Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1642 The Immortal Ruins are in despair and almost going crazy

"How could he resist?"

The moment they saw Jiang Tian walking out, everyone's pupils shrank, as if seeing a demon ghost, full of shock and disbelief.

"Is it that weird stone tripod?"

Many gods came to their senses and felt sad in their hearts.

It's not that he's afraid of death, he already has the intention to die, but he's worried that the entire Immortal Ruins won't be able to kill Jiang Tian.

This Jiang Taichu is really too terrifying, and with this kind of treasure, it seems to be indelible.

At this time, above Jiang Tian's head, the Mother Stone Cauldron floated and turned, and the initial breath of chaos hung down, like ten thousand silk ribbons. Once any law or even fragments of the avenue came close, they would be crushed and shattered immediately, and Jiang Tian could not be harmed at all.

"You all know that your life is not long, so you just want to die."

Facing an army of tens of thousands of monks, Jiang Tian remained cool and casual, as if he didn't care at all, and said leisurely with a mocking look on his face:

"You don't have to care about your life. But I am different from you. I have a beautiful world, a wife and children, and I still have to climb the long fairy road and reach the top of the universe. Naturally, I won't take such risks."


The founder of the Xiding Sect, an aging god, has lived for thousands of years and is on the verge of death. His blood clotting had stopped and he was awakened at this time. He was skinny and bones, with deep-set eye sockets. His eyes flickered like will-o'-the-wisps. They were filled with resentment and malice. The light of resentment roared and rushed towards Jiang Tian with an aura of decay.


The shouts of killing were earth-shattering.

The eyes of tens of thousands of monks flashed with boundless determination, and their faces were as resolute as iron. They all sacrificed their magical weapons, the Flying Sword Taoist Soldiers, which turned into a sky-shattering rainbow, piercing the sun and moon, roaring into the sky, and charging towards Jiang Tian.

"I was going to destroy your clan, so you should just wait quietly for death, but I didn't expect you to dare to resist. However, that's okay, it's a little more interesting!"

Seeing the overwhelming figures and attacks, Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with a deep cold light, the chaotic energy and blood in his body surged, and the terrifying aura climbed steadily, like a hunting banner, stretching across the sky, making him look like a demon and a god.


Jiang Tian stamped his foot, and the void collapsed. The curvature of the space within a hundred miles radius changed, and it was directly annihilated and scattered. All kinds of space debris exploded, forming a space storm.

The thousands of monks who were the first to bear the brunt were all torn apart by the force of space in an instant, like huge clusters of blood flowers blooming in the air. Their residual limbs were flying around, and their crystal bones were scattered in all directions. It was extremely sad and magnificent.

Later, Jiang Tian relied on the force of the rebound of the curvature of space to cross hundreds of miles with a whoosh and collided with the top forces in Linhai Province.

From the sky, only a bright ray of chaos can be seen, like a sharp blade, splitting the entire formation.

Just like a torpedo parting the sea water, pushing forward all the way, the terrifying law fluctuations emitted by Jiang Tian rolled out to both sides along the splitting route, and countless large magic weapons were shaken and flew upside down like a goddess scattering flowers. In the air, they fell apart in an instant. The monks exploded like fireworks and retreated like waves crashing on the shore.

Whether it was ancient war machines, various large-scale Taoist tools, or powerful gods, they all exploded like firecrackers in front of Jiang Tian who hit him, sending all kinds of debris flying everywhere.

Kill to the rising point.

Jiang Tian even released the nine heavenly ministers.

Nine thousand-foot-tall celestial beings, like demons and gods, walk around the world and spread their vast divine principles. An army of tens of thousands of monks, a group of elites from the province, were like pieces of paper and clay, falling apart one after another.

After half a stick of incense, rivers of blood flowed across the ground. Broken limbs and broken arms were piled up like mountains. The wreckage of various weapons, magical instruments and chariots were spread across the ground like mountain peaks. The Xiding Sect, Haitaimen, Red Arrow City, Soul Hunting Family and other forces were all destroyed, leaving no one alive!

"The clown is vulnerable!"

Jiang Tian's face was cold, his eyes were calm, without any emotion. The clothes were still free of dust. He shook the clothes and rushed towards the defense line behind him.

Seeing this scene, the entire Immortal Ruins fell silent.

"Is it true that Jiang Taichu can push thousands of miles and destroy the Xianxu Dynasty?"

"Does he really want to occupy the magpie's nest and rob our home?"

A possibility that they had never thought of before came to mind, making people tremble with fear and trembling.

A total of six lines of defense were deployed above the Immortal Ruins, but Jiang Tian easily defeated two lines, so how could the other lines stop Jiang Tian.

In the Falling Immortal Sea, the heroes who saw all this through the light curtain were all excited.

"I originally thought that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor's threat to conquer the Immortal Ruins in one day was too much for Meng Lang and Tuoda. I didn't expect His Majesty to be so strong, and great things can be accomplished!"

Yun Zhongzi's eyes ejaculated and he sighed, full of reverence and admiration.

