Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1645 Jiang Taichu died? Can kill the great sage who returns to the void

"Prince Xiahe, you are so cruel! You want to kill us too..."

A heavenly killer roared hatefully.

He understood now that the Xianxu Dynasty had no hope that they would convince Jiang Tian, ​​and they didn't care whether they could convince him or not. They were just repeating their old tricks and using them to paralyze Jiang Tian.

"We were so naive!"

Fairy Ruilong was instantly crushed to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Her body cracked like broken porcelain. She couldn't help but smile bitterly, her heart full of shame and regret.

She always thought that Jiang Tian had blinded his mind and lost his reason for power. She also thought that Jiang Tian was too ruthless and vicious, so she rushed to kill the Xianxu Dynasty.

But now I realize that Jiang Tian's judgment was correct.

The Immortal Ruins monks are tigers and wolves. Talking about cooperation with them is like seeking skin from a tiger.

Facing this kind of enemy, only people like Jiang Tian who throw away all illusions and recognize the cruel reality can win.

The six caves are six small worlds. The spiritual energy contained in this small world can give birth to several or even dozens of gods.

Now, the spiritual energy, laws, and even avenues of these six caves are all activated to attack Jiang Tian. How terrifying is the power?

The vast light of law is earth-shattering.

Each cave represents a law, wind, fire, water, earth, electricity, darkness...

In the end, many light pillars merged into one, turning into a light pillar that held up the sky.

Moreover, there is also such a large fairy ruins, many Taoist artifacts have been swallowed up and absorbed, and there are also some dying living fossils who choose to sacrifice themselves and return to heaven to increase their power!

The beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped them. It was thick and powerful. It completely enveloped this area and strangled them according to law.

The power is too terrifying!

Even if the digital gods sacrificed the body-protecting Taoist weapons and shrouded them in blooming light, they could not hold them back. They shattered and disintegrated like paper, and then spread to the physical body.

The Immortal Killing Platform is so powerful that in ancient times, before wandering in the Immortal Land began, it was said to be able to kill the Returning Void Saint. Although it may be exaggerated, it also shows how terrifying the Immortal Killing Platform is.

They are just transformed into gods, how can they resist?

In a short period of time, their divine treasure almost collapsed. The gods were suppressed in an instant. The inner laws could not be exerted at all. It was difficult to even move a step, as if they were nailed there.

Only Ao Qijue was left. There was a message from Emperor Ao. The dragon's nest jade pendant, which could be called a holy soldier, could resist it, but it was also very uncomfortable. The skin burst open, and blood came out. The collapse seemed to only happen in seconds. .

Suddenly, he saw the mother stone cauldron above Jiang Tian's head, with streaks of chaotic initial aura hanging down like silk ribbons. Jiang Tian was firmly protected, but he was not affected or harmed at all.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, help me..."

Ao Qijue looked begging for mercy, as if he had mountains weighing on his back, he moved hard towards Jiang Tian, ​​hoping to get the blessing of the Mother Stone Cauldron.

Fairy Ruilong also screamed and wailed, crawling towards Jiang Tian like a wounded dog, pleading: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, for the sake of the Jade Girl Sect, I have provided intelligence to the big bandits, please save me. My concubine..."

"Prince Xiahe has a kind heart, so you go ask him for help. I am narrow-minded, treat human life as nothing, and cold and heartless. What do I care about you?"

Jiang Tian showed a bit of ridicule and didn't bother to look at them a second time. He transmitted his voice with his spiritual consciousness, held the mother stone cauldron above his head, and walked step by step towards the periphery of the light pillar.

Just now, Jiang Tian had already sensed that several of the gods brought by Ao Qijue had clearly revealed their murderous intentions. Jiang Tian was not the Holy Mother. These people were already standing against him, so why bother to save them!

Jiang Tian didn't care about their life or death at all.

"No! I won't give in!"

"Xianxu Dynasty, you are so cruel!"

Behind Jiang Tian, ​​there were shrill, desperate, and vicious screams that shook the earth.

Like a wounded trapped animal roaring in despair.

The skin cracked, and cracks spread all over the body in an instant. In the next moment, many gods including Fairy Ruilong collapsed in an instant, the laws turned into powder, flesh and blood turned into light rain, and the bones were like broken jade, floating in the air.

In the end, even Ao Qijue's Dragon Nest Jade Pendant exploded tragically.

Ao Qijue also died, his body and spirit disappeared!

At this moment, the entire Immortal Ruins and the lower world, with hundreds of millions of monks, were stunned.

No one expected that this would be the result.

It turns out that Xianxu's gesture of peace talks was just to stabilize Jiang Tian and facilitate the activation of the Immortal-Slaying Formation.

For a moment, those monks and mortals from the Immortal Land natives who had just mocked Jiang Tian wanted to slap themselves in the face, and were so ashamed that they were ashamed.

So stupid, so naive!

The Xianxu Dynasty was extremely cruel and vicious, and it no longer happened overnight!

For tens of thousands of years, they have been enslaved as ants. Even genocide and destroy their stars.

