Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1615 Master bows his head, the old man is guilty

Many people were silent, but tears rolled down their faces.

"How many survived?"

A monk asked quietly.

"The explosion of the third star of the South Gate destroyed everything in the South Gate One Star System. Even the Overlord turned into a rain of light and shattered into the sky. The spar battleships and space cities that were escaping from the Wood Spirit Star were all destroyed. . Only a few managed to escape. At that time, they were behind another planet, which served as a shelter for the third star. Only 30,000 people, less than one in 100,000!

The master's voice was very soft.

There was an atmosphere of sadness and misery hanging over the whole place.

The hearts of everyone were filled with infinite desolation.

Wood Spirit Star, this is their ancestral star and ancestral land!

It was once so prosperous and grand. It is said that there were a thousand transformed gods standing in the world at the time, and some people were even expected to enter the realm of return to the void and reach the ultimate level of sublimation.

This is a golden age, with heroes rising side by side, thousands of races standing tall, and all kinds of geniuses and evildoers emerging, like stars across the sky, shining brightly and shining for eternity.

But it ended in this way.

There are so many living creatures on the Wood Spirit Planet, so many geniuses and monsters, and they have struggled hard for thousands of years, but they still cannot escape the fate of the ancestral planet being swallowed by the stars. How sad and desolate this is.

A million-year-old civilization was turned into ashes and rain of light in four hours, and everything ceased to exist.

Before this majestic natural power, the rise and fall of families and countries, hatred, life and death, war, peace, killing, celebration, sadness, anger, despair, joy, countless scenes, and endless thoughts of all beings are not worth mentioning. Can be mercilessly turned into dust.

The road is ruthless!

Heaven and earth are so unkind that they regard all things as stupid dogs!

Only then did they realize the profound meaning of these words.

To put it bluntly, before the vast universe, facing a star that is like dust in the universe, the life of a monk is too small. It is like ants and dust, and will be easily crushed.

"In fact, Lao Chan and Lao Xu Emperor are the ones who got away by chance!"

The old voice sounded again.

At this time, the Master was like an old man basking in the sun under the city wall, telling his children about ancient times, speaking calmly.

The master looked complicated and said:

"Both Lao Xu Emperor and I were born in space battleships. These spaceships are the lowest level of spaceships. Neither the crystals nor the formations can guarantee long-distance navigation, and they are all stranded in the South Gate Two Stars. In the distance Thousands of years ago, Nanmen was just a lonely star without any planets. Maybe it had existed before, but just like Jupiter, it was swallowed up by messy stars in the long history. We received education and practiced there, but most of the time, we were coagulating and dying, just like hibernating. Each tiny spaceship was like a fallen leaf in the sea, hanging alone in the cold and silent universe, which lasted for a whole time. millennium."

Although the master did not say anything in detail, everyone can imagine the feeling of loneliness and helplessness.

"until one day……"

The master looked at Jiang Tian and the Dako heroes, bowed deeply, and said with sincere respect on his face:

"The wanderers of the Immortal Land in the previous dynasty, with their immense magical power and great talents who created the world, used the vast stars as their ships and the astonishing divine array as their sails. They controlled sixty-seven stars and embedded them in the orbit of the two stars of the South Gate! We have just seen To the hope of finding a place to live!”

"Don't put it so nicely. You are like a group of bandits and thieves, occupying the fairy land like a dove occupying a magpie's nest!"

The big bandits looked cold, and Tu Fei even sneered and mocked.

"Don't argue, listen to what Mr. Confucius has to say!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm, with no emotion at all. His eyes were as deep as an ancient well, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Of course I know about the crimes committed ten thousand years ago, but His Majesty Taichu and all fellow Taoists know that everything back then was a last resort."

