Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1873 The Origin of the Assassin

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Princess Dongfang Ying, who had experienced life and death, ups and downs, was already crying with joy. She quickly flew to Qingfeng Langyue Courtyard, hugged Jiang Beibei and looked up and down, and asked with tears: "Beibei, are you okay? It's all my fault. I should stay with you in the other courtyard!"

"Sister, I'm fine!"

Jiang Beibei smiled sweetly and said, "Don't be so nervous. Uncle Dahei is not an easy person. If a cultivator of spiritual transformation really comes to attack, he can stop it!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Dongfang Ying turned to look at the sky, and Jiang Tian was already flying over here.

"Dad! You are back!"

Jiang Beibei's face was full of joy, and she jumped up and down and shouted.

Jiang Tian floated down, touched the top of his daughter's head, and said with a smile, "Are you scared?"

"I'm not afraid! I've seen big scenes before!"

Jiang Beibei said proudly.

The little girl was referring to the battle between Jiang Tian and many Beidou experts in front of the Earth Gate, but she did not make it clear.

Jiang Tian had reminded her before that she should never mention anything that happened on earth again, lest the powers above the nine heavens hear her.

This time, Zhenyuan Hou Mansion suffered heavy losses, many members and guards died, and the divine guards brought by Fang Maguyu and Dongfang Ying all died tragically.

The funeral was held, and the house was filled with silence and joy. From time to time, bursts of suppressed crying could be heard.

Everyone was in a gloomy mood, trembling and uneasy, shrouded in a dark cloud.

That night, Lin Hanqing held a banquet to cleanse Jiang Tian.

After Jiang Tian coaxed his daughter to sleep, he immediately came to the Hou Mansion and met Lin Hanqing, the Marquis of Zhenyuan. Lin Yang was the only one accompanying him.

"Mr. Jiang, you have worked hard all the way. I didn't expect you to get the sun-falling stone. It's so rare!"

Lin Hanqing clasped his fists in salute and spoke respectfully.

He had already heard about Jiang Tian's deeds from his son and was absolutely shocked. This fellow Daoist Jiang, I don’t know where he came from, he is so outrageous.

Jiang Tian said with a smile but not a smile: "It's just a small skill, not worth mentioning!"

To Jiang Tian, ​​the Heaven-Building Pill is really not a pill worthy of showing off. It's just a Yuan Dan in the Golden Dan stage, but it's of a higher grade. In fact, if he wanted to, he could even refine the elixir to repair the gods, which was not a problem.

"Well, to you, it's just a trivial skill, but to us, it's an amazing magic trick!"

Lin Hanqing was extremely impressed.

Based on just one pill recipe, it might be said that Jiang Tian was lucky. But Jiang Tian was impressed by a giant in the alchemy world like Elder Gu, which was amazing. He was filled with excitement. Leaving Jiang Tian behind was like climbing to the top of the ancient medicine palace.

This kind of holy land is above the empire. Not to mention the princes and ministers, even the royal family dare not provoke him easily.

Instantly I felt my waist straightened.

"Today, Dai'er was ignorant and forcibly ordered Guo Chuandong to leave his post. He failed to protect the little girl Beibei. I apologize to sir on her behalf. Afterwards, I will punish her heavily!"

Lin Hanqing bowed apologetically and said sincerely.

When he saw this, he almost went crazy with anger.

However, Lin Dai'er was now too old to be disciplined, so he directly ordered her to apologize to Jiang Tian. She was desperate, so she could only apologize by herself.

"I'm very concerned about this matter. Don't let it happen again!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice.

In this matter, Lin Daier indeed went too far and touched Jiang Tian's bottom line.

I, Jiang Taichu, am such a person that I can travel across the Holy Yuan Continent and hunt for treasures everywhere.

You care about old friendships, run for you, and participate in these boring dynasty struggles, but you don't even care about my daughter's life or death!

If Jiang Tian hadn't been a person who clearly understands grudges and repays kindness, if it weren't for the fact that Lin Hanqing and his son had taken care of him many times in his previous life, if Lin Hanqing had pretended not to know this time, I'm afraid he would have walked away long ago. I don’t want to look at Lin Daier’s stupid face that knows nothing about heaven and earth!

"Yes, yes! I will definitely keep your words in mind, sir!"

Lin Hanqing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and quickly agreed.

Jiang Tian has always been easy-going, always saying "it's okay" and "don't blame those who don't know". His words "I mind very much" prove that he is extremely angry.

Jiang Tian accepted it calmly when he allowed Jiang Tian to sit down at the head of the army. Originally, he was much stronger than Lin Hanqing, and the benefits he would bring to the Lin family in the future were unimaginable.

