Although the sect stipulates that even if the elixir recipe is fake, the disciple who reports it will be exempted from punishment.

But this has also caused some chaos. There are many monks who are arrogant and come to trade with some inferior, incomplete or even fake ancient prescriptions.

Although at the branch hall master's level of spiritual transformation, his spiritual consciousness is powerful and vast, and he can read and judge the authenticity of hundreds of pill prescriptions with just one swipe, he still can't handle there being too many pill prescriptions. Usually, the branch master who has to judge hundreds or thousands of prescriptions every day will be very irritated when he sees a bad prescription, and it is inevitable to humiliate and scold him.

Rationally, he believed that Jiang Tian would never be able to get any decent prescription. Therefore, when he first met Jiang Tian, ​​he asked Jiang Tian if he could cure Dongfang Ying. The answer he received was "Let's give it a try". This made him feel that Jiang Tian was unreliable even more.

"Even if you are dragged into the main hall of the main hall, you still have to go! You recruited Jiang Siqing, who will go if you don't go! Do you want to force me to implement the sect's rules?"

The master of the third hall shouted majestically, looking like he wanted to kill someone.

"Okay, okay, Lord of the Third Palace, please calm down and I'll go!"

Seeing this, Deacon Xing had no choice but to bite the bullet and took the prescription. He glanced at Jiang Tian and said, "How about Mr. Jiang accompany me?"

Damn it, even if you have to be scolded, you still have to find someone to back you up and share the firepower.


Jiang Tian nodded, feeling confident.

Soon, the two came to a Dan Pagoda.

In front of a quiet room at the top of the elixir pagoda, Deacon Xing whispered: "This is the ancient elixir pagoda of the great elder. The ancient elder is known as the alchemy god and is a leading figure in the elixir world. Even the master of the palace wants to It’s all courtesy. Please be more respectful later!”

"Elder? Can you make the decision? Do you have good vision? My elixir recipe is extremely mysterious!"

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his hands and chuckled, full of arrogance.

"Yes! You have good vision! The master of the main hall is busy with affairs and has a bad temper. If the pill formula is fake, I will not have enough shoes to wear, so I came to see Elder Gu!"

At this moment, Deacon Xing felt the same as Lin Yang, that is, Jiang Tian was a scammer. He almost cried. He pulled Jiang Tian's sleeve and said, "Brother, please tell me whether this prescription is real or fake. If It’s fake, just go away, I don’t blame you! I will help you find Sunset Stone in the future!”

"You actually think it's fake?"

Jiang Tian looked very hurt and shook his head with disappointment: "That's all, opportunity waits for no one. Today, I am so excited that I came to your palace. Unexpectedly, such a large ancient medicine palace has no knowledgeable people, but This elixir is worth a fortune, I still can’t believe it, I’m leaving!”

"You want to leave? Okay!"

Deacon Xing thought that Jiang Tian had given up, and was about to see off the guests happily when suddenly a cold snort penetrated the porch, and an indifferent voice came over very penetratingly: "What kind of prescription? You are bragging, bring it here and let me take a look. !”

Suddenly, the ancient wooden door opened gently without moving in the wind.

On the futon, an old man with white beard and hair, an immortal spirit, sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

With one move, the elixir in Deacon Xing's hand flew past and floated in front of him.

"Disciple, I have met Elder Gu!"

Deacon Xing was so frightened that he knelt on his knees and bowed deeply.

The ancient elder nodded calmly.

Randomly, his eyes suddenly opened and he looked at Danfang.

At first glance, like the master of the third hall, he frowned subconsciously, with an unhappy expression on his face, as if he felt that the elixir recipe was not genuine.

Deacon Xing, who raised his head to watch secretly, was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head, shivering like a quail in the cold wind, and cursed in his heart: God Nima's ancient elixir, Mr. Jiang, you have tricked me to death! I will definitely give you laxatives and make you have diarrhea for ten years!

However, the next moment Elder Gu showed some surprise, touched his chin and muttered: "Is there really such a pill recipe in the world? It's such a sideways use of medicine, it's so exquisite. Old man, I've been in the pill world for two thousand years, is it really possible? Are you ignorant?"

"You guys stay in the old man's room for a while. Boy, serve tea!"

Suddenly, the ancient elder stood up and said in a deep voice.

With that said, without waiting for Jiang Tian and the others to react, their figures swayed and disappeared from the place like ghosts.

"I'll go, this recipe isn't real, is it?"

Being guided respectfully by the boy, Deacon Xing looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, as if he was in a dream.

Ten miles away, under another Dan Pagoda, there is a quiet garden.

In this garden, a girl wearing a light green gauze stood in a green bamboo forest and was feeding a few birds.

The orchids swaying under her feet, the grass was luxuriant, the aura was dense, and the mist shrouded her in a thin layer, making her snow-white skin look like mutton-fat white jade.


Elder Gu stood still and called out.

The girl turned around, her beautiful face was as beautiful as the silver moon and melting white snow. There was a hint of sadness between the girl's brows, which added a hint of sadness to her stunning beauty.

But with such stunning beauty, she is really not inferior to the Jiutian Fairy.

"Elder Gu, what's the matter?"

The ancient elder smiled kindly and said: "Someone just brought a pill recipe and wanted to trade it with us. But I was a little unsure. Could you please Xuan'er?"

The girl smiled softly. With this smile, her brows relaxed, her worries dispersed, and she became even more agile.

"Elder Gu is not sure, and I'm afraid Xuan'er can't either. Let me see."

After taking the elixir prescription, Xuan'er didn't care about the paper and fonts, but couldn't help but whispered: "Mending Heaven Pill? This is the name of an ancient elixir. It is a top-quality elixir specially used to repair wounds in the dantian and heal cracks in the golden elixir. Moreover, it can even repair the dantian of immortal golden elixir monks, and the effect is extremely rapid.”

The more she looked at it, the more surprised Gu Xuan'er's expression became. Finally, she read the prescription from beginning to end again:

"I have read this recipe in a precious book, but it is incomplete. But the materials in it are just as good as the materials in this recipe. The materials in the classics are not as good as the ones in this recipe. Complete. Of course, this recipe is still not complete. It is expected that the owner of this recipe will tell you everything after the deal is completed!"

Elder Gu was surprised: "So, the recipe for the Heaven-Building Pill is actually real?"

"It's true or not, Xuan'er has never seen the complete recipe. It should be said that no one has seen it. But based on this inference, it is most likely true." Gu Xuan smiled lightly.

Elder Gu's expression suddenly became vivid, and his eyes suddenly glowed with hope.

But then he seemed to think of something sad, and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed again.

"Alas, even if this Heaven-Building Pill is real, it is just a holy medicine for healing wounds in the Dantian. It will not help Xuan'er at all for your illness."

After saying this, Elder Gu's enthusiasm suddenly dropped.

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