Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1641 Breaking through the defense line, killing thousands of miles without leaving a trace

"Senior's magical powers and laws are permeable to the sky and the earth. We admire them extremely. We are here to watch and worship. There is no disrespect in any way..."

In the mental battle, Jiang Tian's soul-devouring consciousness was so terrifying that everyone seemed to be facing the unparalleled power of heaven and could not bear it at all. Their hearts trembled with fear and they shivered with fear. Their legs were as soft as noodles and they couldn't help but kneel to the ground.

Only Zhou Kaiwen still reluctantly supported him. He cupped his hands, bowed deeply, and explained with a vibrato. Sister Zhao Rou had a bit of resentment deep in her heart. Jiang Taichu was so domineering. Even if the Immortal Xu royal family fought with others, they could not stop other monks from watching.

However, what caused their collapse was yet to come.

I saw flying swords flying through the air silently.

The speed was too fast, they didn't even have time to dodge, they were pierced, strangled to pieces, flesh and blood flew everywhere, the screams were earth-shattering, cruel, mixed with various body-protecting magic weapons and magical laws, the sound of being cut apart, and explosions.

In the blink of an eye, the thousands of onlookers monks, whether their physical bodies, souls, or golden elixirs and souls, were destroyed in an instant.

Before Zhao Rou, Zhao Na and others died, their beautiful faces were stained with blood, and their beautiful eyes were wide open, filled with fear and astonishment. They seemed to be unable to believe that they had come to watch Jiang Tian being killed. Pouring a block in his heart to relieve the hatred in his heart, he was killed by Jiang Tian in a daze.

The next moment, their delicate bodies like flowers were shattered.

Flying boats, flying swords, and broken limbs covered with flesh and blood and broken bones fell like heavy rain, once again staining the sea area red.

Many blood-stained flying swords, flashing with cold light, seemed to be spiritual, cruising over the sea for a moment. After making sure that no fish had slipped through the net, they roared and chased into the distance.

Jiang Tian has already shot hundreds of miles away, pointing directly at the second line of defense, Linhai Province, Yanyun City.

At this time, the scene of the battle at the Xuankong Mountain Defense Line had spread throughout the entire Immortal Ruins. Hundreds of millions of people were shocked and full of disbelief.

Jiang Tian's performance was too strong, especially since he could quickly recover even the damage caused by the gods' self-destruction. It was downright terrifying.

Xuankong Mountain is home to many transformed gods and tens of thousands of monks above Nascent Soul. With such a powerful lineup, coupled with carefully arranged restrictions and magic circles, even if Jiang Tian can break them, he will still have to pay a heavy price. But I didn't expect that this ending would destroy the entire defense line just like destroying a sand sculpture, and wash it all away with blood.

What kind of power is this, what kind of terrifying strength is this!

Countless monks and mortals in the Immortal Ruins took a breath of air, their faces became solemn, and they became worried.

When they saw Zhao Rou's sister and Zhou Kaiwen being bloodily killed by Jiang Tian, ​​everyone was so angry that their lungs were about to burst. Their eyes were bloodshot, their steel teeth were almost broken, and their eyes were about to burst.

"Jiang Taichu, you are so cruel! You are just watching the crowd, why do you want to kill innocent people?"

"Jiang Taichu, you act wantonly and kill innocent people indiscriminately, which is against the harmony of nature. One day, you will be attacked by your inner demons and your body will explode to death!"

"It's not human!"

They beat their chests and feet one by one, yelled and cursed, and wished they could crush Jiang Tian to ashes in order to relieve their hatred.

Jiang Tian walked in the air, one step traveling hundreds of miles in an instant, like a sharp sword, sealing his throat with one sword, pointing directly at the ruins, without any cover-up or pretense.

A land of tens of thousands of miles across the ocean is a coastal province!

This province has a vast territory, a large population, extremely rich spiritual energy, and many cultivating traditions. It can be said that there are thousands of races and heroes standing together, each one of them is dazzling and famous for eternity. Now, it has attracted the attention of the entire Immortal Ruins.

Outside the majestic city of Yanyun City, monks gathered together, and hundreds of millions of people turned their attention here.

"Xidian Sect! One god-transforming sect leader, three half-step god-transforming elders, and six hundred Yuan Ying disciples!"

"Haitaimen! Five half-step god-turned-gods, Supreme Elders, come out of seclusion and lead six hundred Nascent Soul disciples to meet the enemy!"

