Jiang Tian got off the flying boat and got on his carriage. He was bidding farewell to the powerful men of the Ancient Medicine Palace. Suddenly, his expression changed and he said in a deep voice: "Not good. Someone has invaded Red Maple City!"


After hearing this, the nine giants of transformation gods suddenly pushed out their vast spiritual consciousness. Only then did they feel that in the Red Maple City tens of thousands of miles away, there were several violent auras rising into the sky, shaking the world. It was a god-level mana fluctuation, full of murderous intent.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang's spiritual consciousness is so vast and sharp! It's as vast as a sea of ​​smoke and as fine as a hair!"

Several giants were filled with emotion, praised continuously, couldn't believe it, and were amazed.

"The speed is actually so fast!"

"Since he has such speed, he still needs to ride on the Flying Boat Cloud Tower. He can just fly here with us!"

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Jiang is not only proficient in alchemy, but his cultivation level is definitely not that of Jindan Yuanying, and is no less than us!"

Before they could come back to their senses, they saw that Jiang Tian had already taken a step forward and pushed out thousands of miles away, flying towards Red Maple City like a meteor. They couldn't help but be shocked again.

"what to do?"

someone asked.

"Do I still need to ask?"

A powerful god-former laughed, his fighting spirit rising steadily, and he was full of energy: "Fellow Daoist Jiang is a master, a noble person. It is not easy to please. But isn't this a God-given opportunity? Killing enemies for the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion means helping Daoist Jiang. Kill the enemy! Copy the guy!"

Red maple city.

Zhenyuan Hou Mansion.

Fang Gouyu is instructing Lin Daier's practice: "Purple Qi Donglai Gong is the basic skill of the Eastern Royal Family and a required skill in the Qianlong Examination. Dai'er, although you have been selected as a disciple of Jiuxuanmen, but , and we cannot ignore the test points.”

The Ziqi Donglai technique is a technique that absorbs and refines spiritual energy. It is a compulsory technique for the children of the Eastern royal family and princes and ministers, and can reach the point of becoming a god.

It is also equipped with two immortal martial arts killing skills, Ziyun Palm and Donghuang Finger.

The Purple Cloud Palm is free and elegant. When it is unfolded, it is sometimes like falling stars flying in the sky, sometimes like colorful clouds chasing the moon. It is virtual and real, and the emphasis is on elegance.

Donghuangzhi, however, pays attention to a strange and strange thing, which is as sudden as thunder, like a flying star, like a glimpse of a giant, or a dragon appearing suddenly, which catches people off guard.

"Sigh, I wonder if Mr. Jiang can bring back the sun-falling stone to help me repair my broken body and allow me to embark on the path of cultivation."

Next to her, Princess Dongfang Ying watched with concentration Lin Daier leaping up and down, as graceful as a giant, as graceful as a swimming dragon, with envy and expectant eyes.

Somehow, she missed Jiang Tian very much, and not seeing him for one day felt like it had been three autumns.

"Not bad. However, this Thunder Finger move is too slow and lacks fighting spirit. There should be a thunderous explosion, and the lightning is not fast enough to cover the ears!"

Fang Maguyu also nodded slightly, correcting any mistakes from time to time.

Lin Daier's cultivation is indeed good. Her cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core is getting more and more consolidated, and there are already signs of entering the late stage of the Golden Core. The two immortal martial fighting skills are also becoming more and more proficient in the use.


At this moment, suddenly, there was a muffled sound like thunder, and the ground shook.

Everyone turned their heads in shock and saw that the formation shield of the Hou Mansion had risen from the sky at an unknown moment, thousands of feet high, covering a radius of ten miles, like a big golden bowl, holding the entire Zhenyuan Hou Mansion.

A black-clothed monk was blocked by the formation shield. His face was covered by a bronze mask, and only a pair of cold eyes were exposed. He should have triggered the defensive formation.

"The assassination attack is coming! Anyone who blocks it will die!"

However, when faced with the formation, he did not panic at all. Suddenly, there was a roar from the Divine Palace, and a god with a snake head and human body in his body looked up to the sky and roared, affecting the avenue of heaven and earth, turning into a hundred-foot-long strange snake, with its bloody mouth opening wide, and moving toward the formation. The magic shield rushed away.

"Enemy attack!"

"Array up!"


For a time, exclamations sounded one after another, and the ancient and vast horn sounded.

Lin Hanqing flew out of the hall, already dressed in sharp gear and ready for battle. He glanced at Fang Magatama and said solemnly: "Take the palace guards to protect the princess. And Mr. Jiang's family!"

"Yes! Uncle Shi!"

Fang Magatama held out a flying sword, floating in front of him, firmly protecting Dongfang Ying behind him, looking at the sky with horror.

That turned out to be a transformed god.

"Fellow Taoist, who are you? Since you are here to be a guest at Xiaohou's house, why do you hide your face and dare not show your true colors? This is not candid enough!"

