Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1814 No break, no stand, rebuild the end

Jiang Tian turned around slowly, like a walking corpse whose soul had been pulled out, stepped on the void, and walked step by step towards the depths of Tianqingzong. His eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, but he seemed to be sluggish again, without much emotional fluctuation, and every time he took a step, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

In the end, the bright red blood of the gods stained his entire clothes red, and he was like a blood man.

On his so-called immortal divine body, one after another spider web-like lines were shattered.

The spiritual fetus in the body was even more chaotic, and the divine infant was shaken by it, almost breaking apart. The chains of laws stretched out from the void, locked towards Jiang Tian, ​​and blocked the nine-orifice divine infant layer by layer. , and even a terrifying law emerged to suppress the mana in Jiang Tian's body.

At this time, Jiang Tian's cultivation continued to fall, from the fifth level of Yuanying, all the way down to the first level of Yuanying, and even Yuanying would collapse.

But at this moment, Daxiu, who came to watch the ceremony, such as Patriarch Shesha, Saint Anbo, looked at him in awe, bowed deeply, and paid the highest respect.

All the other monks on the earth knelt down and worshiped.

This is Jiang Tian's first real defeat since his debut.

However, you must know that he was defeated by a giant in the fairy world. There is nothing shameful about it, on the contrary, it is awe-inspiring.

Just ask, anyone else who dares to face the majesty of the giants in the fairy world is the unrivaled sage of the central galaxy, and even the true immortals of the same way dare not.

Even if the Undead Emperor Zun couldn't stop a blow, he would die instantly.

Jiang Tian blocked a giant in the fairy world several times with his mere Nascent Soul realm. Even though the undead emperor had room to kill him and didn't really want to kill him, he was still so strong that it was unbelievable.


"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"


Seeing Jiang Tian staggering and seriously injured, Tang Linglong, Bai Muxue, Long Shengnan, Qi Liqi, Ao Jiao and other women, all in tears, flew up to meet him, wanting to help them.

"Do not bother me!"

Jiang Tian raised his hand, stopped their footsteps, and said in a trembling voice: "Everyone, go to the disaster relief!"


All the disciples of Tianqing Sect, the monks of Xiantu Tianting, and even the monks from outside the territory, looked at Jiang Tian with concern, and rushed away to all parts of the world. involved in disaster relief.

Step by step, Jiang Tian walked into the depths of Tianqing sect.

Jiang Beibei flew up, threw herself into Jiang Tian's arms, and cried, "Dad, was Mom taken away?"

"rest assured!"

Jiang Tian squatted down, stroking the hair on the top of her head, and whispered softly: "One day, I will take you across the endless starry sky, and stand in front of her again!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​how do you feel?"

The whole family came to inquire, with concerned eyes and tears in their eyes.

"I'm going to retreat for a while!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, came to the depths of Tianqingzong, crooked, and fell to the ground.

After a long time, Jiang Tian opened his eyes, and immediately sat cross-legged to meditate. He sacrificed the fragments of the gods obtained in the battle with the Beidou monks, a cloud of blood mist, absorbed and refined them, and restored his cultivation.

"The body of the god is broken, the baby of the god is shaken, the fetus of the god is cracked, and the god is suppressed by the way of heaven. This time, he was seriously injured. But the undead emperor did not use the killer. The purple energy of the fairy world and the nine-day true thunder he shot could even transform For my nourishment. Just take this opportunity, do not break or stand. Break these altars and jars, and be completely reborn from the ashes.”

Jiang Tian thought to himself.

Jiang Tian's divine body, divine infant, and divine rule are all the strongest in the universe, and there is no way to advance.

However, in Jiang Tian's memory, there is still an extremely ethereal state that exclaims in legends, that is, the divine body, divine infant and god are completely united. Once it is cultivated, the three flowers will gather at the top, and the five qi will rise to the top. It can be called "the end of the god baby", and even the youngest son of the true god can't match it.

Jiang Tian also wanted to merge before, but it never came to fruition.

After all, all three of his strengths have already reached the Dacheng realm, and he has achieved a lot. It is too risky to start over. Once he fails, the loss will be irreversible.

"This time against the Undead Emperor, although my vitality has been greatly damaged and my cultivation level has dropped, it is a good thing for me. Take this opportunity to integrate the three forces of spirit, energy and spirit, and lay the most solid foundation for the future march into the Supreme Transformation God." The foundation." Jiang Tian secretly made up his mind.

