Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1880 Royal Conspiracy

"It's not that exaggerated!"

Jiang Tian didn't take Lin Hanqing's praise to heart and smiled lightly and waved his hand.

In fact, after practicing this set of skills to the extreme, it still only stops at transforming into a god. The level has not improved, but the speed of practice has become faster.

"I also practice with you, sir, and I hope you will give me some advice!"

Lin Hanqing originally just wanted his son to practice with Jiang Tian, ​​but when he saw how wonderful this technique was, he became interested.

Maybe, I can break through the barrier as soon as possible, go from half-step to divine transformation, and be known as the divine king.

Thinking of this, he was also very excited. He bowed deeply, clasped his fists with his hands, held the disciple's salute, and begged in his words.

"It's just to confirm each other. There is no need to be polite, Lord Marquis!" Jiang Tian said calmly and calmly.

Suddenly, Lin Hanqing thought of a question and said coldly with anger:

"Where did Dai'er go? These days, she always goes out for half a month without seeing anyone. She said she went out to hunt monsters for experience, but in fact, she didn't see any progress or gains! Lin Yang, order Zhang Muyun immediately Go find her! Punish her hard!"

"Forget it. Lin Dai'er has been practicing pretty well. I'll just concentrate on guiding you two!"

Jiang Tian quickly stopped him.

He didn't like this girl to begin with, so there was no need to recruit her to him to cause trouble for him.


Lin Hanqing sighed depressedly.

Next, Jiang Tian began to guide Lin Yang in his cultivation.

Under Jiang Tian's guidance, the confusion that had troubled Lin Yang was solved and he suddenly became enlightened.

His cultivation level is advancing by leaps and bounds, and his physical body and vitality's understanding of the law and avenue are improving rapidly. The golden elixir is on the first, second, and third levels... He breaks through a level almost every few days, and it is still going on. The ground skyrocketed, as if it would never end.

But unexpectedly, Lin Hanqing was the first to break through.

Just three months later, Lin Hanqing's spiritual fetus finally transformed into a divine treasure, and his Nascent Soul grew into a god. Surrounded by laws, the avenues roared harmoniously, and his momentum soared into the sky like a giant dragon, soaring into the sky and shaking thousands of miles around.

"Sir is like a reborn parent, reborn with kindness!"

Lin Hanqing wept with joy, and kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to Jiang Tian directly, saying that he was his benefactor.

This is true.

He has been stuck at the barrier from half-step to true transformation for decades. Even with the guidance of the ancestor of the Lin family, if he wants to break through this barrier, it is still far away.

But practicing Jiang Tian's improved version of Zi Qi Dong Lai Gong was like taking a new path and taking a shortcut. It only took three months to break the shackles.

"Master Marquis, please rise. This is inseparable from your hundreds of years of hard work. In fact, you have already accumulated it, you just lack that level of understanding. I don't dare to take credit!"

Jiang Tian smiled, stretched out his hands, and helped him up, feeling very happy in his heart.

After all, Lin Hanqing had taken good care of him in his previous life, and even said he treated him as his own son. But in the end, because Jiang Tian offended Yan Nanxian, his family was ruined, which made Jiang Tian regretful for the rest of his life. Now, doing this for the Lin family was the right thing to do, and he finally got some comfort.

After Lin Hanqing's breakthrough, he became even more convinced and admired Jiang Tian's set of techniques, and naturally looked forward to Lin Yang's breakthrough even more.

Inside the palace.

Dongfang Lu, the king of the Eastern Empire, looked pale and had a vain temperament. He hugged his daughter Dongfang Ying beside him and said with a pleased smile: "I didn't expect that there would be such a strange person in the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, who cured my beloved daughter's strange disease. , and also helped her improve her cultivation, which is rare!”

At the foot of the steps, the eldest princess Dongfang Moyu stood upright and said with a smile: "Brother Emperor, so I say that among the common people, and even among the casual cultivators outside the river, there are quite a lot of strange people and strangers. But now that the cultivation resources are occupied by aristocratic families, it is very important to the empire. The development is extremely unfavorable!”

"Sigh. I fully understand what you mean. The county system is indeed superior to the feudal system and the vassal system. But, do you remember what happened to Dongfang Jie? The princes have already become powerful and cannot lose their power. It will be difficult for us to weaken them again. We can only Let them consume themselves!”

The Oriental Deer has a melancholy temperament and sighs.

"The Hidden Dragon Trial is an opportunity!"

His eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, and he seemed to have made up his mind.

"But the conflicts among the princes have intensified, they are fighting each other, and the empire will fall into complete chaos. How many civilians will die, and how many loyal ministers and righteous people will be wiped out. Princes like Zhenyuan Hou have always been loyal to the royal family. If they die in the war, How can we tolerate it?"