Lin Hanqing rose into the sky and rushed towards the bronze masked man who was urging the strange snake god. He held a halberd and confronted him in the air through the formation shield.

Under the impact of the strange snake god, the formation shield rippled violently, and terrifying cracks appeared. Each time it healed, it cracked again, and the cracks became bigger and bigger.

"You are not enough to know my identity!"

The monk in the bronze mask had a cold gaze. If he looked carefully, he saw that he had golden vertical pupils.

This bronze mask is unique. It has exaggerated facial features, long and wide ears, an eagle-like nose, an exaggerated big mouth, two pillar-like eyes, very wide eyebrows, and a hole on the forehead, which looks like a forehead. The eyes are generally prepared.

Demon cultivator!

But the next moment, Lin Hanqing felt that the situation was a bit strange. He raised his hand a little, golden dragon scales appeared on his palm, a golden light shot out, and with a click, the cracks in the formation shield suddenly expanded again. This time, the cracks could no longer be healed because the foundation of the formation was destroyed at the same time.

Donghuang Dragon Rhinoceros Finger!

This is the oriental royal family's technique!

It is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the Purple Qi Donglai Kung Fu. It should be said that the Purple Qi Donglai Kung Fu evolved from this technique.

Donghuang Longxi pointed out that only people of the emperor's lineage in the royal family can practice, and even princes, noble families, important ministers, and princesses are not allowed to practice.

This person is from the Eastern Royal Family!

This is not a backlash!

No matter how powerful the Duke of Beijiang is, he can't force people from the royal family to be his assassins!

Lin Hanqing's heart was beating wildly, but before he had time to think about it, he was shocked.

"What? The formation base and formation eyes have been destroyed!"

When Lin Hanqing sensed this, his expression changed wildly.

"Haha! It took me a long time to bite it, but I destroyed the foundation of the formation!"

Suddenly, there was a chirp, like a rat chirping sound. The ground in the Hou Mansion was bulging and sunken, filled with dust, the rockery collapsed, bricks and stones flew everywhere, and a big hole appeared. A monk with a deer head and rat eyes and several rat whiskers appeared sneakily. He walked out evilly and stared at Princess Dongfang maliciously.

"Protect the princess!"

It was too late for Lin Hanqing to rush for help.

Because a Nascent Soul of the Avatar God has risen from everywhere, rushing in through the cracks in the formation shield like arrows.

Green wood, black water, storm, fierce flames, tiger, giant elephant, dragon...

A series of strange and strange realms unfolded instantly, and a god towered over the sky and the earth, holding up the sky above the entire Hou Mansion. The mighty magic power soared into the sky, suppressing Lin Hanqing and the monks from the Hou Mansion.

In an instant, five gods-turned-gods and hundreds of Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords gathered together, and their power was overwhelming.

Not to mention the five extremely terrifying transformed gods, those Nascent Souls are each of extremely high levels, reaching the eighth or ninth level, and are at the peak of perfection. With the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, the monks brought by Fang Magatama, and even the power left behind by His Highness, they are definitely no match.

that moment.

Countless people in the sky and on the ground held their breaths, and all the direct descendants and guardians of the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion were frightened.


Following an order from both sides.

"A secret thorn? What should have come has come! I will use my life to see how good your Beijiang Gong's secret thorn is!"

The powerful god-transformer brought by Fang Maguyu suddenly gritted his teeth and soared into the sky. Unleash the turbulent miasma and poisonous flames in the restricted area, release the five poisonous gods, and face the assassination legion directly.

"I'm coming too!"

The power of becoming gods brought by Princess Dongfang also led many royal guards to attack the assassination legion with gritted teeth, helplessness, or resignation.

The war breaks out.

Blood splattered, limbs flew around, monks on both sides fell like rain, and the entire Zhenyuan Hou Mansion fell into a sea of ​​blood.

Fang Maguyu and the Yuanying monk with the deer-headed and rat-like eyes were fighting together. They were soon at a disadvantage and retreated steadily.

Lin Daier's face turned pale with fright, she took out the jade token and shouted loudly: "Everyone in Qingfeng Langyue Courtyard, come and protect me, no, protect Princess Dongfang!"

"The Marquis has an order. We must protect Miss Jiang and never leave her!"

When Guo Chuandong came back from the call, he glanced at Jiang Beibei, who was beside him with a pale face, and tightened his right hand on a strange dragon-tooth knife again.

"Sister Dai'er, Jiang Beibei has no cultivation and is still a child. She needs more protection!"

Dongfang Ying shouted: "Once there is no guard, she will be captured immediately! Miss Fang is here, we can at least resist one or two!"

"Fart! She is just a servant's girl, what kind of rich lady is she? It's just dead. What's there to protect?"

Lin Daier ignored the princess's advice and just urged Guo Chuandong blindly. Her pretty face was covered with frost and she yelled angrily: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you! Bring everyone back to me! Don't forget, you are only members of my Lin family. Servant!"

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