Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1801 Undead Emperor, come!

"Accordingly, the top of Nascent Soul and Transformation God in the world is the holy grade, and it is the ninth grade."

Saint Anbo smiled and said:

"Sacred grade Nascent Soul or Huashen, enough to sweep the same level, invincible, even in the incomparably vast central galaxy, it is enough to become famous! Immortal grade is very rare. The huge small Tiannan Starfield, two hundred thousand years, There was only one Immortal Transformation God!"

"How many immortal infants have appeared?" Zhao Qianru asked curiously.

"Is it a fairy baby? I have searched through ancient books, and according to records and statistics, there should be at least hundreds of them in two hundred thousand years!" Saint Anbo said after pondering for a while.

"Then why was only one Immortal Transformation God born?" Zhao Qianru was even more puzzled.

"The reason is very simple. The difference between immortals and saints of the same level is even greater than the difference between saints and mortals! Immortals and Nascent Souls are already the seeds of immortals!"

As soon as Saint Anbo said this, everyone in the audience was shocked. Zhao Qianru exclaimed in surprise: "Huh?"

It is too shocking that there is such a big difference between the immortal grade and the holy grade.

"indeed so!"

Saint Anbo smiled and said:

"Holy grades are the pinnacle of the human world, while immortal grades are no longer in the human world. The two belong to completely different life levels! And the energy and nourishment required by different life levels are completely different. To use an analogy for old age, it is like vegetation and trees bathed in sunlight and rain. By absorbing the nutrients in the soil, they can grow up. But sheep cannot eat soil to absorb sunlight, but can only eat grass and leaves. As for fierce tigers and lions, they can only eat sheep, not even leaves and grass. Not to mention soil and Sunlight!"

"Immortal grade Nascent Soul is very strong, and at the same time requires a higher level of energy. It absorbs more concentrated vitality and the way of law, and once these vitality and way of law are too weak, then the immortals will not be able to make ends meet and can only be attributed to the way. Calling Hua Dao and sitting Hua, the body and spirit will dissipate!"

"The divine grade Nascent Soul of Senior Taichu, and the immortal grade Nascent Soul intersect, which one is higher and which one is lower, which one is better?" Zhao Qianru asked curiously.

"The divine rank is higher and stronger!"

Saint Anbo said excitedly: "Immortal-grade Nascent Soul, although it is extremely rare in the Southern Great Star Region of the Little Sky, there have been hundreds of them since ancient times. However, according to historical records, there are dozens For ten thousand years, there has been none."

"Think about it, everyone, there are at least tens of thousands of living stars like the earth in the small southern star field, and there are hundreds of millions of living beings, which are simply innumerable, but in such a long time, not one was born."

"The strength of the god-level Nascent Soul, in a word, is the young son of a natural god, who can open up the world when he cultivates to the peak. Even the young son of a fairy can't hold a candle to it. Compared with the young son of a fairy, it is like a mortal. The difference between immortals!"

After the sage Anbo finished speaking, the whole earth fell silent and was completely stunned.

Even the worlds of the entire solar system were dead silent.

In the end, when it reached the South Gate Starfield, even the worlds of Immortal Soil were shocked.

The young son of the gods who can open up the world!

The first divine grade Nascent Soul in the history of Xiaotiannan Starfield!

Indeed, compared with Jiang Tian of the divine grade Nascent Soul, the ninth grade and holy grade Huashen are all weak.

"Let me just say, if you believe in the beginning, you will have eternal life!" Tang Shaoze, the master stick, suddenly said with a serious face.

"In fact, even in the legendary Central Galaxy, those immortal holy lands and peerless families where Void-Returning Saints were born, there are very few births of divine grade Nascent Souls, which is too illusory. Even if immortal grade Nascent Souls are born, They were all immediately cultivated as immortal seeds, with the power of the Holy Land and the Star Field to cultivate and support them. Because they have a very high probability of becoming immortals."

Saint Anbo glanced at him approvingly, and said with a smile: "Of course, some people will say that such a genius will surely overwhelm the galaxy in the future, rule the star field, and become the natural overlord and ruler. In this case, why are other hostile Why didn't the forces take the opportunity to kill them?"


Only then did Zhao Qianru react: "The star seas are fighting for the top, civilized fighting is cruel and ruthless, of course we must take advantage of their weakness to kill them in the cradle!"

"Some people hate it, but even more capable people value it!"

