Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1868 Bai Zhanyun bows his head

"My subordinate did break the sect's rules, but he was just confused for a moment. But you don't want to kill me! My cultivation, which I have practiced hard for two thousand years, has been destroyed in one day! I don't accept it!"

The master of the third palace was extremely wronged, his face was twisted, his whole body was twitching, tears were shining in his triangular eyes, and he was almost ready to cry.

There is some resentment, some sadness, and even more despair!


It is more difficult to become a god than to reach the sky!

Even in the Holy Yuan Continent, a place with rich spiritual energy, sound laws and prominent avenues, the Transformation God is unique among billions. It can be said to be at the pinnacle and a giant.

It often takes a thousand years for a monk to start from practicing body and energy, and then to become a god.

During these thousand years, fellow sects were jealous of each other and plotted against each other, monsters and monsters invaded, sect missions that narrowly escaped death, cultivation resources attracted the covetous hunting of high-level monks, vendettas in the world, and the emergence of one's own inner demons... I don't know how many hardships I have to go through. Dangerous obstacles, I don’t know how many shackles I have to break.

It can be said that every step a monk takes in promotion is like crossing a natural chasm!

It can also be said that every deity has climbed to a high position by stepping on the bones of others!

The master of the three halls has gone through so many hardships and finally managed to become a god. He finally became a giant and owned a whole world.

However, just because of running into a casual cultivator from outside the river, a lifetime of cultivation was wasted.

How sad is this?

Although the Third Hall Master knew that he was indeed serving the public good for personal gain and breaking the sect's rules, the crime was not serious enough. The Master of the First Hall should not be so selfless and kill him!

How could this make him not angry!

The Master of the Third Hall knew that his cultivation was destroyed by a palm, which would become the shadow of his inner demons for the rest of his life. Coupled with the damage to his physical body, even if he started cultivating from scratch, he would still be unable to reach the current state in his life, and would probably stop at practicing Qi. It was just a foundation building, or even a mortal, how could he not despair!

It was simply worse than killing him with a knife!

"If you still don't accept it, I will make you die!"

The master of the main hall flicked his sleeves and shouted angrily:

"Mr. Jiang's elixir, after being confirmed by Miss Xuan'er, is indeed the ancient elixir to repair the sky. The products produced based on this elixir are enough to sweep across the entire Shengyuan Continent, making similar elixirs completely lose their competitiveness. Fight! It will bring immeasurable benefits to the sect!”

"But, you said that this elixir prescription is fake, threatening, intimidating, and expelling! If we miss this business, our Ancient Medicine Palace may be suppressed by other elixir trading houses!"

"The sun-falling stone was originally ordered by Mr. Jiang, and I personally agreed to it. But in order to avenge your nephew, you betrayed your trust and robbed your nephew, which made Mr. Jiang angry and reduced our share of the profits by 10%. Could it be that, I Shouldn’t I still be responsible for you?”

As soon as this word came out.

There was deathly silence in the whole place, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was shocked, everyone couldn't believe it, and looked at Jiang Tian like a demon.

"What? This elixir is not only real, but it also sounds extremely high-end! Can a elixir actually affect the life and death of the Ancient Medicine Palace?"

Long Juxue's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

Everyone's expressions were shocked.

"That's right! Mr. Jiang's attainments in alchemy medicine are probably as good as those of an old man!"

Elder Gu, who had been watching with cold eyes, now looked at Jiang Tian with a respectful look on his face, and said solemnly: "From now on, Mr. Jiang will be the most important partner of our Ancient Medicine Palace, so of course, the Falling Sun Stone belongs to him. I remind everyone that if you offend Mr. Jiang, you will offend us!"

"Let the ancient elders worship me. Isn't that the level of an alchemy god? His ability in medical alchemy is so powerful. I'm afraid he can cure me of the evil cold poison. But I can!"

After hearing this, Long Juxue felt that this was the biggest joke in his life.

"How is this possible! He is obviously just a casual cultivator from outside the river!"

Bai Zhanyun was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground, boundless fear.

"He is this possible!"

Yang Xuan stood there stiffly, with a turbulent wave rising in his heart, as if the river was overturned. His nails dug deeply into his palms, and he didn't even notice.

One is the half-dead Lin family guest minister of the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, and the other is the Alchemy God who makes all the ancient elders worship and admire him, who can overlook the world and be proud of the mainland!

