Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1614: Fight bravely, the road is ruthless

On the dry and cracked earth, rivers of magma flowed across it, heat waves billowed into the sky, and black smoke rose into the sky. The vegetation had long been reduced to ashes, not a single blade of grass could grow, and even many rocks had cracked. This world is dazzling everywhere, which is the result of the two stars being very close to each other and shining brightly to the extreme.

The interstellar warships are densely arranged in the void, and the launchers are like mountains piercing the sky.

Humanoid creatures stand on the ground, or fight in the air. They are hardly human beings anymore. Their skin is shriveled, skinny and skinny, and covered with wrinkles. Their energy, blood and moisture have been almost exhausted, and they are like mummies. His eyes were still gleaming with unyielding fire.

Their faces were solemn and quiet, containing an extremely cold light, as if there were no ripples in an ancient well, perhaps with only a trace of ripples, which was the desire for life and the determination to survive as a civilization.

They stepped into the starship in silence, without waving goodbye, without tears, without farewell. It was so calm that one suspected that they were just robots with no emotions.

The monks entered the recuperation cabin, in a state of coagulation and lifespan.

Then, starships, thousands of them in number, shot straight into the sky, heading towards the cold depths of the universe.

The warship possesses powerful power and is extremely fast. When viewed from a perspective that can cover the entire ancient star, the entire Wood Spirit Star is like an explosion of fireworks, and every cultivator, every Every warship is a spark.

Civilized Mars!

"Because they don't know which direction or which location in the universe has planets suitable for habitation. At that time, the Beidou Galaxy had not yet had any contact with us. We knew nothing about this vast universe. . Therefore, the monks in the Overlord Era adopted the stupidest but most brutal method, but it was also the only method they could use - the human sea tactic."

The Master smiled and said:

"The so-called Fireworks Plan is an expedition in every corner of the universe and in every direction. Don't miss it! According to historical records, this plan has been implemented for thousands of years and has annihilated at least one billion monks in the universe! Until the Wood Spirit Star is swallowed by the Third Star of the South Gate!"

? "And what they pursue is just survival and the continuation of civilization!"

"During this long voyage, various situations occurred, but without exception, they were very tragic. According to historical records, the level of weapon refining in the Overlord Era was already very high, but it could not reach the speed of light or even sub-speed. Propelling at the speed of light. Even reaching the Beidou and other galaxies that are closer to us will take tens of thousands of years. This has exceeded the lifespan of a god-forming monk, and it is difficult to achieve it even if the blood coagulation stops!"

He released some more images.

It was sent back by the expeditionary Wood Spirit Star monks using long-range branding instruments. Some extremely cruel scenes were revealed in front of everyone.

"Some monks have arrived at some nearby planets, but those planets are too large and have too strong gravity fields. The moment they landed, they were crushed into meat pies by the violent pressure, and even said, they were like a layer of blood film. Covering the area for several miles..."

"There are also some who have exhausted their energy crystals and were frozen to death and cracked by the cold wave in the starry sky."

"Sometimes, the ship cracks open, and the monks exposed to the vacuum seem to explode like fireworks. Because the strong aura in their bodies will cause great pressure to the outside world."

" was cut into pieces thinner than paper by the cosmic wind and space debris."

"Or, the coordinates of the starry sky are wrong, the ship's energy is exhausted, and it is sliding towards the endless and endless deep space. The monks know that there is no way to return to their homeland behind them. This ship is their coffin, this darkness , the silence of space, where you can never turn back, is the place where your own bones are buried..."

"I would like to remind all fellow Taoists that during the expedition to the Star Sea, the monks who were already on the road kept sending these pictures back, but the thousands-year-long fireworks plan has not stopped!"

The master spoke calmly, but when he said this, his eyes were already reddish, and crystal tears were swirling in his eyes, as if they were about to roll down.

It was getting dark.

The "sun" here - the two stars of Nanmen fell to the other side of the mountain and fell to the bottom of the horizon. The red clouds were like blood, giving the messy Xuantian Mountains, the corpses, blood stains, broken ships, and the diagonally inserted The battle flag on the ground is plated with a layer of gold.

