Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1872 Great Powers Gather

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Forget it!"

When the big black dog heard the argument, he stood up, with a pair of big paws on his waist, a look of anthropomorphic pride on his face, and hummed: "Brother Guo, go ahead! Not to mention just a few Nascent Souls. Even if you come in person, it won’t be enough for me to protect you.”

"Okay, then be careful!"

Guo Chuandong had no choice but to grit his teeth and quickly flew over with his men.

At this time, the voice of the bronze masked god shouted in a shrill voice: "Fellow Taoists, stop fighting. Kill Lin Dai'er and capture Jiang Siqing's daughter alive!"

"Got the order!"

There was a crash.

All the assassination monks suddenly threw away their opponents. Their troops were divided and their momentum soared into the sky. From all directions, they rushed towards the location of Dongfang Ying and Jiang Beibei with overwhelming power.

At this time, the God Transformation that Fang Gouyu brought from Nanhe Gongfu had died, and Her Royal Highness the Princess's God Transformation level personal guard was also seriously injured. Only Lin Hanqing was left with a half-step transformation, and the rest were Nascent Souls. It is impossible to survive alone.

that moment.

In the sky and on the ground, countless people held their breaths and looked desperate.

Lin Daier squeezed Princess Dongfang's hand so tightly that she almost sweated.

Fang Magatama clenched her teeth and looked nervously at the sky.

Many Yuanying-level members of the Lin family, as well as guest ministers and guardians, were all activated with their magic power. They gathered in the sky above the two other courtyards, ready to fight to the death.

Just then, there was a loud bang.

In the sky, a golden light suddenly lit up.

That golden light was so bright, so magnificent, like a dazzling light.

Like a sun leaping out of the mountains and sea. It cut through the red maple city's defensive restrictions as sharply as a knife cuts through butter. When the golden light appeared, the entire red maple city with a radius of hundreds of miles was illuminated transparently and clearly, and every corner was illuminated. There is no way to avoid it.

Everyone couldn't help but look up.

All he saw was a divine disk, as bright as a galaxy, floating in mid-air. In the god plate, a person comes with his feet on the sky and the earth, his hands behind his back. He was dressed in black and had black hair, but his temples were somewhat gray. His facial features were profound, his eyes were long, and his pupils shone with blazing golden flames, like a god descending.

"Jiang Siqing!"

Everyone exclaimed in disbelief.

Because, at this moment, they didn't feel like they were facing a golden elixir, but a dignified and powerful giant.

After all, Jiang Tian actually broke through the defensive formation in Red Maple City, which was a formation that could block the power of transforming gods.

"Reinforcements have arrived, Zhang Linfeng, Zhang Muyun, please disperse the formation!"

Jiang Tian spoke with a trace of anger and his spiritual consciousness.

At this time, Zhang Muyun, who was in charge of city defense, actually activated all the city defense formations.

He is very strong, so he can break through.

But it is difficult for ordinary gods and Yuanying to enter.

The enemy has already entered the city. Zhang Muyun, when you activate the formation, are you going to block the enemy or the reinforcements?

There is also Zhang Linfeng, who is currently entrenched on the city tower instead of killing the enemy and protecting the Lord in the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion.

Haha, I'm very good at paddling.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang!"

Zhang Muyun was so frightened that he trembled and ordered quickly.

The bronze-masked god-incarnation monk commanding from a high altitude was about to shout alert.

Bang bang bang!

There were explosions one after another, and a total of nine powerful gods exploded into the sky. They were thousands of meters high. They were ancient vines, fairy flowers, flames, alchemy furnaces, or alchemy towers. The vast divine realm spread out at the same time, like a giant in the deep sea. Mountain-like, earth-shattering, killing attacks came from all directions in Red Maple City.


The bronze masked monk gave the order decisively, but it was already too late.

"Tangled with ancient vines!"

A powerful god from the Ancient Medicine Palace came to kill him.

The vine-like gods, like dragons shooting into the sky, arrived in a flash and bound the neck of a god-turned-assassin.

Like a long tassel in hand, binding the blue dragon!

A sudden squeeze.


The neck was shattered, and the bleeding light seemed to slowly burst out from the neck cavity and spread in the air. The moment the head flew up from the neck, it also seemed strangely poignant.

"Juding suppresses!"

A roar came, breaking this brief moment, and another giant of the God Transformation from the Ancient Medicine Hall spoke out four words in a gentle voice.

In an instant, a kilometer-high alchemy cauldron, like a meteorite striking across the sky, suddenly slammed into the group of assassins, directly smashing an Avatar and more than a dozen Nascent Souls into meat cakes.

"Tsk, tsk, you are running towards me, do you think I am easy to provoke? Look down on me? Fire gourd!"

