Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1874 Great changes and great turmoil


Jiang Tian sipped the tea leisurely, and the old god said: "If you ask me, it should be the late emperor!"

"The late emperor? Dongfang Jie has been missing for five hundred years!"

Lin Hanqing was shocked: "Is it impossible? Is he still alive?"

"Who is the late Emperor Dongfang Jie? Why is it not recorded in the history books?"

Lin Yang looked cute.

"If you are ugly and useless, you should study more!"

Lin Hanqing glared at him and then said:

"Dongfang Jie is the elder brother of Dongfang Lu. The then crown prince successfully inherited the throne five hundred years ago. However, in the first year after he ascended the throne, he ordered the reduction of vassals and changed the feudal system to a county system. For a family that lives in leisure, it has a name, no power, and no fiefdom. The living expenses are the same as those of the royal family, and are distributed uniformly by the royal treasury..."

Lin Hanqing's face was solemn, as if he had returned to the distant past, to those turbulent years of bloody battles, and said:

"That time, it triggered the rebellion of the three Dukes and the twenty-eighth Marquis, and a total of thirty-one princes. Among the four Dukes, except Nan Hegong, all rebelled! The royal army and the allied forces of the princes fought bloody battles for three years, and millions of people were killed. , life was devastated, a piece of red soil, in the end, the imperial capital was destroyed, thirty-one princes occupied the imperial city, elected the weak Dongfang Lu as the emperor, and established a new king, and this dynasty was born. Dongfang Jie was defeated like a mountain. , fled to Mobei Ridge, and was beaten into the Grand Canyon by the masters of the princes. I don’t know whether he is alive or dead! Could it be that Dongfang Jie is not dead and has made a comeback? "

"have no idea!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"The person who died was probably not Dongfang Jie. But he must have been from the Dongfang Royal Family, and he should have held an important position!"

"Yes, he was determined not to allow the princes to become powerful, but he was worried that the princes would rebel again and seize the throne of Dongfang Lu, so he did not hesitate to commit suicide. No matter what, the meat would still rot in the pot. No matter if it was Dongfang Jie's The world still belongs to Dongfang Lu, in short, it cannot belong to all the princes!"

Lin Hanqing said with absent-minded eyes.

"In fact, there were many royal families who supported Dongfang Jie back then. Even now, many royal families still admire the county system and reject the feudal system."

Jiang Tian nodded slightly:

"This is also due to reality. The enfeoffment system has many disadvantages. For example, the Duke of Dongxia and the Duke of Beijiang did not pay annual tribute, leaving the treasury empty. His Highness the Second Highness who controls the Royal Commercial Bank cannot afford a Sunset Stone. However, Those sons of princes can’t afford it, yet you dare to raise the price. Besides, you have a lot of self-respect!”

"There are also hereditary titles, such as Brother Lin Yang, who is a loser. He cannot bring peace to the world with writing, and cannot kill the enemy with force to protect the people, but he has endless wealth, enjoys a beautiful wife and concubines, and can also be popular and drink spicy food. Yes. Common people have no chance of promotion!"

"Hey! Where is your beautiful wife? Send it to me! Dongfang Jie's people have come to assassinate your precious daughter, and you still think he is reasonable!"

Lin Yang said angrily and depressedly.

"Those who are kind to me are good, and those who hate me are evil. If Dongfang Jie dares to do anything to my daughter or the Lin family, then I will definitely kill him. But objectively speaking, the county system is indeed better than the feudal princes. system has more advantages.”

Jiang Tian was very detached and fair about this.

Suddenly, Lin Yang asked: "What role does the Marquis of Zishan play in this dispute?"

"Haha, I underestimate this person!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile but not a smile:

"Originally, I thought that Zishanhou just wanted to annex and become powerful, and even rebel against the Eastern Royal Family one day. But now it seems that he should be Dongfang Jie's troublemaker, used to cause conflicts. Even if he becomes powerful, he will eventually Give up your fiefdom and turn it into a county."

"Tsk, tsk, this guy does have some political ideals!" Lin Yang didn't know whether to express disdain or admiration.

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely and said: "However, these are all my guesses, and I still can't be sure. Whether it is true or not, we have to wait for the Qianlong Association to try!"

"Qianlong will try?"

Lin Hanqing and his son were confused.

"The previous Qianlong Examinations were all based on testing instruments to test the school's cultivation. They were very gentle. But if someone within the royal family wants to reduce the vassal again, they will use actual combat and fight to the death!"

