"You crazy guy, who are you calling a stupid woman?"

The sexy woman retorted directly, quite furiously.

"Who else but you?"

Jiang Tian was angered by the two consecutive words of "disciple" and "crazy disciple", and said coldly: "If I remember correctly, I said it last time, let the little girl from the east stop practicing martial arts!"

"I would like to ask, who arranged such an idiot next to the princess?"

"If you have to ask me over and over again for such a basic idiotic question, regarding the princess's illness, I would consider asking you to hire someone else!"

"Also, you idiot woman, don't put the sword to the princess's neck at every turn. Heart palpitations will shake the spirit, and shaking the spirit will cause the anger to drain. The princess's yang energy is already very weak. Do you think she died quickly enough? "

"The most idiotic thing is that the wooden sword you are using is actually a Xuanyun log. This wood is yin in nature and will arouse the evil spirit of the Nine Yins in the princess. Fang Maguyu and many guards are watching from the side, but you can't Stop it, are you an idiot?"

The woman was originally very aggressive, but when Jiang Tian yelled at her, she was stunned for a moment.

Especially when she recognized the Xuanyun log at first glance, she was slightly surprised.

Dongfang Ying, on the other hand, ran over with a bit of girlish naivety, pulled Jiang Tian's sleeve, and timidly said: "Okay, Mr. Jiang, Aunt Mo Yu just came back from venturing outside this morning and rushed to Hongfeng. Cheng, you still don’t know anything about my condition! Please forgive her this time.”

"Princess Mo Yu? The eldest princess Dongfang Mo Yu!"

Jiang Tian was slightly stunned.

This girl is the sister of Emperor Dongfang Lu and the late Emperor Dongfang Jie.

It can be said that he is the number one genius of the previous generation among the royal families of the Eastern Empire. He reached the realm of Nascent Soul at the age of only a hundred years old and reached the state of becoming a god at the age of five hundred.

She was not inferior to men, killing evil sect gangs, suppressing monster riots, and quelling rebellions. She repeatedly performed extraordinary feats and left a mark on the history of the empire. She was known as the first female war goddess in the empire. The princes may not be afraid of Dongfang Lu, but they will definitely not be afraid of Dongfang Moyu.

In her previous life, she also played a major role in suppressing the Zishanhou rebellion.

But later, for unknown reasons, he concealed his name, escaped into Buddhism, and disappeared without a trace.

"Wait a minute."

The eldest princess Dongfang Moyu regained consciousness and shouted: "Xiaoying, tell me clearly. Who wants this... I'm sorry, little brat. Where did I go wrong? And little brat, who are you and why?" You dare to be disrespectful to me despite being able to enter the princess’s villa!”

Jiang Tian had a black streak on his head.

He has had various titles before, but this was the first time he was called a "little brat."

However, according to the calendar of Shengyuan Continent, his age is only around 20 years old, while Dongfang Moyu is already several hundred years old. She really doesn't feel unfair when she calls him a brat.

"You are older, but in the past few years, the food you have eaten has not reached your stomach, right? Your IQ has not improved!"

Jiang Tian smiled and mocked.

"You, you dare to accuse me of low IQ again? Do you believe that I will chop you with a sword?"

Dongfang Moyu is not a good person.

Dongfang Lu has a cowardly character and is not very strong in cultivation. Dongfang Moyu is his right-hand man. This woman kills people like crazy, has slain countless demons, and naturally has fierce flames.

"Senior, please apologize to the eldest princess!"

Lin Daier shouted directly.

Dongfang Moyu is not only the eldest princess, but also the examiner of the Qianlong Examination. How can you offend such a person?

"Tch. Threatening me? Just your few blows, just save it!"

Jiang Tian looked disdainful.

"Come on, then draw your sword and fight. You seem to be no more than a golden elixir. I won't take advantage of you. I will suppress your cultivation to a golden elixir. I will still beat you until you are full of teeth!" Dongfang Moyu's fair face, hearing this, Suddenly a haze enveloped him, and he shouted in a condensed voice.