The Master's hair was gray and his body was slightly hunched, like a loyal old man. His face was full of shame and sorrow, and he said:

"Many of the surviving members of the Wood Spirit Star are not aggressive, war-loving people. At that time, they just wanted to obtain permission from the sages of the ancient heaven to live on the fairy land. We were willing to hand over many of our cultivation techniques and inheritance, and even We are willing to hand over all the ships and training resources under our control. For this reason, we have knelt down to plead for mercy, and were even willing to make a soul contract with Ao Huang and other sages. "

"However, Emperor Ao and other sages from the previous dynasty seemed to be extremely wary of us. They closed the space barrier and locked the sky with the divine formation, not allowing us to set foot on the fairy land and other worlds at all."

"This process lasted for hundreds of years. At this time, our space cities and starry battleships ran out of energy crystals, and the monks did not even have the last place to live. At this time, we forcibly entered the fairyland world and were When we were attacked by snipers, we had no choice but to resist, and the war gradually expanded and broke out!”

"You know, anyone who comes in uninvited is a thief."

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, unmoved, and said: "The Immortal Land is our homeland. If you break in rashly, of course we have the right to kill you. Even if you were so hungry that you were skin and bones at the time, even if you didn't have a piece of tile on your head. No matter if you cover it, you can’t enter my house without my permission!”

"Master, you are so clever with your words, do you still have no intention of repenting?" Jiang Tian's deep eyes revealed a cold and cold light.

"No! Of course I knew I made a big mistake back then!"

The master clasped his hands in his fists, lowered his waist, his gray hair was trembling slightly in the air, his face was sincere, and his voice was plaintive: "Ten thousand years ago, the Nanmen Galaxy fought a war with the Immortal Land Wanderers, and the sky collapsed. , the earth collapsed, the beautiful fairyland became a hell on earth, the dead and injured were countless, the old man was guilty, and the Ruins Emperor was also guilty!"

"I am willing to die to thank the world and apologize to Emperor Ao and the sages of the previous dynasty!"

The whole place was shocked.

Master, you actually bowed your head!

"Master, why are you guilty? Why are we guilty? It's just to find a place to live. Don't we have the right to live?"

When some monks saw the Master bowing his head, they were greatly saddened, burst into tears, stamped their feet, roared, and beat their chests and feet.

"This world was originally a dark jungle. Natural selection and survival of the fittest. Whoever has the bigger fist will be justified. The Master and His Majesty the Old Xu Emperor were originally stronger than the monks of the ancient heaven, and they were able to take advantage of them. But at the beginning He did not take the immortal land by force, but offered him gifts and respect, and negotiated with him well. He had no choice but to take action until he was forced into a desperate situation. How can you blame Mr. Confucius for this? "

Some people are not angry and say it with hatred.

"Obviously, the former emperor Ao Huang and others did not know what is good or bad. The inherited skills of our Mu Ling Star are consistent with the laws and avenues of the South Gate Galaxy. If Emperor Ao and the others open the door of convenience instead of closing the stars and locking the sky, respectfully If you invite Master Xu Huang in, the skills of the two galaxies will surely collide, and they will even study the laws of the universe and control them. As a result, the ancient heaven will be proud of itself and arrogant. By refusing to cooperate with the Ruins Emperor, the martial arts and magical powers were unable to resonate with heaven and earth, and were even counterattacked by the great avenue of heaven and earth. Entering the era of Tao damage, the monks fell like rain..."

A yellow-robed monk shook his head and sighed with regret.

"Hey, you are totally wrong!"

The Master scanned the crowd with his majestic eyes, and with a voice as loud as a bell, he shouted loudly: "If this universe is really a dark, cruel and bloody primitive jungle, we cultivators should also burn our own lives, bloom the fire of civilization, and illuminate the surroundings. world!"

"No matter how weak, short-lived, or insignificant the spark is, we still have to burn and bloom without waiting for the torch!"

"If we can't wait for the torch, we will be the torch that leads people!"

He stared at the "cosmic Darwinist" in yellow robes, became angry, and yelled: "As you said, whoever has a bigger fist is justified. My fist is bigger than yours now. , I punched you to death for no reason, do you think I’m justified?”

The yellow-robed monk was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Disciple, I know you are wrong!"

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