But at this time, they still had illusions about the Immortal Market. Compared with Jiang Tian, ​​who was as hard as iron and as calm as a rock, they were like three-year-old children.

"Has the Emperor of Heaven... fallen?"

Looking at the pillar of light that seemed to be holding up the sky and supporting the earth, many natives of the fairy land in the lower realm felt despair, their faces turned pale, and they shed tears.

Jiang Tian was like a ray of light, tearing apart the darkness and illuminating this dark world, allowing them to see clearly the bloody history and the cruel reality of being enslaved and oppressed, and even carve out a bloody path.

But now...

"If this bastard Ao Qijue hadn't interfered with His Majesty Taichu, he might have been able to detect it in time and avoid the sniper attack from the Immortal Killing Platform..."

Many mortal monks were filled with anger and hatred, and cursed loudly.

this moment.

The entire Immortal Ruins was in jubilation, and the monks of the Wood Spirit Star bloodline were completely boiling.

Countless Immortal Ruins monks had excited smiles on their faces, and many were so excited that they hugged each other and cried.

"Jiang Taichu is finally dead!"

This voice echoed in the Immortal Xu Continent.

No matter whether they are monks or mortals, whether they are dignitaries or ordinary people, at this moment, they are all filled with ecstasy, almost crazy.

"Jiang Taichu, you have repeatedly caused bloody storms and brutal killings, and now you have finally received retribution!"

"Master, you saw it! The devil Jiang Taichu was finally killed!"

"God has eyes, God has eyes!"

Especially those monks in the caves and sects who had a big feud with Jiang Tian, ​​and those monks whose fathers, brothers and relatives died at the hands of Jiang Tian, ​​were even more emotional. Many people had tears in their eyes, raised their arms and shouted, or grabbed the ground with their heads. Howling.

Jiang Tian put too much pressure on them, like a demon or a god, as if he could destroy the world.

After all, Jiang Tian was known for his intolerance, unyielding vengeance, cruelty and bloodthirsty, and extreme viciousness. He would destroy his family, his family, his army, and his country at every turn. If Jiang Tian overthrows the Xianxu Dynasty, he will definitely take bloody revenge. As the mainstay of the Xianxu Dynasty, how can they have a happy ending?

In fact, this time the Immortal Killing Platform was opened powerfully, the consumption of spiritual energy was extremely terrifying, as if fishing in a dry lake. All the spiritual energy in the six caves was exhausted, and all the formation patterns on the earth disappeared, reduced to commonplace, and even terrifying cracks appeared, almost as if they were about to collapse. They must leave their homes and find a new place to live.

However, as long as they saw Jiang Tian die unexpectedly, they were willing to do so.

"In this ancient formation, even the legendary Saint Returning to the Void will fall, not to mention Jiang Taichu?"

"No matter how strong Jiang Taichu is, he is only at the level of Nascent Soul. The ability to exert the fighting power of a god is already at its limit, like the end of a powerful crossbow. How can he withstand the formation that can kill the True Immortal of Hedao?"

"That's right! After all, Jiang Taichu is a monk from a desolate and remote abandoned galaxy. How can he withstand the magic weapon of our Immortal Ruins?"

In the Xuhuang Palace, everyone who had been worried finally felt relieved and was filled with surprises.

"Teacher, we won!"

Prince Xiahe, who was ordered to take charge of the entire battle at the critical moment, was trembling all over, with tears streaming down his face as he looked at Tianhe Xingjun.

Tianhe Xingjun, who had always looked solemn and tense all the time, also showed a smile that he had not seen for a long time. He glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "The plan to repair the ancient Tianting Immortal Slaying Platform Array of the previous dynasty has been going on for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, it was successful today! For this, Fairy Yulian of the Academy's Weapon Refining Branch, the Great Masters of Zhentian Palace, and the divine craftsmen of the Xuhuang Palace's Engineering Department are all indispensable!"

Prince Xiahe nodded, deeply agreed, and said: "Jiang Taichu lost to us, not to a certain person, but to a powerful civilization. No matter how strong he is, he can only be alone. And our Xianxu Dynasty has skilled craftsmen and formation masters. , Master Fu Lu, there are weapon refiners, there are great masters who observe the trajectory of the stars, we have hundreds of millions of monks, and we have a strong civilization! "

"Yes! Civilization! As long as civilization doesn't die, the fire will never go out!"

When everyone heard the words, they all felt enlightened and agreed with him.

Prince Xiahe suddenly remembered something, his eyes were reddish, his gaze was deep, and he choked with sobs: "There are also those seniors who sacrificed themselves in advance to stop Jiang Taichu's invasion! We will never forget them!"

In an instant, a tragic emotion filled and surged in the Xuhuang Palace.

Many monks, even if they live a long life and have experienced too much killing and cruelty, can't help but feel great grief in their hearts and find it difficult to calm down at this moment.

In fact, the first few lines of defense were just consuming Jiang Tian.

The upper echelons of the dynasty did not expect those dozens of transformed gods at all. They understood that those large Taoist artifacts could not kill Jiang Tian at all, not even the gods' self-destruction.

The Ancient Formation of Killing Immortals is the real trump card!

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