Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1794 titled god, grand ceremony

"We are willing to submit to the God Sovereign of Absolute Beginning, make a contract with God and Soul, and serve as slaves, and swear allegiance to the death!"

All the foreign monks who witnessed this scene, those remnant soldiers, were shocked and terrified at the same time, and they no longer had the courage to resist or even escape, so they knelt on the ground. They know that resistance is futile, and if they are loyal and loyal, there may be a chance of survival.

Not only them.

Tianxing, Tianguo, Chiye, Xitu and many other dimensional worlds located in the solar system, endless witnesses of this scene, were also shocked by Jiang Tian's power.

Continuously beheading many stars of the galaxy list, slaughtering four quasi-sages in a row, killing the allied forces of the Beidou Shenzong like a bereaved dog, such a sturdy record is simply unprecedented and shocking through the ages. Even the ancient immortal soil and the mighty people on the ancient earth a hundred thousand years ago probably did not have such a strong record.

"Brilliant record, invincible power and power. This fully shows that under the leadership of the God of Absolute Beginning, the earth has already won the entry ticket to the battle of the stars! A glorious era of cultivation is about to begin!"

The Black Hawk Federation, the headquarters of the Earth Defense Alliance, and General Keynes held a press conference to make the final footnote for this battle.

Countless people are excited and excited about it.

At this moment, the Black Eagle Federation, Dongyang, and Suodoni, even ordinary people, were also excited and cheered for Jiang Tian's victory in this battle. Many people spontaneously held celebrations and gathered for a dance under Jiang Tian's bronze statue.

Jiang Tian not only represents Tianqing Sect, or Huaxia practitioners, but also the leader of the Mythological Alliance, representing the height of the cultivation civilization of the solar system and even the Nanmen Starfield!

His rise will drive the tide of the entire solar system and the South Gate galaxy to rise. Once such a person appears, the coercion will spread and the reputation will spread far and wide, making the Big Dipper Star Region and many star regions dare not act rashly.

"One person with his own strength, defeated the entire Beidou army!"

Countless practitioners sighed with emotion.

Practitioners in the dimensional world, including Liansheng Tathagata, Ding Lie, Lu Faxi, Yiye, Yi Xiaoman, Huoyan, etc., were shocked when they saw this scene through the remote communication magic weapon. Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian got such a terrifying opportunity and promotion in Xianxu. He only spent five years in Xianxu.

In the past five years, the sun and the moon have changed, the stars have moved, and time has passed. The earth has undergone vicissitudes of change. Many talents have been revived long ago, but Jiang Tian has gone further and higher, so that they have no courage to catch up. Can only look up.

In contrast, those capitulators, defeatists, and leading parties on the earth are in despair.

In fact, besides some brain-damaged people, these people also have some old enemies of Jiang Tian.

For example, the giants of the Black Hawk Federation such as Mitsui and other Toyo Zaibatsu, and the Morgan family. Once deprived and beaten by Jiang Tian.

When Outer Territory came, they naturally walked to the opposite of Jiang Tian, ​​embraced Outer Territory's thigh, and became agents of their worldly wealth. For example, old Morgan once again followed the extraterritorial super brain family and became a believer in the Golden Temple.

When Jiang Tian started the war with Beidou monks, most of the comments that bad-mouthed Jiang Tian were guided by them.

"I never imagined that he is so strong, and he is still so strong..."

Old Morgan looked ashen, sighed, and found a shotgun, put the muzzle into his mouth, and pulled the trigger. The bullets sent his skull flying, and the red and white things splashed all over the ground.

There are not a few people who choose to commit suicide like old Morgan.

In fact, in Jiang Tian's eyes, these mundane people are already like ants. Jiang Tian didn't pay attention at all, just like how could a real dragon soaring nine days care about the thoughts and actions of mayflies under his feet?

But the problem is that Jiang Tian has many believers, and the Tianqing Sect and the Myth Alliance are even more powerful. Jiang Tian ignores them, but the Myth Alliance will also liquidate them. At that time, they will be judged and die in endless humiliation and pain.

It would be better to commit suicide simply and neatly.

"It's time to title the Divine Sovereign of Absolute Beginning! A grand ceremony will be held, which will attract the attention of the earth, many cultivation worlds in the solar system, and even the neighboring Nanmen Star Field and outer galaxies. Title. To announce to Xinghai that the rise of our earth has returned to the peak of ancient times!"

