Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1583: One person dominates the world, no one refuses to accept it

With just one simple blow, the Purple Lightning God Lord, who had been invincible for thousands of years and ranked high in the Immortal Ruins, fell?

The two gods, Sun Xiao and Xuan Nu, stood blankly on the spot, completely in disbelief. Of course, they know that Tangtang is a powerful god and has many magical powers, so he will not be killed so easily. But he was still shocked by Jiang Tian's methods.

"What is that?" Ji Yusha's pretty face was white and she was shocked.

"I didn't see it clearly. I could only vaguely see golden light. Surrounded by thunder and lightning, a golden halberd shot out of the sky..."

"He didn't sacrifice the magic weapon at all, so how did he release the golden halberd? Is it a law attack? This law attack is too terrifying, it can actually break through the realm of the transformed god..."

Cold sweat rolled down Ji Tao's forehead. He thought to himself that if he faced Jiang Tian's blow, there would be no possibility of escaping.

"It is indeed a law attack. It seems to have three laws: thunder, metal, and space. It is simply terrifying!"

A veteran transformation god in the human world, with a white beard and white hair, all his teeth lost, and an unknown longevity, he can be called a living fossil, and everyone was deeply shocked.

"What? Three laws..." When the killers in the world heard this, their eyes almost popped out of their heads, they couldn't believe it.

Many disciples in Shuiyuedongtian were indignant and sighed sadly when they saw it.

Even Sun Xiao Shenjun's eyes were half-closed and he stared at Jiang Tian with a cold gaze. The murderous intention was revealed, and he quickly activated the cave heaven maintenance array and shot it towards Zidian Shenjun.

"Asshole! An ant from the edge galaxy dares to seriously injure my god..."

The Purple Lightning God is standing in the field.

His broken body was shrouded by the realm, and countless thunder suddenly burst out. These thunders were like threads, lingering in the wound, strangling the remaining three laws of Jiang Tian, ​​and gradually blending together.

Under the nourishment of the great maintenance formation, the physical body and divine possessions of Zidian Shenjun were gradually restored.

It's just that there are still cracks in his chest. No matter how hard he refines the Purple Lightning Law, he can't completely repair the cracks. Obviously, even if he repairs the physical body and the divine treasure, he is by no means the peak.

Zidian Shenjun looked at Jiang Tian, ​​his eyes filled with anger and a hint of surprise.

He could feel the horror of Jiang Tian's three laws.

If he hadn't controlled a trace of the Thunder Element Avenue and established a field that could abolish the laws of invasion, repair his own body, and be nourished by the cave-heaven maintenance formation, he would have fallen just now.

Moreover, even if he repairs his physical body and divine treasure, it will still be very difficult.

This is very abnormal. You must know that the law of transforming into gods already contains the fragments of the great avenue. The weak law that originally crushed the Nascent Soul is like cutting tofu with a steel knife. It is as easy to capture as it is.

At this time, the corners of Xuan Nu Shen Jun's eyes trembled, and he communicated a few words with Sun Xiao Shen Jun through his spiritual consciousness. He suddenly took a step forward, and although he was unwilling to do so, he still said respectfully: "Fellow Taoist, you can take one third of the Wind and Rain Flag." , it will probably be enough to help you break through once, so let’s give it a try!”

An elder from the first level of God Transformation also walked out and shouted loudly: "Jiang Taichu, don't make a mistake. The Purple Lightning God Lord has a high status and is the second most important person in my cave. If you kill him, the cave will be destroyed." Bloody revenge, plow the court and sweep the holes!"

"When the time comes, there will be bloodshed, lives will be lost, and the Seven Bandits and the Killer Dynasty will all be affected. Why bother?"

"Besides, if we and the Avatars take action together, fellow Taoist Taichu, how much chance do you think you have of winning?"

Many of Shuiyuedongtian's senior officials spoke out, even threatening and offering inducements, not wanting Jiang Tian to break up with him. After all, Jiang Tian had the power to kill and transform into gods.

"Step aside!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and he said: "I can let Shuiyue Dongtian go, but this kid has a wolf-like heart and a dog's lungs. I will kill him!"

