Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1749: Break through all means and enter the Golden Temple

As Jiang Tian slashed out with his sword, the law roared and swept out like a stormy sea. Colorful thunder and lightning intertwined with each other in the thunder ball, blending with water and milk. During the flight, they continued to absorb the surging thunder energy from the sky and the earth, and finally turned into It is one mile in diameter and covers the crowd.


He was instantly swallowed up by five-color lightning within a few kilometers.

With the square as the center, tens of thousands of people disappeared into thin air and were swept away. All the vegetation, rainforest, stones, etc. were all chopped into pieces by the lightning. These thunder lights were not even satisfied, and spread in all directions, directly turning into a sea of ​​five-color thunder within a radius of ten miles.

Through the satellite live broadcast, everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Jiang Tian's attack was too powerful, far more powerful than a nuclear weapon. Even the intelligence agencies of major powers directly used supercomputers to measure in a short period of time that the power of this blow was comparable to that of hundreds of super nuclear weapons released at once, and this was just a casual blow from Jiang Tian.


The mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the lightning dispersed, and gradually the true appearance could be seen.

Tens of thousands of people have disappeared.

All the tropical rainforest trees within a radius of dozens of miles were reduced to fragments, and even the tall peaks were razed to the ground, and the rocks and soil were burned into crystals. Only the Golden Temple still stood, shrouded in a layer of brilliant golden light.

"Jiang Taichu, you went on such a killing spree and attacked your own people. You are in vain. What qualifications do you have to assume the position of leader of the Mythical Alliance!"

Seeing this, Göring had ulterior motives and pretended to be indignant and yelled.

At this time, there are still official satellite live broadcasts and the live broadcast room of the Golden Temple open, and hundreds of millions of people around the world are still watching online. How can he care about the life and death of these believers? Anyway, it only takes a matter of seconds to cultivate them.

This move was only intended to stir up the hatred of the human race on Earth against Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Taichu, you are so abominable!"

"It's simply anti-human!"

"Overthrow Jiang Taichu's violent rule!"

In fact, the believers of the Golden Temple, as well as the outside monks and idiot fans such as Ji Mingchuan and Joffrey, really hate Jiang Tian at this moment. Their emotions were aroused, and they flooded the screen in the live broadcast room, and in the self-media Scream on.

In fact, Jiang Tian doesn't care about these opposing voices at all, just like a lion doesn't care about the roar of ants. In any era and in any action, there will be different voices. If you mind, if you are disturbed, what big things can you do?

Jiang Tian just looked at Ge Lin indifferently and shouted in a cold voice: "Hand over the souls of Ye Tianren and others, or I will exterminate the clan with the next blow!"

"Jiang Taichu, this golden temple is a remnant of the super-brained gods from the ancient mythological era, and it has been blessed by our formations. How can you break it?"

Goering scoffed.

"Hahaha, Jiang Taichu, you are so ignorant."

"You're just an ant, do you want to overturn a giant mountain?"

Many super-brained human races were in the temple, laughing wildly.


Jiang Tian snorted slightly, his eyes slightly angry.

This time, he really used his power.


In the womb, Yuanying suddenly opened his eyes.

The three-foot divine disk like a galaxy suddenly appeared behind Jiang Tian, ​​exuding a dazzling light. The part that represented Kunpeng's divine code of speed suddenly turned into beams of light, injected into Jiang Tian's hand, and turned into a strange long knife.

This long knife is only three meters long, but the surrounding space keeps collapsing and annihilating, turning into a pitch black hole, a complete vacuum, as if it can open up the world and divide yin and yang.

Nirvana Breaking Sky Knife!

"All restrictions are open!"

Seeing this scene, even Goering was shocked and his face became solemn.


A series of bright golden dragons rose into the sky from the golden temple. Amidst the earth-shattering roar, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one giant dragons were entwined with each other, forming an extremely dignified shield, representing the first level of invincibility. Law.

Afterwards, various colored talisman arrays lit up one after another.

Various visions such as white tigers, golden lotuses, fire phoenixes, and mountains and rivers are revealed, forming one layer after another of formations and restrictive shields. There are as many as fifty or sixty layers. Each layer is solemn and solemn, reaching the level of a god, and can resist the transformation of gods. The strongest one.


Jiang Tian's expression did not change, his eyes were cold and cold, and he slashed with the knife.


The Nirvana Breaking Sky Knife slashed at many formation shields.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the first level of formation shield was cut open, and then, like a broken bamboo, the second level, the third level, the fourth level... until the thirtieth level, it was as if a powerful crossbow was at the end, and the follow-up was powerless. . It only caused the thirtieth layer of formation shield to tremble slightly for a few times, and then recovered immediately.

"Haha, Jiang Taichu, now you know the horror of the weapon refining and technology of our super brain gods. You can't break through the formation shield!"

Golin looked shocked at first, but when he saw that Jiang Tian could not sever the thirtieth protective shield, he could not help but feel confident and high-spirited, and shouted crazily:

"No matter how strong you are, you are nothing more than a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord, not an incarnation of a god, not a divine king."

At this moment, he was extremely arrogant and domineering:

"Your strength is only meager! Although the spiritual energy of the earth has recovered, the cultivation tradition has been cut off. The techniques you practice are too inferior!"

"This ruthlessly limits you. If you abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and follow our Beidou monks, you will be able to broaden your horizons and reach the ultimate level!"

He said with a contemptuous expression:

"Do you still want to continue fighting? There are enough energy crystals in the formation base. The formation shield will be restored immediately!"


Jiang Tian's expression did not change.

Suddenly, the divine disk behind him rotated rapidly, and all the laws were transformed into the Divine Law of Chaos, and in an instant they were all transformed into the Divine Law of Kunpeng. The Nirvana Breaking Sky Knife in his hand suddenly extended a hundred meters in length.

As soon as the Nirvana Breaking Sky Knife came out, the space within a ten-mile radius immediately became uneasy and trembled. Space cracks appeared one after another. Horrible space collapse and annihilation appeared around the long knife. The rapid collapse caused a space storm, which was extremely terrifying. .


At this moment, even Goering was shocked.

They didn't expect that the strength Jiang Tian had just used was only one-tenth, or even one-tenth.


When the second sword was slashed, many of the formation shields cracked easily like tofu scratched by a sharp blade, and even the Golden Temple was cut with a huge crack. Jiang Tian followed the sword and ran into the golden temple.

At this moment, there was silence between heaven and earth.

In front of the screen, the billions of people watching were all speechless. They just felt that that figure was like an omnipotent god that could cut through everything. It made people feel a sense of awe, and they wanted to worship and kneel down. land.

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