Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1617 Master’s strategy, large high-grade Taoist artifact

At this moment, countless people were shocked and surprised, unable to believe it.

"This, this is impossible. Master has been a Taoist for ten thousand years, created the Dao of Dayan, and is in control of all the ways of heaven and earth. He is so powerful. How could he be severely injured by Jiang Taichu's sword?"

After a long time, a big man like a living fossil spoke with a trembling voice, full of disbelief.

There was deep shock and fear in his eyes, which even exceeded the emotional fluctuations when the Emperor of Fire and the eighteen transformed gods were killed by Jiang Tian.

Yes, even if God Emperor Liehuo was killed and many Dongtian sects and elders died, he did not lose his composure too much. But at this moment, everything was in chaos, as if he had been struck by lightning, but no one laughed or criticized him.


That’s the Master!

The peerless power who stands at the top of the Ten Thousand Daos is the founder of the Xianxu Dynasty, the old Xu Emperor's close comrade-in-arms and spiritual mentor. He founded Baiyue Academy and created the Dao of Dayan, which made the cultivation civilization of Xianxu a year ahead of schedule. step.

In the eyes of the Immortal Ruins cultivators, the Master is like a high-altitude god, overlooking the world, suppressing the world for eternity, and being so powerful that no one can shake it in the past, present and future.

But such a powerful master was severely wounded by Jiang Tian's sword.

Even if Jiang Tian launched an undeclared war, a sudden attack would still be terrifying.

Not only the people at the scene, but also the academy's chief priests, including Fairy Yulian, Yan Huan, and Xuan Hu, were all looking at it in stunned silence. Many mortal monks stared blankly at the light curtain, in a daze.

"Jiang Taichu is indeed an extremely evil person, full of evil thoughts. His heart is full of killing and evil thoughts, and he doesn't know the principle of 'forgiving others when you have to show mercy'. He is not a kind person. The master has expressed his willingness to shake hands and make peace, but he still kills him without any hesitation. Show no mercy."

The yellow-robed monk shouted angrily, filled with righteous indignation.

"Fight him!"

"This son acts wantonly, is cruel and unscrupulous, and has repeatedly caused troubles and bloodshed. How can he be worthy of being the emperor of our Immortal Ruins?"

"Why is His Majesty Taichu so reckless?"

Even the big pirates couldn't understand Jiang Tian's sudden attack on the killer. Ji Yusha even frowned, showing a hint of disapproval.

As the saying goes, a sad soldier will win, and a poor enemy must not be pursued. Xianxu has always believed that a country can thrive through hardships. The more severe the suppression, the more intense the resistance. Now that Jiang Tian has the upper hand, he killed the God Emperor and punished the headmaster of Dongtian, forcing the master to bow his head and surrender. The entire Immortal Ruins monks were filled with frustration and humiliation, just like a barrel of explosives that was about to explode.

Jiang Tian's wisest approach at this time would be to be gentle and use him to give them a way out. Even if you want to get rid of the giants of the Immortal Ruins, you should wait until the situation stabilizes and take action slowly. Instead of going on a killing spree at this moment, killing everyone, intensifying conflicts and causing the other party to counterattack wildly.

If Master joins forces with the three giants of Tianhe Xingjun and Sword God, Jiang Tian may not have much chance of winning.

At this moment, in Ji Yusha's eyes, although Jiang Tian was like a god of war descended from heaven, with majestic combat power and unparalleled strength, he always lacked the ability to strategize. In short, Jiang Tian may be a general or even a handsome man, but he has absolutely no imperial qualifications to establish a heavenly court and replace the Xianxu Dynasty.

While Ji Yusha and others were still confused, they saw Jiang Tian wave his sleeves, and a soft force of the wood attribute surged in, gathering many big bandits and killers in a radius of one mile. At the same time, a ray of light came from Jiang Tian's storage bag bloomed, and an ancient and mottled stone tripod, like a rugged mountain stone, flew over everyone, hanging down wisps of chaotic aura like silk ribbons to protect everyone.

And the next moment, a ship with a unique shape, smooth lines, and shining metallic light, like a spar battleship from the future world, appeared out of thin air one mile away from where the great pirates were.

"Invisible formation pattern!"

"This is a space-piercing battleship jointly studied by Zhentian Palace and the Academy's Weapon Refining Branch! They have been investing in this project for thousands of years, and now they have finally succeeded!"

As soon as Gui Lang said these words with a cold look, Tu Fei and Yun Zhongzi both looked shocked and even broke out in cold sweat.

The reason why air-penetrating battleships are terrifying is the way they approach the target and can enter another layer of space and sail quickly. In addition, they also carved an invisible formation pattern from the era of the Overlord of Wood Spirit Star, which can avoid the search of the monks' spiritual consciousness.

Under such circumstances, even if the target is a powerful person with extremely powerful divine consciousness, he will be completely unable to detect it. Because even the spiritual consciousness of a powerful person who transforms into a god is difficult to penetrate into and explore the alien space.