"The leaf boat he left behind is a quasi-celestial artifact that can help me cross the star sea. No matter what conspiracy the undead emperor has, Qing'er's current cultivation level is still too low, and she will not be able to reach his level in at least five hundred years. request, and during this period, Qing'er is safe!"

"Five hundred years..."

Say long is not long, say short is not short.

For some great supernatural beings in the fairy world who sit on the star river to watch the vicissitudes of the sea, five hundred years is just a matter of closing their eyes and taking a nap, stabilizing their lower realms, and cultivating their magical powers. Some big monks who like to watch the Tao in their palms may look at it for thousands of years or ten thousand years.

But for a turbulent universe, five hundred years is too long.

During the five hundred years that Jiang Tian lived, the universe underwent magnificent changes, the central galaxy emerged in large numbers, and geniuses rose like clouds. One after another, the most powerful people who have advanced and joined the Dao overlook the present world, and even Jiang Tian, ​​the Immortal Venerable of Absolute Beginning who is expected to ascend to the sky, was born.

"Five hundred years is enough for me to ascend to the fairy world and compete with the undead emperor."

Jiang Tian's eyes are deep and far away, with a hidden fighting spirit, looking up at the sky, his eyes seem to pass through the void, through the endless magic circle, the endless galaxy, reach the central galaxy, penetrate billions of planes, as if seeing that high above, eternally immobile, Shrouded in endless fairy light, the supreme world that suppresses everything.

Some things, some enmity, even if reborn ten thousand years, Jiang Tian still settles with some people. So what if he is high above the nine heavens? It's not like he didn't fight before.

In this way, Jiang Tian closed his eyes, supported his remnant body, and began to restore his cultivation, and even went one step further.

Even though he was suppressed by the power of many laws at this moment, his body was broken. But the profound art that Jiang Tian practiced was really terrifying.

Each one is the strongest in the universe. I saw that between his breathing and breathing, the huge amount of vitality, laws, and avenues in the world, as well as the treasures of heaven and earth, the blood of gods, and the spirit of gods that were fighting against Beidou, silently centered on Jiang Tian, Come together like a funnel.

At this moment, the earth is full of aura, the law is strengthened, and the avenue is stable. It is the best place for Jiang Tian to practice. The victories in the Big Dipper War were so vast that it was impossible to carry them. In the end, even the Immortal Realm Purple Qi and True Thunder laid down by the Undead Emperor were gradually absorbed and refined.

"Hoo hoo."

The various spider web cracks on the surface of Jiang Tianshen's body are healing rapidly at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. And he was in such a state of confusion that he almost fell below the realm of the Nascent Soul, but at this moment, he was also recovering slowly but unswervingly.

Yuanying first floor, second floor, third floor, third floor...

As night fell, a cool breeze hit, bringing a little bit of refreshment, and the moonlight fell on Jiang Tian from between the clouds.

The sun rose, and the sunlight coated Jiang Tian with a layer of gold. His face was calm and hard. Although his Taoist clothes were ragged, there was a trace of dusty air, like a real fairy in the fairy world, who would never move.

The heavy rain fell, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, Jiang Tian still sat still, he didn't even use his strength to prop up the shield, and let the rain fall, wet his hair, and his clothes were soaked almost in the blink of an eye. He is getting close to nature, comprehending the world, and connecting with the Dao.

The yellow leaves withered, curled up in the air, and slowly fell on Jiang Tian's shoulders.

Day and night, ups and downs, Jiang Tian has been sitting still, eyes closed, not eating or drinking, no matter what, just like an ascetic practicing silently, like a sculpture, even like a living dead, with growths growing on his clothes. The moss, body and aura don't seem to have changed at all.

Every three months, Tang Linglong and Jiang Beibei would come hand in hand, quietly help him cut off his crazy beard and sticky hair, and wipe his smoky and grimy cheeks.

But he never dared to mention the matter of bathing and changing clothes to Jiang Tian, ​​let alone other mundane matters.

Occasionally, some disciples would come to the door and look at him with concern, but after three kowtows and nine obeisances, they would silently back away, for fear of disturbing his retreat.

After waiting for three years, Jiang Tian finally opened his eyes for the first time.

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