Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1793 Withdraw the sword, sheath it, and the earth will end.

"Everyone retreat!"

Zhao Xueqing's avatar revealed a look of joy, and said with a smile, "Husband, it's your turn!"


Jiang Tian fit together and collided, and on the spot, seven or eight battleships that were hundreds of miles long and looked like horned dragons on mountains were smashed to pieces by him on the spot. The many golden core monks carried in the battleship were more like tofu under the hammer. Thousands of golden cores could not withstand his unparalleled strength, and they exploded in the air, including people and boats. Hit into a blood mist. Even Nascent Soul and Huashen couldn't bear it, they were seriously injured and howled miserably.

But it's not over yet.

Holding the Absolute Heaven Sword in his hand, Jiang Tian swept across the sky, and the sword crossed the sky, peerlessly sharp, piercing through the void, beating dozens of Nascent Souls and Huashen in a row! The defensive magic weapons on the Nascent Soul Transformation God were almost like paper, and they couldn't even stop Jiang Tian for a moment or even a second, so they were split into two parts out of thin air.


Almost under a collision with a sword, the Beidou Fleet, which came from a long distance across the void and wanted to easily conquer the earth, suffered heavy damage. Hundreds of Nascent Soul Transformation God-level combat powers fell, and even two of the previous generation's top stars in the galaxy list were among them.

"Run away!"

At that moment, the sound of exclamations and howls resounded through the sky, the flags were like forests, the nascent soul was like clouds, and the gods were like rain, how arrogant it was. But after Jiang Tian took the shot, he was so frightened that all his souls froze, panicked like dogs in mourning, collided with each other, and frantically fled towards the deep space.




Jiang Tian shot continuously, mercilessly, sweeping the sky with his sword, breaking all spells with his punches.

Wherever he passed, the void exploded and the laws shattered. The hundreds of miles of void around him has turned into a sea of ​​flames, filled with chaotic airflow, and countless gods are chains and fragments of the avenue ups and downs, strangling and obliterating everything.

Thunderbolts, Suzaku Flames, Dinghai Ice, Azure Dragon Xuanshui, Yinglong Thick Soil and other rays of light intertwined and wreaked havoc in the air, not to mention being hit, even if they were stained with the slightest bit, those monks immediately fell, and the battleship exploded. Thousands of monks from outside the territory fell every moment.

"Hurry up! Don't be an old man!"

There was a God of Transformation who roared so loudly that the souls of the dead trembled in shock. Because they were blocked by the monk ships in front of them, they directly attacked the killer. With one palm, they directly smashed a ship, and hundreds of monks were turned into pieces. Flour.

"Ah! He's here...don't blame me!"

In order to stop Jiang Tian, ​​monk Yuanying directly grabbed the Taoist couple and stood in front of him in a hurry, but it was useless at all. Even the Taoist couple and himself were smashed into bloody mud by Jiang Tian, ​​and then Suzaku The flame god burned into green smoke.

"Senior Taichu, don't kill me. To be honest, I am a citizen of Xianxu, and I am essentially the legacy of the ancient heaven. We belong to the same ethnic group!"

There was even Yuanying Tianjun, who was so frightened by Jiang Tian that he gave up resisting, knelt on the ground, howled and begged for mercy.

He was not lying.

Three years ago, when Luo Chen of Saint World Sword Sect and others passed by Xianxu, he took away some talented disciples from the barbaric world, Wuluozong and other sects subordinate to Xianxu, and served them as servants. Strictly speaking, they are also interstellar wanderers under the command of Shenghuang Chongli, descendants of Immortal Earth.

They also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to invade the earth, but they kicked the iron plate unexpectedly.

At this moment, the entire army was in chaos, like a pot of boiling rice porridge.

But no matter how Jiang Tian reacted, whether they resisted to the death or knelt down and begged for mercy, they would kill them mercilessly.


Jiang Tian never moves forward, his black hair is flying like a waterfall, his face is as cold as iron, his steps are like a kunpeng soaring in the sky, he walks like a real dragon in the air, his eyes are staring at him, he is the only one in the sky and on the earth, he slashes with the strength of his sword, just like the immemorial who recklessly harvests other people's lives gods and demons.

