Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1748: Moral kidnapping, cut through with one knife

In the South American region, the primeval jungle and a golden temple covering an area of ​​1,000 acres are eye-catching.

Before the great change of heaven and earth, although there were many believers here, it was still relatively peaceful.

After the spiritual energy was revived, ancient temples buried in the ground rose up one after another, more than a thousand feet high. They were completely made of strange metals. They were covered with ancient runes and shone brightly, giving people a sense of sacredness and vastness. Looking from a distance, it shines like a fairy palace.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is even more terrifying power of spiritual belief gathered, like miraculous "crystal" heads. In fact, this is a formation made of soul-gathering crystals, which can attract believers' spiritual power and condense it into pure soul power for them to absorb.

When Jiang Tian arrived with Ye Keren, Big Black Dog and Liu Shang, he saw believers worshiping many crystal heads on the high platform in the square of the temple. There were tens of thousands of them. many.

On the high platform, stood a group of super-intelligent human beings wearing golden robes. They were tall and their skin was crystal clear, like condensed glue. Even the purple blood vessels under the skin were clearly visible. Their eyes had no whites and seemed to have only The pupils were dark and deep, and a strange halo shone around the huge head, like a Buddha or a god.

At this time, these super-brained human beings, like preachers, looked solemn and solemn, waving their hands and chanting ancient mantras. Listening to one sentence will make people deeply addicted to it, just like the Buddhist chant, the vast fairy sound.

By sacrificing their own spiritual power, believers receive certain enlightenments and gifts from them, serving as a kind of pope.

Believers have a sacred, refreshing and carefree feeling, with tingling sensations from head to toe, and their spirits seem to rise to nine heavens away, to the heavenly world, forming intracranial orgasms, and even giving rise to all kinds of fantasies.

After the sacrifice, the whole person was lazy and had no interest in resisting. He only hoped to do it again, and again, and sink forever.

For such happiness, believers can give up everything, including face, dignity, relatives, friends and future.

But in essence, it will drain the body and spirit like taking drugs.

Normally, believers will die in a short life, but the super brain people will teach them some simple methods of body refining, qi refining, and god refining to help them prolong their lives.

This is of course not a good intention. The super-brained people are raising a group of humans just like raising animals to help them obtain higher levels of energy. In other words, this is a relatively special method of collecting tonic, and the believers are the furnaces they cultivate.

Jiang Tian saw through all this at a glance, but ignored it. The prison-suppressing demon god's divine consciousness was as sharp as a sword and as surging as a stormy sea. It swept towards the depths of the temple. After breaking through the many magic circles, he immediately felt an extremely weak familiar aura. .

"Good! Good! Very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes showed fierce murderous intent, he was furious, he grabbed his right hand, and the purple lightning swords gathered in the air.

In fact, Jiang Tian also felt the breath of two powerful gods in this place, and they had already become super bodies. However, why should Jiang Tian be afraid?

After all, they started out by cultivating spiritual power. When the Purple Lightning Blade comes out, reality defeats virtuality. No matter how powerful your super body is, you will be crushed to pieces even if you have all kinds of transformations and magical powers.

"Your Excellency, please stop!"


The surging spiritual power was as vast as the sea, and many golden thoughts were floating in the air like grains of sand, covering a radius of ten miles. Finally, many golden sand grains rolled and surged, forming a huge figure above the temple.

This figure is the image of a middle-aged man, with a bald head and bare feet, extremely handsome appearance, wearing a golden robe, and his eyes are shining like stars. He is the high priest of the Golden Temple and one of the three leaders of the Super Brain Human Race. One, Goering.

"Respected Eastern Powerhouse, Your Excellency Jiang Taichu, I am the high priest of the temple and the deputy leader of the Super Brain God Clan's elders, Golin. We have no grudges. I wonder why you took action?"

Goering bowed slightly.

This is not his true body, but his spiritual power projected through the magic weapon. But it looks extremely real, every detail is vivid, and it is clearer and more real than the holographic projection technology that humans have developed greatly.

"What's Jiang Taichu doing here?"

"Ten hours ago, wasn't he still in China? How could he pass through the laws of heaven and earth so quickly, across half the world, and come to the temple?"

"Is he going to take action? Is he going to cause trouble in the temple?"

At this time, many believers turned around in astonishment. Seeing Jiang Tian standing in the void, they couldn't help but be shocked. Then, showing vigilance and indignation, they all took out their mobile phones to film and broadcast live.

"No grudge!"

Jiang Tian held the purple electric thunder knife, and the laws roared and trembled, breaking the void, with sneers on his face:

"The Super Brain Clan harbors evil intentions. On the surface, they fight against the Beidou Monster Clan, but in fact they stab the cultivators on Earth in the back. Ying Su, the first disciple of the third generation of Tianqing Sect and the leader of the Chinese Guardian Alliance, and others, all died in your hands. And, The souls that Ye Tianren and others raised in the ghost realm of Mang Mountain in China were also snatched away by you. Do you think I am blind and cannot see? "

"I think fellow Taoist Taichu must have some misunderstanding!"

A trace of strange color flashed across Golin's face, and then he said calmly:

"The Super Brain Gods were originally the aborigines of the ancient earth. They once saved all the people, opened up new territories, and gave birth to the powerful Mayan civilization. However, misfortune suddenly occurred. Later, due to the arrival of the Destruction Star, the aura of the earth declined, and the wandering of the fairy land began. The Super Brain God Race Then he went overseas."

