Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1582: A halberd breaks through the air, and the Purple Lightning Lord falls


At this moment, Zidian Shenjun roared loudly.

The sword energy was ten miles long, and the purple thunder light was as thick as a giant dragon, flashing in the sky, and exploding towards Jiang Tian.

When this sword is drawn out, it gives people the illusion that all the ancient gods are attacking at once.

That was when their souls and Qi and blood were refined into them, forming fragments of the Way of the Sword and fragments of the Avenue of Thunder.

With such a sword, the cave sky shook for hundreds of miles, the cave sky barrier shook rapidly, and the outside scenery was distorted.

The power of this sword can be described as overwhelming and invincible!

Like a sword slashing down, all monsters and monsters will be annihilated in ashes, and all the gods and demons in the sky will be slaughtered.

"This sword is too strong!"

"I've been waiting too long for Meng Lang. If the Purple Lightning God had taken action just now, I'm afraid a burst of purple lightning would have killed us!"

The killers in the world were frightened and shuddered.

Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord felt that he was vulnerable to this sword, and even the powerful gods had no way to deal with it.

Even Divine Lord Xuannu and Lord Sun Xiao showed a bit of shock and admiration.

Zidian Shenjun is no less powerful than them, but his fiery personality prevents him from serving as the chief elder and headmaster.

"Hmph. You're still far away!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were calm, without any ripples. He waved his hand, and the green lotus and golden lotus were in his hand, and he brushed it down.


The Green Lotus Golden Lotus looks very beautiful, but its attack power is very terrifying. It contains two types of metal and wood elements. It was once ranked tenth on the list of exotic flowers and herbs in the world of cultivation, and even has a trace of chaos lingering around it.

And after Jiang Tian's sacrifice, it was so terrifying. Among Jiang Tian's many magic weapons, they are second only to the Mother Stone Cauldron and Jue Tian Sword.

But because the latter two were too eye-catching, Jiang Tian had already regarded the Green Lotus and Golden Lotus as his main weapon.

Under this brush, the chaotic energy fell down like silk ribbons, and countless golden lotus petals swayed out, shining brightly, and turned into the size of a millstone hill, like a meteor chasing the moon, like a golden crow rising into the sky, the metal laws and avenue fragments in it are extremely sharp and condensed , bursting out in all directions.

"Huh? This seems to be the ancient lotus that Emperor Xu kept in his palace in Beiming World. It grew in the Xuanming Cold Spring and was refined into a treasure by him!"

"There's even a hint of chaos!"

Divine Lord Xuannu and Lord Sun Xiao were suddenly startled and looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy and worried.


This explosion was like the explosion of thousands of thunders, shaking the sky, and the golden lotus and the Thunder Killing Divine Sword collided violently.

Suddenly, the golden lotus petals were like countless meteorites striking across the sky, making the latter tremble. Countless thunder dragons and sword lights collapsed, making everyone feel horrified.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar, and the Thunder Demon Killing Sword couldn't bear it anymore and flew out diagonally, cutting a mountain peak in half.

The Purple Lightning God was so shocked that blood spurted from his mouth, and he flew backwards ten miles away. His face was like gold paper, and the lightning laws and avenue fragments around him were about to shatter. His breath fell rapidly, his body trembled slightly, and he showed an extremely horrified look.

"This boy is so powerful, how can he be a native of the ancient earth?"

The aftershocks continued, rolling in, destroying and invincible. Thousands of monks in Shuiyue Cave were blown away, screams could not be heard, blood flowed wildly, and they were strangled to pieces by thunder, lightning and chaotic energy.

"Activate the protective formation and retreat!"

Even True Lord Xuan Nu felt uncomfortable. He was so frightened that he raised his hand and issued an order.


"Retreat quickly!"

Many of the surviving disciples retreated one after another with panic and fear in their eyes.

The colorful and grotesque magic circle shields were opened one by one, and they hid in them, otherwise, they would be shattered in seconds.

Before, they had all heard of Jiang Tian's illustrious reputation, but they were always prejudiced and didn't believe it at all.

After all, they have enslaved the natives of the Immortal Land for too long, trampling them under their feet like ants and dominating them.

The descendants and natives of the Immortal Land Wanderers, such as Long Shengnan, Wu Shujian and Bai Muxue, can only live in the second and third level worlds, and are not qualified to enter the Immortal Ruins. They must have extraordinary bones and undergo numerous selections. OK.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​in their opinion, it was even worse. He was the root of the ancient earth.

Compared with the residents of the ancient earth and the indigenous wanderers of the fairy land, after all, the fairy land is where the ancient heaven is, and the ancient earth is a little worse, equivalent to the mortal world, and even more like ants in the garbage heap.

But when they met today, they realized how terrifying Jiang Tian was!

He actually defeated the Supreme Elder Zidian Shenjun with one stroke. How could he be an ant? He clearly had the power of the devil!

"This Jiang Taichu is obviously a child, but he is so powerful and can defeat the degenerate god. No wonder the seven bandits follow him loyally!"

At this moment, Ji Tao felt unbelievable and dumbfounded.

At this time, he suddenly wanted to understand a lot. If Jiang Tian has the ability to transform into gods, it would not be surprising.

