Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

In his previous life, Jiang Tian had experienced this woman's snobbishness and unfeeling, which was extremely chilling.

Looking at her attitude towards her daughter now, we can see that she has been like this since she was a child.

At this time, Jiang Tian also saw through her arrogant and respectful behavior. It was just because he saw Jiang Tian interacting with the elders of the Ancient Medicine Hall and thought that Jiang Tian was very powerful, so he came to curry favor with her.

Seeing Jiang Tian's disdain, Lin Dai'er's pretty face filled with anger, but she quickly restrained it. She followed Jiang Tian with her hands behind her back and said innocently: "Those who followed you at noon." A giant of a god, is he your friend? Why are you so respectful?"

"Do I need to tell you this?"

Jiang Tianai replied indifferently.

"When you came here, you were just a casual cultivator, but what about now?"

Lin Daier's tone gradually became colder.

"What now?"

Jiang Tian sneered with contempt: "Do I still need to explain to you what I do?!"

"You do need to explain it to me!"

Lin Dai'er took a few steps and stopped Jiang Tian. Her face was proud and sullen, and she said coldly: "I am your master!"

"Okay, even if I am a slave in your eyes. So, what's the explanation?"

Jiang Tian's face gradually turned cold and he asked in a deep voice.

"Don't be so paranoid and speak so harshly. What's the explanation? Of course it's the sudden assassination attack. Isn't this the consequence of offending Duke Beijiang! Tell me, are you provoking Duke Beijiang again in his territory? The Bai family?"

Lin Daier said coldly:

"I have warned you a long time ago that Duke Beijiang is terrifyingly powerful. He is a being that you and even the Lin family cannot afford to offend. However, you are arrogant and dismissive, turning a deaf ear to my advice. You are as stubborn as an elm tree. Now. Well, if you hadn't acted unscrupulously, would the Lin family, the Fang family and even the Second Highness have suffered such heavy losses?"

Jiang Tian was so angry with her that he asked, "Why did you conclude that they are assassins and members of Duke Beijiang!"

"They said so themselves!"

"If they call themselves Nine Heavens Immortals, do you really think they are Nine Heavens Immortals and go to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm?" Jiang Tian said with a smile.


Lin Daier was speechless and speechless.

Only then did she realize that she had preconceived ideas. Jiang Tian's words made sense. If it was really an assassination, why did they need to declare their family status? Wouldn't that be causing trouble for themselves and Duke Beijiang? After all, it is not yet time for a war between the princes.

"It doesn't matter if your brain doesn't work very well. Just think more about it."

Jiang Tian walked into the courtyard and slammed the door directly.

Lin Daier felt extremely aggrieved after being rejected by Jiang Tian. She couldn't figure out why she came to please Jiang Tian, ​​but ended up like this.


Lin Daier slammed the cake on the door and shouted angrily:

"I kindly came here to remind you to be careful. But you don't know the heart of a good person. Do you think it's great that you know a few Holy Land giants? After all, you are not from the Holy Land. You have a different relationship with geniuses like Li Yichen and Yan Beifei. Can’t compare!”

"Hmph! I make you crazy and proud, but you will suffer the consequences and cry one day!" As she said that, she stomped on the crumbs of the pastry and said angrily: "Just treat it as my kindness. Feed the dog!"

Jiang Tiancai didn't care what this mad woman thought. He had the sun-falling stone, dragon bone nine-yang grass and many auxiliary medicinal materials ready. He quickly immersed himself in alchemy and never left or left.

He Yang Dan!

This is a yang elixir that regulates yin constitution and can achieve the effect of harmonizing yin and yang, but it is very difficult to refine.

In particular, the falling sun stone has very powerful medicinal properties and contains surging and violent energy. It is like a fragment of the sun, containing impurities from the evil of the sky. It needs to be separated and removed by using mysterious skills. If it is not careful, it will explode and can destroy the entire red maple stone. The city and even the Red Rock Basin were razed to the ground.

But Jiang Tian now has three flowers gathered at the top, five qi are facing the origin, the divine body, the chaotic nine-aperture divine infant, and the nine kinds of gods are all completed. He is the end of the divine infant. Refining this elixir can be said to be easy.

Jiang Tian was also a very brave man, otherwise, even if the ancient elder tried to refine it, he would have to run into the wilderness to avoid causing a big explosion.

Ordinarily, it would take at least several months to refine such a complex elixir, but Jiang Tian used the Time Formation Disk to speed up the process and successfully refined it in only ten days.


Jiang Tian waved his right hand, and the Suzaku True Fire dispersed, leaving a round pill floating in the air.

This elixir is the size of a pigeon egg, steaming hot and shining, as if it contains endless sunlight.

Jiang Tian's eyes were calm and deep, and he remained calm. He put away the elixir in the ice jade box, contained the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations, and walked out of the door calmly.

However, when he came to the villa where the princess and Lin Daier lived, his expression turned gloomy.

I saw a woman wearing crystal armor, holding a flying sword, and fighting with Dongfang Ying. Dongfang Ying was completely at a disadvantage, panting and sweating on her forehead. Fang Maguyu and Lin Daier stood aside, watching the fight between the two intently, with a hint of admiration in their eyes.

This armored woman can't tell her age, and her skin is as delicate as that of a 28-year-old girl. However, her figure is very mature, curvy, and sexy, as if she is in her twenties, but her beautiful eyes are peaceful and vicissitudes of life, as if they have passed through a long period of time. General.

Her phoenix eyes were awe-inspiring, and she was quite stern when she shouted and shouted. Her gestures and gestures showed that she had a woman-like demeanor.

She deliberately suppressed her cultivation, but with Jiang Tian's vast spiritual consciousness, he could naturally tell that this woman turned out to be a god.


Seeing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, shook his head slightly, and sneered in his heart: "Idiot! As the saying goes, big breasts but no brains, the ancients, don't deceive me!"

Jiang Tian's curling of his lips and shaking of his head caused trouble in the eyes of the sexy woman.

"What kind of scoundrel dared to run wild here! He entered the residence of the female family members and didn't even know how to report!"

The sexy woman was not in a good mood at first. Seeing this scene, she became even more angry and started shouting angrily.

Jiang Tian turned his head, looked at Fang Maguyu, and snorted coldly: "Who is this stupid woman? Why are you so stubborn and clinging to red tape? How can we, the monks, have so many men and women guarding against each other?"

"Stupid woman..." Fang Gouyu was stunned. He opened his mouth enough to stuff a big duck egg, with a look of astonishment and a wry smile on his face, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Asshole. If you ruin my future, I'll let you die!"

Lin Daier, on the other hand, looked gloating.

Because Lin Hanqing actually blocked her from joining Jiuxuanmen, and even sent a letter to Jiuxuanmen Feijian requesting to withdraw.

After much thought, she realized that Jiang Tian must have instigated this matter. Therefore, he hated Jiang Tian with all his heart.

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