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, the six cave heavens are connected with the same energy. If you kill the Purple Lightning God Lord and severely damage my cave heaven, it will not be a matter of offending my sect, but the six cave heavens will regard you as a life and death enemy!"

Sun Xiaoshenjun suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice:

"If you give up here, I can completely mediate. During the battle between you and the Xuhuang Palace, the six caves will remain in the middle. I believe that with the wisdom of Taoist Taoist Fellow Taichu, you should make a wise decision!"

Jiang Tian responded to him with only one word:


The three-foot divine disk behind him rotated again, shining brightly into the sky, and a golden spear once again condensed in his hand. Jiang Tian was like the god of war in the early morning, following him with a halberd in his hand.


The three or four peak Nascent Souls blocking the way were swept into two pieces, and even the Soul of the Nascent Soul was shattered. Elder Huashen and the two divine kings Sun Xiao and Xuan Nu were forcefully forced to retreat ten miles away.

With the improvement of his cultivation and the strength of his spiritual consciousness, Jiang Tian has now been able to integrate multiple laws into one. The halberd in his hand contains the three laws of Kunpeng, Gengjin and Thunder. It is extremely sharp, indestructible and indestructible. .

"Today, I will kill this beast. Whoever dares to stop it will die!"

Like a violent storm, Jiang Tian swept through with continuous assassinations, heading towards the Purple Lightning God Lord.

Even a powerful person who transforms into a god would find it difficult to resist. The Lord Xuanwu held the Heaven-Embracing Divine Hammer. With one blow, the laws of water lingered, and the laws of thunder exploded. He fell like a dragon, but was whipped away by Jiang Tian's long halberd, causing one of his arms to crack and bleed.

"Jiang Taichu, you are too arrogant!"

Divine Lord Sun Xiao looked furious and took out the Taoist weapon Water Spirit Whip.

This whip is crystal clear, and various water laws ripple and flow like beautiful crystals.

With one stroke of his whip, like the Milky Way pouring down, water elites poured down overwhelmingly. Among them were dragons roaring, giant whales floating, various kinds of shrimps, soldiers and crabs, water demons baring their teeth and claws, roaring, and the sky for ten miles turned into a vast ocean, and formed a domain, towards Jiang Tian Kill.

"Lihuo Fentian!"

Jiang Tian shook his halberd and stabbed the sky.

Suddenly, the phantom of the Suzaku appeared in the divine disk, and the Suzaku True Fire Principle was poured into it, forming a ten-mile-long fire dragon, Suzaku, and Golden Crow, burning up the sky, and half of the cave sky was illuminated red and extremely hot.

Suddenly, the water vapor boiled, the water essence dissipated, and all kinds of water demons and water beasts were reduced to ashes. Even the avenues and laws were destroyed and evaporated.

Jiang Tian wielded a long halberd, and the heavenly fire swirled around, burning the sky, just like the ancient fire god burning mountains and boiling the sea, with infinite power.

Several other Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords were retreating steadily, with frightened and begging expressions on their faces, but Jiang Tian was ruthless. With a shock, the halberd in his hand jumped out like a poisonous dragon, easily shattering his body. Amidst the wailing and screaming, even his spirit and soul were taken away. Kill all the babies.

"Jiang Taichu, don't make things difficult for them! I'm not timid, come on!"

The purple lightning god's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes shot out purple thunder and lightning, driving the domain to attack Jiang Tian.

"You are the one to be killed, how could I let you go?"

Jiang Tian's body followed the halberd, and the human halberd merged into one. It was filled with Kunpeng's law, breaking through the space, pulling out a winding black space crack, separating the world, violently piercing the domain blockade of Sun Xiao and Xuanwu Shenjun, and rushing toward Zidian like lightning. God Lord.

"Purple Lightning Field!"

The Purple Lightning God roared angrily.

The thunder and lightning field was activated to the extreme, turning into a vast ocean of thunder with a radius of ten miles. It was extremely thick and pure, and contained the avenue of laws. It swept, crushed, obliterated, sealed, and shattered the soul... It was so vast and surging that even a transformation Any cultivator from the first level who enters will be instantly torn into pieces.

