Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1644 Immortal Killing Platform, Ancient Formation

"Do you want to send a message to the Immortal Xu Dynasty? Let me stop here and draw a border to rule! Do the territories east of this line belong to me?"

Jiang Tian said calmly.


Ao Qijue was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that all of this was what Jiang Tian had expected.

"Ao Qijue, this war has been going on so far, and I have already felt that Xianxu has made it clear that it will fight me to the death. If there is a sudden peace talk, there must be a demon if something goes wrong. There is a fraud in this matter!"

Jiang Tian sneered:

"The Immortal Xu monk is cunning and insidious. Even my master, who is known as a saint, showed surrender during peace talks seven days ago on the Xuantian Mountains, but secretly deployed invisible battleships with the intention of killing me."

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, what's the benefit of them killing you?"

Ao Qijue smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"The crisis of the third star of the South Gate is not a lie, it is absolutely true. Even if I kill you, the Immortal Ruins will be swallowed up by the third star within a hundred years, and all the creatures on the Immortal Ruins will be reduced to ashes."

"At this time, both the Immortal Ruins monks and us Immortal Land natives should put aside their past grievances, join hands, and work together to solve the problem of the third star of the South Gate!"

He showed a hint of ridicule and said: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, this is a disaster that will destroy the world. There is really not much time left for us! I hope that fellow Taoists will not be blinded by power and confused. In order to Self-interest has forgotten the lives of billions of immortal natives!”

This clearly means that Jiang Tian wants to fight this vicious war just to sit on the throne. He is greedy for power and ignores the common people in the world for his own selfish interests.

In fact, at this moment, their conversation has been broadcast live to the entire Immortal Market through the communication weapon.

All the monks from the descendants of Mu Lingxing and the Ancient Heavenly Court were watching this scene closely.

"Oh, yes, at this time, the world is in danger, and it is very close! And the Xianxu Dynasty has surrendered, why do they have to kill them all!"

"As a human being, you should know how to forgive! If you want to be a wise king, you must be magnanimous and have the magnanimity to swallow the sun, the moon and the stars!"

"I think Jiang Taichu is still not as smart as Ao Qijue! After all, he is not a descendant of the royal family, and his bloodline is even worse!"

Therefore, after hearing Ao Qijue's words, even the descendants of the natives of Immortal Land were a little shaken, and they were not as firm in supporting Jiang Tian as before.

Some people even blamed and ridiculed Jiang Tian.

Facing Ao Qijue, who had something to say in the conversation, Jiang Tian smiled lightly, with a touch of indifference, and said: "I, Jiang Taichu, don't even look down on the throne of the Immortal Ruins. You are just frogs in the well, and you have no idea of ​​my vision!"


At this time, even Fairy Ruilong couldn't help but smile sarcastically.

If it’s not for the throne, then what is it for?

All said and done, you still want to be the emperor of this world.

However, she is still very smart. There is no need to broach this issue now, and she is afraid of angering Jiang Tian.

Instead, he showed his face and smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, I also think that the Xianxu Dynasty is very sincere this time. Do you have to make a desperate attempt? Even if you can wipe out the Xianxu Dynasty, do you still want to kill everyone in the world? ? They will resist you. The best outcome is to unite and live in peace!"

"A fight to the death with me? Even the Immortal Xu Dynasty is qualified?"

Jiang Tian had a look of disdain on his face and said with a smile: "Ao Qijue, I am curious. You spoke for the Xianxu Dynasty, what benefits did they give you?"

Ao Qijue's face turned red and he said truthfully: "The Immortal Xu Dynasty promised me that if we call off our troops and make a truce, then they will support me as the Lord of Heaven."

Of course he can lie, but sooner or later this matter will be told to the world, and when the time comes, it will be ridiculous if it is inconsistent with the facts.

But when he changed the topic, he immediately put on an impassioned look and added: "However, Taoist Taoist friend Taichu, I don't care about this throne, but for the common people of the world. As long as you agree to truce and stop fighting, I will regard you as the new heaven." Lord!" He stood up, bowed deeply, and spoke sincerely.

Jiang Tian laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "Have you forgotten the blood feud that destroyed the ancient heaven thousands of years ago? Have you forgotten that Emperor Ao and many sages died at the hands of the Xu Emperor? Not to mention thousands of years ago, let's talk about these thousand years. , how many descendants of the Immortal Earth died in the pursuit of the Nine Immortal Ruins Guards! Not only were the descendants of the Immortal Earth natives driven to the lower realm, there were also starry sky air-entraining magic circles to extract the spiritual energy, and even smelt and destroy the stars for the Immortal Ruins monks to eat away! Enjoy. Have you forgotten these too?”

"Forgiveness does not mean forgetting history!" Ao Qi was unmoved.

