Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1797 Jiang Tian was furious when Huang Ling'er was taken away

Many Beidou monks are doubtful.

The Northern Cold Sect, Banished Immortal Palace, Wuji Sect, Feiyang Sect and other most powerful divine sects, after this battle, kept their secrets secret and kept silent about this battle.

Outsiders don't know the specifics of the battle at all.

At most, I got messages from the onlooker monks Han Cheng and Luo Chen who escaped from the battlefield at the gate of the earth, telling about their experience in this battle. But the Jiang Tian in these populations is too mysterious.

What is born with a divine disk behind it, which controls multiple immortals and even higher laws, what cuts through holy soldiers with a single sword, penetrates a star-level space city with a tripod, what has multiple clones, and what kills space storms with a single sword. occur……

This kind of strong man is almost comparable to the legendary Void Returning Saint, but it happens to be a Nascent Soul cultivation base, which is unbelievable and illogical.

Such a Nascent Soul can only be a Nascent Soul of the Immortal Grade, or even surpass the Immortal Grade, and I am afraid that it will only be born in the Central Galaxy.

To put it bluntly, in the solar system, that is, in the entire Milky Way, how could it be conceived? It's like a real dragon cannot grow in shallow water, and a phoenix cannot live in a forest. Cultivators, originally Tao followed nature, or took advantage of the heavens and the earth. The world is already cramped and narrow, so how could such a heaven-defying genius be born?

"What I said earlier, it should be true that Yuan Ying, who was less than fifty years old, defeated the allied forces of the gods and killed Han Ming and other stars in the galaxy list. I once heard some rumors in the starry sky that Jiang Taichu was indeed killed in the South Gate galaxy. After many transformations, some high-ranking members of the Shenzong speculated that he might be the reincarnation of the mighty. But what happened after that, killing the four quasi-sages with a sword, is completely... nonsense!"

In Kaiyang Starfield, a highly respected aging god, Tianluan God Lord, commented on the matter calmly and calmly.

"But, Senior Tianluan. Han Cheng, Luo Chen and the others have sent a message back, so it's true!"

Below the steps, some disciples said in confusion.

Before Tianluan Shenjun spoke, someone beside him laughed and said:

"Hehe, Han Ming, Guo Yufan, Qin Yu and other geniuses all died there. These monks who escaped alive, don't want to justify their escape behavior? Many stars on the star river list have opened up the territory of my Big Dipper star field, and fought against billions of stars in the starry sky. They were deserters, or they were frightened away by a little savage. How shameful. How could they not make up an invincible opponent to cover up their cowardice and incompetence?"

Many people nodded in approval of this statement.

"Wait! The Four Greatest Divine Sects are not just for nothing, and have never suffered such a big loss. Then Jiang Taichu will definitely suffer revenge ten times more cruel than before!"

Someone gloated and said.

But after waiting quietly for a few days, in the two star fields of Kaiyang and Yaoguang, the Beihanzong and other four Xeon Shenzong who suffered a big loss in the solar system have not sent any news or orders to attack the earth again. . Rather, there was a high-level order to march to the other side of the Little Tiannan Starfield, which also confused many people.

"Are the rumors about Jiang Taichu true?"

During this period of time, the entire Xiaotiannan Starfield was buzzing about Jiang Tian's battle.

Some people were delighted, some were shocked, some were afraid, some were confused, some were disdainful...but no one dared to ignore Jiang Tian. Many monks put his name in the first place of Tianjiao in the galaxy list, or the top three in the "star field list" of the small Tiannan star field, and regarded him as one of the strongest under the saint of returning to the void.


Time flies.

It has been a month since the "Battle of the Saints". And the convening of the Conferred God Ceremony is just around the corner.

During this period of time, needless to say, many big countries on the earth, many chaebols, sects, aristocratic families, and secret realms, wished to take out all their family assets and sacrifice their lives to please Jiang Tian.

What land, buildings, materials, funds, procedures, etc., are nothing to worry about. Sodonia and even many major countries in the world have given the green light all the way. King Arthur of Sodonia even rolled up his sleeves and came to the Tianqing Sect Dojo in person, wearing a hard hat like a contractor.