"What does Fellow Daoist Jiang think of today's assassination?"

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Lin Hanqing suddenly asked.

"Royal family, demon cultivator, sect!"

Jiang Tian said leisurely.

In fact, Jiang Tian also thought about the mastermind behind the rebellion caused by the Purple Shirt Hou for several days.

But there are very few records about these, and they were all secrets in his previous life. The Eastern Royal Family seems to have deliberately concealed the truth. Jiang Tian obtained very little information in his previous life, just some unofficial notes and a few words.

But when he saw the bronze masked man today, Jiang Tian suddenly connected the many pieces of information with a clue, opened up the joints, and suddenly realized.

"Royal family? Demon cultivator? Sect? What do you mean?"

Lin Hanqing was puzzled.

"How did you feel when you heard that I was on good terms with the Ancient Medicine Palace, and then saw several of the Ancient Medicine Palace's god-transformation elders take action for me, killing assassins?"

Jiang Tian did not answer directly, but asked with a smile.

"Xiao Hou feels that the sect's strength is too strong. Ahem, if they had their support, our family would soar into the sky. We would immediately feel confident and would no longer be bullied by those bastards like Zishan Hou and Beijiang Gong! It’s no longer a matter of suppressing the Purple Shirt Marquis and winning the position of the four great dukes in the empire!”

Lin Hanqing's face turned slightly red and he was embarrassed.

"Dad, my feeling is more exciting than yours!"

Next to him, Lin Yang said with a stern look on his face: "The Marquis of Zishan, and even the four great dukes, are just nothing. You didn't see at the time that the proud daughter of Duke Dongxia knelt down in front of Brother Jiang. Shenzong of the Holy Land Respect, it’s so fierce!”

"I thought at that time, with Brother Jiang as the pillar of our family, even the princess and prince should kneel down when they see our family. Not to mention the four great dukes, even the throne of the Eastern royal family, we can't do it. Think about it, haha! It’s my turn to sit on the throne, come to our house today!”

Lin Yang was originally a playboy, and coupled with the excitement of the fairy wine, he had no scruples at all when he spoke. He never thought that his words might be suspected of committing rebellion.

Lin Hanqing was startled and said hurriedly: "Little beast, what are you talking about?"

It has to be said that he actually had this thought the moment he saw the ancient medicine hall's powerful actions, like chopping melons and vegetables, but he was quickly suppressed.

Although he occasionally complained and slandered the Eastern royal family, in the final analysis he was still a person loyal to the imperial power.


Jiang Tian Youran said: "In fact, any prince will have this idea after he becomes powerful. The foundation of imperial power is violence, but once the violence controlled by the princes is strong enough, there is a way to overthrow the imperial power. motivation!"

"Beyond the imperial power of the empire, there are many sects with extraordinary and powerful power. Once a prince family obtains the support of the sect, it will become more powerful and become a threat to the royal family."

"You can think of this, but the royal family can't think of it?"

Old God Jiang Tian is here, just like Mr. Zhuge who holds the pearl of wisdom.

"I see!"

Lin Hanqing's heart was beating wildly, and his whole body was getting cold. He said in a deep voice:

"Because Lin Dai'er was favored by the Jiuxuan Sect and passed the selection, she will soon become its elite disciple. Therefore, some people in the royal family are very fearful and vigilant in their hearts. Therefore, the order given today is to kill Dai'er And your beloved!”

Jiang Tian nodded and said:

"The assassination of my daughter was just to create a confusion and divert trouble to the east. It was to make us fight with Duke Beijiang! After all, had I destroyed Bai Zhanyun's cultivation before? In fact, we also Have you ever worried about an assassination attempt?"

"However, Duke Beijiang should know that I have a cooperative relationship with the Ancient Medicine Palace. How dare he still make small moves? Even if he really wants to assassinate with a secret assassin, why should he reveal his identity and shout that we are the secret assassins? I know, if the royal family knew, they would also punish Duke Beijiang!"

"Deliberately intensifying the conflict and making us and the Duke of Northern Xinjiang fight each other. This is too cruel!"

Lin Yang was startled, so scheming!

"Which sub-power in the royal family? The second prince? It's definitely impossible! The princes don't seem to have such high cultivation. Is it the prince Dongfang Ding? It's also impossible. He was originally going to inherit the throne and be the future emperor. , he should avoid annexation among the princes and gain power, and should support us and restrain the purple-shirted princes so as not to threaten the imperial power!"

Lin Hanqing made several guesses, but they were all rejected by himself, and he was confused.

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