Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1618 The cauldron appears, the sword emerges, and the fairy weapon appears

"Oh, it turns out that the master was trying to make a fool of himself, so he set up a maze formation and secretly set up an ambush to strangle Jiang Taichu!"

"My master is wise, powerful, and resourceful. To deal with arrogant bandits like Jiang Taichu and extremely evil people, of course, we must use all means!"

"The Master is a well-educated Confucian of his generation, an upright gentleman, a towering saint, who cultivates his moral integrity, manages his family, governs the country, and brings peace to the world, illuminating the world for eternity. He values ​​moral character the most, but war is not a dinner party, or a girl doing embroidery, but a life-and-death violent struggle. Faced with For a master like Jiang Taichu, who can adapt to circumstances, act according to circumstances, and not be limited by worldly things, he is a true gentleman and saint!"

At this moment, the Immortal Ruins monks all suddenly came to their senses and admired the Master with admiration and admiration.

"This is the God-Destroying Dao Weapon. Although it is a Dao Weapon, it is a large Dao Weapon, completely comparable to a holy weapon. One strike can be compared to the combined efforts of a dozen peak gods, and can easily destroy the gods."

Some people were filled with emotion and shock when they saw those war machines.

"What does Jiang Taichu mean by sacrificing a broken stone? Does he want to use this stone to resist the attack of the Shinto-destroying weapon? It's like a joke!"

The moment they saw the Stone Cauldron, the Mother of All Things, many monks laughed at it, full of contempt and disdain.

When many God-destroying tools began to release their power, the light was bright for thousands of miles, the space fluctuated violently, countless mountains were shattered, the earth cracked, and even the words engraved on the wall of a giant city thousands of miles away were more than a thousand feet high. The ancient Dao patterns that could withstand the violent attacks of the Nascent Soul cultivators were instantly obliterated, and large holes were opened in the city wall.

Most of the low-level monks within a radius of thousands of miles, about tens of thousands of them, were under the golden elixir. They felt as if they were being pressed down by a mountain and exploded with a bang.

Other Jindan monks were seriously injured by the aftermath of the large-scale God-destroying Taoist weapon. They were covered in blood and screamed miserably.

"Ah! Master, you are so vicious. The aftermath of these magic weapons is so vicious. How could you not tell me to wait!"

"Master, you are so cruel, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost, ah——!"

Many monks screamed and cursed, while wielding flying swords or emptying their breath, stumbling and stumbling, like bereaved dogs or headless flies, flying towards the outside.

Of course they understand why.

Jiang Tian's strength is too strong. Once the master's spiritual consciousness transmits a message and evacuates the Immortal Ruins monks, Jiang Tian is likely to notice it. Therefore, the Master ignored it completely. Moreover, sacrificing them would make Jiang Tian undefended and have a greater chance of winning in a surprise attack on Jiang Tian. At this moment, their hatred for the Master was overwhelming.

There were many Yuanyings who were escaping. While they were still flying, the skin of their bodies gradually collapsed, blood spurted out, their bones and flesh were separated, and their souls were annihilated. The rain of residual limbs, broken arms, organs, and heads piled up on the ground to form hills, covered with fog. One level.

"The child is speechless and strange!"

When the master noticed this scene, his expression did not change, his heart was as flat as a lake, his eyes were as deep as a well, without any ripples.

Now these ordinary Yuanying monks are no longer useful to the Immortal Xu Dynasty, just like a three-year-old baby who cannot go to the battlefield. In order to kill Jiang Tian, ​​they can only be sacrificed, but this sacrifice is not meaningless. At least, the heel is still there, the Miao descendants will last forever, and the civilization can be passed on.

Even transformed gods like Shuiyue Cave Heaven's Headmaster Xuan Nu and Sun Xiao Shenjun have been sucked into the chaotic air curtain of the Mother Stone Cauldron, and they all feel very uncomfortable, with nausea in their chests and the urge to vomit.

As for the other monks in Shuiyuedongtian, several Nascent Soul-level hall masters were crushed to the ground, seriously injured and vomiting blood. Many foundation-building monks also died unexpectedly.

"Terrible! This is just the aftermath of releasing mana, but it is so terrifying. If faced directly with these powers, I am afraid that even the great enemies will not be able to withstand a single blow! This is the way to suppress the weapon refining in the Immortal Ruins!"