However, Jiang Tian was clearly only a child, but he was able to fight across a huge chasm to become a god. The reason could only be that his skills were more magical and advanced. In this way, the seven great bandits will be able to improve day by day with his guidance.

"Too strong! Senior Taichu is invincible!"

Ji Tianlan's face was full of admiration, and her eyes burst out with a fanatical light, like a little fan meeting an idol.

"It's really strong..."

Even Ji Yusha had to admit it. Originally she thought Jiang Tian just didn't know how high the sky was, but now it seemed that was definitely not the case.

But there are also aging gods in the human world who shook their heads and said:

"It's not that simple. Shuiyuedongtian can shock the past and shine through the present, and it remains standing. It has a profound foundation..."

"Brother Dao, let me help you!"

Sure enough, Sun Xiao Shenjun sighed secretly. He knew that this battle was unavoidable. He walked ten miles in one step, came behind Zidian Shenjun, and slowly struck out with a palm.


This palm brought out countless phantoms, turned into a thousand-handed Guanyin, pressed it on the heart of the Purple Lightning God, took advantage of the heaven and earth, and took advantage of the general trend. Countless protective formations roared throughout the cave, and the magic power rose into the sky like thousands of rivers, torrentially. Jedi was infused into the body of the Purple Lightning God Lord.

Sun Xiao Shenjun is the chief elder, and his authority is higher than that of the headmaster Xuanwu Shenjun. Only he can mobilize the power of the entire cave.

With the help of Sun Xiao Shenjun, Zidian Shenjun's energy and blood quickly recovered like a surge.


His purple electricity laws and fragments of the avenue were solidified again, and countless purple electricity mad dragons shot into the sky, roaring and roaring, raising their heads and tails, shattering the space, and having the potential to destroy everything.

With a clang, the Thunder Killing Divine Sword flew into the hand again. The sword became one mile long, like a jade pillar holding up the sky. The light of the sword intertwined with the thunder dragon, and it was dazzling, like ten suns rising into the sky.

After gaining even more majestic power, Zidian Shenjun thanked him softly, stared at Jiang Tian with his eyes fiercely, and said in a cold voice:

"How brave, how dare you hit me hard!"

At this moment, he was really angry!

Jiang Tian's brush just now affected his divine treasure and created cracks. If it hadn't been for the help of Divine Lord Sun Xiao and the timely nourishment of the maintenance formation, his cultivation would have dropped to half a step of becoming a god. It took a hundred years of hard work to return to the top, how could he not be angry.

"You have completely angered me! After I kill you in this battle, I will crush all your followers and the worlds such as Longmen and Yingzhou that support you. I will even hunt you down to the earth and kill you. My parents and brothers were all eaten alive!”

He is at the third level of divine transformation, and his eyes can already interfere with space. His eyes are like crazy lightning, which explodes hundreds of meters long, making small holes of annihilation in the space. It is extremely terrifying.

"Jiang Taichu, we are connected to Shuiyue Cave and merged into one body. Even if you hit me ten times, I will not be afraid!"

With every word he spoke, his aura became more powerful, and the purple thunder and lightning on his body became more intense. In the end, it turned into a thunder ring that reached through the sky and the earth, covering a thousand feet in radius.

And the entire area of ​​1,000 feet turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, filled with countless fragments of the most powerful thunder and lightning laws and avenues, forming a field!

This is the field!

Among the powerful ones who transform themselves into gods, only the peak divine kings or those with extraordinary talents can display it. I don’t know how many times more powerful it is than the forbidden domain of Yuanying Tianjun.

In short, Nascent Soul's forbidden area is to use the vitality of heaven and earth to stabilize the space and control the opponent's ability to escape.

But in the realm, it is the power of the gods to integrate the laws into the heaven and the earth, and bring this land under one's control.

In this realm, this god-incarnation is the lord. He obeys his heart, controls life and death, and behaves like a god.

Moreover, unlike Nascent Soul's forbidden area which only freezes the opponent, the area is more varied and can be used to obliterate, squeeze, decompose, incinerate, strike with lightning, and suppress souls!

"Senior Taichu, be careful!"

Ji Tao's expression changed greatly, and he shouted in a hurry. Unexpectedly, the Purple Lightning God Lord relied on the nourishment formation of the cave to display his domain in an instant.

Jiang Tian just smiled faintly, and the three-foot-long divine disk behind him suddenly turned, and the phantoms of Kunpeng, Immortal Gengjin, and Lei Huan appeared and roared.

next moment.

Jiang Tian made a bluff grab with his right hand.

A handle of Kunpeng Law was condensed into a sharp edge, surrounded by the Law of Thunder and Lightning, and the whole body was made of Geng Metal Law. The halberd with the cold pressure fell into the hand.


The halberd shot through the air, like a bubble in a dream. It ignored dozens of miles of void and easily broke through the dense lightning field. In a flash, it came to the Purple Lightning God Lord and stabbed directly in the air, piercing through the place where the god was hiding in his chest. .

One blow.

The Purple Lightning God Lord has fallen!

"I still don't believe it, I can't kill you bastard!"

Jiang Tian sneered, his arrogance boundless, as if a god had descended into the world and overpowered all heavens and worlds.

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