jiang Taichu is indeed extremely arrogant and greedy. He just wanted to take away my team when we first met.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Taoist Master Taichu. I'm so glad to meet you. I've long admired your name and it's like thunder in my ears!"

However, superficial respect must be given, so he led several transformed gods to Jiang Tian and respectfully clasped their fists in greeting.

After all, Jiang Tian is now famous for his fierce reputation, his reputation is no less than theirs, and his strength is not even weaker than theirs.

Ji Tao said with joy on his face:

"Thank you fellow Taoist for saving my two useless children. I will express my gratitude. You might as well come to the killer base near me..."

As for joining the New Heavenly Court, he didn't even mention it.

What a joke!

The killer dynasty in the human world is composed of the elites and descendants of ancient earth monks. After thousands of years of burning, killing and looting, they have gained a fierce reputation and accumulated extremely rich wealth. They are as vast as the sea, as rich as any country in the world, and have as many major cultivators as clouds under their banner. There are eight gods. A strong man, no less than a Dongtian, how could he take advantage of Jiang Tian.

It's like you have finally built a company, but the other party wants to leave. Even if Jack Ma makes excuses, it won't work.

Therefore, he just planned to give Jiang Tian some treasures of heaven and earth, and treat him a little more, which would be the end of his benevolence.

"I see fellow Taoist Jitao as majestic and mighty as ever. He is truly a rare talent!"

Jiang Tian gently shook his folding fan, looking like a polite scumbag, and said persistently:

"I admire you very much. You might as well join my new heaven. From now on, we will conquer the ruins of the emperor and you will be granted the title of marquis and prime minister. It's no problem!"

"I want you to appreciate it?"

Ji Tao's face turned dark and his nose was crooked with anger.

Why is this guy so shameless!

I am my slaying emperor, I am free and easy, I can speak a word and respond to a hundred responses, isn't it wonderful?

I have no intention of hugging your thigh and being your lackey, can't you see that?

However, looking at Jiang Tian's appearance, he would not give up easily. Ji Tao was also worried that Jiang Tiangu would jump over the wall and quarrel with him. You must know that Jiang Tian now has many big bandits following him, which is not so easy to deal with.

He thought for a moment and said with a smile on his face:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, I'll tell you the truth, I'm just a wandering wild crane. I'm used to being unfettered and can't stand being restrained. So, I'm sorry to obey my orders! It's said that forceful things are not sweet, so why should Taoist Taoist Taoist be so persistent?"

"The strong and twisted melon is sweet!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile: "You have been killing people and grabbing treasures all these years in this world. You have been attacking everywhere, but how many treasures of heaven and earth have you snatched, and how many caves have you exploded? I'm afraid you have injured one thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses to yourself!"

"This person……"

Hearing Jiang Tian's judgment, several of the powerful gods from the Killer Dynasty were so angry that their eyes trembled, their faces turned green, and they wished they could fight Jiang Tian.

"Shuzi is so arrogant and arrogant!"

At that time, Ji Yusha's beautiful eyes were so slanted that they could fly out of her eye sockets. She made wild complaints and slanders, treating Jiang Tian as a fanatic who didn't know the heights of the world.

Jiang Tian turned a blind eye to their murderous gazes, like a bad uncle seducing children with lollipops, and said with a smile:

"But it will be different if you follow me, the peerless Mingjun. Under my command, we will sweep across the caves, blow up the Xuhuang Palace and Zhentian Palace, and burn down the Baiyue Academy. It's no big deal!"

Ji Tao kept a mouthful of old blood from spitting out, and said with a dark smile: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, what if I don't agree?"

"Let's have a fight!"

Old God Jiang Tian waved his folding fan on the ground and said with a leisurely smile:

"Before, the seven major bandit families, except the Ying family and the E family, also thought highly of themselves, and no one obeyed me."

"Later, Senior E Gongming came up with an idea. In the small world of Zhiyuan, we will win or lose in one battle. Those who stand will be honored as Taoist ancestors, and those who lie down will be called ministers and sons!"

"Indeed. We, the seven great Kou families, are no match if we attack together!"

Tu Fei coughed and touted seriously:

"The Taoist teachings of the Emperor of Taichu have penetrated the heavens and the earth, and his strength is astonishing to the heavens and the gods. We admire him so much that we immediately abandon the darkness and turn to the light."

"You, the killer dynasty, only have a few transformed gods in this world? I'm afraid they are not enough to destroy Taichu Tiandi with one punch!"

Yun Zhongzi smiled coldly, with a contemptuous tone. He was surrounded by the laws of the crane and the divine sword, as if he was a banished immortal coming to the dust, but his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Fellow Taoists, fight with me, Lao Niu, first. Only if you can defeat me, Lao Niu, will you be qualified to challenge the Emperor of Taichu!"

Niu Tada squatted on the ground, smoking a hookah with a jasper stem, laughing loudly, with muscles all over his body pulsing, and his fighting spirit surging.

"Wrong. Even if the killer dynasty in the world can beat you, Lao Niu, you are not qualified to fight against the Taichu Heavenly Emperor. You must first pass the level of our seven bandits!"

Fu Heishui hung upside down in the void, hugging his shoulders and sneering. He stared at Ji Yusha with his eyes, and his saliva flowed for several feet.

Sensing his greedy gaze, Ji Yusha felt very uncomfortable, frowned and cursed: "Damn it, what are you looking at?"

