Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1869 Long Juxue’s invitation

Under the threat of the main hall master, Bai Zhanyun could no longer hold on, his face looked desperate and he was about to cry.

The next moment, he knelt down in front of Jiang Tian, ​​lowered his unruly head, prostrated himself on the ground, and begged pitifully: "Senior, you don't remember the faults of villains, give me a chance! I can't live without the healing elixir. ! As long as you speak, as long as you say a word, the main hall master will take back his life!"

He is indeed an arrogant and domineering person, but it also depends on the occasion and who he is targeting.

Without the elixirs from the Ancient Medicine Hall, it would be difficult for him to return to his peak. In his father's eyes, he would be a waste with a broken Dantian and no longer able to practice, and would be cruelly abandoned.

Only by gaining Jiang Tian's understanding can there be a glimmer of hope.

"Young Master, must you have made a mistake?"

Jiang Tian smiled so lightly that he said leisurely:

"Jiang, he is just a wandering cultivator outside the river, a homeless man from a remote area, an insignificant country bumpkin. Where is the big shot, my words are of no use. The big shot can ignore the faults of the little guys, but the little guys are petty-minded and will retaliate!" "

Previously, Bai Zhanyun was arrogant, aloof and arrogant. He was a "bum" on the left and a "bumpkin" on the right.

At this moment, he was kneeling in front of Jiang Tian, ​​but Jiang Tian brought up the old things again, so his original words were like a slap in the face.

If Jiang Tian was a country bumpkin, at this moment, he was kneeling in front of Jiang Tian, ​​crying with tears and snot in his nose, and humiliating him.

So who is he?



Seeing that Jiang Tian didn't spit at all, Bai Zhanyun knelt down in front of Lin Yang again, howling and begging with tears streaming down his face:

"Little Marquis, Brother Lin Yang, please say something to me. I can't live without healing elixirs. I know I was wrong for the offense I committed before. I apologize. I offered wine to apologize. Have you forgotten? Three years ago, We even hunted and drank together in Xianzhi Forest!"

"Haha, there were times when you knelt down to me and made friends with me!"

Lin Yang felt extremely happy and comfortable, and couldn't help laughing.

In the past, Bai Zhanyun, who was known as one of the best geniuses in the new generation of the empire, how could he regard a small character like Lin Yang?

Bai Zhanyun had a very high opinion of himself. When he saw Lin Yang, a loser like him, he would always humiliate and scold him, and use his best to ridicule him.

But now, he calls himself his younger brother, kneeling in front of him honestly, begging pitifully and humbly.


It’s so cool!

However, Lin Yang is not a virgin bitch.

It's bullshit to say that you have to be merciful and merciful.

Because the root cause of the dandies’ internal strife and trampling is the struggle for hegemony among princes, the struggle for imperial power, and a life-or-death struggle!

The two sides are in different camps!

At this time, to forgive Bai Zhanyun is to feed the tiger into trouble, and to hand the knife to the other party's hand.

Bai Zhanyun is not a person who repays kindness. Once he returns to the top and tries in the Qianlong Club, will he be merciful?


He would never.

Therefore, Lin Yang would never let him go. He waved his hand and said coldly: "But I won't help you. I'm not familiar with you, and I'm not your big brother. Qianlong will try, I'll wait." you!"

Bai Zhanyun knew that if he continued to beg, he would only be humiliating himself.

He stood up, wiped his tears, and suddenly his eyes became cold and resentful. He gritted his teeth and smiled ferociously: "Lin Yang, remember what you said today. You'd better not give me a chance to stand up, otherwise, I will crush you." The Lin family of Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion to avenge today!"

"Your cultivation has been ruined, and you still want to destroy my Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion! Haha, what a fool's dream!"

Lin Yang dismissed it and sneered.

Jiang Tianyi was in low spirits and was too lazy to watch the argument between Bai Zhanyun and Lin Yang. He directly cupped his hands and said, "Master of the main hall, Elder Gu, I have important matters to attend to, and I can't linger here any longer. We have to return immediately. Let's just go back." Don’t pass it!”

