Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1643: The troops are approaching the city, the final battle!

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

In this regard, Jiang Tian showed no mercy at all, and without a trace of emotion on his face, he stepped down.

At this moment, Jiang Tian's figure swayed and expanded rapidly, reaching a height of a hundred feet, as if the sky was above his head and his feet were stepping on the Nine Netherworld. His whole body was entangled with chaos energy and blood, and the Nine Layers God joined him, and the Chaos Divine Body started to move.

A big foot, like a mountain falling down, stepped towards the city.

Facing the overwhelming foot that looked like it could penetrate the continent, no one changed their color and screamed, so scared that they peed on the spot. But it was too late to escape.

"Come on!"

"We monks should fight to guard the Immortal Ruins and protect the environment and the people!"

"How joyful it is to live, how miserable it is to die, eliminate demons and protect the Tao, and the common people will respect you!"

An Avatar and hundreds of Nascent Souls guarding the city roared and soared into the sky. All kinds of laws crisscrossed the sky. Many magic weapons tore through the sky. The light shone on the nine heavens and ten places. It was so bright that it shot up into the sky. .

"Ah! Heroes and gods, they were killed by Jiang Taichu to protect us!"

"Why is it that in this world, demons are always in power and the strong are respected? Where is justice and justice!"

"Let a thunder strike strike Jiang Taichu to death!"

Seeing the monks fighting and dying for them, countless mortals below were crying, howling, and roaring in pain.

Jiang Tian's face was cold and his eyes were cruel, like an ancient god. He stepped on it, as if a planet fell and hit the earth.

Jiang Tian's kick is so terrifying and invincible now. How can it be stopped by just a few Nascent Souls?

One kick!

Pierce the clouds, split the sky, kill people, and destroy the city!

The powerful god-transformer was holding a halberd, which was also a Taoist weapon. However, when he was still hundreds of meters away from Jiang Tian's giant feet, he was shattered by the law's strong wind, and the layers were destroyed.


Afterwards, even if he roared, burned the gods, tried his best to attack the realm and used various peerless attacks, and the flames around him flickered and burned all the laws, it still had no effect at all.

With a snap, it was crushed into blood mist by Jiang Tian's chaotic aura.

Jiang Tian's feet were as if they were crushing an ant, without any hindrance, and continued to step forward at a steady pace.

Bang bang bang!

Under the suppression of the powerful law of chaos, hundreds of Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords could not withstand it at all, and they exploded one after another. Balls of colorful Qi and blood exploded in the air, just like fireworks in full bloom. Unexpectedly, one person did not escape, and his coefficient was Jiang Tian stepped on it.

Jiang Tian's face was indifferent and his eyes were cold. He was neither happy nor sad, but completely calm and continued to step down.

In this city, various formations and prohibitions hold up the shield like layers of lotus blossoms. They are dazzling and dazzling. The phantoms of various strange beasts look up to the sky and roar, domineering and powerful, shocking the earth and the earth. Each one is a formation spirit.

These are all god-level forbidden and magical formations that can withstand a full blow from a powerful person who has transformed into a god, and there are dozens of them overlapping each other.

But it was useless at Jiang Tian's feet.

Amidst the strange cracking and rumbling sounds, the layers of protective shields cracked apart like paper. The city was instantly flattened and exploded by Jiang Tian, ​​and disappeared from the earth, leaving behind a city with a radius of dozens of miles. , a huge footprint with a depth of more than several miles, in which blood became a vast lake, broken bones and flesh were like mud, and all kinds of buildings and fortresses were smashed to pieces.

Jiang Tian glanced indifferently and continued to rush forward.

The place where the market capital is located, the Central Plains Province, is already in sight.

When Jiang Tian arrived at the heroic city "Liaoyuan City" in the eastern part of the Central Plains Province.

The entire Immortal Ruins, with hundreds of millions of people, all lost their voices, their faces filled with fear, and even a hint of despair.

At this time, Jiang Tian has now pushed across seven provinces, penetrated five large defense lines, destroyed countless small and medium-sized defense lines and cities, and killed more than fifty Avatars and countless Nascent Souls.

Liaoyuan City is the east gate of the Central Plains Province. Once past this gate, Jiang Tian enters the Central Plains Province, only a thousand miles away from the ruins!

Thousands of miles away, from the perspective of humans on earth, is of course a very long distance.

But for the Immortal Market, which covers a million miles, it is already very close.

For the powerful person who can transform into gods in a blink of an eye, this is the distance of half a stick of incense!

Jiang Tian has troops approaching the city.

"I was mistaken. This Jiang Taichu is so powerful!"

Fairy Ruilong, who was paying close attention to this battle, was shocked.

To be honest, she did not expect this situation, that even the gods could withstand self-destruction, and even the large war machines from ancient times could stop him.

She now suspected that Jiang Tian might really be able to invade Xudu and change the world.

Jiang Tian stopped outside Liaoyuan City, changed his appearance, and landed in a small town like a mortal traveler. He rested for a while and prepared for the final battle.

Even though he was a Chaos Divine Body, after half a day of bloody killings, killing dozens of transformed gods, spanning most of the Immortal Ruins Continent, he still felt a bit exhausted.

The wine flag was flying, and there was a small tavern with three wooden houses at the corner of the stone path, surrounded by peach blossoms and surrounded by green grass.

But there were no customers, only an old shopkeeper, deaf and blinded, who seemed to have no idea that the war had broken out, and was still guarding the shop.

Just as Jiang Tian sat down, ordered a pot of peach blossom wine and drank it slowly, he heard a message from his spiritual consciousness: "Your Majesty Taichu, I'm here to see you!"

"Didn't you declare that you have severed ties with Bai Muxue and have nothing to do with New Heaven, so you stay out of the matter?"

Jiang Tian sipped the sweet peach blossom stuffing, with a hint of ridicule on his lips.

The person coming is none other than Bai Muxue’s master, Fairy Ruilong!

She stepped on her sword and flew into the air ten miles away, communicating with Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness.

"I am here because I was entrusted by someone. Ao Qijue, the killer of the heavenly court, has asked to see your majesty. He has already held a banquet in Liaoyuan City and is waiting for you!"

Fairy Ruilong said with a hint of helplessness on her beautiful face.

"What kind of a piece of shit is he? If he wants to see me, he'll come over here on his own. He'll make a pretense and ask me to come to see him. Does he have the qualifications?"

Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he didn't have much favorable impression of Ao Qijue.

The smile on Fairy Ruilong's face became stiffer, but she had no choice.

After all, Jiang Tian rose up strongly and came from behind. Now he is the one who can compete with the Xianxu Dynasty and divide the world equally. Although Ao Qijue has noble blood, in terms of strength and power, he is far inferior to Jiang Tian.

She hesitated for a moment and then said, "That's fine, let me report it myself!"

The Heavenly Court Killer Dynasty is extremely influential and is said to be composed of descendants of the ancient Heavenly Court royal family.

Soon, a cloud tower came emptying out, extremely luxurious and shining brightly.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, I am Ao Qijue. I have admired your name for a long time, and I am finally lucky enough to meet you today!"

Later, Ao Qijue, who was wearing a Gun dragon robe and a flat crown on his head, exuding the majesty of the emperor, accompanied by several powerful gods, stepped down from the cloud tower, his face full of joy, and he laughed loudly. , came to Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian raised his eyelids slightly, sneered and said, "Ao Qijue, what do you have to say?"

Being called by his first name by Jiang Tian, ​​Ao Qijue showed a trace of displeasure on his face, but it was fleeting and well hidden. Then he said with joy on his face: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, I came to see you because I have something to advise you!"

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