"Niece Yusha, don't think too much, my brother is just greedy for your body. He is considering whether to eat it raw or medium rare!"

Fu Huairen hung upside down next to Fu Heishui, comforting him with a smirk on his face.

"Father, no matter what, I can't agree!"

Ji Yusha was so frightened that she felt that the Fu Huairen brothers were like a pair of demons, which made her even more disgusted.

There are no good people under Jiang Taichu's command, they are all big monsters and old demons, people with such ghostly auras that it makes me sick to look at them!

"Yusha, don't open your mouth, as a father has his own plans!"

In fact, Ji Tao's face was pale at this time, his back was wet with cold sweat, and he was having a fierce psychological struggle in his heart.

Even though Lao Niu and Fu Heishui sounded like they were joking, everyone knew how brutal the Seven Bandits were, like demons or gods.

The implication behind their words is clearly that if you don't agree to surrender, then everyone will fight. Once a war breaks out, it will be life and death!

Originally, they were just facing off against the Seven Great Bandits. As a killer dynasty in the world, their odds of winning should be 50-50, and at least there would be a chance of escaping unscathed.

After all, what killers in this world are best at is hiding and sneaking, missing a single hit and escaping thousands of miles away.

But with Jiang Tian here, their chances of winning were almost zero, and they were even in danger of being annihilated.

But just by being fooled by Jiang Tian and others in a few words, he handed over the killer dynasty that he had worked hard for many years to others, and he was really unwilling to do so.

If he really did this, if word spread, he would be a huge laughing stock.

"Haha, we, the killer dynasty in this world, really don't have the guts to compete with the Taichu Heavenly Emperor and fellow Taoists!"

Ji Tao thought for a moment, suddenly had an idea, and said with a smile:

"Friend Haojiao learned that our assassin dynasty are all craftsmen. The way of assassination has always determined victory or defeat. We might as well start a killing competition. If you win, we will respect the Taichu Heavenly Emperor, but what if you lose? ?”

"Hahaha! That's easy too!"

After Jiang Tian heard this, he laughed loudly, with unspeakable domineering power, and said leisurely:

"If I lose, I am willing to give way to the good and join the seven great bandits to respect you as the Emperor of Heaven! Fair enough!"

"That's so embarrassing!"

Ji Tao smiled, said politely, and then said seriously: "Where does Taoist Taoist Taichu think it is appropriate to assassinate?"


Hearing Jiang Tian's words, Ji Yusha immediately shook her head and said:

"No! We have already alerted the snake. Shuiyue Cave is now heavily guarded. If you go there, you will be destroying yourself!"

"You are all good assassins. Fellow Daoist Ji Tao is even known as the King of Killers, and his reputation is resounding throughout the Immortal Ruins. Shouldn't there be a difficulty mode?"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.


Ji Tao was speechless by Jiang Tian, ​​the corners of his eyes trembled, he nodded in agreement, forced a smile and said: "But, who are the members of both our teams?"

"All of you and me!"

As soon as Jiang Tian said this, everyone in the Killer Dynasty in the Human World was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Originally, they thought that Jiang Tian led the Seven Great Kou Family to compete with the assassin dynasty in the world for assassination. In this case, they could be considered equally matched.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian actually acted alone. This is no longer self-confidence, but arrogance and arrogance!

"This kid is too arrogant! There are eight gods in our assassin dynasty in this world!"

"That's right, he is no match for us! We may not be as good as him when it comes to assassination, but he is too young!"

"Moreover, isn't he afraid that if he acts with us, he will be suddenly besieged and killed by our gods?"

Many killers and overhauls shook their heads. In their view, Jiang Tian was completely asking for trouble, and he could only lose once.

In the face of the crowd's ridicule, Jiang Tian's expression did not change and he smiled leisurely:

"It's not that I, Jiang Taichu, am arrogant, but I have to do this. You all know that the six caves and heavens are connected with the same energy. If one is damaged, each will suffer, and if one is prosperous, each will be prosperous. They support each other."

"We attack Shuiyue Cave. Once discovered, Tianmang, Tianji and other caves will rush to rescue. Experts will gather. Even the academy, Xuhuang Palace and Zhentian Palace will intervene! At that time, hundreds of transformed gods will besiege us! "

"Although I, Jiang Taichu, have the ability to escape unscathed, but with your methods, I'm afraid, haha..."

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and said:

"So, the seven bandits should go to Baiyue Academy, the Tomb of the Xu Emperor, and all the major caves to cause damage and plow the caves to create the illusion that I, Jiang Taichu, is out to distract their powerful deities..."

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, this is a wonderful plan!"

Ji Tao nodded in praise, but always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Then start!"

Jiang Tian Youran glanced at Yun Zhongzi and others, and said with a smile:

"You guys, let's implement the second plan. Today, I'm going to turn the Immortal Ruins upside down and make everyone scared!"

"Yes! His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven! We will definitely live up to our orders!"

Yun Zhongzi and other big bandits, as well as Ghost Wolf and Long Shengnan, all bowed deeply to the ground, and then rose into the sky, turning into streaks of black light, white light, rainbows, and even birds and animals, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tao's heart moved slightly.

Some of Jiang Taichu's subordinates were big bandit heroes, some were once important ministers of the Xu Emperor, and the worst was a saint from the Tianzong, but they were able to carry out orders and prohibitions as if they were using their hands and fingers.

Putting aside everything else, just in terms of his methods, I am absolutely inferior to him.

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