"Stop arguing. It doesn't matter who among us buys it. It's just that these people can't afford it at all. It's time for them to get out!"

But Bai Zhanyun looked at Jiang Tian with gloating eyes, diverting the disaster to the east, and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I want them to get out! Let's bid hard again!"

Yang Xuan also disliked Lin Yang and Jiang Tian, ​​and immediately laughed.

"The Marquis of Zhenyuan is so poor that he has no pants to wear, yet he dares to go to the Ancient Medicine Hall to buy medicine?"

"That's right, a servant who belongs to the guest house guard dares to come to the Ancient Medicine Palace! Do you think this is a public toilet? Lin Yang, how do you manage your servants? You don't understand the rules?"

For a time, many young and old people were encouraged by Bai Zhanyun and started shouting one after another.

Seeing that Jiang Tian was unmoved, Long Juxue suddenly moved with a lot of movement and walked towards Jiang Tian.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, right?"

Long Juxue’s voice was clear:

"I also know your purpose for wanting this Sunstone, and I also know that you did place the order first. But I would like to remind you that the princess was born with a disability, and her body is weak. The Sunstone contains fragments of the Great Dao, and its medicinal properties are extremely powerful. Her sick girl can't bear the Tiger Wolf Medicine Stone. If she absorbs it forcefully, something big will happen!"

Long Juxue's words were not so straightforward, but the meaning was easy to understand, that is, Jiang Tian's ability was simply incapable of controlling such medicinal stones, which were considered to be treasures of heaven and earth.

"All the young leaders in the empire are rushing to buy this medicine stone for me. If you insist on buying it, it will offend everyone. You have to think carefully!" Long Juxue said with a half-smile but not a smile.

Jiang Tian looked at this incomprehensible and extremely narcissistic woman, and said with a half-smile, "Do you need to worry about anything that happens? Of course I will bear the responsibility!"

Being humiliated by Jiang Tian, ​​Long Juxue was displeased and said in a cold tone: "If you are willing to give up, I will naturally remember you Jiang Siqing. But if you don't give up to me, I will also remember you!" This is simply a thinly veiled threat.

"Among the 108 princes in the empire, no one can snatch what I, Long Juxue, want."

She was full of arrogance, a bit more arrogant than Lin Daier. She did not hide her sense of superiority as the daughter of the Duke of Dongxia Palace at all. Her tone was indifferent, but she had undoubted power.

Jiang Tian laughed dumbly: "So absolute? Can't there be any accidents?"

"There can be no accidents." Long Juxue said coldly, "At least I haven't encountered any."

"All right……"

Jiang Tian smiled faintly: "Then I congratulate you, you met today."

I have to say that this woman has a very strong sense of superiority.

Even if he is asking for help from others, he still has a condescending attitude. It was as if talking to him, Jiang Tian, ​​was a form of charity. It is the white swan that favors the toad.

But in Jiang Tian's eyes, this gesture couldn't be more ridiculous.

The daughter of Duke Dongxia of the Eastern Kingdom?

So what?

Even Duke Dongxia himself was not even qualified to carry Jiang Tian's shoes in his previous life. Even in this life, Jiang Tian is doing his best, so how can Duke Dongxia be his opponent?

"Okay, okay, I remember you!"

For the first time in her life, she lost face in front of a man, and Long Juxue gritted her teeth in hatred.

"This boy is so arrogant!"

Seeing that Long Juxue was angry, many of the powerful disciples became angry and shouted and scolded Jiang Tian. It was as if Jiang Tian had become the target of public criticism.

Only He Chuang rushed to the Third Hall Master and begged, but the Third Hall Master ignored him and snorted coldly: "You can't afford it, so why bother here to interfere with our daily operations. Go out, otherwise, I’ll take action!”

Seeing this scene, Bai Zhanyun stood proudly and sneered at Jiang Tian:

"Boy, I said it."

He was so proud that he mocked: "We are not on the same level at all. You kid, you dare to hit me, but you don't know that I can trample you under my feet with just one blow. I can tell you to get out with just one word." . And what can you do now?

"Deacon Xing, please say something!"

Seeing this scene, He Chuang and Lin Yang both looked at Deacon Xing for help.