On the other side, the sky has turned dark blue, and the bright stars are like the eyes of ancient monks, overlooking this vicissitudes of the world.

At some point, many of the Immortal Ruins monks who had been forced to kneel down and surrender by Jiang Tian stood up. The fear, panic and shock on their faces completely disappeared. They seemed to have forgotten that Jiang Tian had just killed the Emperor of Fire and many Dongtian sects, and that there was an unparalleled God of War standing in front of them.

There was a mixture of sadness and pride on their faces, as if a patient who was about to run out of fuel suddenly regained his vitality and vitality after taking a shot of Demerol.

Some monks had an extra emotion of excitement and generosity, some shed tears, and some even had the flames of war burning in their eyes.

The scene presented by the Master made Bai Muxue slightly moved, her eyes slightly red.

It turns out that the monks of Mu Ling Planet, these former invaders, were actually the same as the ancient sages of the ancient heaven. They had all faced the crisis of annihilation, and they had all fought arduously and sacrificed extremely tragically for the continuation of civilization. sacrifice.

She even felt a little sympathy for the monks in the South Gate Galaxy.

She looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and found that Jiang Tian was listening very attentively, and even had some imperceptible sympathy.

"But in the end, before we found a new place to live, Mu Ling Star was destroyed."

"The third star of Nanmen was too close, and the starlight shattered Mu Ling Star. The gravitational field was too strong, and the entire Mu Ling Star was swallowed up."

The voice of the master sounded faintly, full of sad sighs, like the autumn wind rustling, and yellow leaves drifting all over the sky.

It shocked many people and a sense of sadness surged in their hearts.

He pointed in the air, and the picture of the ancient branding artifact changed again.

The light was bright. Although this was a picture from more than 10,000 years ago, it was still dazzling and brilliant, as if a big sun rose above the Xuantian Mountains, illuminating a thousand miles.

At this moment, there was silence above the Immortal Ruins, only the long wind was blowing. Whether mortals or cultivators, whether kings and nobles, or peddlers, all looked up and looked at the picture in the sky.

And saw.

A bright spot with extremely strong luminosity appeared on the surface of the huge Nanmen Third Star. It was like the door of a furnace. The strong radiation from the deep of the star passed through the crack, penetrated the photosphere, convection layer and chromosphere, and directly irradiated the Muling Star.

On the hemisphere exposed to the light spot, the life outside was scorched in a few seconds. Even the golden elixir of the cultivators melted in a matter of seconds, and the Yuanying was torn to pieces.

Then, the material inside the Third Star gushed out from the crack, forming a 100,000-mile-thick flame fountain.

The temperature of the ejected stellar material was as high as tens of millions of degrees. Part of it fell back to the surface of the star under the action of gravity, and part of it reached the escape velocity and rushed straight into space.

From the Muling Star, the surface of the Third Star seemed to have grown a brilliant fire tree.

After about an incense stick of time, the top of the fire tree intersected with the planet's orbit.

After another half an incense stick of time, the running Mu Lingxing touched the top of the fire tree, and then ran in the ejecta belt for two hours.

During this period, the planet was equivalent to running inside the star, and the ejecta was still tens of thousands of degrees Celsius after cooling in space.

When Mu Lingxing moved out of the ejecta belt, it was already a celestial body emitting dark red light, its surface was melted, and the ocean of magma covered everything.

There was a white tail behind Mu Lingxing, which was evaporated water vapor.

After ten thousand years of light, plus two hours of running inside the star, it can be said that this star has been completely dehydrated.

Then the tail was blown away by the solar wind, and the planet turned into a comet with long white hair.

At this time, there was no life on the surface of the planet, and it had been destroyed, but the fuse of the disaster had just been ignited.

The ejecta belt created a huge resistance to Mu Lingxing, and the planet's running speed slowed down after passing through it, and its orbit dropped a little. The Fire Tree is like a claw stretched out by the sun, pulling down Mu Lingxing again and again. As long as it passes through the ejecta belt about ten times, Mu Lingxing will fall to the surface of the sun and be completely swallowed up eventually, turning into stellar matter and becoming part of the third star.

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