Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1866 Constructing the Three Palace Masters

Hearing Gu Xuan'er say that the elixir recipe was real, Elder Gu's expression suddenly became vivid, and his eyes suddenly glowed with hope.

But then he seemed to think of something sad, and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed again.

"Alas, even if this Heaven-Building Pill is real, it is just a holy medicine for healing wounds in the Dantian. It will not help Xuan'er at all for your illness."

After saying this, Elder Gu's enthusiasm suddenly dropped.

However, Xuan'er seemed to have seen through life and death, and smiled slightly: "Elder Gu, don't force things in your destiny, just let everything happen. Elder Gu, where did you get this elixir?"

"It's a monk named Jiang Siqing who wants to trade with us. He wants to split it 50-50 with us, and he also wants the Sunstone! This kid is really a lion's mouth!"

In fact, everything that happened in the hall could not be hidden from Elder Gu at all.

With his majestic spiritual cultivation, his spiritual consciousness naturally spreads out, covering dozens of miles around at will. Everything here is like looking at the lines of a palm, or seeing fire.

"This person is not greedy, but he knows the value of the Falling Sun Stone and this Sky-Mending Pill!"

Gu Xuan'er thought for a moment and said:

"Although the falling sun stone is said to be worth tens of billions of high-grade crystals, it is actually priceless and unmarketable. It is not easy to refine and difficult to sell. That girl Long Juxue insists on using this to heal her wounds. In fact, she is asking for a fish out of wood, or even It will be counterattacked by the poison of fire.”

When talking about elixirs, this woman showed extraordinary insight and said:

"This Heaven-Building Pill is extremely powerful. Once it is put into production, the entire Shengyuan Continent, whether it is the Holy Land Shenzong or the royal family in the secular world, will be unable to compare with it. It will be repaired. Tiandan’s impact has left no market and no one cares about it.”

"If you make one copy of this elixir, you can easily make a net profit of hundreds of millions of high-grade crystal stones. You only need to sell four hundred copies to cover the cost of the sun-falling stone. After that, it will be a net profit. Holy Yuan There are too many golden elixir monks on the mainland, and there is no year when thousands of golden elixir monks’ elixir fields are not destroyed. So, regardless of sales, this deal is still very cost-effective.”

This analysis is quite insightful.

It’s not that the more advanced the recipe is, the more profitable it will be. Sales must also be considered. It's like a holy elixir. Of course, one pill is worth a fortune, but it is used by the Void Return Saint to practice. And looking at the Saint Yuan Continent, how many saints are there?

"Yeah. Then I'll go talk to them."

Elder Gu also realized it.

This is a good deal with a guaranteed profit and no loss.

It can even take the opportunity to expand the market beyond the Holy Yuan Continent.

After he said goodbye, he turned and left.

"This person can actually complete the recipe for the Heaven-Building Pill, and can he control the fragments of the avenue in the sun-falling stone?"

But Gu Xuan'er, while tending to the flowers and plants, frowned and murmured in a low voice:

"Jiang Siqing? This name is very strange, and it's so feminine."

She had a clear heart and quickly realized it, and said with a smile: "Yes, he must be missing a certain woman with 'Qing' in her name, so he used this to express his love! She is a person with deep love and profound meaning. People! Alas, everyone suffers from love and separation, and cannot seek for it!”

At the end of his speech, a touch of sadness appeared on his brows again.

Elder Gu also quickly returned to his Dan Pagoda and even called the main hall master.

The master of the main hall was shocked when he heard Gu Xuan'er's assertion. He quickly adjusted his clothes and followed the ancient elder to meet Jiang Tian.

Don’t dare to neglect!

That's all really, the eldest lady's words were terrifying.

Once this Heaven-Building Pill is released, all similar products on the market will be removed from the shelves. This is too scary.

This is a monopoly market!

The high profits and huge returns brought about by the monopoly market make people shiver just thinking about it.

This time, the Ancient Medicine Palace may be able to leave the Holy Yuan Continent.

"Mr. Jiang, this is a serious matter. I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

In the second meeting, Elder Gu showed no arrogance and solemnly greeted the main hall master and Jiang Tian.

"It doesn't matter."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

"Fellow Taoist, you are quite knowledgeable in the way of alchemy. I have something unclear, please give me some advice..." But Elder Gu did not discuss the deal with Jiang Tian immediately. Instead, he took the opportunity to ask Jiang Tian for advice on some elixir issues. .

Jiang Tian smiled half-heartedly, and naturally understood that this old guy said he was asking for advice, but he was actually testing himself.

At this time, there is no need to be defensive.

Jiang Tian talked non-stop, gave great advice, and hit the mark every time.

"Amazing! Amazing! There are such superb alchemy methods in this world!"

"At such a young age, he can control the properties of those unpopular elixirs so accurately. He is far ahead of me, and even on par with Miss Xuan'er!"

As soon as he heard these words, Elder Gu suddenly became enlightened. He was amazed and shocked to the extreme. He looked at Jiang Tian with more and more conviction.

"Could this person be the reincarnation of Alchemy Saint!"