"Why are you so anxious, Fellow Daoist Jiang! I hit it off with you right away. Wouldn't it be nice for us to have a good time over wine, hold candles and talk around the fire at night, and discuss and prove the method of alchemy?"

Elder Gu bowed deeply, his expression eager and sincere.

He also wanted Jiang Tian to stay for a few more days, and he also asked Jiang Tian for advice on alchemy and medicine.

In his opinion, Jiang Tian is a big gold mine, every word of advice is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and the prescriptions for improvement and repair will be transformed into endless wealth and cultivation resources. Then you have to dig hard.

Now that Jiang Tian leaves, it won't be a big loss.

When Yang Xuan, Long Juxue and others saw this, their eyes were shocked and in disbelief. Even He Chuang was speechless.

The ancient elder is a dignified alchemy god, what a noble status he has.

Not to mention the children of princes and nobles who have not even grown their hair, it is extremely difficult for even the emperor or the leader of a great religion to meet him.

But at this moment, Elder Gu was earnestly trying to persuade Jiang Tian to stay, and wished he could hug Jiang Tian's thigh.

This is so shocking and incredible.

"Elder Gu, I appreciate your kindness. But the princess's illness is indeed very urgent."

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely and said: "The green mountains will always be there and the green water will always flow. We will meet again later."

"Okay. That old man, I'm waiting for you, Daoist friend Jiang, to come at any time."

Elder Gu knew very well that real alchemists valued their patients very much, so he did not insist on retaining them, but said with joy on his face.

He is the first elder of the Frozen City branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace. He is usually busy with affairs, and he also has to protect Gu Xuan. He needs to suppress this place at all times. Otherwise, he would have wanted to send Jiang Tian to Red Maple City himself. Along the way, It is also convenient to ask Jiang Tian for advice.

The master of the main hall heard the elegant meaning of Xian Ge and immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang is carrying the precious sun-falling stone, and I am afraid that villains will peep and covet it. In this case, I will send nine powerful gods to escort you all the way. I guarantee that you will be safe. Arrive at Red Maple City! Let’s set off immediately after lunch!”


Jiang Tian is good at everything, and his words are concise and to the point.

From the beginning to the end, Long Juxue's beautiful eyes flickered, looking at Jiang Tian with complicated eyes, full of reverence, shock, appreciation, regret, and even a trace of desire.

At this moment, Jiang Tian turned around and was about to leave, but he quickly moved his lotus steps, stepped forward, knelt down and saluted, received a ten thousand blessings, and said softly: "I have eyes and cannot recognize the real dragon. I have offended you a lot just now, so I hope that my predecessor will respect you!"

She was originally a stunning beauty, and she came from a noble family. She was raised by nobles since she was a child, and her every move was graceful and graceful. It's like a rare treasure.

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and continued to move forward without any pretense.

Duke Dongxia belongs to the neutral faction and has little grievances with the Hou Lin family of Zhenyuan, and even less grievances with Jiang Tian.

However, Jiang Tian didn't like this woman's behavior either.

So arrogant!


At this time, Long Juxue cried out timidly again. She no longer had the arrogance and arrogance before. Instead, she looked like a little maid who had just entered the palace, trembling, as supple as water, and as delicate as she could be teased.

"Any thing else?"

Jiang Tian frowned and glanced at her indifferently.

Long Juxue felt horrified.

This boy is truly extraordinary!

Thinking of this, Long Juxue had the courage to stand up, and walked gently towards Jiang Tian with a swaying step. When he reached Jiang Tian's side, he knelt down softly, put on a charming face with tears in his eyes and said:

"Senior, after you cure the princess's stubborn illness, can you come to the Dongxia Duke's mansion and stay for a few days so that I can fulfill my filial piety and apologize for my sins. If I know about the offense I committed today, my father will kill me."

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