Saint Anbo said:

"Once the seeds of such immortals and gods are born, they often shake the star sea, and there are many people who support and support them. It is best to accept them as disciples. Even if they cannot be accepted as disciples, they should be called brothers and sisters, give support, and form a firework bond. If you say If the haters take up 30%, the supporters take up 70%. Just think, how dare the haters take action so easily!"

He frowned, showing a bit of confusion: "And, in fact, once such a genius is born, he can often affect the fate of the entire star and star field, and become an existence similar to the son of fate and the chosen son of heaven. There are invisible powerful blessings for people, good luck, and invincibility! That's why fairy babies and god babies are so precious. We, too, respect and admire them so much!"

Speaking of which, he himself was a little confused. Because the luck of immortals and gods Nascent Soul does exist, but no one can explain what is going on.

However, Jiang Tian, ​​who listened to these interviews from a distance, understood.

The so-called theory of luck means that there is one or even many invisible hands from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm to move the fate of others.

The reason is very simple.

The supreme power in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm is also paying attention to the human world and the cultivation world. In a remote and desolate abandoned star field like the Milky Way, the undead emperor would come to visit every thousands or hundreds of years, not to mention the prosperous immortal holy places in the central galaxy?

There, once the Immortal Grade and Divine Grade Nascent Soul are born, these immortal powers will stare closely at them, and will give them moderate training to improve their cultivation base and temper their Dao Heart, but they will also, when they face the threat of life and death, Take a sudden shot to save his life.


The mighty dragon in the fairy world sees its head but doesn't see its end, even if it is in the lower realm, or interferes, it is generally unnoticed. Especially the Anbo sage who is in the remote Milky Way, I am afraid that for tens of thousands of years, he has only sensed the power of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm or even a breath, so naturally he is unclear.

Involving Nine Heavens Immortal, Luck, and chance to become an Immortal are all the great mysteries of the Star Sea. To put it bluntly, in the Milky Way, even in the entire Central Galaxy, only those few figures at the very top know about it. Ordinary cultivators who transform themselves into gods rarely understand it.

"Look, everyone, the cloud and mist around the suspended Taichu Pavilion of the Tianqing Sect have dissipated, and it has opened. You are also invited to participate. I am afraid that the entire grand ceremony will be opened soon!" Suddenly, Zhao Qianru shouted excitedly.


With the sound like Hong Zhong Dalu's voice.

At the Taichu Pavilion, which is tens of thousands of meters above the Tianqing Sect's dojo, the clouds and mist that shrouded many palaces and buildings suddenly drifted away. The precious light is bright, the auspicious colors are myriad, and the clouds are steaming. Many disciples of the Tianqing Sect, civil servants and generals of the New Heavenly Court, descended the ladder, and led a visitor from outside the realm to enter the platform.

Those who can climb the ladder are at least in the realm of transforming gods, or representatives of a star or even a star field.

The Conferred God Ceremony officially opened.


But at this moment, outside the Xiaonantian Great Star Field, in the depths of the starry sky who do not know how many light-years away, it is already at the edge of the Milky Way.

"Huh? She's still here, and she even has a cultivation base, which is worth hundreds of thousands of years of painstaking planning and management! Now, I have an explanation for 'her'!"

An old man with a clear complexion, wearing an old washed Tsing Yi, with a vast fairy aura gushing around his body like a bright nebula, surrounded by countless avenues, standing in the void, extremely deep, ancient and vast, as if surrounded by stars, his eyes looked at the Milky Way direction, looking towards the direction of the earth.

His eyes shine with endless brilliance like stars, and seem to be able to penetrate the three worlds, see through the nine worlds, see everything, check everything, and overlook the vast galaxy like palm lines, spanning hundreds of thousands of light-years at a glance From the distance, I saw Zhao Xueqing who was smiling hand in hand with Jiang Tian in Taichu Pavilion.


The next moment, he stepped out lightly, and instantly spanned a distance of a hundred light-years. Thousands of vast and vast galaxies crossed the galaxy like a stream, and grazing stars like mud pellets and stones, directly came to the sky above the Big Dipper Star Field.

If Saint Anbo or even Qin Pu saw this power, they would probably pee their pants in fright.

These half saints, the distance that they could not cross in their entire lives, this old man actually stepped over in one step.

And if Jiang Tian saw this old man, he might say with complicated emotions:

"Teacher... Immortal Emperor, it's been a long time!"

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