The master of the third hall was also shocked and communicated with the ancient elder's spiritual consciousness: "He didn't run away! From this point of view, his attainments in elixirs are indeed terrifying. I am afraid that the Heaven-Building Pill is indeed real!"

After some conversation, Elder Gu said with a cheerful face:

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your advice. We have already agreed. According to your terms, we will drop the sun stone and get 50% of the profit from the elixir! Trade immediately and make a soul contract. If there is any violation, you will die."

"I'll go, it turns out to be real, and it's 50-50!"

Deacon Xing suddenly went crazy.

What a concept!

It can also be said that in just a few years, Jiang Tian's accumulated wealth was comparable to that of a small empire and far exceeded that of a prince. How about hundreds of years or thousands of years?

"Fifty-fifty percent? That was just now. Now, I want to add another 10%, sixty-four percent!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

"I'll go, are you crazy? How dare you sit down and raise the price!"

Deacon Xing was dumbfounded and in disbelief, winking at Jiang Angel repeatedly.

It's not that he was worried about the Ancient Medicine Palace trying to intimidate and rob him.

In fact, the reason why the Ancient Medicine Palace has been able to stand for thousands of years without falling down, and it is getting bigger and stronger, is because on the one hand, it takes elixirs as its core, recruits talents, and enters a virtuous cycle.

What's more important is that the Ancient Medicine Palace is indeed a well-known and upright family. It follows rules and respects credibility. It never bullies the weak and its transactions are fair and just, so it has more and more friends.

Even if he, Deacon Xing, collects illegal money, he will still do things after receiving the money. He strives to take into account the interests of the sect and merchants, which can be regarded as a thief.

After all, black sheep like the Third Hall Master are only a minority.

What he was worried about was that other forces, such as Bai Zhanyun and Long Juxue, had enmity with Jiang Tian, ​​and Jiang Tian's identity was exposed again.

If Jiang Tian and the Ancient Medicine Palace break up, without the protection of the Ancient Medicine Palace, then it will be a sheep among the tigers, and who knows what kind of fatal disaster will happen!

"Sir, there is no business like this. People cannot stand without faith!"

The master of the main hall was also a little annoyed and said with a gloomy expression.

"I proposed a 50-50 split to the Third Palace Master. However, he thought the elixir recipe was fake and refused to trade. The agreement at that time was of course void."

Jiang Tian was leisurely and said calmly:

"Besides, I originally ordered that sun-falling stone, but the masters of the three palaces bullied the weak and robbed them. I'll give you a 10% bonus, so I can teach you a lesson!"

After hearing this, the main hall master was speechless and looked depressed. After a long time, he said: "Is this serious?"

"I'll go. Third Hall Master, you bully me every day. How can I not file a complaint this time?"

Deacon Xing immediately spit out sweet fragrance and scolded the three palace masters for a while.

Originally, the Third Hall Master's style was to use power to suppress others, without regard for the dignity of the Grand Hall Master and the sect's rules, and was extremely bad in nature. After a while of his adding fuel and jealousy, the Third Hall Master's behavior became even more heinous.

"In order to avenge the son of Duke Beijiang, he pretended to be a public servant for personal gain, and he did not hesitate to damage the image of the Ancient Medicine Palace."

Deacon Xing said sadly: "Mr. Jiang is here to treat Princess Dongfang anyway! If the Falling Sun Stone is bought by Long Juxue and others, what will the Dongfang royal family think of us! What will the monks in the world think of our Ancient Medicine Hall? Woolen cloth?"

"I'll destroy this turtle grandson of his!"

Hearing this, the master of the main hall was so angry that he almost breathed out and spit out the fragrance.

The grandson of the Third Palace Master, in order to vent his anger on his nephew, actually ignored the interests of the sect and caused the sect to lose 10% of its profits!

At this moment, he really wanted to kill someone.

However, the main hall master had nothing to say to Jiang Tian's price increase.

After all, things happen for a reason.

Soon, the master of the main hall took the sun-falling stone and handed it to Jiang Tian.

And Jiang Tian also handed over the complete recipe.

The two parties made a soul contract.

Jiang Tian enjoys 50% of Lin Run's share of the Tianbu Dan.

"Let's go. Fellow Taoist, let's see how I deal with the Third Hall Master!"

The master of the main hall had a hot temper, clenched his fists and said in a cold voice.

“I’d love to see it come to fruition!”

Jiang Tian looked like he was watching the fun, but suddenly his heart moved, and he smiled coldly and said: "However, I have one more request. The pills that should be used to repair Dantian from the Ancient Medicine Palace are not allowed to be sold to Bai Zhanyun!"

"This kid is blind. He deserved this calamity when he bumped into Mr. Jiang before! This is not simple. From now on, no pills in the Ancient Medicine Palace will be sold to the Bai family! Anyone who specializes in selling them will also be banned as long as we know about it. Sell ​​punishment!”

The master of the main hall agreed almost without hesitation.

The Gongbai family in northern Xinjiang plays an important role in the Eastern Empire, but in the eyes of the Ancient Medicine Hall, the first holy place, they are nothing more than a mob. To put it bluntly, Jiang Tian only asked for a ban on the sale of elixirs, and even if he defeated Beijiang Gong, the Ancient Medicine Palace would also cooperate with him to facilitate it.

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