Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1581 Battle against the Purple Lightning God, Thunder Killing Divine Sword

In fact, in terms of strength alone, how could the Xianxu Dynasty not be able to suppress these big bandit families? It was not at the same level.

But the problem is that the seven bandits are not fighting head-on at all, but disrupting order and causing wanton destruction. Once they succeed in attacking, they immediately flee thousands of miles away. This is a very thief-like guerrilla approach.

No matter how powerful the Immortal Ruins World is, it can only have a hundred powerful gods, and some of the lower realms suppress the rebellion. The strength of the world has been dispersed again.

Therefore, no matter what, it cannot reach the level of the interweaving of the divine consciousness of the powerful deity transformer, covering and blocking the entire Immortal Ruins, there will always be loopholes.

These loopholes can basically only be filled by Yuanying monks and lower-level Golden Core Foundation-building monks.

However, the powerful deity transformers of the big bandits can completely hide their aura using the Heaven-Deceiving Magic Technique, making it impossible for them to detect it.

These loopholes became an opportunity for the seven bandits to run wild, burning, killing and looting everywhere. They defeated the fairy ruins and lost sight of the other, making it difficult to resist.

"Are the six caves eating shit? Gaoxuan Tianwai is also on the land of our Immortal Xu Dynasty. Now there are many crises, but they are sitting idly by and watching. Don't they know that there are no eggs left intact after the nest is overturned!"

The Emperor of Fire God said angrily:

"I ordered all the leaders and elders of the six caves, including Shuiyue, Tianmang, and Tianji, to immediately leave the caves to detect Jiang Taichu and the seven bandits. If you dare to disobey, just perfunctory, you will be killed immediately!"

As soon as the Emperor of Fire God issued this order, the six caves immediately got the news, and they did not dare to neglect, and they all took action to intercept and kill.

Thus, there was a scene where Xuanwu Shenjun was shocked when he received the news from the jade tablet.

"What? You want me to wait for emergency help?"

Sun Xiaoshenjun's expression changed with shock and he couldn't believe it.

Now that the treasure of the cave has been stolen, and Jiang Taichu invades, and the Runi Bodhisattva cannot save himself when crossing the river, where can he find the time to rush to the aid of the Xuhuang Palace?

"Above the Immortal Ruins, everything is in chaos. There are smoke everywhere and wars are going on. This is the personal order of the Emperor of Fire God..."

Lord Xuanwu had cold sweat on his forehead like a waterfall, and he quickly relayed the situation outside through his spiritual consciousness.

Sun Xiaoshenjun looked shocked and looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief.

He did not expect that the seven bandits would actually engage in such a huge battle. This was simply earth-shaking and had almost never happened before in the history of the Immortal Ruins.

Jiang Taichu was so capable of causing this catastrophe, which could be described as devastating and devouring mountains and rivers.

"But, Jiang Taichu is here with us!" Sun Xiao Shenjun emphasized his tone and said meaningfully.

What he means is self-explanatory. Compared to the seven major bandits, Jiang Taichu is the main target of the Xuhuang Palace!

Now that Jiang Taichu appears in Shuiyuedongtian, it is natural that he should unite his troops, concentrate their combat power, and all come to Shuiyuedongtian to kill Jiang Taichu.

"I've already reported it!"

The corners of Xuannu Shenjun's eyes trembled, and he said angrily: "However, within today, Jiang Taichu appeared in more than a dozen cities. I don't know whether it is true or not. The monks in Xuhuang Palace, Zhentian Palace, Academy, and all the caves were completely scattered. There was no such thing. Please support me."

"Did he use the material of creation to create a clone? Or did he let others use the art of creation to change his appearance in order to disperse the troops and leave us isolated and helpless?"

Sun Xiao Shenjun looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

At this moment, he felt that he was not facing an ordinary monk, but a devil, a devil who had every plan and was meticulous.

A monk has strong fighting ability, which is certainly terrifying. But what’s even more frightening is that his schemes are as deep as the ocean, and he has plotted against you until you have no power to fight back!

Sun Xiao Shenjun now really wants to scold a gentleman who is not guilty, but who is guilty of carrying a jade! Just because the Wind and Rain Flag was needed for Jiang Tian's cultivation, he was calculated to be so miserable. Even the Xuhuang Palace didn't treat him this way, and he became a foil in this action.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, indeed, you have such a good plan! You trapped me in an isolated and helpless place!"

Sun Xiao Shenjun gathered his emotions, his face was slightly stern, and he said in a cold voice:

"However, good Taoist friends learned that the Wind and Rain Flag is the most precious treasure of the sect. The ancestors have taught us that if the Wind and Rain Flag is there, the Cave Heaven will be there. If the Wind and Rain Flag dies, the Cave Heaven will not exist! You must not take the Wind and Rain Flag away. We will wait for you. Judui cannot sit idly by and ignore it!”

"Do you have to fight to the death with us?" He shouted sharply, his momentum rising steadily, making people shudder.

Jiang Tian smiled softly and said:

"If you fight to the death, you will really put yourself in a good position. You are like a moon and a cave in the sky, but I can break it with just one step!"

This sentence sounded light and gentle, but to the ears of everyone, it was truly earth-shattering and arrogant.

When everyone heard this, they all looked shocked and in disbelief.

You know, even the Xuhuang Palace would not dare to make such bold words. After all, this is one of the six caves, and there are several powerful gods.

This Jiang Taichu is so crazy that he has no limits.

"He is looking for death. Instead of fighting to the death, he should break out with us!"

Ji Yusha's face was full of contempt, and then she said: "Father, we can escape while they are fighting fiercely!"

"Isn't this bad!"

