Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1635 One person, challenging a cultivation dynasty

"Ordinarily, Taishu Jiang has gone beyond the extreme of rudeness in establishing a new heaven! He is just a commoner, but he is worthy of being called emperor? He deserves to be punished! I want to kill him with one slap. But our Majesty Qijue is so kind and kind. , don’t care about him.”

Another old man who transformed into a god was very old-fashioned.

"He is just a monk from a barbaric land. He is an abandoned citizen of the wasteland. He comes from a rough background and does not understand the etiquette of his ancestors. It is not a crime for those who do not know!"

Ao Qijue waved his hand, seemingly tolerant and generous, and did not care about the little people. He smiled and said: "However, this person is a general."

"Of course!"

Another old man was also very proud and said: "I expected that the God of Killing Ye Huan would extend an olive branch on behalf of His Majesty, asking him to become a marquis and worship the Prime Minister. Jiang Taichu must have been flattered and kowtowed nine times to express his gratitude to His Majesty Qijue!"

When everyone was chatting and enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, hundreds of miles away, at the defense line, a sudden burst of sword light erupted, followed by another roar, which shook the ground and shook the mountains, and the clouds in the sky split.

"What, is this Ye Huan getting into trouble with someone?"

Everyone looked sideways, and some people wondered.

Ao Qi couldn't help but frown, with a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Is this Jiang Taichu so unruly? It's a huge honor for the emperor to summon him, but he still dares to resist and disobey the order? The second killing god, go and see!"

Ao Qijue's face was calm, and he waved his hand to give orders. He seemed to have a bit of royal bearing and mighty dragon power.

The powerful digital gods standing behind him were suddenly sweating profusely.

The second God of Killing quickly bowed and said: "Ye Huan has summoned us. The servant was killed, and Fu Heishui is unwilling to discuss it. It should be Jiang Taichu's intention... I will go and take a look now!"


The second killing god emptied his breath and turned into a golden light, soaring straight into the sky and flying towards the Immortal Falling Sea.

Seeing that Ao Qijue's expression was displeased, several immortals and elders around him hurriedly persuaded him: "Your Majesty Qijue, don't worry. Two immortals are here in person. How can Fu Heishui and others under Jiang Taichu be their opponents? I expected that I could only kneel down and beg for mercy." "

"Besides, the big bandits and heroes are originally members of the ancient Heavenly Court, descendants of the divine generals of Heaven and Earth. How dare they attack His Majesty's men? I guess there are some misunderstandings here!"

"Your Majesty has worked hard to govern, civilize and martial arts, and the world has gathered to respond. Then Jiang Taichu has not had enough time to worship you, so how can he refuse to cooperate?"

After hearing this, Ao Qijue's expression softened slightly and he continued chatting with many killers, civil servants and generals.

"Go away! My Heavenly Emperor has already said that he will not cooperate. Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

But just a minute or two later, another roar was heard.

Then, several explosions of weapons were heard, and then, the airship Ye Huan was on exploded with a burst of flames.

"This Jiang Taichu is so arrogant!"

Ao Qijue stood up in a hurry, his eyes were slightly awe-inspiring, his heart was filled with anger, and a strong murderous aura surged.

But immediately after, several Nascent Soul cultivators rushed in crying.

Ao Qi never saw the figures of Ye Huan and the two murderous gods, and his heart sank, and he had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the blood-stained monks said in a trembling voice: "His Majesty Qi Qi Jue Killing Emperor, the God of Killing Ye Huan, and the God of Qingming have all been killed!"

"This Jiang Taichu is so domineering, he dares to kill even my emperor's ministers, and even dare not to give me my face?"

Ao Qijue was furious and was about to order an attack on the Falling Immortal Sea.

A Nascent Soul monk lost his mind and said: "Your Majesty, it was not Jiang Taichu who took action. It was Seven Koufu Heishui who took action. Moreover, he fought alone and killed Ye Huan and Qingming Shenjun."


Hearing these words, Ao Qijue's heart skipped a beat, and his heart plummeted into the abyss. Chills ran down his spine, from head to toe. He swallowed the harsh words on his lips.

Jiang Taichu's subordinate Fu Heishui has reached the limit of sublimation and has reached such a level of strength. So how strong is Jiang Taichu?

I'm afraid that without Jiang Taichu taking action, the seven bandits alone would be enough for him to drink a pot.

"Humph. When we came here, we originally wanted to join in the great event and defeat Xudu together. But we didn't expect Jiang Taichu to be so unruly and unruly. It seems that he is definitely not a good talent and cannot be put to great use!"

Ao Qijue waved his hand, signaling Yunlou, Feizhou and Yizhan to leave this place.

"My lord, Jiang Taichu killed my divine general, how can I not take revenge? I am willing to lead an army to conquer the islands in the Fallen Immortal Sea and kill Jiang Taichu!"

A powerful god-turned-god shouted majestically.

Ao Qijue seemed to be in low spirits, waved his hand, and said magnanimously: "The sages in the ancient heaven governed the world with benevolence and righteousness, and repaid evil with virtue. Although he disrespected me, no matter what, he was also fighting for the remnants of the immortal land. I am The son of God should have the magnanimity to tolerate the sun and the moon, and he can naturally tolerate people's mistakes. How can you argue with him?"

"Your Majesty is devoted to the country, the country, the country, and the people of the world. Your ministers admire you for your broad-mindedness!"

