Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1870 Return to Red Maple City and return with a full load

The majestic imperial goddess Long Juxue actually knelt down in front of Jiang Tianxia. This moment shocked all the princes, princes, ministers, and powerful children.

"Brother Jiang's charm is so terrifying!" Lin Yang was dumbfounded.

"What the hell!"

"The majestic goddess of the empire, Long Juxue actually invited him to her mansion! Is this the way to meet the parents?"

"I never expected that you, Long Juxue, who has always had your eyes on the top, can actually be a female dog licker!"

"Goddess, promise me not to be a bitch!"

At this moment, Bai Zhanyun, Yang Xuan and other nobles looked at Jiang Tian with envy and jealousy on their faces, wailing in their hearts.

I also felt as if I had been stabbed several times in my heart, which was heartbreakingly painful.

The top of my head feels green again.

But usually, let alone going to her house, it is extremely difficult to walk around the world with her or even have a few words with her.

However, at this moment, the aloof goddess knelt down and begged Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian glanced at her sideways.

I saw that she was currently a pear blossom with rain, charming and moving, and seemed to be more attractive than any beauty Jiang Tian had ever seen on Earth or even in the Little Tiannan Star Region.

Although Zhao Xueqing, Huang Ling'er, Bai Muxue, Long Shengnan, etc. also have good looks, they are not as stunning as Long Juxue, who has lived in Shengyuan Continent for decades and has been nourished by the spiritual energy of the empire. She has long since reached her most attractive point as a woman.

In terms of female charm, even Fang Magatama is not as good as her.

Magatama belongs to the kind of heroic, simple and natural beauty, while Lin Daier is slightly green and childish, like a bud that has not yet bloomed.

Moreover, the distance between the two of them was extremely close, and the faint body fragrance suddenly became so strong that it would probably burn any man's body.

However, Jiang Tian is an old man with a different temperament than ordinary people.

Moreover, he had traveled far and wide, and his heart was all about Zhao Xueqing, so how could he have the slightest thought about her.

"Thank you for your love, I'm flattered. But the threshold for Dongxia Palace is too high. I'm afraid I won't be able to pass it!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and walked away.

Long Juxue stood up stiffly and looked at Jiang Tian's back, with mixed feelings in his heart, and a bitter regret gradually emerged.

If her attitude hadn't been so bad when she first met Jiang Tian, ​​I'm afraid Jiang Tian wouldn't have been so unpretentious.

Suddenly, she glanced at everyone coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Whoever dares to say a word about today's matter will be an enemy of the Dongxia Duke's mansion, and will be unhappy with me, Long Juxue!"

In order to please Jiang Tian, ​​she even knelt down for Jiang Tian. But Jiang Tian ignored it.

If this spreads out, the reputation of the stunning beauty in her empire will not be lost, which is a great shame and humiliation.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, I won't say a word!"

Everyone quickly agreed and patted their chests to confirm.

In fact, Long Juxue was overly worried.

She is in disgrace, but it would be even more embarrassing for all the princes and princes to be suppressed by a casual cultivator from outside the river!

Bai Zhanyun, in particular, also knelt down to Jiang Tianxia, ​​and even knelt down to the good-for-nothing Lin Yang, which he regarded as a great shame and humiliation.

Therefore, the fact that Jiang Tian came up with an ancient elixir and was favored by the giant of the Ancient Medicine Palace and became an important partner must only be spread within a small area.

The luncheon was held on the elixir pagoda of the main hall master. The dishes were exquisite and the fairy wine was on display. Jiang Tian was arranged at the first seat. The ancient elder and the main hall master were accompanying each other. They exchanged cups, exchanged glasses of wine, and kept toasting in a respectful and respectful manner. humble.

It can be said that Jiang Tian was lifted to the sky.

Lin Yang and He Chuang were treated as distinguished guests and were toasted by the two giants. They were all so excited that the hands holding the wine glasses were trembling slightly. Being able to drink at the same table as the famous ancient elder hall master is simply something worth showing off for a lifetime.

Lin Yang felt very happy, but not in a state of excitement. He tried hard to tell himself to stay calm and not show any fear.

He knew that these people were not giving him face, but giving Jiang Tian face.

But Jiang Tian is so defiant and is his good brother, so why should he have stage fright!

Deacon Xing also attended as a deputy.

He also gained a lot this time. Because he had merit in introducing Jiang Tian, ​​he was directly promoted to the master of the third palace, specifically responsible for the Sky-Building Pill project, and connected with Jiang Tian. After all, he had merit in protecting Jiang Tian, ​​and he was familiar with Jiang Tian, ​​so it was extremely convenient to handle things.

It doesn't matter if your level of alchemy is not good enough. Elder Gu has a guarantee that he will personally teach Deacon He the alchemy skills, and he is expected to become an alchemy god within ten years!