Although Deacon Xing is a bit greedy for money, he also has a spirit of contract and is not the kind of person who takes money and does nothing.

"Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say!"

Deacon Xing was also under great pressure, coughed lightly and said in a trembling voice:

"Third Hall Master, everyone, our Ancient Medicine Hall can be known as the first holy land in Shengyuan Continent. In addition to your great ability in alchemy, the more important thing is credibility and commitment. When opening the door for business, it is more important to follow a first-come, first-served basis. Ten days ago, He Chuang summoned me and asked to buy the sun-falling stone. I immediately informed the main hall master, and the main hall master agreed. Even though your bid was high, we could only sell it to He Chuang first. Whether Chuang is willing to transfer it to you or not depends on his opinion!"

"Deacon Xing, you are not giving me face!"

When Yang Xuan and others heard this, their expressions suddenly turned ugly.

He Chuang belongs to His Royal Highness. If he really buys it first and is unwilling to transfer it, there will be nothing we can do.

Even Long Juxue's pretty face showed a hint of sullenness.

But Bai Zhanyun whispered in a low voice: "Don't worry. They can't buy it!"

At this time, the master of the three halls spoke at the right time:

"Deacon Xing, the master of the main hall is in retreat. Don't disturb him for such a trivial matter. I will be the master today. After all, you can't raise money even if you go to Linyang for a while, and installment payment is absolutely not allowed. Yes. Then, sell this sun-falling stone to Bai Zhanyun and the others first! If we find a new sun-falling stone later, we will give it to He Chuang!"

"You have no objection, right?"

As soon as these words were spoken, a vast and surging divine monarch's pressure surged out like fire, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, and firmly enveloped Deacon Xing.


Deacon Xing suddenly felt as if he was in a furnace of purgatory, his face turned pale and he was sweating profusely.

I just felt that if I dared to refute, the next moment I would be burned into ashes and powder by the pressure of his red flames.

"Subordinates please obey..."

Deacon Xing bowed deeply and spoke with difficulty with humiliation on his face.

He felt desolate in his heart and sighed with regret. His Highness was determined to support Bai Zhanyun and others. Anyone who stopped him would die. Alas, that's all. The situation is compelling. A hero will not suffer the immediate loss. He will turn around and take back what he just received. Just return the benefits to He Chuang.

However, before he finished speaking, suddenly, a chuckle came from the corner, leisurely and calmly: "Everyone, you are looking down on others too much. Who said we can't afford 20 billion high-grade crystals, let alone two Ten billion, that’s 200 billion, so what?”

"Two hundred billion high-grade crystal stones? Are you kidding me?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, as if they were looking at a madman.

This is not a small amount. Even if the Marquis of Zhenyuan and His Highness were sold, they would not be worth so much money.

"Where's the money! If you have the guts, take it out!"

Yang Xuan mocked.

He still knows the details of Zhenyuan Marquis and His Highness the Second Highness. They have been poor and weak for a day or two, and they can't get rid of them even if they sell the iron.

"Do you think you can give so much with His Highness the Second Highness and Marquis Zhenyuan as your backers? You can brag, but if you can't live up to your bragging, you won't be able to get off the stage. It doesn't matter if you are embarrassed, but it will be a lot of fun if you lose the face of His Highness the Second Highness. It’s so big!”

Bai Zhanyun also laughed.

"It's not that His Highness and Marquis Zhenyuan are rich, but that I am rich!"

Jiang Tian seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he was calm and unhurried.

"You are rich! Hahaha!"

Bai Zhanyun held his belly and laughed, almost rolling to the ground, and said in a strange way: "You are a wandering refugee who has just arrived in Shengyuan Continent for less than a year. How many days have you obtained your household registration and how many crystal stones have you received? , just say you have money!”

"So he's a casual cultivator outside Hebei?"

"A bumpkin from a remote country dared to come here to show off! I didn't expect that he would be exposed in the blink of an eye!"

"The Marquis of Zhenyuan's Mansion actually found a casual cultivator from outside Hebei Province to be the chief guest. It's simply shocking!"

"You're worthless! You're ignorant!"

"This is not ignorance, this is simply idiotic!"

As soon as Bai Zhanyun said this, the whole place was boiling. Everyone looked at Jiang Tian with disdain, like looking at ants.

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