Click! Click!

The void shattered, and every time Jiang Tian slashed out with the Juetian Sword, it was like a rainbow, tearing the sky, invincible, cutting into chaos for thousands of miles, countless Nascent Soul Golden Pills fell like rain, and the ship disintegrated into pieces, no one could do it. Ying Qifeng.

Kill to the end.

This battlefield is almost dead. Just like the ancient Shura field, filled with the breath of blood and iron, broken limbs and arms, flesh and blood surging across the sky like tides, wreckage of ships floating, shining with metallic luster, all kinds of remnant souls mournful and wailing, blood energy soaring into the sky, mourning the sky Miserably.

Only those celestial arrogances still have the chance to resist and escape, but they are also very uncomfortable. They are all affected by the law, with disheveled hair, disheveled faces, blood stained bodies, torn skins, dim armor, broken swords, as if in a state of embarrassment. beggar-like.

"Jiang Taichu, you forced this!"

Even, there was Tianjiao, who was so jealous that he was forced into a desperate situation. He roared and chose to explode himself. The body and the gods erupted with incomparably bright light, just like a round of sun erupting in the air. In the end, the god burned and exploded. , turned into a stream of flames and blasted towards Jiang Tian.

At that moment, the sky collapsed, the sun and the moon collapsed, as if countless stars fell from the sky, and the whole earth trembled.

But it's useless at all.

The stone cauldron, the mother of all things, was urged to the extreme, and the chaotic air flow fell like a river of stars. The defense power was too amazing to be shaken at all.

Even Tianjiao Tianjiao, the previous generation of the holy rank Huashen, who blew himself up as a god, couldn't do anything to Jiang Tian.

Others are completely desperate!

What's the point of this? Even if you are not afraid of death, if you can seriously injure the opponent, it is worth it, at least you can give yourself a little comfort. but now……

"do not care!"

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood! Let's escape first, and don't worry about the battleships!"

In order to escape, they had no choice but to give up the starship battleships with material supplies and the monks who supported them. They each controlled quasi-sacred soldiers, turned into streamers, and passed the earth at an unparalleled speed, trying to escape. birthday.

What's more, now the army has been beheaded by Jiang Tian, ​​leaving only three or two big cats and kittens, almost the whole army is wiped out!

"Want to escape?"

With a chuckle, Jiang Tian suddenly stepped up into the sky, stood in the sky above the battlefield, flicked his fingers, and Jue Tianjian caught up with the five Tianjiao Huashen in an instant, and drew a winding curve in the air, like a bright and dazzling sword. Gone like a thunderbolt.

Put away the sword and sheath it!

Jiang Tian's eyes were calm, and he stood with his hands behind his back.


The five Tianjiao Huashen first paused, and then their faces showed complex expressions such as shock, fear, despair, and unwillingness, and they all exploded in the next second.

With a single strike of the sword, Qin Pu came along to attack the planet's top star in the galaxy list, and all his ink was exhausted!

that moment.

The whole world was silent.

Countless people could only stare dumbfounded at the long-clothed Jiang Tian standing proudly in the void, witnessing the brilliance and brilliance of him overwhelming the entire star sea alone!

Many people trembled in their hearts, and a sliver of enlightenment rose in their hearts.

I am afraid that after today, no one in the entire solar system, the Nanmen Twin Stars, or even the entire Milky Way will dare to provoke Jiang Tian, ​​not even the Great Sect of Shenzong!

What is unparalleled in the world?

This is unparalleled in the world!

May 7, 2018.

The leader of the Earth Mythology Alliance, the lord of Tianqing, and the new emperor of Xianxu Tianting, Jiang Taichu, in front of the gate of the earth, defeated the allied forces of the four most powerful divine sects outside the region, slaughtered the four quasi-sages, the nine great stars, and broke 200,000 monks alone. army. When the news spread, the entire Star Sea was terrified!

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