One is Jin Dan, who looks ordinary and has a humble background. He comes from a remote area outside the river and has only practical combat capabilities at best. The other is an important partner of the Ancient Medicine Palace, a peerless giant who can stand on an equal footing with the ancient elders and the master of the palace.

These two identities overlap in a wonderful way, which is shocking and makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Many nobles and young men who had ridiculed Jiang Tian before were so frightened that their faces turned pale, their two sides fighting, and they were horrified. If Jiang Tian takes advantage of the power of the Ancient Medicine Palace to take revenge on the past, who can stop him!

"It turns out that he has such a terrifying trump card!"

"This time, it was me who was blind and made a mistake. I will be hated for eternity! Brother-in-law, the Bai family of Northern Xinjiang, have ruined my life!"

The master of the three halls was in complete despair, as if he were mourning his heir.

It can be said that Jiang Tian is so powerful and can bring such terrifying benefits to the Ancient Medicine Palace. I am afraid that after today, he will not be able to gain a foothold in Shengyuan Continent. He is not qualified to fight against Jiang Tian. When he sees Jiang Tian, Everyone needs to take a detour!

When the enemy and opponent are so strong that you can't catch up, you don't even have the courage to retaliate, only boundless fear and despair!

"This, this, Brother Jiang, this is too outrageous!"

"This is going to make a fortune!"

"This is going to the sky!"

Lin Yang and He Chuang looked at each other, and then looked at Jiang Tian with shock on their faces, their hearts filled with excitement and ecstasy!

Lin Yang was so happy and excited.

They all wonder if they are dreaming!

With a pill recipe, he was highly praised by the ancient elders and the master of the main hall, and received sixty-four points.

He counted on his fingers, and the benefits involved were simply too terrifying. The accumulation in just a few years may surpass Zhenyuan Hou's family fortune of hundreds or thousands of years.

It can be said that, if nothing else, just relying on this cooperation, Jiang Tian will become one of the most powerful families in the empire in the future, and will be as wealthy as the enemy. As Jiang Tian's friends, the Lin family and even the second prince Dongfang Li will receive a strong helping hand.

This is just about money!

Let’s talk about connections!

Jiang Tian is now able to make friends with the master of the main hall and the ancient elders, and is admired and respected by the Alchemy God, becoming the most important partner of the Ancient Medicine Palace.

what does that mean? This means that Jiang Tian can walk sideways in the Eastern Empire in the future. An alchemy god is much more noble than a powerful god. What's more, it's the Alchemy God that is highly praised by ancient medicine halls!

At this time, Jiang Tian's relationship with the Lin family and the second prince had undergone subtle changes.

It turned out that Jiang Tian was valued and appreciated by Zhenyuan Houfu and the second prince just because he could cure Dongfang Ying.

But Jiang Tian still needs their blessing.

But now, Jiang Tian has been able to stand alongside them, or even surpass their influence.

"Fellow Taoist, are you satisfied?"

The master of the main hall looked at Jiang Tianpei and said with a smile, his attitude was very humble.

"It's okay, but you seem to have forgotten something..." Old God Jiang Tian said with a smile.

Suddenly, the master of the main hall came to his senses, raised his hand and pointed at Bai Zhanyun, saying: "Left and right, throw this kid out of the city. From now on, the sale of elixirs in my ancient medicine hall is prohibited to the Gongbai family in Beijiang!"

"Master of the Hall! Duke Beijiang has always been a strong supporter of Frozen City and the Ancient Medicine Hall. Please take this for my father's sake..."

As soon as he said these words, Bai Zhanyun's face suddenly changed wildly, as if he was struck by lightning, he nodded and stepped forward, begging pitifully.

Without the elixirs from the Ancient Medicine Hall, it would be extremely difficult and almost impossible for him to repair his Dantian and return to his peak in a short time.

"How much is your father's face worth?"

The master of the main hall did not pretend at all, and snorted coldly: "Don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame, blame you. You are blind, ignorant, and do not follow the rules. You buy and sell by force on the territory of our ancient medicine hall. I have offended you." A distinguished guest of our Ancient Medicine Palace.”

Bai Zhanyun couldn't hold it any longer, his face looked desperate and he was about to cry.

The next moment, he knelt down in front of Jiang Tian, ​​lowered his unruly head, prostrated himself on the ground, and begged pitifully: "Senior, you don't remember the faults of villains, give me a chance! I can't live without the healing elixir. ! As long as you speak, as long as you say a word, the main hall master will take back his life!"

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