Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1800 The Grand Ceremony Opens, Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Court

Immediately afterwards, the semi-sacred powers of Fomalhaut's star field, Anbo Saints also led more than a dozen disciples of Huashen and Nascent Souls to travel across the sea of ​​stars in a flying boat, and descended to Earth to participate in the grand ceremony.

One day later, the ancient rock stars, the black mist star field, the Tianlang star field... many god-transformation powers and even semi-sages from the small Tiannan star field gathered on the earth to worship Jiang Tian.

On Earth, humans and creatures discovered for the first time that the starry sky, which was originally vast and empty, is actually so crowded and prosperous. Many star fields that can only be vaguely seen with radio telescopes, in fact, have extremely powerful and prosperous cultivation civilizations.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the sky, starry airships and warships passed by like streamers. Some of these airships and ships were more than a hundred miles long, and even the smallest ones were thousands of feet long, such as willow leaves, tigers, leopards, and dragons. Shuttle, UFO shape. There are many shapes and different powers.

Some use spar cauldrons, some use space curvature to propel, and some even tear space to form wormholes, which can travel thousands of miles and thousands of miles in an instant, which is an eye-opener for people on earth.

"Tsk tsk, my God! The grand ceremony of the Absolute Beginning God Lord is really amazing! I heard that the farthest blue wave star field is already 100 light-years away from the earth, and it is not far from the Big Dipper star field!"

Someone sighed.

"Yes. I heard that this Lanbo Starfield was the largest ferry and station in the Big Dipper Starfield, and the only way to attack the Star Sea. But now even the Lanbo Starfield has come to congratulate, which means that the God of Absolute Beginning has put The forces have reached Beidou's doorstep."

Someone in the know, show off.

"In the depths of the star sea, it is really dangerous and terrifying. Look at these stars, which one is not filled with many gods and souls, and if they push the earth horizontally, it is really as simple as cutting grass!!! We should be right Xinghai, be in awe and guard against civilization!"

Chen Peter, an expert on the history of global cultivation, expressed his emotion on his personal Twitter account after learning about the relevant information.

Below, many people immediately echoed and reposted it, along with photos of starships, flying boats, and gods and gods.

Indeed, these deities and demi-saints are too imposing. When each of them entered the earth, they once set off monstrous waves, laws vibrated, and visions appeared. In the eyes of mortals, they are really like gods. Destroy the earth, destroy the power of the stars.

"So what? Our earth, or the solar system and the Nanmen galaxy, have the gods of the early days sitting in command. No matter how strong they are, they will come to worship obediently. Tens of thousands of immortals come to the pilgrimage, carrying countless cultivation resources, and the gods will also lower their eyebrows when they see it. This It is the prestige of the gods in the beginning! I still say that, believe in the beginning, and you will live forever!"

On the other hand, Tang Shaoze, an expert on the study of the God of Absolute Beginning, spoke tit for tat, with a very arrogant tone. He included many photos and even videos.

In these videos and photos, those gods bowed three times and nine times to Jiang Tian, ​​and offered countless cultivation treasures, just like a disciple meeting a majestic teacher.

Even though Saint Anbo is a semi-sage who is so famous in Xinghai, although his status is noble, his seniority is very high, and his life is endless, but Jiang Tian's strength is there, they bow deeply, calling him His Majesty the God Sovereign, and they are extremely humble.

These videos and photos attracted countless support and cheers, and many Jiang Tian's believers almost fell into madness.

"Hey, this is the majesty of the gods and emperors. I'm afraid that in the ancient times when the earth and the immortal land were at their peak, it was nothing more than that! If Shenghuang Chongli and Aohuang and other ancient sages have knowledge, they should rest in peace!"

Witnessing the grand occasion, Yun Zhongzi was deeply moved, with tears in his eyes.

"In the early days, the gods and emperors overwhelmed the star sea, and the immortals came to court, which is unprecedented in the past and present!"

The other descendants of the ancient Immortal Earth all felt sympathy and tears, and looked at Jiang Tian who was talking and laughing happily with the powerful people from outside the region with reverent eyes.

The sages of ancient times, when they started their interstellar wandering, all they wanted was to preserve their roots and seedlings. However, Jiang Tian turned the earth into a big star for cultivation, crushing the Big Dipper across the sky, making thousands of stars come to court, and becoming famous in the small Tiannan Starfield. This has far exceeded the goal of the ancient sages.

As the day of the grand ceremony approaches, with the arrival of a star sea power, billions of people on the earth have turned into an ocean of joy.

In order to let everyone in the worlds of the earth, the Nanmen star field, and many friendly star fields witness this unprecedented ceremony of conferring gods, watch my live broadcast, Mango TV, BBC, CNN and other large media and TV stations in the world, all Together, they borrowed the military's satellites, aircraft, and sound transmission circles, and photographed the Suodoni Tianqing Sect Dojo, Taichu Pavilion, and even many sub-dojos from 360 degrees in detail. Miss nothing.

And this live broadcast is the most popular anchor who watched my live broadcast, Jiang Tian's sister-in-law, Zhao Qianru.

Because the battle with the famous pre-Qin family and the battle at the Kunlun Building in Jincheng after Jiang Tian's return were all broadcast live by Zhao Qianru, she has already become famous.

The other two guests are cultivation historian Chen Peter and Taichu research expert Tang Shaoze.

Finally, there is another important guest, the famous Anbo sage.

Saint Anbo has a long lifespan, is well-informed, and is only slightly inferior to Qin Pu and others in the Southern Star Region of the Little Sky.

But he has never seen such a strange technology on the earth. Facing that small lens, even if the divine mind of Anbo Saint can scan thousands of miles, he still doesn't understand how a mortal weapon without the slightest fluctuation of aura can make the sound Images are broadcast to billions of people.

"Welcome Saint Anbo!"

Zhao Qianru applauded first.

"Hello host, hello audience, everyone, Dao is friendly. It's an honor to explain the ceremony of the God-Conferring God of Absolute Beginning, Xiao Dao is not very honored!"

Saint Anbo has fluttering sleeves, a ruddy complexion, and a childlike face with white hair, like an old birthday star. He looks very humble and amiable: "But the saint's words, but everyone thinks highly of me. The path is only a half-holy cultivation base, the saint's words, Exaggerated!"

"Sage Anbo, can you give the audience a little bit of science, what is a god?" Zhao Qianru asked with a smile.

Even after the spiritual energy recovered, Tianqing Sect did not hide its secrets, and announced many cultivation methods and common sense.

However, everyone is still at a loss about the title of Divine Sovereign. Of course everyone knows that Jiang Tian is very strong, far surpassing the ordinary Nascent Soul, but why did it shake the entire vast Little Sky South Starfield, and the cultivation powers from a distance of hundreds of light-years are all pouring in, making the descendants of the fairy land so excited that they burst into tears vertical and horizontal.

"Shenjun is the title of God Transformation Power. However, I don't understand why all Star Sea Powers attach so much importance to the Great God Conferring Ceremony, and come here thousands of miles away. Moreover, you are a semi-holy, but God Transformation I'm afraid that the top among them is no less powerful than Senior Taichu, right? You are so servile, don't you want this?"

Peter Chen asked sharply. This is for the effect of the program, it must be controversial and topical.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist in the early days is indeed a Nascent Soul cultivator, but his Nascent Soul is no small matter. It is a divine grade Nascent Soul."

The sage Anbo stroked his beard and smiled, and the old god said authentically: "Do you know what the concept of Shenpin Nascent Soul is?"


Everyone is interested.

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