Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1634 Jiang Taichu is not worthy of being emperor, Ao Qijue provokes

"Give brother some face, two fellow Taoists, please be patient. It's just a little misunderstanding."

"We are facing a powerful enemy. We should join hands and work together to defeat the enemy!"

Next to them, Ji Tao and Ji Yusha, the brother and sister of the assassin dynasty in the world, were shocked and tried to persuade them.

The reason why the Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty uses this name is that they are the descendants of the ancient Heavenly Court royal family, the old and the young, and their status is orthodox and noble.

Because of this status, the master of the dynasty Ao Qijue raised his arms and called for help. Many people responded, and his influence was extremely great.

That is incomparable to the human world, hell, and the heroes and villains.

It turns out that the big bandits and heroes have to be polite. After all, the big bandits are just the roots of the generals of heaven and earth. To put it bluntly, the ancestors are subordinates to be driven by others.

Moreover, the strength of the Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty is indeed not bad. There are several veteran Avatars who can compete with the Seven Bandits, and Ao Qijue is also extremely talented. He has already reached the top of the Avatar, practicing the Jade Book of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Art of Imperial Overlord. , are all magnificent, with the aura of an emperor, and extremely powerful.

Now, Ao Qijue, the Heavenly Killer Dynasty, has come to seek cooperation. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But Jiang Taichu actually wanted to punish the other party.

"Anyone who offends my heavenly authority should be killed!"

At this time, a powerful man who transformed into gods stepped out of the treasure ship and said in a cold voice:

"Heavenly Court was established by the royal family of our previous dynasty. This name is of great significance, how can you use it casually!? Ask Jiang Taichu, does he have a little bit of imperial veins and a trace of emperor's blood in his body? But in a rural village You are just a clown, but you dare to call yourself a loner and deceive the world. Did you get the consent of our previous royal family? "

"Killing God Ye Huan!"

Ji Tao was suddenly startled. He didn't expect that he would also come out.

This powerful man who transforms into gods has a tall and straight posture, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a face like a crown of jade. Although there are a few strands of white hair on the temples, it not only does not make him look old, but also adds a bit of mature charm.

He also dressed as a slave, but his face was filled with a kind of nobility, and every move he made was elegant, with a sense of superiority and the aura of a superior, as if the emperor had descended and looked down on his subjects.

This person is Ye Huan, the God of Killing.

He is a member of the royal family of the ancient heaven. His ancestor was once a generation of emperors. During the Daosheng era, he fell in the battle with the Master and the Old Xu Emperor. He shed blood and sacrificed his life to protect the natives of the Immortal Land.

And his current identity in the Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty is just that of Ao Qijue's subordinate servant and one of the four great killers.

"It's Ye!"

Ye Huan said in his mouth, his eyes were arrogant, and he had already swept his sword towards Fu Heishui.

This sword kill, the way of the sword roared and trembled, the laws of the sword intertwined, the sword became cold and turned into a long river, splitting the sky and the earth, as if the emperor was angry, punishing his subjects with a sword, asking who is the master of the vast earth, and cut them all The world is unruly.

Ye Huan, the God of Death, didn't take Fu Heishui seriously at all.

Because, decades ago, he accidentally fought against Fu Heishui and completely suppressed Fu Heishui.

In the Falling Immortal Sea Area, many thieves and bandits were frightened and moved when they saw this.

The Heavenly Killer Dynasty is so powerful.

A slave with a Nascent Soul cultivation level can definitely serve as the city lord in the Immortal Ruins.

And one of the killer generals turned out to be a god, and could keep pace with their big bandit leader.

And just when the law of sword light, which is like a long river, is about to kill.

Fu Heishui's expression didn't change, he just raised his hand and flicked his fingers. With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook. The space was distorted and unstable. The laws of sword light and even the fragments of the avenue were all broken and collapsed.

The killing god Ye Huan felt as if he had been hit in the chest by a giant hammer. His face suddenly turned pale, and he stepped back seven or eight steps in a row. The formation pattern on the ground of the flying boat was so bright that it almost collapsed, and then he stopped, but The bones all over his body were cracking, and blood was spurting from his mouth. It was obvious that he had been severely injured.

"How can it be!"

In an instant, many monks from the Heavenly Killer Dynasty were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Because in the original, Fu Heishui was no match for Ye Huan.

But now, it is obvious that Fu Heishui is better.

"what happened?"

Ye Huan covered his chest, quickly adjusted his breath, and used the gods to repair the physical body. Just looking at Fu Heishui's eyes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart moved secretly.

It is rumored that Jiang Taichu and the big bandits "reformed" their methods, and many of their techniques were adapted to the world of Immortal Ruins, and even coincided with Zhou Tianxingdou.

Ye Huan had heard of it, but didn't believe it at all.

Because since the Daosheng era, countless monks, descendants of the ancient immortal land, have been modifying the old techniques and repairing the defects to adapt to the great changes in the world, but they have not succeeded.

But Jiang Tiancai came to this world for a few days, but he was able to succeed.

But now, I feel that Fu Heishui's skills are very different from before. It seems that every move is in harmony with the way of heaven, harmonious and perfect, and purely natural. There is a sense of harmony between heaven and man, and the way of heaven and earth.

But it made him shocked and disbelieving.

"Is this Jiang Taichu really the reincarnation of an immortal?" Ye Huan, the God of Killing, felt uneasy for a moment and did not dare to take action rashly.