Seeing this expression, Dongfang Ying knew that her aunt was angry and said softly:

"Okay, Auntie, stop talking. Let me explain. This is Mr. Jiang, the miracle doctor hired by the Second Emperor Brother. Auntie, don't underestimate Mr. Jiang! He is amazing, look. It’s not that I’m sick, but that I have an innate nine-yin body that cannot be cultivated. Cultivating will increase the burden on my meridians and consume my vitality.”

"Is it him? He doesn't even have all his hair, yet he's aging before he gets old, and he's a miraculous doctor?"

Dongfang Moyu looked unbelieving.

Dongfang Yingying is very innocent, she couldn't have been deceived!

"Indeed, Mr. Jiang is very powerful. Even the Ancient Medicine Palace highly respects him!" Fang Maguyu also explained.

"The Ancient Medicine Palace recommends..."

A hint of gloom appeared on Dongfang Moyu's face, but it passed away for a moment, and then he asked seriously: "How do you plan to heal the little princess?"

"Disperse the Nine Yin Golden Pill and turn it into vitality. Swallow the Heyang Pill that is refined from Sun Falling Stone, Dragon Bone Nine Yang Grass and other great herbs to refine it into Yang Yuan. Then, it is condensed into one body to form a new Golden Pill. Dan will achieve the state of transformation of yin and yang, coexistence and mutual assistance.”

Old God Jiang Tian was present and very calm.

"Return the broken elixir to its original form! The elixir refined from the falling sun stone! Re-refined Yin Yang Golden elixir! You kid, do you know what you are talking about?"

When Dongfang Moyu heard this, he felt like he was going crazy.

These three steps may sound simple, but in fact each step is extremely complex and each step is extremely difficult.

Any carelessness in any link may lead to Dongfang Ying's death. To achieve the ideal effect of transformation of yin and yang, coexistence and mutual help mentioned by Jiang Tian, ​​it is no less than reaching the sky.

"Idiot, you're talking nonsense again. Of course I know that I won't do porcelain work without steel drills!"

Jiang Tian sighed.

Next to her, seeing her aunt about to run away again, Dongfang Ying quickly persuaded her: "Aunt, Mr. Jiang is telling the truth. If I don't let Mr. Jiang treat me, my life span may only be a few years or even a few months. Even if it's a little risky now, it's worth it. of!"

Dongfang Moyu's expression changed several times, and he suddenly stared coldly at Jiang Tiandao: "I will pay close attention to the entire treatment process. If the treatment I discovered is a scam, you will find that you will die miserably. Even if you can’t be cured, I will punish you for deceiving the emperor!”

"If you want to see it, just watch it!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said, "But if I can cure the little princess, what will you do?"

"Hmph! I can be your slave, serve you tea and water, beat your legs and rub your shoulders, make your bed and fold your quilt!"

Dongfang Moyu smiled coldly. She has a fiery temper, and even if she wins a bet, she won't lose a single point.

"Haha, let's go, little princess!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and directly pulled the little princess into her boudoir.

At this time, Fang Gouyu also quickly sent a spiritual message to Lin Hanqing and Lin Yang.

Jiang Tian has actually refined the elixir to improve the little princess's physical condition. This is a big deal.

"So fast!"

"You won't be able to make fake and shoddy products, right? If something happens, with the character of the eldest princess, she might crush our Lin family!"

Lin Hanqing and Lin Yang did not dare to neglect, and rushed over excitedly, standing outside the door with uneasiness in their hearts.

However, Lin Daier found an excuse to leave Red Maple City.

She received a message that Li Yichen, the senior brother of Jiuxuanmen, had come to the Eastern Empire for a visit. Compared to Li Yichen, the eldest disciple of Jiuxuanmen, Jiang Tian was not worth mentioning in her eyes. However, after all, her father strictly ordered her not to have contact with Jiuxuanmen. Therefore, she did not dare to speak out.

"Huh? During the induction, the little girl's golden elixir disappeared? He actually broke it directly?"

Dongfang Moyu unfolded his consciousness and sensed the changes in Dongfang Ying's body. Suddenly his face was shocked and his heart was shocked.

The golden elixir is so tenacious.

Especially for this kind of golden elixir with a nine-yin constitution, even if the master's physical body is broken, it can still be immortal for thousands of years.

Breaking the pill directly, breaking it so completely, and directly turning it into vitality, even if it was me, I couldn't do it so quickly or so easily.

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