Fairy Ruilong was a little anxious, couldn't hold her breath, and said helplessly:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, do you understand? The people who stayed on the ancient earth were all mortals with no cultivation and poor foundation. They were not even qualified to go to the fairy lands of many continents and participate in wandering! You are not a fairy Descendants of the earth, the blood feud in the ancient heaven has nothing to do with you."

"As a descendant of Prince Ao, Ao Qijue is able to put aside his past grudges, bear the burden of humiliation, and take into account the overall situation for the sake of the common people. Why can't you? Are you so narrow-minded and murderous? Are you happy if you cause a bloody storm and cause ruin to all living beings? "

She almost said that Jiang Tian was a "dog meddling in other people's business". After all, the killers who are descendants of the ancient Tianting royal family are willing to shake hands and make peace. You, Jiang Taichu, are just a mortal, even a pariah. Revenge has nothing to do with you. ?

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, the Immortal Xu Dynasty is not all bad people. It was only the old Xu Emperor and his wife who started the war, and now it is Prince Xiahe who is in power. Her mother, like us, is also a descendant of the Immortal Earth. He has a kind heart and is close to the Immortal Earth. Native!”

"A kindhearted person? Being close to someone?"

Jiang Tian smacked his tongue and shook his head. Suddenly his consciousness moved. He looked up at the sky, his eyes condensed, and sneered: "The viciousness of the Xianxu Dynasty is indeed more thorough than I imagined. This time, they not only want to kill me, but also kill me." You. Even Liaoyuan City will be buried with you!"


Everyone was stunned and looked to the sky in horror.

Just see it.

Above the nine heavens, six floating caves, like huge planets, are blooming with colorful light. The light interweaves and evolves into a huge formation. Through the deep space air entrainment formation, it attracts the energy of the worlds below the Immortal Ruins. strength.

This scene was extremely shocking. The extremely vast and rich spiritual energy was pouring in from each lower world like a rolling Milky Way. Laws gathered into filaments of light, countless laws gathered into beams of light, and finally became a huge pillar of light that spanned the sky and made even the second star of the South Gate look dim.

Everyone was shocked.

"Are these six caves actually a super formation?"

"You have been waiting for ten thousand years for this blow?"

Everyone looked frightened.

Even the Immortal Ruins monks were shocked and looked at the sky stupidly.

This is top secret, just like the military secrets on earth, like super nuclear weapons, how can it be disclosed so easily.

At this moment, the nine heavens and the earth were shaking. The Taoist tools of each family roared and trembled. The laws and avenues contained in them all broke out of the tools and soared up into the sky. They were divided into yin and yang, gold and wood. The five elements of water, fire and earth are converging towards the six caves and heavens!

"There is no joy in life, no pain in death. Use my broken body to transform into a way to assist!"

There are also immortal living fossils whose life span is running out. They are sitting cross-legged in the ashram, chanting the Purana Sutra in their mouths. Their expressions may be determined, peaceful, or pious, and they choose to transform into Taoism.

They disintegrated little by little and turned into light rain, and the fragments and laws of the great avenue contained within them also surged towards the cave sky.

The six caves glowed like the sun across the sky, gathering the power of many lower worlds and the mana of many cultivation holy places on the surface of the Immortal Ruins to build a vast and necessary floating formation. Then, a terrifying light burst out, dazzling to the extreme, hitting the place where Jiang Tian was.

This is a peerless attack, coming from outside the sky, penetrating millions of miles, attracting the laws and essence of the nine heavens and ten earths, the vast sky, cutting the heaven and the earth, separating the chaos, everything between the heaven and the earth dims, leaving only one A brilliant beam of light.

The power of this beam of light is extremely powerful. Wherever it passes, within a radius of ten miles, the void is torn apart and annihilated into a group of pitch-black holes. Various avenues intersect with killings. It is extremely sharp and concentrated. Even a strong man who returns to the void can also Kill.

"This is the 'immortal killing platform' of the ancient heaven, and now it has been revived by them!"

At this moment, Ao Qijue was so scared that his legs went weak.

The six caves have always existed in this world, and have existed since the time of wandering in the immortal land.

It is said that the original six caves are not caves, but satellite-level magic weapons!

The ancient Heavenly Heavenly God will be built after thousands of years. From the beginning, it was to deal with foreign invaders.

However, during the great battles in the Dao Damage Era, these super magic weapons consumed their mana, obliterated the Dao Marks, and could no longer attack.

But the spiritual energy was still there, so it was used by the occupiers of the Immortal Ruins as a cave.

Its power, in one word, is said to be able to kill the saint who returns to the void!

No one expected that the original Immortal Killing Platform and now the six caves would be revived by the Immortal Ruins monks into magic weapons and magic formations, and used to kill Jiang Tian.

There were also him and Fairy Ruilong who came to mediate for the Xianxu Dynasty.

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