"Fu Heishui, do you really want to be an enemy of my heavenly killer! If you alert Master Qi Jue, not to mention that you are just a mere god, even if you are Jiang Taichu, I am afraid you will also face annihilation!"

That old servant in black, with only a mere Nascent Soul cultivation level, dared to threaten Fu Heishui, who was a god-like cultivation level. He was obviously confident and thought that he had a great trump card and that the Heavenly Killer Dynasty was powerful.

"How presumptuous! Only a slave like you can call the new Heavenly Emperor by his first name!"

Fu Heishui was furious, his eyes were about to burst, he opened his bloody mouth, roared loudly, and the law of rolling sound waves distorted the sky, like an invisible heavy cannon bombarding the black-clothed servant.

"Ah! How dare you kill me! I am the slave of Master Qijue!"

Although the black-clothed servant used a variety of magical powers to protect his body and activated five or six defensive weapons, he still could not block the power of Fu Heishui's roar.

Under the shock of the terrifying sonic law, his clothes shattered and flew like broken flowers, his skin cracked, and his bones and flesh separated. Finally, blood mist filled the air, and even his flesh, bones, and organs turned into fragments and floated in the air.

"The power of a roar is so terrifying!"

This scene completely stunned Ye Huan and other Heavenly Killers.

The original arrogance and domineering attitude suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of deep fear and embarrassment.

Fu Heishui killed someone and said with a faint smile: "Just now this evil servant commanded the warship to ram into my fortress and the military restricted area. Now, the chief culprit has been killed, and I won't argue with you. Please come back!"

Although Fu Heishui is cruel and bloodthirsty, he is not a brainless person. After all, he is also an old monster with a thousand years of life and knows how to do things appropriately.

In fact, he had no idea that the real decision-makers on this flying boat were Ye Huan and the three other gods.

But this servant in black can only be used as a scapegoat.

Of course, the New Heaven must remain strong and must not lose its majesty. Otherwise, anyone who tries to convince you will be kicked in the face.

But when the enemy is facing us, we should not intensify the conflict too much.

A hundred miles away from the Falling Immortal Sea.

Among the clouds, a cloud tower was suspended in the sky.

Around them, dozens of large ships were emptied of their air, and thousands of foundation-building, golden elixir, and Nascent Soul monks were wearing armor and looking solemn with murderous intent. Guarding the cloud tower in the center.

The Cloud Tower is like a fairy palace, floating in the air, extremely exquisite. Every brick and tile is as beautiful as gold and jade. Various runes and patterns are intertwined, exquisite and beautiful, but they also imply the truth of heaven and earth, exuding the majesty of the emperor, and the atmosphere is endless. The value is more than ten times that of the Yunlou Feizhou where Ye Huan and others are located?

Although it is high in the sky, it does not feel cold. The heater roars, and instead of burning charcoal, a fiery red bead is hung, which is called a "fire bead."

Fire beads are carved from jade that has been warm for thousands of years. They have strong yang energy and can be used by monks to remove dampness and cold, strengthen muscles and bones, condense the soul, and strengthen consciousness.

This thing is very rare in the world. It is very precious and rare. I am afraid that there are not many even in the Xuhuang Palace.

At this time, a man was sitting in the pavilion. He was extremely handsome, like a celestial being, wearing a dragon robe and a purple gold crown, faintly revealing a domineering aura. His cultivation level has impressively reached the level of spirit transformation, and he has towering horns and golden vertical pupils. He is obviously of the blood of the demon clan, but his aura is upright and bright, which is completely different from ordinary demon aura.

This man is none other than Queen Ao's descendant, Ao Qijue.

Behind him, there were several powerful gods standing respectfully. Each one of them has extraordinary strength, and is on par with Ye Huan.

"What is the Emperor of Heaven?"

Ao Qijue sipped the tea gently, behaved elegantly and calmly, and said in deep thought:

"To rule the world, hold the power, seize life and death, gather the power of all living beings, and in a word, move mountains, fill seas, and divide land into rivers. In ancient times, the emperor of heaven held the edict of offering sacrifices to heaven. It is not surprising that he could have such power. Then came the emperors, who had no talisman. The imperial edict can still command the people, why?

"Etiquette and law are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All living beings fear the imperial power. Stars hold the moon. Thousands of glory are gathered in one person. Naturally, the spirit of the emperor is cultivated. The two words of etiquette and law can be said to be the most perfect way. Due to the loss of the edict of worshiping the heaven, human beings are rude and will inevitably kill each other. , so the sages created rituals to replace the will of heaven and regulate people's hearts. Therefore, although the imperial edicts are lost, the emperor's edicts still have the spirit of the emperor."

"This Jiang Taichu, if he wants to ascend to the throne, does not comply with the etiquette and law!"

"Haha, that Jiang Taichu has neither the blood of the ancient Heavenly Court royal family nor the inheritance of the ancient Heavenly Court's Taoism. The third is that he does not understand the etiquette of Heavenly Court and acts arbitrarily. How can he be worthy of being called emperor?"

An old man’s eyes were arrogant and full of disdain, and he snorted coldly:

"Everyone knows that our Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty is the bloodline of the ancient Heavenly Court royal family. It is orthodox and noble, has people's hearts attached to it, and is respected by all people. Jiang Taichu is just a common man and a reckless man. Who has the blood of the emperor, and how can he have the ability to govern the country. As long as If we don’t speak, how can the natives of Fairy Land recognize him?”

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