Old Tathagata Liansheng walked up to Jiang Changgeng and respectfully asked for instructions.

His suggestion was immediately unanimously approved by the senior management of Tianqing Sect, including Jiang Changgeng. Immediately afterwards, through various media, it was spread all over the world, on the streets and alleys, everyone from eighty-year-old women down to three-year-old children knew about it.

Suddenly, the earth boiled.

The past five years of spiritual recovery have been years of bravery and diligence, but also five years of many disasters. The demons are chaotic in the land, the Big Dipper has descended, the flames of war have continued, the lives have been ruined, and they have been fooled and oppressed endlessly. Now, they have finally regained control, swept away the evil spirits, and raised their eyebrows. It is indeed time to hold an extremely grand celebration to crown Jiang Tian, ​​and by the way Have a celebration.

Jiang Beibei even ran around all over the sect, yelling loudly: "My father won, my mother won. Beat the bad guys away!"

At this time, the battlefield outside the territory.

Jiang Tianjian has been sheathed, so there is no need to kill any more. He glanced at the remnant soldiers who were only a few thousand monks, and said softly: "Since you have loyally surrendered, I am not a person who devours and kills brutal people. I have made a soul contract with you." , guard this place well!"

As he said that, the golden lake in Jiang Tian's Heart Niwan Palace rippled for a while, and the soul of the prison-suppressing demon god swung out, splitting into two, four, and eight in an instant, and turning into thousands of ways in the blink of an eye, invading their minds In the middle, set the soul contract.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian just ignored them, stepped on the void step by step, and arrived at the Sun Never Set in the blink of an eye.

At the time when Jiang Tian was fighting with the four great quasi-sages, Zhao Xueqing also brought the Sun Never Set, many corpse generals, and Mo Yu Qilin to start a tragic fight with many Beidou Tianjiao.

This is a tough fight.

Even if Zhao Xueqing is a god of immortality, but after all, the level is still low, and those arrogances in the galaxy list are peak gods of sage rank, each of them is almost as different from Zhao Xueqing in strength, and just now many arrogances joined forces to besiege Zhao Xueqing.

Now, this battleship is covered with traces of swords and swords, most of which have been blown up, and the corpses in it have been completely wiped out, not a single one in ten remains. Even Moyu Qilin was seriously injured, a lot of scales fell off, and it was bloody.

"Qing'er, you have worked hard!"

Jiang Tian saw Zhao Xueqing's armor collapsed from the beating, his body was ripped apart, and his black hair was stained with blood, sticking to the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were still so soft and firm, and he couldn't help feeling a lot of pity in his heart.

This Zhao Xueqing is just a clone of the deity.

When Jiang Tiancong used good fortune materials and five elements quasi-immortal materials to create this avatar, his purpose was to let her replace the deity and be taken away by the teacher of the previous life, the immortal emperor. Because no matter how good Jiang Tian's foundation is, his cultivation is limited, and he is already the teacher of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, the gap is still too big.

After the creation of this avatar, Jiang Tian had a gap with her. In Jiang Tian's mind, she was just a tool to confuse the Undead Emperor.

But today, seeing Zhao Xueqing killing so bravely and showing affection for his child, he felt a little bit of reluctance and guilt.

She doesn't know that she is a clone with a completely independent consciousness. Is it fair for her to decide her fate so cruelly?

"It's not hard. For our children, for the earth, death is worth it!"

Zhao Xueqing was aware of Jiang Tian's love and concern, and the crystal tears rolled down like broken pearls, about to fall into Jiang Tian's arms.

At this time, the big black dog was one step ahead of her, threw himself into Jiang Tian's arms, and howled with snot and tears: "My lord, just now Xiao Hei was worried about you to death, and I also bravely killed the enemy, and I am not afraid of death!" , I'm afraid they will invade the earth. You have to reward me, at least... a catty of panacea!"

Jiang Tian had black lines all over his head.

You vicious dog, did you have no sense of consciousness when I was fighting with the four quasi-sages?

When Qin Pu brought the previous generation of Tianjiao to attack the earth, you just throw away Zhao Xueqing and Moyu Qilin, and run at least ten thousand miles away, okay? You haven't lost a hair, which is also called fighting the enemy bravely, and you are not afraid of death!


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