"Red Arrow City! Five hundred weapon refining masters, controlling five thousand large magic weapons, intercept Jiang Taichu!"

"Hanling Temple! Three eminent monks and virtuous men, possessing the half-step cultivation of becoming gods, have left seclusion and attained enlightenment!"

"The soul-controlling family! The soul-hunting princes, led by hundreds of Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords, are dispatched!"

All the famous forces in the Immortal Ruins, including sects, aristocratic families, and cities, were all extremely powerful and had extremely deep foundations, but they were all desperate to attack Jiang Tian like moths flying into the flame.

They dug out all the magic weapons at the bottom of the box. Many of them come from the Daosheng War era, and are extremely powerful. They are war weapons. They can split the sky with one blow and destroy the earth, mountains and rivers. Some are the weapon refining style of Mu Lingxing, and some are seized and robbed from the ancient heaven. of.

"Fight for the roots of our descendants, die for the continuation of civilization! Die a worthy death!"

"Listen to your own funeral song, turn into light and rain, return to the great road of heaven and earth, and end the eternal dreams! Just to die with peace of mind!"

Even some living fossils that were about to run out of life and were waiting for an opportunity while their blood coagulated and stopped living were awakened and walked out of the cemetery and coffin with an aura of decay and decay.

They were dressed in ancient costumes and had a long history. They seemed to come from another era, but their eyes were resolute and hard. They had already regarded death as if they were home, and were about to burst out the final light and heat.

Every force has the strength to kill more than one god, and now, the mighty forces are rushing towards Jiang Tian.

"Xuankongshan's defense line has been broken!"

"Jiang Taichu is very strong! Today, we may die here!"

"It doesn't matter! If you die to kill Jiang Taichu, our name will be passed down through the ages and illuminate for eternity!"

"Master of the West Cauldron Sect, it seems that your disciples are full of fighting spirit and have no fear at all! Could it be that you revealed the news of the expedition to the earth?"

"This is the top secret, and no one can know it except those who are powerful enough to become gods or above. How could I be killed so easily? It's very simple, it's just controlled by the soul!"

"Jiang Taichu is so strong that he can even resist the self-destruction of gods? How to kill him?"

"I expected that he might not be able to withstand these large ancient war weapons! Thousands of miles away, a 'divine thunder formation' was set up at a place he must pass. Even if the Master and the Sword God are resurrected, they will not be able to withstand it!"

Many leaders have received the news and are discussing, but they are not afraid. Instead, they are full of killing intent. They feel a sense of honor and excitement, and they are working together to discuss how to kill Jiang Tian.


A series of earth-shattering explosions sounded, and blue thunder pillars holding up the sky and the ground erupted from the ground, soaring straight into the sky, firing at the bullfighting, Xuanwu, real dragon, white tiger, unicorn, Pixiu, Qiongqi, colorful divine thunder, appeared Different shapes of mythical beasts emerged, all as huge and thick as mountains, penetrating the earth, destroying mountains, tearing apart the sky, rushing and fighting in the roar.

"he came!"

At the same time, the weapon refining masters in Red Arrow City all activated large Taoist weapons with their consciousness fluctuating and their faces slightly stern. Taoist weapons about a hundred feet long, like arrows, were densely packed, pouring down, attacking indiscriminately, like heavy rain.

Suddenly, thousands of miles around turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. The terrifying laws fluctuated and roared crazily. All kinds of dazzling avenue fragments swept across, blooming with thousands of rays of light. Even the ancient formations on the earth were obliterated and torn apart. The land for thousands of miles shook violently. Mushroom clouds shot up into the sky, the sky shook, and even the second star of the South Gate seemed to fall. The world was in chaos and boiling.

"Even if the Master and the Sword God are reborn, they will turn into powder!"

At this moment, I don’t know how many people were thinking.

Jiang Tian was certainly strong, but he couldn't bear this kind of indiscriminate bombardment. It can be said that at this moment, all the major forces in the entire province squandered all the various Taoist artifacts and magic weapons they had accumulated over thousands of years. Let's talk about one transformed god, four or a hundred transformed gods, I'm afraid they will only end up with the body and soul destroyed.

After half a stick of incense, they stopped releasing it. Everyone was panting, but they saw a tall and majestic figure slowly walking out from the sea of ​​flames and boiling laws in the sky. Unscathed, he was even dressed in black. His clothes are not stained with dust.

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