Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1831 Zhao Feifei's Invitation

"Well, you go!"

Yan Nanxian nodded.

On the other side, Zhao Feifei had already arrived at Jiang Tian's box, and said softly, "Fellow Daoist Siqing, the elite disciple of Luozong in Xiatian, Zhao Feifei, is the disciple of Senior Yan Nanxian."

"Meet fellow daoists! Please sit down!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm, and his tone was calm.

"My concubine thanked fellow Taoist!"

After receiving a blessing, Zhao Feifei sat down.

She was born in a wealthy family, and she is also a disciple of Tian Luo Sect. Every move, every frown and every smile is graceful and graceful, quite lawful, like a peerless pearl.

She smiled slightly, expressing the purpose of coming: "Fellow Daoist, it should be the first time to go to Shengyuan Continent or the entire Central Galaxy."

"Indeed!" Jiang Tian nodded.

"Fellow Daoists may not know that in the Shengyuan Continent, the strong are respected, and the weak are ants. Thousands of clans coexist, thousands of races stand in great numbers, heroes rise together, all saints fight for hegemony, it is very chaotic, and the strife between monks is extremely bloody and cruel."

Zhao Feifei's facial features are exquisite, her complexion is fair like a jade carving, and her face is delicate and exquisite, as if she is not in the world, and the spirit of the world is all in one.

"It is said that Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, especially a young and handsome young man like Fellow Daoist, walking in the rivers and lakes, will inevitably attract many powerful people to covet him. If you want to kill a genius, you have to guard against it!"

Zhao Feifei is charming, pure and lustful, with excellent eloquence, and is extremely good at bewitching, making people feel like they are bathed in a spring breeze.

In the previous life, when he came into contact with Zhao Feifei, Jiang Tian even suspected that she might have practiced the way of joy and the art of seductiveness.

"That's true. When you come to your land for the first time, you really should be careful!"

Jiang Tian said calmly.

"It's just a palliative, not a cure."

Zhao Feifei smiled wryly and said: "The real method is to find a backer and hold a group warm. Who will dare to mess with you in the future?"

"Fellow Daoist means..."

Jiang Tian sneered in his heart, is Yan Nanxian so impatient?

Zhao Feifei smiled and said: "Tianluo Sect is one of the top ten divine sects, second only to the five holy places, and ranks sixth on the vast Shengyuan Continent. Among the sects, there is a saint-grade Huashen peak sitting in the sect. Fellow Daoist If you intend to join, I would like to introduce you to my teacher Yan Nanxian."

"Wouldn't it be a beautiful thing for you and me to climb the long fairy road hand in hand in the future?"

In the end, her eyelids drooped, her head turned slightly, she was shy and timid, like a delicate flower shining in water, which made people daydream, no man could refuse this kind of temptation.

"Thank you Daoist Zhao for your love, but I'm really sorry. I've always been a casual cultivator, and I'm used to idle clouds and wild cranes. I really can't stand the shackles of the sect."

Jiang Tian cupped his hands slightly and politely refused.

Zhao Feifei was quite surprised and looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief.

She never thought that Jiang Tian would refuse her invitation.

After all, Tianluozong is indeed a sacred place for cultivation on the Shengyuan Continent. Even in the Shengyuan Continent, there are many young and handsome people who want to worship and become their disciples. Not to mention monks from remote galaxies like Jiang Tian.

What's more, she also gave some ambiguous hints.

"This is Tianluozong, how can you refuse!" Next to him, Guo Chuandong's eyes were red with jealousy, and he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He wanted to pry Jiang Tian's head open to see what it was made of. But seeing that Jiang Tian's face remained unchanged, he didn't dare to say more.

Zhao Feifei spoke earnestly again, and said, "Fellow Daoist Siqing, I wonder if you have listened to my concubine's words just now. The Black Sun Starfield you are in seems to be vast and vast, but compared with the Central Galaxy, it is nothing more than a muddy puddle to the sea. You are the same as the Black Sun Starfield. You are naturally conspicuous in the remote starfields. But in the Central Galaxy, you are as insignificant as dust. Among other things, even the Haotianzong you offended and the sect that Yang Wu is backed by, you will It may not be able to withstand it!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, don't waste your words. So-and-so, I've made up my mind!"

Jiang Tian refused again.

He went to Shengyuan Continent, but a few things.

First, look for Huang Ling'er, don't say that you have to take her away, at least protect her comprehensively. The second is to wait for that treasure to be born to help him ascend to the state of transforming gods. The third is to help Lin Yang, the young master of Hongfeng City, and other old friends from previous lives. Fourth, it is natural to exterminate Yan Nanxian and other previous enemies.

But winning the treasure is the first priority. Before that, he needs to act in a low-key manner and is unwilling to cause troubles. He should not let the conflict break out early and attract the attention of the giants of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

"That's all. When do you figure it out, come to Tianluozong to find me again!"

Zhao Feifei sighed helplessly, and stood up, but before leaving, she shook her head and said regretfully:

"Do you know that my mentor has not thought of accepting apprentices for many years. Do you know what you lost when you rejected Tian Luozong and my mentor?"

"You missed an opportunity to save you a hundred years of struggle!"

"In the early days, if I had such an opportunity, I'm afraid I would have already entered the God of Transformation!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled lightly: "You are you, I am me, don't look at me with your eyes. In your opinion, it is an opportunity to worship Tianluozong, but in my opinion, it is not worth mentioning!"

"Hmph. Arrogant!"

Hearing this, Zhao Feifei's slight affection for Jiang Tian was exhausted, she snorted coldly, and walked away.

After Zhao Feifei left, facing Guo Chuandong who was trying to persuade him, Jiang Tian smiled without saying a word, looking at the storm star belt outside the car window with a pair of deep eyes, he secretly smiled in his heart.

"In your eyes, remote star fields such as the Black Sun Star Field and the Milky Way are not worth mentioning and are insignificant."

"But I don't know. In my previous life, I have visited the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm and the Supreme God Realm. Isn't this Shengyuan Continent and even the entire Central Galaxy just a trickle of mud?"

"Let you all struggle to cross the border and fight for power and profit. You are still just mere mortals, and you will never become immortals or gods. There will always be a day when your lifespan will be exhausted and turned into loess. But I, after a thousand or ten thousand years, I am afraid I have already landed. Primordial God, long-lived vision!"


Zhao Feifei returned to her private room and sat down angrily.

"What's wrong? He refused?"

Yan Nanxian's expression was calm, as if not surprised.

"That kid looks peaceful and humble, but in fact he is arrogant and boundless in his heart. He has made up his mind not to rely on the sect's aristocratic family, and he doesn't pay attention to our Tianluozong at all! How can such a person live for ten days and a half months in the Shengyuan Continent? ?" Zhao Feifei said contemptuously:

"Stubborn and unreliable, the real rotten wood cannot be carved!"

Yan Beifei also looked contemptuous, and said with a smile: "This kind of monk is very common, and he didn't realize the horror of the Central Galaxy. The Saint Yuan Continent is like rain, and the saints are like clouds. All the saints who return to the void in the Saint Yuan Continent, It just crushed them a few galaxies. They thought that the Shengyuan Continent was like a backcountry like their ancestral star."

"This person is very strange. Maybe he is the best house for my father. Beifei, pay attention to him, but don't act rashly!"

Yan Nanxian said with deep eyes.

"Yes! Father!" Yan Beifei's expression changed, and he quickly agreed.

Yan Nanxian closed his eyes, lowered his eyes, and gradually immersed himself in the practice, his aura was faintly present, as if he was an old tortoise.

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