Seeing the assassins fleeing in all directions, another god-transforming giant from the Ancient Medicine Palace, with a joking look on his face, took off the red gourd that was half a man tall, pulled out the plug, and suddenly the blazing real fire gourd sprayed down, burning countless stragglers. Become a fireman.

This is the true sun fire collected from the Ancient Medicine Palace. It is like a gushing sun, extremely blazing, capable of burning gold and boiling the sea. The assassin army suffered a devastating blow, whether it is Nascent Soul or a god, if it touches it, it will die!

The situation took a turn for the worse.

The Assassin Legion, which originally had the upper hand, was like a group of little sheep, unable to resist under the encirclement of the nine powerful gods of the Ancient Medicine Palace.

This is definitely a massacre. In order to escort Jiang Tian and show respect for Jiang Tian, ​​all the powerful gods of the Ancient Medicine Hall except the main hall master and the ancient elders were dispatched this time.

It can be called a super luxurious lineup.

I thought I was just saying goodbye to Jiang Tian and doing some formality, but I didn't expect to encounter an assassination, which also gave several giants of the gods an opportunity to express their friendship to Jiang Tian.

Facing such crushing strength, there is only one end.

completely annihilated.

"Don't kill him!"

When the nine powerful gods surrounded the man in the bronze mask and were about to take action, Jiang Tian suddenly raised his hand and said.

The man in the bronze mask looked at Jiang Tian and asked, "Fellow Daoist Siqing, what do you want to do with me?"

Jiang Tian said expressionlessly: "I will capture you and take you to the capital to face the Holy Spirit. I want to find out who you are and why you want to assassinate the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion!"

"Take me to the capital to meet the emperor?"

The bronze masked man's tone was a little strange, and he chuckled: "Then we have to see if your sword is fast enough, fellow Taoist..."

He slowly raised his palm and suddenly slapped the bronze mask hard. The bronze mask fell into pieces, and the face under the mask was also smashed to pieces!

"Marquis Zhenyuan, you are quite capable. Even the Ancient Medicine Palace is used by you. However, sooner or later, the Dongfang family's empire will be destroyed in the hands of you princes..."

His face was broken, his head was cracked, his breath was like a gossamer, and he soon died, but his body stood there firmly and never fell.

Several gods from the Ancient Medicine Palace screamed and hurriedly stepped forward.

But Jiang Tian stood there motionless. He didn't take action to stop the bronze masked man from committing suicide, and he didn't even have the intention to take action.

In the distant sky, Zhenyuan Hou Lin Hanqing's eyes jumped when he saw this scene.

Jiang Tian said those words to force the bronze masked man to commit suicide.

No matter who the face is under this mask, he must be a high-ranking member of the royal family, with a prominent position, and a person of vital importance to the emperor.

If he were captured alive and taken to Beijing to face the emperor, it would not only be an embarrassing problem for the emperor, but would even alienate the emperor and his ministers.

Whether the emperor kills him or not is a question.

If his true identity is revealed, the prestige of the Eastern Royal Family will be severely damaged, and even the government and the public will secretly discuss it, wondering whether he wants to destroy the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, or whether he has the emperor's instructions.

The rule of the Eastern Royal Family was already in danger and extremely unstable, let alone something like this happening again.

As a senior member of the royal family, he must commit suicide. He cannot leave the Dongfang Royal Family in a passive position and cannot let the Dongfang Royal Family be embarrassed.

Therefore, he must destroy his face so that no one can know his true identity.

Jiang Tian did not stop him, he also wanted him to commit suicide and did not want to take him to the capital to face the saint.

Even if he didn't ruin his face, Jiang Tian would ruin his face for him.

Jiang Tian did not want Lin Hanqing to antagonize the royal family.

At least for now, I don't want them to confront each other.

"Fellow Taoist, something has happened here. I have resigned!"

Several giants of the Ancient Medicine Hall's God Transformation came forward to salute Jiang Tian.

As for Lin Hanqing, they just nodded slightly in greeting and did not even announce their names.

Their status was noble, and being a mere prince of a secular empire was not enough for them to treat them with caution.

"Fellow Taoists, walk slowly!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

Several giants from the Ancient Medicine Palace came and left even faster, almost in the blink of an eye, leaving Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion in a mess with smoke billowing and corpses lying everywhere.

Seeing Jiang Tian talking to several giants of the gods on an equal footing, and even those giants of god transformation being very humble, Lin Daier couldn't believe it, and her beautiful eyes widened. At this moment, when she recalled her parents' matchmaking, she couldn't help but feel a little moved and regretful secretly.

This status is probably enough to keep pace with Li Yichen, there is a big difference!

"Mr. Jiang is back! We won! We are safe!"

Fang Maguyu was covered in blood and shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, there was cheering.

And Princess Dongfang Ying, who experienced life and death, ups and downs, was already crying with joy.

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