"Alas, such a mighty record. Not even the sages of the ancient heaven can match it!"

Ushi Tada also sighed.

"This battle by the Heavenly Emperor has made me, the descendant of the natives of the Immortal Land, feel proud and proud, avenging the past humiliation and avenging the sages who fell in the Daosheng era!" Tu Fei was so excited that his tiger body trembled slightly, and his clenched fists , tightened it again, wishing to follow Jiang Tian on the battlefield and fight to the death with the strong men of the Immortal Ruins.

"Have fun! Have fun!" Tian Shu was drunk and screamed loudly.

Sure enough, the remaining three lines of defense were torn apart by Jiang Tian as if they were being destroyed.

The more than thirty transformed gods who blocked it all perished. There are many of them who are like living fossils awakening from the tomb. These living fossils were once famous throughout the ages, shining like stars in the sky above the Immortal Ruins. They slept for hundreds of thousands of years waiting for the opportunity to extend their longevity and disappeared. Now they reappeared, only to be wiped out by Jiang Tian.

Over 10,000 Nascent Soul Lords were killed in the battle, and countless Jindan and Foundation Establishment cultivators were killed or wounded. A rough estimate was that it was at least 300,000.

This is a war that can be called world-destroying, just like the war in the Dao Shen era, it can be described as chaos and chaos.

The sky was twisted, mountains and rivers were shattered, and on the earth, wolf smoke was rising into the sky, prosperous cities were shattered, millions of corpses were lying on the ground, blood flowed into rivers, the fighting was so fierce that even asteroids from outside the territory were affected and fell.

All of this is too terrifying.

The entire Fairy Ruins was filled with bloody storms, lead clouds piled up in the sky, gloomy clouds, various thunders exploded, heavy rain fell from heaven to earth, and various flash floods broke out, as if the heaven and earth were howling, weeping, and furious.

This is not fantasy, it is fact.

Transformation gods are gods in the human world. Humans are connected to the great road of heaven and earth. Heaven and man are one. The gods in the body are like children conceived by heaven. Now, they have fallen in one day, and heaven and earth interact with each other. How can heaven and earth, as the parents of gods, bear it? ? The avenues and laws are unstable, causing various celestial-level disasters.

"How can Jiang Taichu be so powerful? He is just an ant from an abandoned planet on the edge. I heard that it is called the wasteland, and it is the abandoned people abandoned by the ancient heaven!"

"That's a god. He's aloof and omnipotent. He was born from the great avenue of heaven and earth. His lifespan can last for thousands of years. How can he perish? Is this an illusion?"

"Jiang Taichu, you are bloody, cruel and inhumane. You are worse than a beast, you are truly a devil!"

"Oh God! Send down thunder and strike him to death with thunder!"

The cave sky hanging high in the sky, the sect overlooking the common people, the aristocratic families who assisted the dynasty to guard the country, even the back streets, and even the mountains and fields, it can be said that above the entire fairy ruins, the cries moved the heaven and the earth, and hundreds of millions of people were howling. , crying, yelling, and cursing. They were heartbroken and in disbelief.

As human gods and transformed gods, there are many believers in the world who believe in them devoutly and worship them. The transformed gods not only enjoy the power of incense and wishes, but also perform miracles in the world and be used by the people.

Nowadays, idols and beliefs have been broken and cannot be accepted.

This kind of loss is too heavy. More than half of the Immortal Ruins monks have been lost! Even if Jiang Tian is killed, he will not be able to return to his peak state without a thousand years of recuperation.

"Old Market Emperor, please open your eyes and look. Your descendants and subjects are being slaughtered by evil spirits! Please wake up!"

"Ruth Emperor, God, please open your eyes. Send down the heavenly calamity and the heavenly punishment, let this despicable and cruel foreign bastard die!"

Every city has a central square where statues of the emperors of the past dynasties stand. Monks and mortals often worship there.

At this time, all the city squares were crowded with people. Mortals and monks were bowing and praying, with pious faces. Sometimes their foreheads touched the ground, and sometimes they raised their arms and shouted loudly, the great god condemned Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Taichu is here!"

When Jiang Tian passed by a medium-sized city, the monks and mortals who were praying all rushed toward Jiang Tian like crazy.

"kill him!"

"Devil, go to hell!"

They roared as if they were crazy, without much sense at all. They knew that Jiang Tian couldn't be offended, but they still wanted to fight with Jiang Tian.

If there was no crisis of annihilation, the Immortal Xu Dynasty would be a cultivation dynasty with healthy operation and superior system.

This world, which extracts spiritual energy from the lower world, is like a paradise, rich in resources, spiritual energy is like a waterfall, and people live and work in peace and contentment. Even for mortals, their lifespan can often reach hundreds of years.

Moreover, the system was superior, forming a centralized cultivation dynasty. The monks fought for mortals, transformed gods into people, and protected the peace of the world. Government orders were smooth, and they were able to concentrate their efforts on major things.

Now, all this is ruined in Jiang Tian's hands.

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