These air-piercing battleships are real war machines, ranging from tens to hundreds of feet in length, like mountains of different sizes crossing the sky, there are hundreds of them.

These warships are the result of the Immortal Market's weapon refining. The Taoist weapons they are equipped with are astonishingly lethal. They can easily kill an Avatar. They are not usually deployed. They are the ultimate weapon to resist the disaster of annihilation.

According to legend, the methods for refining these air-piercing battleships are all left behind by the Wood Spirit Star. It was made into a jade talisman and kept in the space city, surviving the devouring disaster of the third star of the South Gate.

Mu Lingxing's weapon refining methods are very superb, leaving the Xianxu Dynasty with extremely rich resources and heritage. Now the weapon refining methods that the Xianxu Dynasty has controlled are only 30%.

On the one hand, the cultivation civilization of Mu Ling Planet has a very long history, with a history of millions of years, and its foundation and accumulation are rich.

On the other hand, when facing a disaster of annihilation, the potential of a civilization will be stimulated to the limit, and the development speed will increase rapidly in a short period of time. They have exhausted all their resources to research magical instruments for space travel. Only in this way can they leave their home planet, find a place to live, and preserve the roots of civilization.

At this time, everyone has understood.

Master, there has never been true surrender.

From the beginning to the end, he was deceiving Jiang Tian and the Da Kou Qunhao.

The Master first threw out the world-destroying disaster in the Immortal Ruins to extinguish Jiang Tian's murderous rage and arouse his curiosity.

Master’s calculation is very shrewd. After all, Jiang Tian is not fighting for the improvement of one’s cultivation. He wants to suppress the Immortal Ruins monks. Firstly, for the safety of the solar system and the earth. Secondly, he wants justice and peace for the natives of the Immortal Land. Leave a place to live. Of course, it is impossible for him not to care about the safety of the planets in the Immortal Ruins.

Later, the Master talked about the origin of the Xianxu Dynasty and Mu Lingxing's courageous and miserable struggle, which aroused the sympathy and recognition of Jiang Tian and Da Kou Qunhao.

In fact, the Immortal Earth Heavenly Court and the Wood Spirit Star share the same destiny to some extent, both facing the disaster of annihilation, but one is a natural disaster and the other is a man-made disaster. Moreover, the monks of Mu Ling Planet also fought desperately for the continuation of civilization. Jiang Tian and the Dako heroes know the history of wandering in the immortal land, so of course it is easy for them to empathize and relax their vigilance.

At least, these words could make Jiang Tian relax his murderous intention.

In the end, the Master expressed his intention to unite with Jiang Tian, ​​and even recognize Jiang Tian as his lord, to jointly solve the disaster of the South Gate's three stars expanding and swallowing up the Immortal Ruins. It can be said that Jiang Tian could not find any reason to kill him and would even be grateful to him.

But all of this is just the master's acting in order to kill Jiang Tian.

The moment Jiang Tian makes a soul contract with him, Master will instantly break out and start a war with Jiang Tian. The air-piercing battleship that has already approached will attack the killers. Even if Jiang Tian could protect himself from Master's attack, it would be impossible to distract himself from rescuing the big bandits Qunhao!

When the God-destroying weapon equipped on the air-piercing battleship explodes, the power is extremely huge, the space fluctuations are extremely strong, and the brilliant and blazing light is like suns exploding. The dazzling brilliance floods thousands of miles around, making this area as bright as The day is bright.

From many warships, pieces of dragon-shaped and phoenix-shaped flames flew toward Jiang Tian; there were rolling golden gases that overwhelmed and crushed away like a stormy sea, which could easily crush an asteroid; there was also a poisonous mist that filled the sky. The smog is filled with miasma, specially designed to restrain the soul and mental power. Even the Nascent Soul God is unable to resist it if it is contaminated. It will instantly decay and become shapeless. There is also a straight light that shines instantly, extremely bright and sharp, like the creation of the wild. The knife that the World God opened when he created the world can cut through the chaos, divide the heaven and the earth, and change the world like yin and yang.

At this moment, Tu Fei and other big bandits all had despairing eyes.

They are all dignified gods with sharp eyesight, so they can naturally see the horror of these God-destroying Dao weapons.

These are large-scale high-grade Taoist weapons, each of which has extraordinary lethality, and dozens of them can explode simultaneously in an instant. If they faced each other directly, it could be said that there was no possibility of resistance at all and they would be killed in an instant.

Although it is a high-grade Taoist artifact, once the words "large" and "giant" are added to it, it becomes extraordinary. The reason is very simple. Just like the principles used by cannons and pistols, they are both thermal weapons and were born in the same era. However, the lethality of the former is probably more than a hundred or a thousand times that of the latter.

Qunhao understands.

The only thing he can rely on now is the chaotic aura hanging down from Jiang Tian's Mother Stone Cauldron.

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