In fact, it is understandable that Lin Daier has always looked down on Jiang Tian.

The monks on Shengyuan Continent have absorbed richer vitality since childhood. They usually drink spiritual spring water and eat spiritual grains or monster beasts. Their perception and touch highlight the solemn laws and avenues, so they have an innate advantage in cultivation.

The starfields outside the river are all barbaric places with incomplete laws, broken avenues, and even thin spiritual energy. Among the monks, even though they have gone through all kinds of hardships to reach the Holy Yuan Continent, their foundation is too weak and they have fallen behind in the early stage. It is extremely difficult to catch up.

On the Shengyuan Continent, the monks from outside Hegai generally work in menial jobs such as coolies and handymen. To be able to serve as a member of a wealthy family and to serve as guardians and guest ministers is already a smoke in the ancestral peak. If you want to become a god, Saints and founders of sects are even rarer.

This is just like the children of wealthy people in cosmopolitan cities who have been taught by famous professional teachers since childhood and received aristocratic or quality education such as Mathematical Olympiad, foreign language, piano, equestrian, and painting, while children in the countryside can only cut rice and move bricks.

The former won at the starting line early, so how can they think highly of the latter?

Perhaps the only advantage of the latter is that the consciousness is more tenacious.

As the old saying goes, prejudice in people's hearts is a mountain that is too difficult to remove.

Even Long Juxue had a look of contempt on his face and snorted disdainfully:

"I thought Dongfang Ying had found some kind of miracle doctor. It turned out to be a casual cultivator from a remote area outside Hebei Province. He still wanted to cure Dongfang Ying's strange disease? He dared to brag, and Dongfang Ying dared to believe it. She had a brain injury. The door is crowded! I’m afraid my life will be lost!”

At this time, even the three hall masters were impatient.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Tian was treating the princess after all, and he had to leave three points of thin noodles.

But now...he has to be able to take good care of it, right?

He didn't even bother to look at Jiang Tian. He turned around and shouted loudly: "Where is the guard! Get him out quickly."

"And you, Deacon Xing, let some cats and dogs in at will, and make some bullshit installment payments, delaying important matters and disrupting business order, I will definitely not forgive you!"

"Disciple, you know your mistake, you know your mistake!" Deacon Xing's face turned pale with fright, Nuonuo kept saying.

At this moment, he was a little annoyed with He Chuang.

What the hell is going on with you when you bring such a bumpkin from a remote country here? I thought this person had some skills, but I didn’t expect him to be just a liar who utters arrogant words!

"I have no money, but I have an ancient elixir recipe - Tianbu Dan!"

Jiang Tian chuckled lightly and went straight to the topic without any nonsense. He threw a piece of paper and threw it on the table:

"I won't sell this elixir! I want to split it 50-50 with the Ancient Medicine Palace. You provide the ingredients, and I'll take the shares!"

"Why don't you go and grab it?"

"What ancient elixir recipe? You are lying!"

"Damn it, just write a prescription and say it's an ancient elixir. Do you think the giants of the Ancient Medicine Palace are so easy to deceive?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then smiled mockingly.

If you take the dry stock, it will be divided into 50 and 50. This is a big deal for a lion.

Even if it is an exclusive elixir, Medicine Master Palace has not seen it before, and this guy's tone is too loud. Fifty-five points, this is robbery!

The third hall master picked up the pill recipe, glanced at it, and frowned slightly.

The contemptuous smiles of everyone became even stronger.

How does this recipe look like some ancient lost recipe?

Ordinary paper and mediocre font gave him the first impression of being a liar.

If you want to imitate the ancient elixir recipe, why not find a piece of plain paper and write some fonts with a more fairy-like style?

what is this?

Is the counterfeiting so insincere?

"Uncle, this kid is a liar, just beat him to death!"

Bai Zhanyun gritted his teeth and said viciously.

“I’ve never heard of this pill recipe!”

However, the Third Hall Master waved his hand to signal him not to speak, and he did not yell at Jiang Tian to kill him.

Because there is a rule in the Ancient Medicine Hall, whenever someone trades elixir prescriptions, no matter what the judgment of the subordinates is, they must ask the master of the branch hall to personally review and make a decision. If you don't report it, it will be deleted directly.

And even if the prescription is false, the trader who reports it will be exempted from punishment.

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, a native master excavated an ancient elixir recipe in an ancient tomb of an ancient power and dedicated it to the first alchemy sect.

However, one of the guys immediately judged it to be false and beat the man up and kicked him out.

The native master was so angry that he gave it to the Ancient Medicine Hall half-sold and half-gifted.

But in fact, this elixir recipe is so incredible that it can increase the probability of reaching the Nascent Soul by 80%.

Relying on this elixir, the Ancient Medicine Palace has broken new ground and entered a virtuous cycle. The Ancient Medicine Hall was originally just a third-rate alchemy sect, but it only took a hundred years to become one of the top ten divine sects.

Since then, the Ancient Medicine Palace has set this rule. Danfang is the foundation of establishing a clan. Over the past ten thousand years, the Ancient Medicine Palace has continued to collect various elixirs, becoming stronger and stronger, rising step by step, and eventually became the number one holy place in the mainland, overlooking thousands of sects.

"How about calling it an ancient elixir? If you've heard of it, do you still call it an ancient elixir?"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and sipped the tea.

"If it is false, you will be severely punished! You should leave quickly! Don't talk nonsense here. Today, I will be merciful and let you go. I will take it as what you said. I have never heard of it. ”

Due to the sect's rules, the third hall master could not kill Jiang Tian, ​​but threats were inevitable.

After scaring Jiang Tian away, the sect could not pursue him.


Jiang Tian calmly put down the tea cup, stood up, and said:

"You have also read the prescription. You don't know the goods. You have people who know the goods. I know your thoughts. You just think that the paper and fonts look too random and are fake. That's it. Summer insects can't talk about ice. You guys. If you understand, you don’t need to tell me; if you don’t understand, I won’t bother you, so I’ll take my leave.”

"Well, I hope there are people in Danguiyuan and Yaoxianglou who can recognize the goods. But in this huge frozen medicine city, there are so many mediocre people in the medicine world, and there is not a single one who can discern pearls with a keen eye."

Jiang Tian looked uninterested, put his hands behind his back, and Shi Shiran walked out.

Not only did the Third Hall Master fail to scare Jiang Tian, ​​but Jiang Tian himself was startled when he came like this, feeling as if he was riding a tiger with difficulty.

He wasn't sure either.

If this elixir recipe is indeed genuine and Jiang Tian sells it to other elixir refining firms such as Danguiyuan, then if the master of the main hall knows about it, wouldn't he be punished heavily?

But if he really dedicated himself to the master of the hall, wouldn't he let Jiang Tian buy the sun-falling stone and let down his brother-in-law Beijiang Gong's great trust?

"Assuming that this elixir recipe is not real, there is no harm in presenting it to the main hall master. Once they leave the Frozen City with nothing, Duke Beijiang will be able to retaliate and assassinate them at will!"

The third hall master's eyes flashed, his face was uncertain, he quickly made up his mind, and said with a smile:

"Deacon Xing, take the prescription and show it to the master of the hall!"

"This fellow Daoist Jiang is too deceitful. Aren't you asking me to scold him? The master of the third hall is even more deceitful. He is digging a hole for me to jump into!"

Deacon Xing looked embarrassed and didn't want to go. He suddenly raised his belly and gasped in pain: "I feel uncomfortable in my stomach and want to have diarrhea!"

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