"Your Majesty is wise. Sooner or later Jiang Taichu will understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts and be inspired by Your Majesty's kindness!"

"Your Majesty will surely establish a foundation that will last forever!"

Amidst the flood of flattery, many flying boats and cloud towers disappeared into the sky. Even the corpses of Ye Huan and their clothes did not dare to be collected, panicking like a bereaved dog.

Jiang Tian withdrew his consciousness, his eyes were deep, and there was a trace of ridicule in the corner of his eyes, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and said: "Repay evil with kindness, tolerate mistakes. If you can't beat me, just run away! If you can't beat me, I'm afraid I'll repay kindness with kindness. Resentment should be repaid, grudges should be clearly defined, good deeds should be rewarded, and bad deeds should be punished. The law is strict! "

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could tell that Ao Qijue was indeed a descendant of Queen Ao. It was uncertain whether he was directly descended from Queen Ao, but at least his bloodline was much purer than that of Ao Feng. The other killers of the Heavenly Dynasty are indeed of good blood.

But the problem is that his skills are not good and he behaves in a shabby way. He is not as cheerful as the big bandit heroes.

"Sigh, I really don't know how Emperor Ao would feel if he were to be resurrected and see his descendants being so miserable..."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, quickly put all this behind him, and continued to practice sitting cross-legged.

Soon, news came out that the Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty wanted to unite with the New Heavenly Court, but was blocked by Jiang Taichu and killed two gods.

Once again, it was like a hurricane passing through, causing an uproar.

In the ruins of the city, there was a miserable wind and bitter rain, the melancholy clouds were gloomy, and the sky was filled with mournful sounds. There were no corpses of the Master and the Sword God, so they built burial mounds and held state funerals.

Thousands of people from the Xianxu royal family, princes, princes, ministers, and leaders of aristocratic families and sects attended. The entire city, hundreds of millions of people, cried with their eyes red and heartbroken. It is said that tens of thousands of people committed suicide in one day, as if it was the end of the world. Because many people's feelings for the Master and the Sword God are extraordinary and like faith.

"Haha, this Jiang Taichu is really arrogant to the extreme!"

After hearing the news from the outside world, Fairy Yulian couldn't help but have a look of ridicule on her face.

She has now been ordered to control the entire Xudu formation, and Jiang Tian's attack on the city is crucial to her.

At the same time, she is also the person who knows the Xudu Formation best, so she is very confident: "If you want to break the Xudu Formation, the more powerful there are, the greater the chance of winning. If he joins forces with the Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty, the chance of winning will increase by at least 10%!"

"I heard that the Jade Girl Sect, which was originally friendly with Jiang Taichu and the seven major bandits, has drawn a clear line with Jiang Taichu! Obviously, they don't like Jiang Taichu's reckless behavior! Attacking the Xudu is self-destruction!"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true! Fairy Ruilong has severed ties with Bai Muxue, and asked a prince to take the message and go to the Xuhuang Palace to ask Prince Xiahe to apologize. Don't you understand this?"

"This is an official announcement! Jiang Taichu really doesn't know the heights of the sky. The Xudu City is an ancient city that has existed for thousands of years, guarded by ancient divine forbidden areas and divine formations. It is the heel of the Immortal Xu Dynasty! Does he think it is a soft persimmon? ? He is clearly seeking his own destruction by running away like this!"

Many people shook their heads and laughed when they heard this, as if Jiang Tian was a joke.

This boy is extremely talented and invincible in cultivation, but he is too headstrong and does not know how to advance or retreat.

For a time, various rumors and analyzes about Jiang Tian were rampant.

At this time, another piece of earth-shattering news came from Jiang Tian's retreat place.

"When Jiang Taichu destroyed Xudu alone, he did not rely on anyone else's hands!"

After the news came out, everyone was even more shocked and thought they were hallucinating.

one person!

Challenge a cultivation dynasty!

This time, not only the Immortal Ruins monks, but also many Immortal Earth descendants were dumbfounded. They shook their heads and sighed, thinking that Jiang Tian was too much for Meng Lang.

This kind of thing has not only never happened in the Xianxu Dynasty, but no one has ever done it even back in the ancient days of the previous dynasty.

Not even the ancient sages could do it.

At this moment, even the monks in the most corner of the Immortal Ruins were all rushing towards the capital with flying swords and escaping light. I don’t want to miss this most dazzling and magnificent battle in all eternity, which will also change history.

Many gods were alarmed.

Even some living fossils in the cave woke up from their coffins, broke out of the barrier, rushed to the provinces, and gathered in the market capital. They did not want to witness, but to participate in the war. For the top monks, they have to fight to the last person and destroy Jiang Tian.

"Oh, I regret it! We only saw that Jiang Taichu was very strong, but we didn't expect that he would act so willfully and willfully!"

"If Jiang Taichu dies this time, we will still be liquidated by the Xianxu Dynasty!"

At this time, the two divine kings Xuan Nu and Sun Xiao of Shuiyue Cave Heaven shook their heads secretly, feeling very regretful.

But it's too late to regret.

On the Xuantian Mountains, they had made their attitude clear and stood on Jiang Tian's side.

The news that Jiang Tian took away their cave treasure, the Wind and Rain Flag, and their strength increased rapidly was also leaked.

At this time, if you go to the Xuhuang Palace to admit your mistake, you will not be able to get forgiveness. It will simply cost you your life.

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