Even so, it did not stop Jiang Tian's law halberd. Just like a torpedo parting the soft waves, Jiang Tian broke through the law of thunder sea with just a snap of his fingers and reached the Purple Lightning God Lord.

"What kind of law is this? Why is it so sharp..." The Purple Lightning God was shocked and shouted loudly.

"Die with doubts!"

Jiang Tian shook his law halberd and suddenly turned into a beam of light that penetrated the heaven and earth, directly piercing the body and divine treasure of the Purple Lightning God Lord.

"Take action!"

Sun Xiao and Xuan Nu roared, one used the Water Spirit Whip again, and the other used the God's Hammer to hit Jiang Tian.

"The sea is frozen!"

Jiang Tian shouted softly, and the three-foot-long divine disk behind him rotated again. The true seal of the Dinghai Ice God turned into a shadow and roared. The infinite ice laws surged out, forming a forbidden area with a radius of ten miles, holding up the sky and supporting the ground, locking the air and sealing it. The sky firmly blocked many blows, and also isolated the protective formation of Dongtian, making it unable to nourish the Purple Lightning God Lord.

Next, no matter how Sun Xiao and Xuan Nu used various laws and avenues, they were unable to break open the forbidden area. They could only watch Jiang Tian pierce through the Zidian Divine Lord's body and divine possession again and again.

The purple lightning god's law boiled several times, surrounded by countless purple thunder and lightning, and the terrifying realm opened up again and again, allowing him to revive again and again.

But Jiang Tian was ruthless. Once he revived, he was shattered by Jiang Tian.

In the end, even his most precious Thunder Killing Divine Sword was wiped out by Jiang Tian and he raised his hand to snatch it away.

Zidian Shenjun showed despair and fear in his eyes, almost going crazy, and shouted:

"Jiang Taichu, where are you from? It is absolutely impossible for a powerful magical power like yours to appear in the solar system. How can Jieying have so many terrifying laws!"

"You are just a frog in the well, you don't know the vastness of the world!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, his murderous intent was crazy, and he showed no mercy at all. A long halberd pierced through, tearing apart the space and destroying everything.

This time, Zidian Shenjun could no longer hold on, and the divine treasure completely collapsed. The inner gods were severely damaged, and they screamed strangely and flew away.

"Jiang Taichu, you are a devil. You have repeatedly stirred up troubles, destroyed the peace and tranquility of the Immortal Ruins, and acted recklessly. You will be punished by God one day and you will not die a good death!"

The god was half a meter tall and looked like a miniature Zidian Shenjun, and he yelled with a face filled with resentment.

Just like a teenager compared to a baby, the gods are more powerful and condensed than Yuanying. They are completely composed of laws and fragments. They are flying up and down to dodge, rushing left and right, trying to tear Jiang Tian's domain apart and escape.

"Return to Yuan!"

Jiang Tian shouted coldly, and the three-foot-long divine disk behind him flashed, and the Taotie divine beast raised its head and roared, turning into a black hole-like vortex and swallowing the Zidian god.

The god was like a small boat in the eye of a typhoon. In the blink of an eye, it was torn and crushed into pieces, sank into it, and disappeared without a trace.

The vortex rolled and rotated, and the organs, bones, flesh, and divine treasure fragments of the Purple Lightning God Lord blooming with purple lightning were sucked in like bright stars.


Jiang Tian's divine disk reversed, putting away all kinds of laws and magical powers.

The sky was completely clear, leaving only Jiang Tian standing on the forbidden area of ​​Dinghai Ice God, standing with his hands behind his back.

"Fellow Taoists from Shuiyue Cave Heaven, if any of you are still dissatisfied, please come up and fight me, Jiang Taichu!"

Jiang Tianyun said softly, his eyes as calm as an ancient well without waves.

The entire Shuiyue Cave, with a radius of five hundred miles, was completely silent. Everyone was trembling with fear, and no one dared to say a word.

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