Dongfang Moyu said in a deep voice.

"Someone has to sacrifice!"

Dongfang Lu waved Dongfang Ying away and sighed: "Otherwise, do you have any better ideas?"

"The royal family should uphold morality, safeguard imperial power, and take the initiative."

Dongfang Moyu said with emotion:

"For example, the Marquis of Zishan and the Duke of Beijiang have not paid the annual tribute. But every year, they ask the royal family for money for water conservancy projects, military expenses, and disaster relief. Not only the royal family is dissatisfied, but there are also many dissatisfied among the princes. We should unite most of the princes. , pay the annual tribute they owe.”

"What if they don't pay?"

"Then declare war!" Dongfang Moyu's face was firm.

"No way! The Duke of Beijiang and the Marquis of Zishan are too strong with their own troops. They can't be beaten!"

Dongfang Lu was startled, waved his hands repeatedly, and said: "This matter is too radical and needs to be considered in the long term!"

Dongfang Moyu sighed softly and frowned. Sometimes, his brother is really too cowardly.

Dongfang Lu quickly changed the subject and said: "Of course I don't want loyal ministers and good generals like Zhenyuan Hou to suffer in the Qianlong Competition. Speaking of which, how is Lin Yang's cultivation? Can he enter the country? He passed the Qianlong Competition. He won’t be at the bottom, right?”

"Lin Yang is currently only at the first level of the Golden Core. Among the 180 princes' children, he is undoubtedly at the bottom. However, if Mr. Jiang can help him improve, there may be a glimmer of hope!"

Regarding this, Dongfang Moyu was also worried and not completely sure.

After all, the little girl Dongfang Ying's breakthrough was based on a foundation. She was already in the middle stage of the Golden Pill, and with the addition of Jiang Tianyong and Yang Pill improving her physique, she reached the ultimate level. Lin Yang, on the other hand, has only just formed the elixir. Strictly speaking, he has not even reached the first level of the golden elixir.

This is like building a tall building from low ground, which is too difficult.

"Sigh. If this kid had failed before, it would have been nice to be an idle official in the capital. He doesn't want to be in power, he just wants to be rich. He's free and easy. But now, he's going to die a violent death!"

Dongfang Lu's face was filled with sadness, and he sighed: "However, it will be beneficial to the royal family to change the Qianlong Trial to actual combat. If those small princes are not allowed to wear down the Duke of Beijiang and the Marquis of Zishan, in a hundred years, they will have the same fate as the royal family. The strength to challenge!”

There was a hint of coldness on his face, and he said in a deep voice:

"If Lin Yang dies this time, you immediately persuade Lin Hanqing to use troops against the Purple Shanghou, and encourage Uncle Nan He to join in, and defeat the Zishan Marquis. In the end, the territories of Zhenyuan Marquis and Zishan Marquis will be taken over. It is owned by the royal family, and powerful princes such as Beijiang Gong and Dongxia Gong do not dare to move. "

Dongfang Moyu was noncommittal.

She always felt that the imperial brother's attempt to reform and weaken the princes by using the Qianlong Conference was too eccentric and too risky. Things seemed not that simple.

Suddenly, Dongfang Moyu said: "Speaking of the Qianlong Trial, my sister received an invitation today. It's from the Zishanhou Mansion."

"Yes, it is said that there will be a banquet at the Zishanhou Mansion in three days, and my little sister is invited to attend. It is said that a great happy event happened in his Zishanhou Mansion."

"Happy event?" Dongfang Lu's expression became more complicated.

As the king of a country, he should have an impeccable control over the princes' information.

But what great event happened in the Zishan Hou Mansion? Oriental deer really don’t know.

Of course, it is impossible for the Marquis of Zishan to invite the monarch to the banquet. Firstly, the princes do not have so much face, and secondly, the ancestral legal system does not allow this.

"He didn't say anything clearly in the invitation. He only said it was related to his beloved son Ziyunxiao. Could it be that his son Ziyunxiao has made a breakthrough in his cultivation?"

If it was such a trivial matter, Dongfang Lu didn't mind it and waved his hand: "Since I invited you, you can go. This Zishanhou, haha."

Dongfang Moyu's expression was also a bit complicated, and he knew that the emperor's brother was afraid of the Purple Dress Marquis.

Although he was under the four great dukes, he held a high position of authority, supported himself with troops, and had strong soldiers and horses, almost to the point where he was almost powerful enough to overwhelm his master.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lu felt anxious in his heart. He picked up the royal pen, reviewed a few sentences on the memorial, and said in a cold voice: "Let it be announced to the whole country. From this year on, I have agreed to the proposal of the Marquis of Zishan, and the Qianlong Competition will be held for actual combat." Execution in form to inspire the princes to practice and improve!”

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