As soon as Jiang Tian said these words, Lin Yang was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Damn it, if I meet Yang Xuan or some genius, won't I be beaten to death?"

Lin Yang exclaimed.

"What I want is for you to die! If you don't want to die, give up your fiefdom!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and said:

"Furthermore, it may seem cruel, but there must be someone who supports it. Powerful princes such as Dongxia Gong, Beijiang Gong, and Zishanhou can not only occupy the loser's fiefdom, but also kill people and never cause any future troubles. Competitors, aren’t they beautiful?”

But Jiang Tian's smile made people feel very cruel.

"When the time comes, there will be two situations. One is that the powerful princes will merge with the smaller princes, becoming bigger and bigger, and gradually be able to challenge the imperial power. The second is that the defeated princes will have to surrender after their people are killed. How can the fiefdom agree? It will definitely lead to a war between the princes. "

Lin Hanqing's heart felt cold and he said in a trembling voice:

"The powerful prince has not completed the annexation, but he has already suffered countless casualties and his vitality has been severely damaged."

"The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind! At this time, Dongfang Jie's five hundred years of savings and the royal masters supported by him will go out in the name of quelling the rebellion, wipe out all the princes, implement the system of counties, princes and vassal towns, and will Become the dust of history!”


Jiang Tian nodded in approval.

"The age of great strife is coming!"

Lin Hanqing and his son were uneasy, but also faintly excited.

"It doesn't matter, the soldiers will just cover up the water and the earth. As long as the strength increases, we can be invincible! The most urgent thing is to cure the princess's disease first."

Jiang Tian smiled calmly. He still had something to say. He would still secretly pursue Dongfang Jie and dare to assassinate his own daughter. That would be a long time to live.

"Yes, yes." Lin Hanqing also felt that things were complicated, but things had to be done step by step.

"Also. Don't say more about my cooperation with the Ancient Medicine Palace. It is strictly confidential!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "Some people in the Eastern Royal Family hate the duke family who are connected to the sect. The rafters in the early years will die first, so we should keep a low profile first. Let's put Dai'er's entry into the Jiuxuan Sect on hold for the time being! "

Jiang Tian casually taught her a skill, isn't it much better than the Jiuxuan Sect?

Lin Hanqing didn't hesitate and Nuonuo kept talking.

At the end of the dinner, Jiang Tian refused the farewell offer from Lin Hanqing and his son, left the Marquis Mansion, and walked towards Qingfeng Langyue Courtyard with his hands behind his back.

It was late autumn, and the maple trees on both sides of the road had red leaves like fire and dewdrops hanging on them. In the light mist, they slowly fell on the clean granite pavement, adding a sense of desolation.

"Sigh, I don't know what will happen if Qing'er is taken to Hengyu Immortal Sect!"

Jiang Tian looked up at the starry sky. It was a starry sky completely different from that of the Milky Way. It was vaster and deeper, filled with stars that were dazzling and dazzling.

The longing and melancholy in his heart gradually became stronger, and he sighed leisurely: "The appearance of the treasure of Mobeiling is still three years away. This indicates that I will have to go on the road of transformation into a mortal for another three years! After transforming into a god, I will reunite with Huang Ling'er. It’s time to rush to the territory of the Nine Immortals Sect.”

He was in mourning.

Suddenly, with a gust of fragrant wind, a soft and pleasant voice interrupted his meditation: "Senior, do you want to go back to rest? I will accompany you there! I just brought some cakes to Beibei!"

Jiang Tian glanced at Lin Daier.

This woman seems to have dressed up carefully tonight.

Her eyebrows were lightly swept, her beautiful eyes were shining, and a gemstone necklace was wrapped around her neck, which made her face look so radiant that it could be broken by a blow. Because there was a funeral at home, she was dressed in black, which made her skin look better than snow. Her delicate body was curved forward and backward, and she stood tall and graceful, with a subtle fragrance floating around, which was very attractive.

She was also holding two boxes of cakes in her hands, and said with a shy and flattering smile: "Master Songhelou makes Ziyun cake, Beibei will definitely like it!"

"Forget it. Beibei likes to make her own pastries and is very naughty. Just keep it for yourself!"

Jiang Tian politely refused, turned around and left.

In fact, he was extremely bored with this woman, but for the sake of Lin Hanqing and his son, he did not lose face.

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