"Well, it seems that my Shuiyuedongtian is still not that important in the mind of His Majesty Taichu. It is not included in the scope of that weird stone cauldron."

Xuan Nu and Sun Xiao roared in their hearts, terrified and a little resentful.

At this time, the terrifying mana, laws and even fragments of the avenue released by many large-scale God-destroying Dao weapons finally bombarded the chaotic energy hanging down from the Mother Stone Cauldron. But what shocked the Master and the Immortal Ruins monks was that those chaotic auras could firmly block many attacks without even being shaken or destroyed.

"How can this be!"

At this moment, the eyes of the monks in the battleship almost popped out.

They felt that these chaotic auras were extremely thick, condensed and magnificent, carrying a grand and majestic aura of the beginning of all things.

The inner vitality is extremely strong and sacred, as if it can create all things and give birth to a world, but at the same time, it is also extremely tough and heavy, capable of destroying everything, and contains surging power. A wisp can sweep across the dazzling galaxy, and a single ray can sweep across the dazzling galaxy. It can crush thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"This turns out to be... chaotic matter!"

The captain of the "Scorpion" roared in disbelief.

His beard and hair are all white, but his qi and blood are strong. His eyes are as bright as lightning, and he possesses the third level of spiritual transformation.

This is a veteran general, just a generation younger than the master, and he must have lived for thousands of years.

He has experienced many wars, fought hundreds of battles for the rest of his life, and has rich experience and lessons.

He had originally been discharged and returned to his fields, enjoying his old age in peace. Now because the devil is born, in order to protect the country, he has to go into battle and return to the army. Young generals are useless against old demons like Jiang Tian. All captains and commanders of the stealth fleet this time are veterans. Some have even experienced wars in the era of road damage.

Therefore, he still has a keen eye. He has seen some magic weapons left behind by the ancient heavens appear in the world, and they can erupt with a trace of chaos, which is very powerful. But the stone cauldron released by Jiang Tian in front of him turned into clumps of chaotic energy, like smoke and mist, which was too shocking.

"This is the Mother Stone Cauldron used by Emperor Sheng... This is an immortal weapon!"

The Master exclaimed, his face changing wildly.

When he shouted, many ship commanders were stunned.

The so-called immortal weapons usually have two meanings. One is weapons with the power to kill true immortals, and the other is weapons dropped from the fairy world to this world.

Immortal weapons are far more powerful than magical weapons, real weapons, Taoist weapons, and even the more powerful holy weapons in legend. In any case, it is a legendary existence. You must know that condensing a Taoist weapon requires a lot of hard work and hundreds of years of tempering and nurturing by the laws of the Tao. As for the holy soldiers, it is rumored that there is no one in the entire Immortal Ruins.

Therefore, to everyone, the fairy weapon is just a mythical legend. But now, a stone thrown by Jiang Tian at random was called an immortal weapon by the Master. How could they not be surprised?

Sooner or later, after Jiang Tian released the Stone Cauldron, the Mother of All Things, he was relieved and did not pay too much attention.

Because he knew that with the level of weapon refining in the Immortal Ruins, there was no way he could break the chaotic initial aura of the Mother Stone Cauldron.

"Damn old man, take another strike from me!"

Therefore, without stopping, he rushed to the master in the blink of an eye, raised the Jue Tian Sword to the level of his eyebrows, and slashed out with a flat sword.


The void shattered again.

At this time, Jiang Tian seemed to be an ancient divine emperor resurrected, wielding the Jue Tian Sword, cutting off the galaxy and shattering the avenue with one sword.

Everyone could only see that the three-foot sword was restrained and silent, and the ancient sword was dull and dull, as if it was just ordinary.

However, several of the top-quality protective Taoist tools that Master had released, layers of laws and vitality, and even traces of the Tao, all shattered out of thin air. Including the verdant hills of several thousand-foot high peaks thousands of miles away behind him, they were all cut off and smashed down.

In the space pointed by the sword's edge, Kunpeng's Law exploded, and a crack about ten thousand feet long suddenly opened.

This crack is not a line, but a plane.

With Jiang Tian's sword, the upper and lower spaces within a radius of ten thousand feet were separated, and the middle was annihilated, forming a pure "vacuum" where no space even existed, and the upper and lower spaces could not be completely healed for a long time.

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