Ji Yulan became more and more dissatisfied with this sister and frowned: "Senior Taichu stayed here to save us. How could we put him in danger and only care about escaping for our own lives?"

"He is looking for death, who can blame him?" Ji Yusha looked disdainful. In his opinion, Jiang Tian was just throwing an egg at a stone.

Little did they know that every time Jiang Tian gave birth to a baby, he would get one more true seal of the law. Combined with other laws, the combat power was not simply superimposed, but increased geometrically, with endless changes, and the power increased tenfold and hundreds of times.

Ignoring the angry looks from many monks in Shuiyue Cave, Jiang Tian smiled leisurely and said:

"Your ancestors also left their ancestral teachings. Wherever the Wind and Rain Flag is, there is the Water Moon Cave. Now that the Wind and Rain Flag is in my hand, you should respect me, respect the Tao Ancestor, and listen to my orders."

"What? Jiang Taichu, it's okay for you to come to my Shuiyue Cave to kill people and seize treasures, but you still want us to bow to you. This is too much!"

Hearing this, Zidian Shenjun couldn't bear it any longer. He shouted loudly and whipped out a sword. He held the sword in his hand and pointed it at Jiang Tian.

This sword was unsheathed and surrounded by purple lightning. It seemed to be made by intercepting a segment of the universe's Gang Lei Sacrifice. It carried an aura of supreme strength and strength to slay demons. The murderous intent of this sword made people shudder. .

This sword seems to contain fragments of the Great Dao, and seems to hide a god. It is undoubtedly a top-quality Taoist weapon.

"Thunder Killing Divine Sword! The second most precious treasure in the cave is not as good as the Wind and Rain Flag, but it is only slightly inferior!"

"I heard that it is also a treasure left by the ancient heaven. With one sword sacrifice, the sword light rises, thundering the heaven and earth, shining for all ages, destroying the past and present!"

Many Dongtian elders and disciples recognized this sword, showing expressions of fear and shock, as if they were seeing ghosts and gods.

None of them expected that once the Purple Lightning God Lord made a move, it would be a sure-kill move, using the treasure at the bottom of the box.

But if you think about it more carefully, this is natural.

You must know that the Purple Lightning Divine Lord and the Sword Servant Boy Yujian are just about the same as each other, just slightly ahead of the World-shaking Divine Emperor. Jiang Tian had killed these two people before, so of course Zidian Shenjun had to be careful and not dare to overdo it.

"Jiang Taichu is in danger this time!"

"This Thunder Killing Divine Sword was originally a god-killing sword. It was used by Emperor Ao of the Ancient Heaven and others to kill those gods and men of heaven and earth who had violated the rules of heaven, or the captured members of the Xu Emperor's party!"

Ji Tao and the other killers, Da Xiu, all had their pupils suddenly shrink, showing signs of shock. They sweated for Jiang Tian and were extremely uneasy.

This is the God-Slaying Sword, the Thunder Punishment Sword. In the ancient heavenly era, it was used to execute punishments, slay gods and demons, and kill many transformed gods. It seemed to be able to destroy the sun, moon, stars, and destroy all the ways of heaven and earth. It was very terrifying.

At this time, the power of the Thunder Killing Divine Sword has not yet fully blossomed. They all felt a deep cold, like falling into an ice cellar. Their hearts felt cold and they also felt a terrible pressure. The Nascent Soul killers couldn't bear it and almost wanted to spurt blood.

"Jiang Taichu, although you have indeed achieved great results, in my opinion, you are still just an ant from a remote planet, with lowly blood flowing in your bones, and you are just a slave."

The Lord of Purple Lightning holds the sword in his hand, the divine treasure roars, various fragments of the Purple Lightning Avenue rise and fall, the power is earth-shattering, like a god who controls thunder, he shouts loudly with a look of disdain on his face:

"Back then, your ancestor, Emperor Sheng, was so frightened that he ran away, Emperor Ao died in battle, and countless creatures were enslaved by us for thousands of years. We killed them all because they were so amazing and talented."

"Do you think that you, an ant with only a hundred years of practice, can change your destiny?"

"Today, I will beat you until there is no bones left, and then extract your soul and sacrifice it for a hundred years in the purple lightning thunder, so that I can teach the killers of the great killers that the Immortal Ruins Dynasty is as stable as a rock and has the power of the cave. No offense!"

"It's a good thing you didn't mention this. When you mention the ancient situation, I know that you and other invaders, those who occupy the magpie's nest, have no repentance, but are complacent and complacent. Therefore, I will kill you today!"

Jiang Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, his face turned cold, and for the first time, a sense of anger and murderous intent appeared in his heart.

The universe is vast and thousands of ways are competing for it. In Jiang Tian's previous life, he had seen too many civilizations rise and fall, and planets and even star fields were invaded and wiped out.

With a random blow from an advanced civilization, hundreds of millions of living beings may fall into catastrophe and turn into ashes, and a living planet may be smashed to pieces like an egg.

It can be said that after thousands of years of vicissitudes, he has long been accustomed to strange things, and his heart has been tempered like a diamond rock. None of this can cause the slightest disturbance in his heart.

But this time, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Because, all of this is closely related to him!

He is no longer a bystander!

The earth and fairy land, the hometown of our ancestors, originally had a strong cultivation civilization, and even ordinary people lived for hundreds of years.

However, all of this was destroyed by the invaders such as the Ruins Emperor.

Now, they are not enough and have no repentance at all.

The Immortal Xu Dynasty will invade the Earth Realm!

If it weren't for the Dragon Gate World Ao Feng's lineage desperately resisting and destroying the boundary cave teleportation array, they might have succeeded and the earth would have been enslaved.

At this moment, his murderous intent was boiling and he just wanted to kill people.

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