"Although the Super Brain God Clan has established a powerful civilization outside the territory, they miss their homeland all the time. The purpose of coming back this time is to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan, to help the earth's human race and fight against the invaders from outside the territory, and also to contribute to the great cause of the earth. Adding bricks to the new era.”

"We have good intentions! It's a pity that fellow Taoist Taoist disciples don't recognize good people's hearts and misunderstood me for waiting!"

"Hahaha, you act like a bitch and build a memorial arch. There is no shameless person like you in the world!"

Jiang Tian was so angry with him, his eyes were calm and cold, which made people palpitate, and he said coldly: "Well, let's each stick to our own opinions. It's useless to talk about it. Is it true or false? Lift the restriction, open the door, and let me search. After a while, the truth will naturally come to light!”

Jiang Tian held the thunder knife and let out bursts of thunder, and the laws vibrated and roared.

In the sky, with a radius of dozens of miles, there were turbulent winds, thunder and lightning, and the law of thunder was suddenly affected. Colorful and huge thunder balls condensed rapidly, each one has a radius of one kilometer, and contained terrifying energy, far exceeding that of Kui. Lotus and nuclear weapons are enough to destroy everything.

"The Golden Temple is the ancestral land of our clan. In ancient times, it was our autonomous region. Even the ancient sages of the East could not enter without permission."

Goering's face showed an angry look, his eyes flashed fiercely, revealing a cold and murderous intention, and he asked in a cold voice:

"I wonder what qualifications you have to step in?"

"I am the leader of the Mythical Alliance. All cultivators on this star must obey my orders. Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

Jiang Tian said leisurely.

"Are you the leader of the Mythical Alliance? Can it be elected through public recommendation, recognized by all major forces, and can there be a coronation ceremony?"

Golin's face was full of ridicule. He looked down at Jiang Tian like an ant from a high position, and asked in a cold voice:

"Are you the leader of the Mythical Alliance? How could I remember that the leader of the Mythical Alliance was Joffrey, but you were killed without any explanation!"

"You are the leader of the Mythical Alliance. Have you received my approval?"

"Jiang Taichu, I know that you once defeated the Immortal Ruins. However, the Immortal Ruins is just a dying star that means nothing. I know that you are on Mars, killing many Beidou gods, but their strength It may not be stronger than me!”

His tone was extremely arrogant, and he waved his sleeves like he was driving away flies, as if giving Jiang Tian a great gift:

"Jiang Taichu, you ignorant junior. You should retreat quickly! After all, my temple has not suffered any damage. You are just a first offender. You don't know the power of our super-brained gods. Today, I will show mercy to you and will not punish you for your offense." !”

"I'll give you three breaths to think about it. You will die today, but if you obediently hand over the souls of Ye Tianren and others, I will not take bloody revenge. I will kill your ancestral star and destroy your super brain clan!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and said.

"Jiang Taichu, you have gone too far! I think you are killing people, right? You know how to kill every day! The Golden Temple is a completely interstellar friendly person, how can you fight with them!"

An old believer, with white hair and a childlike face, looked like an immortal, suddenly stepped into the air, stopped Jiang Tian, ​​and shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, you are so cruel and cruel, and you act wantonly and commit heinous crimes. You will definitely be punished in the future!"

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl believer, with a pure and cute appearance, and a hint of childishness, but she was only practicing Qi, but she stopped Jiang Tian. Her big bright eyes were full of hatred and malice, as if Jiang Tian was the enemy who killed his father.

"Let's stop. You are still too ignorant after all. Beidou's background is very deep, and the strength of the super brain gods is beyond your imagination!"

A woman also came with her fourteen-year-old son to worship, and she also stopped Jiang Tian at this time.

"Jiang Taichu, do you really want to take action? They are the gods we believe in. If you want to take action against them, kill us first and step over our bodies!" A worker also leapt up, impassioned and fearless. He shouted desperately.

"Yes, if you want to take action, kill us first!"

For a time, tens of thousands of fanatical believers at the scene rose into the air, forming a dense human wall that blocked the sky and the sun, blocking Jiang Tian.

They can be said to be the most idiotic fans among idiotic fans, even more extreme than those on the Internet. After all, they have enjoyed intracranial orgasms as if they were addicted to drugs. They have obedience and belief in the super-brained human race that is rooted deep in their souls.

"The human heart can be used! The greatest way of cultivation in this world is not the law of heaven and earth, but the art of soul control!"

At this moment, Goering's face showed a hint of imperceptible pride and ridicule, and he sneered in his heart.

Jiang Taichu, let me see what you do!

Don’t you consider yourself the savior of the earth? Aren't you fighting for the human race on Earth? But now, these believers in the temple are from the same ethnic group as you, but they regard you as an enemy.

If you want to kill, you will be charged with cruel killing!

I'm afraid I can only be forced to retreat?

In fact, those fanatical believers also hold this idea.

Because Jiang Tian has been bloody and invincible in recent years, but he has always only punished the culprits, and has always reserved room for those who follow him, especially his fellow tribesmen, and is quite merciful.

"You want to kill us? Are you still embarrassed to be the leader of the Mythical Alliance?"

Many people think this way and feel confident.

On the Internet, many people insulted Jiang Tian and opened up their mouths, but I didn’t see Jiang Tian using any terrorist methods to clean up and suppress him!

He couldn't bear it!

He can't lose face!

"Oh! Do you want to die? I will help you!"

Jiang Tianyun smiled lightly, his eyes slightly cold.

"The ants still live in vain, but you don't. Your brain must be broken! In this case, don't waste food while living!"

Suddenly, Jiang Tian stabbed across his chest and slashed out without mercy!

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