Today, the whole of Sodonia has become a hot spot for construction. An unprecedented large-scale project has been launched in a mighty way.

Not only on Earth.

In the world of heaven, Lu Faxi, Yiye, Yi Xiaoman, etc.; in the world of Xitu, Tang Linglong, Luomei Nv Tathagata, Elder Huoyan, etc.; The World Lord and others, all leading the monks above Jindan, descended to the earth on a starship battleship.

These worlds, after the recovery of spiritual energy, have also been endlessly nourished. The boundary membrane has been torn apart, and they have become suspended continents, just like new planets, adding a bit of vitality to the solar system.

Many monks offered a large amount of cultivation resources with both hands. Some of the ancestors who had already reached the Nascent Soul also presented fairy mountain pavilions. Thousands of ways, thousands of weather.

In the end, Zhang Chengen went to Xinghai, led the master craftsmen, repaired a space city that had been beaten to lose power, and transformed it into "Taichu Pavilion", suspended above the Tianqing Sect Dojo, blooming soft light, like a circle Like a moon, it has become the most important and core location of the entire Tianqing Sect.

During this time, Jiang Tian was not in a hurry to cultivate. He nourished Ye Tianren's remnant soul with countless souls, and reshaped his body with the only remaining good fortune material. Yuanying, this also proves Jiang Tian's idea of ​​recreating the six reincarnations.

Ye Keren cried into tears.

Every day, there are disciples, old friends and old friends who come to visit and say hello.

Jiang Tian also never refused to come, and he also guided their cultivation bases casually.

This may well be his last time on Earth. After leaving this time, it may be twenty or thirty years later, after stepping into Huashen, he will come back to solve the problem of the immortal corpse vibration in the third star of the South Gate. Therefore, he cherishes every second spent with these relatives, friends, and disciples.

"Master, I left the Fire Immortal Physique after refining it, and I was able to get out of the test when I was born. Your request at that time was only for the golden elixir!"

Tang Linglong prostrated herself, then raised her head, speaking in a delicate voice with a trace of stubbornness.

Her current age is almost thirty years old, she is completely childish, and has a bit more mature charm than before.

"Haha. I should let you practice until you become a god before you can pass the level!"

Jiang Tian smiled heartily.

With the deepening of cultivation and understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, the mentality of monks will become more and more detached. The heart of seeking longevity and the leap of life level will become more and more serious, and the love between men and women will be seen more lightly and more transparently. When he "imprisoned" Tang Linglong in the Burning Valley of the Fire Worship Cult, he actually had this idea in mind.

So far, his plan seems to be going well. Tang Linglong's obsessive thoughts had long since disappeared.

"No way……"

Tang Linglong was startled.

"Okay, let's go see your family!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand with a smile: "In the future, you have a long way to go to defend the Western Land. You have also seen the battle of Beidou invasion this time, so you should know the gap between you and yourself?"

Seeing the rapid improvement of each disciple's cultivation base, Jiang Tian was also happy and gratified in his heart. Now several dimensional worlds have become branches of the Tianqing Sect again, with one star as one rudder, and in this way, just now they have the grandeur of the Starry Sky Sect.

On this day, Jiang Tian suddenly asked: "Where is Huang Ling'er from? Where did you go to retreat? I've been back for so long, and I don't show myself! Are you working so hard?"

He got the original wood core and wanted to give it to Huang Ling'er.

It's just that he has always been coquettish, sticking to the stereotype of monogamy. Even if there is some attachment and love for Huang Ling'er in his heart, but with Zhao Xueqing's avatar and daughter, he will not show it at all. I really can't stand it today.


Everyone was puzzled, because they hadn't seen Huang Ling'er for a long time.

Jiang Changgeng hurriedly retreated to the left and right, and only he, Liansheng Tathagata and Zhao Xueqing were left in the hall. Liansheng Tathagata sighed slightly and said, "Half a month after the mistress went to the Fairy Market, Huang Linger and I inspected Mars. When she was in the territory, she was taken away by a passing woman!"


Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light flickered.

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