From deacon to palace master, he directly skipped the elder stage and reached the sky in one step!

From Alchemy Lord to Alchemy God, it is like a grass chicken turning into a phoenix.

The salary he received in one year was more than ten times the original amount.

Delicacies from the mountains and seas, fresh clothes and angry horses, a single-family manor, and a house full of gold and jade.

At this moment, Deacon Xing and the Third Hall Master Xing felt that this wonderful life was already approaching.

Talking and laughing are like nobles, and all dealings are like nobles; wives and concubines are in harmony, and children and grandchildren enjoy happiness together.

Days like this are already waving to him from afar.

A frequent visitor to Songhe Tower, a patron of Spring Return Garden; he went to prostitution with princes, and drank wine with the emperor at the same table.

Naturally, this kind of scene must not be out of reach!

"Mr. Jiang brought all of this to me! Is this the legendary story of a man who attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven?"

When the Third Hall Master Xing was toasting, he was grateful, with tears in his eyes and choked with sobs, and said to himself:

"Actually, I didn't do anything, and I got so much! When I took you to see Elder Gu, I actually wanted you to help me share the firepower. I wouldn't even want it unless the Lord of the Third Hall forced me to do so. Go! Thank you, Third Hall Master!”

After the luncheon, Jiang Tian and Lin Yang took the Falling Sun Stone directly without any delay, and under the protection of the giant elders of the Nine Guards of the Ancient Medicine Hall, they left the Frozen City and headed south towards Red Maple City.

When he arrived, Jiang Tian was traveling in a simple manner, hiding his appearance.

When he left, he made no secret of it.

The embroidered flags and flags of the Ancient Medicine Palace are flying in the air.

Dozens of flying boats and cloud towers lined up in a long line across the sky. They were as powerful as dragons and tigers, earth-shattering. They were filled with gifts from the Ancient Medicine Palace. The vast mana fluctuations of the several accompanying God Transformation Lords swept across the sky like a thunderous wave. For hundreds of miles, the monsters were so frightened that they crawled on their knees, and the monks and mortals in the city worshiped him.

In the Beijiang fiefdom, several secret thorns sent by Beijiang Duke showed up and took a peek, but they shrank in fear and never dared to approach again.

"Haha, being scared can run faster than a rabbit. Mr. Beijiang, you have today too!"

Lin Yang has never felt so happy.

It can be said that they left the Northern Xinjiang fiefdom unimpeded and without stopping.

At this time, He Chuang also let out a long sigh of relief.

The Ancient Medicine Palace is worthy of being the first holy place, and every city has its own branch trading house.

When the masters of these branch halls or business managers heard about Jiang Tian's deeds, they all welcomed him and gave him generous gifts. If by chance Jiang Tian was willing to stay, it would make them smile even more, and they would immediately hold a banquet to entertain them, as if they were receiving a great favor.

"Mr. Jiang, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. This time, it all depends on senior!"

When they arrived at the imperial city, His Royal Highness went out to greet him personally. He joined hands with Jiang Tian and called him "Senior" and "Sir". He spoke highly of him and welcomed him into the West Palace to drink wine. He no longer dared to act like a prince. .

For one thing, without Jiang Tian, ​​there would be no way to get the Sunset Stone with him. Not to mention curing his own sister.

Secondly, Jiang Tian is now valued by the Ancient Medicine Palace, and his status has risen sharply. His terrifying influence is already comparable to that of princes, and is catching up with the royal family.

There was even a vague thought in his mind: Originally, I was competing for the throne with the Prince of the East Palace, Dongfang Ding, and was in a declining position and was bound to lose.

Even if I don't fight for it, I might even be eliminated by Dongfang Ding, but with Mr. Jiang's help, maybe I can get back a fight, or at least be able to protect myself!

After passing the Imperial City, they were getting closer and closer to Red Maple City, and Jiang Tian and the others were getting safer.

Arriving at the edge of the Hongyan Basin, Jiang Tian smiled and looked at the giants of the Ancient Medicine Palace, and said with a smile: "Everyone, we are very close to Red Maple City. I don't expect anything to go wrong again. Everyone, you have worked hard all the way, please come back. Bar!"

"That's fine. We have to say goodbye after a long journey, Mr. Jiang, please take care of yourself. If you need the Ancient Medicine Palace, just send a message. The Ancient Demon Palace will definitely run for your husband without any hesitation!"

The giants who transformed themselves into gods had humble faces and respectful attitudes.

Jiang Tian casually took out an ancient elixir recipe, but who knew how many more ancient elixir recipes he had. Anyway, this firework relationship must be forged.

The ancient medicine palace's flying boat stopped. Jiang Tian got off the flying boat and got on the carriage. Suddenly, his expression changed and he said in a deep voice: "Not good. Someone has invaded Red Maple City!"

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